
21 Reviews
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Very Different
4 October 2005
I found this film to be different from what I or anybody would come to expect from modern dramatic films. By now, everyone knows the premise so I'll jump right into the critique. "A History of Violence" wasn't quite what I expected and for that I can appreciate it better. It took a very unconventional way to tell the basic story and never took turns that I expected. The main characters were realistically flawed and there were many scenes in the film that made the audience uncomfortable, which was necessary and intentional. Graphic violence and sexual situations were blades at the bottom of a seemingly straight-forward drama. The film had some excellent performances by both Ed Harris and Viggo Mortensen, but the sub-characters such at the two children were terrible. I never bought the little girl's performance one bit! And much of the dialogue was rather bland, but Ed Harris more than made up for the sub-par juvenile acting and blank script. The film made the audience do a lot of work to decipher what it was saying and how it was saying it. I found it's message to be profound and meaningful, but anyone looking for a straight-forward thriller/drama should look elsewhere. Unconventional, thought-provoking, and interesting.
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Worth seeing, despite flaws
11 January 2005
I'm sure everyone already knows the plot, so I'll spare that paragraph. "The Life Aquatic" was a worth-while film. The characters were very interesting and each one, in spite of their rough edges, add so much to each other. But the characters, mainly Zissou, don't seem to change. They all are well-established and have motivations to get what they want, but throughout the film, no one (except Owen Wilson) are altered by the journey for the Jaguar Shark. I thought the plot was simple enough to house the wide array of characters, but also included enough side-plots and mini stories to keep the audience attention. The best part of "The Life Aquatic" is the range of emotions. About 4 completely different genres are found within the film. And even though such contrast might make it hard to categorize, it's somehow finds it's niche without a niche. "The Life Aquatic" is a very enjoyable movie. I liked it from start to finish and it never hassled me to take notice of certain things or decipher any convoluted scenes. It was simple and had such great dramatic scenes. Look at it as it's own entity, not just "another Wes Anderson crazy character laugh-fest."
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Hero (2002)
Beautiful Rip-off
10 September 2004
After highly anticipating this movie's release, I must say that I was a little disappointed. I can't quite pinpoint what it is about this movie I didn't like, but something was...missing. It is a really well-made movie, from the

cinematography to the set design and even costuming. They were all nothing

short of awesome. But where "Hero" went wrong was it's originality. I know it's been said before, but it was EXACTLY like "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

Not because it's ancient China or a beautiful "kung-fu" epic, but almost

everything that made CTHD great was spliced right into "Hero." From the music to the love story to the visual elements and fighting styles, it has the same feeling, mood, and characters that CTHD did (but without the heart and

development). I enjoyed Jet Li immensely and like I said, it's very well done and visually beautiful, but too little originality and not enough development to be CTHD.
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The New Guy (2002)
Extremely Bad, steer clear
12 August 2004
I just caught this movie on TV and o man...what garbage. Most teen high school movies are outlandish stories based on realistic events more or less. But The New Guy is completely off-the-wall. The plot is outrageously fantastical, the characters are unrelatable and flat, not to mention the audience doesn't or won't care about any of them. In the situations the main character gets into, more blood would have been shed in real life and I seriously doubt the producers even made a profit. But it's not a total loss, there is plenty of eye-candy (but not enough to save the movie). Honestly, that's the only thing that kept me watching this trash...then again I am a simple, simple man. Unfunny, unreal, utterly crap.
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Short should've stayed that way
13 July 2004
After seeing a preview for Napoleon Dynamite before Supersize Me, my sister

and I were cracking up. We were both anticipating it's arrival and it has finally come to a local independent theatre. After seeing the numerous teasers on MTV and the enlightening reviews, it was bound to be worthwhile. I must say, I was a bit disappointed. I read somewhere that this film was based on a short that was done for class. And having seen the same jokes and situations for almost an

hour and a half, Napoleon Dynamite should've stayed a short. The jokes got old, the characters remained the same through the entire film, and not much teased the viewer to put down the remote and go out to see the movie. All of the good jokes were in the previews and to some extent, I think THAT'S what everyone

wanted to see...just the preview. The first 30 minutes are great, but things start to lag and get stale. I enjoyed the general idea and Dynamite's negative view on everything, but there were also things in the feature length that the young

director could've expanded on (like one central bully or Napoleon's relationship with Debbie and Rico). I would've payed the same price to see this one as a 15 minute short...because that's all you need to appreciate it. And it is an enjoyable film and worth seeing just for the creativity and originality of it.
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Steer clear, folks with half a brain
9 July 2004
Against my will, I had to endure the hour and forty minutes of this flick. I call it a flick, rather than a film or movie, simply because it's nothing more than a flick friends drag you to see mainly for Ashton "lookie-lookie-I'm-dramatic" Kutcher. The acting was sub-par not to mention the plot itself (nothing but a direct Donnie Darko rip-off). Darko, released briefly in 2001, is a much more in-depth film about one's mental reality and time travel, but Butterfly Effect tries fancy camera tricks and plot complications only to leave the viewer saying they loved it but are truly confused. The main problem I had was the story never really took off and never even had something to take off from. There's no exposition that helps the audience understand why these characters do what they do. I found myself not

caring one bit if the past gets changed or even if this guy or the other dude or the girl or whoever dies right then and there. I will say this: it had a slight sliver of potential near the end with choices people have to make, but ultimately fizzles away into a bland, lackluster attempt at teasing one's brain. Look away.
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The Punisher (2004)
Critics can cram it, flick for fans
18 April 2004
Surprisingly satisfying. Going into it, I knew it wasn't going to be "Spider-man" and after reading a few negative reviews, I expected even less. I was pleasantly surprised at it's whit, over-the-top violence, and accuracy to the comic. With all of the production companies cashing in on comic book heros, this was no

surprise...but you have to remember that The Punisher is a violent and dark

hero. I enjoyed how extreme and gruesome the violence was and how that

evens out with the comedic moments. The lighter moments were really light and the darker moments were really dark...plain and simple. The movie had an

original auora about it and twist to what some might say a mediocre story. It's western-feel and creative camera work made up for the anti-climactic battle

between Castle and Saint. It had good pace and the events seemed to have a

real presence to them, just like many of the characters. The Punisher isn't just a guy blowing away gangsters, even the gangsters have an original, yet classic

feel to them and are well-rounded...(as far as henchmen go). Frank Castle isn't some radioactive-ridden super hero; he's a man haunted by his past and

ultimately isn't out for revenge...he's out for punishment.
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Hate it, Love it
23 March 2004
I'm not the biggest fan of Charlie Kaufman. "Being John Malkovich" was creative film, but it was also one I could watch and leave, not having to take the movie with me metaphorically speaking. I didn't quite understand "Adaptation" and that pains me, but it was so over my head that I didn't enjoy it. The latest, "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" is hard to leave. It is such a creative and original film that doesn't make the audience buy into a life-or-death love story or a

Hollywood ending. I'll admit, the first 30 minutes had me reconsidering choosing this film. It was confusing, abrupt, and about as clear as mud. But once I got the hang of it, it really came together (or didn't!). It has a lot of heart and is a very real and understanding story. The characters go through the same emotions

anybody in a relationship does but don't embellish and dramatize their lives. My cousin explained it very well by saying "Never have I hated a movie so

much, then loved one at the same time."
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Cast Away (2000)
Stands the test of time...
6 January 2004
Upon my second viewing of Cast Away on television I became sad... sad

because I had forgotten what an outstanding movie it truly is. To me, it's one of those films that can easily stand the test of time and no matter how many times you see it, it's STILL that good. Zemeckis is one of my favorite directors and just does an amazing job of using not only Tom Hanks, but the surrounding

environment, appropriate timing on music (and lack of), and overall camera

work to make you feel everything Chuck Noland does. And ultimately, that's

EXACTLY what a director should do. It's very well done.
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Utterly Amazing
18 December 2003
The past few years have produced ridiculous sequels like The Matrix, Once

Upon a Time in Mexico, Dumb and Dumberer and so on to once great films. And

LOTR is a wonderful relief from the numbing crap to come to theaters. In a word, The Return of The King is amazing. It delivered more than anyone had expected and was a spectacular ending to a flawless series. Diving into the specifics

would only leave me wondering what I left out. It definetly raised the bar, maybe incomparibly high, to filmmaking but never lost sight of it's accuracy to the books.

Almost never have I found the $6.00 I spent at the movies so valuable.

I say almost because I saw the first two LOTR.
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Finally...something GOOD!
9 December 2003
I had been anticipating this film for a while and having seen it, I was pleasantly blown away (and with all the garbage to hit theaters recently, this is a nice retreat). Amazing, amazing acting by Cruise and Watanabe as well as superb

cinematography. Yeah, it's a Hollywood war drama, but that doesn't take away

from it the least bit. Great choreography and although it was long, and I knew it would be, I never got bored. The characters are so well-developed and dynamic that you couldn't help but dive right into their stories. Speaking of, it was a good story with the typical predictable ending, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.
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Recycled Garbage
7 November 2003
I'll say this: The Matrix Revolutions is better than Reloaded, and that's not saying a whole lot. Basically, the plot was thin, the characters were flat, the acting was a joke, but the fight scene were awesome! The entire battle for Zion was

amazing. Agent Smith was the tops, as always and I really enjoyed the

excessive violence him and Neo endured in the real world. But overall, special effects can't save everything. I couldn't tell you how many times I counted

something that was directly ripped off the original Matrix (like the ending with Smith and pretty much every fight scene). One thing (among many plot holes)

posed a question: if Neo "destroyed" Smith JUST LIKE THE FIRST TIME, what's

to prevent Smith from, once again, miraculously returning and being more

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Angel Eyes (2001)
Under Appreciated
24 October 2003
There are many films in the past years that are so under appreciated, tossed

away from theaters and dismissed by the masses. Films like Donnie Darko and

Rounders fall into this category. And Angel Eyes follows their path. It's a very well-written, well-acted drama with the unstoppable Jim Caviezel and Jennifer Lopez. As many have said, this IS Lopez's best film to date and she truly shines. And Caviezel is amazing. He's one of my favorite actors and his performance,

like all of his other films, is utterly spectacular. The dialogue is flawless and although the story takes a while to progress and the pacing is slow, Angel Eyes is worth checking out.
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Tarantino Shines
17 October 2003
Being a huge Tarantino fan, I awaited Kill Bill for quite some time. I must say that I'm very impressed! Not only did it contain all the normal and beloved Tarantino elements, but it also showed how much he's grown and matured as a filmmaker.

Not only was it inventive, creative, and visually wonderful, but it also was very professional, saying to the world "I'm Tarantino and I can do more than what

you've seen." Well worth the wait and not to be missed.
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Big disappointment from a diehard fan...
15 September 2003
(sigh) Long has been my wait for the finale of the El Mariachi Trilogy. I am a diehard fan of Desperado and that movie single-handedly made me want to

become a filmmaker. So finally Once Upon a Time in Mexico comes out and I

see it only to be greatly disappointed. Simply, it wasn't didn't have the charisma, character, and simplicity. There wasn't one character I liked, the plot was ridiculously hard to follow, and the action scenes were a joke. It pains me greatly to say such things about a Rodriguez film, but there is a lot to live up to from Desperado. Few things were done well (including the very end) but

nothing seemed to make sense or even tie into each other. If you're a fan of

Desperado and haven't seen Once Upon a Time in Mexico, save yourself the

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Adaptation. (2002)
Was there something I missed?
7 September 2003
As a film student, I can really appreciate the writing in Adaptation and the

remarkable acting by Nick Cage and Chris Cooper. They were amazing, no

bones about it. But where I got lost was nearing the end when it became almost like Kaufman's imagination ran wild, and when there was no return to reality, I felt deprived of structure. The entire movie is a lot to take and obviously isn't for everyone, but I feel bad because many people claim it to be astounding, great and wonderfully humorous. But I just didn't get it. Was there something TO get?
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S.W.A.T. (2003)
Keep on cranking them out
17 August 2003
SWAT was typical. That can be good as well as bad. The plot and characters

were average, cinematography made an effort, and the tone was boring.

Michelle Rodriguez was awesome and lit up the screen in every scene she was

in, but Jackson and Farell lacked sass. Not a lot in it, not a lot out.
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9 July 2003
Pirates of the Caribbean plays out much like the ride does: wonderfully! Although it was a bit long (over 2 hrs.) and somewhat repetitive, it was had many comical moments and interesting characters, not to mention the flawless acting by Johnny Depp.

Very authentic, very genuine, and exactly like the beloved Disney ride.
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Rounders (1998)
Not what you'd expect
8 July 2003
Rounders is a film popular for something it wasn't even about, in my eyes. I think it's a very underappreciated film about choices and the decisions we make to better our lives and the lives of others, not mere poker. The poker was just a sugar coating and that's what most people see when they enjoy this movie. Like many films out there, the main idea wasn't right there in front of you, rather it had to be dug into.

Very good, very real, and very underappreciated.
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Hulk (2003)
A few words Hulking in my mind...
4 July 2003
The Hulk, the latest blockbuster film spawned from the mind of Stan Lee, delivers what most fans wanted: smashing stuff. Although many scenes involved way too much drama and heavy psychological undertones, scenes in which Bruce Banner turned into Hulk were nothing short of amazing. And for being a 15 foot monster, he seemed very real and genuine. But the constant shift from looking deeper into a comic book alter-ego to crushing military choppers and flying through the air left me torn. Overall, I left the theater in approval. Now we can move on from Daredevil.
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Finding Nemo (2003)
Something new would be nice
4 July 2003
Finding Nemo was supposed to be this wonderful family film that was as hilarious as it was heart-warming. I failed to see any of these qualities in this boring tale. Nothing new was presented, no interesting characters to tie together the predictable plot and don't even get me started on the jokes. I did, however, like the fact that Willem Dafoe was in it. I know everyone has to lighten up and do a fun film. Why Dafoe chose Finding Nemo, search me, brother.
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