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Runaway Brain (1995)
15 October 2004
I remember seeing this cartoon attached to, I believe, George of the Jungle. I was in my very early teens at the time, and had been a big fan of the old Mickey cartoons since I had owned several on video as a child. But this frightened me. I was 13, and frightened. The old Mickey cartoons had charm, this new thing was fast paced, way too off the wall for a Mickey cartoon, and didn't have any of the Disney Cartoon vibe you would imagine one should have if you are a fan of the old stuff. They were trying so hard to reinvent Mickey, be funny, have the kids of gags that were not typically Disney, and going for more of an adult audience and I do not think it worked AT ALL. I might watch this again one day since it is out on one of the Disney Treasures DVD sets, but it will probably frighten me again even though I'm in my 20's.
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Teen Angel (1997–1998)
I Remember Liking It...
1 August 2003
I remember liking this show, and despising "You Wish". I think I was 11 at the time, but I thought it was really funny. At least the main plot was original... I know I used to quote a few lines from it with a friend, but I'm not sure if I'd still think it was funny if I saw it now. We used to watch it at her house on Friday nights along with Boy Meets World, and make sure not to watch anything else on TGIF. This show didn't last too long... maybe it was bad, but the 11 year old me didn't think so.
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Painfully Bitter November
5 May 2003
This movie was in no way good. I watched it when it was the in-flight movie as I was on my way to Boston from San Fransisco. I wish I hadn't. It was so stupid and unbelievable and why was letting the kid win the boat race by cheating a good thing in any way? Cheating is wrong. Wouldn't that girl think cheating was wrong? Out of everything, that whole scene, and that random kid probably bothered me the most. "Romance" my rear end.
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4 May 2003
I have not seen every episode of this show, but every episode I saw was fabulous! Very smart, very funny. The episode with Conan O'Brien playing the eccentric millionaire boss was probably my favorite episode I saw. Absolutely HILARIOUS. I know it was moved to Sundays, then it disappeared suddenly. Why?? I know quite a few people who watched and loved it, and I taped each episode I saw... and I don't know where it went! I don't watch too much television, so it could be on at another day I am unaware of? If it's off the air, it's such a shame. There aren't any other shows like it, and it was incredible.
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
Freedom, Beauty, Truth, and Love
24 January 2003
I too often find people trying to take this movie for something it's not, or criticizing something that's not even there. For example, saying that it ripped off songs when that wasn't why they were used at all. I don't understand how people could possibly be so lacking in common sense. Personally this is my favorite movie. I am not claiming to know all about cinema, I am not claiming it is the greatest movie of all time, simply that I enjoy it very much. I saw it in the theater when it first came out, and I instantly had my breath taken away, and though some of the pacing was fast, I very much wanted to try to keep up and was absolutely in love with the film. I saw it five times in the theater, and I've since watched it quite a few times on DVD. Moulin Rouge is the story of Christian and Satine, a penniless writer and a courtesan. They fall in love in nineteenth century Paris. It was pieced together with many great songs from the twentieth century. This movie was in no way trying to make a new and exciting story, simply trying to tell the story in a new, different, and exciting way, for which I think it did triumphantly. I very highly recommend it, though I know several people who have turned it off because they thought it was moving too fast (I also noticed some people leave the theater), and some others who didn't like the love story because apparently they... don't like and want to admit they have emotions? *coughmyexboyfriendcough* I find this film very moving. Some people I know call it a "chick flick", then giggle and twirl their hair around their finger. Stupid peers.
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Bad Sequel To A Great Movie
19 December 2002
Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey has nothing on Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Excellent Adventure is intelligent, fun, and hilarious. Bogus Journey is none of these things. Excellent Adventure is one of my favorite movies of all time, and I just viewed Bogus Journey for the first time in it's entirety only a few months ago and I did not laugh once. There was ... maybe... one scene I thought was decently ok during the whole movie, and everything else I was embarrassed to watch as the actors made fools out of themselves on the screen. Even the things they tried to bring back from the first one and use again in the second one were horribly unfunny and painful to watch as they were used again. I'm so glad I rented it instead of buying myself both DVDs at once without seeing it.
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