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Periods, bras, boys, angst...all the ingredients
28 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't read the book since it was new in 1970, I'm roughly Margaret's vintage so I felt it all. The actors and characters were right out of everyone's imagination (Why do they always mess up on the mom's hair though? Yes she was an individual free wheeling painter but not THAT ahead of her time.) and I'm sure I'm not the only person who was checking out the background for all the things we remember in our own homes. I never had a daughter so I don't know if they update the book every now and again but I don't remember a knock down drag out fight with the grandparents and who, in 1970 used adhesive 'pads'? Or did they just update it because current day girls wouldn't know what to do with a napkin and belt?
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Very cute movie!
9 December 2021
It's a nice break from the Hallmark monotony and not an overdone story. The setting is beautiful and the elf village is charming. Thoroughly enjoyed this one.
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The Last Duel (2021)
Great costumes, locations and story
17 October 2021
I went to see it on a whim, the plot and everything has all the things I love and I didn't walk away disappointed. I knew nothing about the original story and was really glad they didn't force phony accents on anyone. In spite of it being repetitive because of it being three points of view, you didn't get the 'same old yadda yadda' sense as everyone's version came up. What I really loved though were the costumes and location scenery.
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The Dancing is just INSANE!
15 June 2021
I think I got the ultimate experience you can get because I went to see it in IMAX so I was totally immersed in it. The storyline is just like one big love letter to Washington Heights, you just get so fond of the characters. The music is great but I don't know when I've seen a dance movie like this. The movements are so crisp to the music and the sheer number of people in the numbers is overwhelming. Highly recommend.
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Adrift (I) (2018)
Don't Read Books/Watch Interviews Before Seeing The Movie
1 June 2018
It's a great movie, it's just best that you go into it knowing as little about it as possible. The movie tells its own story and according to Tami it tells it very well. It's one of those that has you whispering "oh no" and "not again" every so often and you really feel as hopeless as the situation must have felt at the time.

It's also refreshing to have a movie that tells an exciting movie about ordinary people doing extraordinary things without something blowing up or morphing into a piece of machinery.
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Peter Rabbit (2018)
Purely Joyful Movie!
20 February 2018
My friend and I went - we don't even have kids, we just remembered the books from when we were little. There were a few times that all of us (it was a weekday so there were pretty much just adults there) burst out laughing! The only people who wouldn't like this are the ones who have to have raunchy sex or highly violent scenes to keep them happy.

It was a cute story that they told using the familiar characters and if you like London there is some great shots in there, too!

I won't go into the eye-roll moment with the blackberries. They may as well complain that Peter has no pants.
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Overlooked and Little Known Movie
27 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think there's a person I mention this to - even to this day who says they've heard of it or saw it back in I show it to them.

One of the things I do wonder is - how many small businesses for sale are inspired to do the raffle thing - because I think it's a great idea.

I love the characters' depth. This is not a sequel or franchise that has dozens of offshoots that have time to develop and enhance the characters, it's a one night stand and they make sure you get to know what they about...or at least what they appear to be until closer to the end.

The setting is lovely. I've never been to New England but everyone who has been there and those who grew up in small down New England vouches that this is about 'their town'.

I love Percy's "fish out of water" beginning and then expertise after she gets into the swing of it, as well as the wisdom she brings to small minds.

I promise when people watch it that they won't be disappointed.
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Nope - Sorry
4 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It was a sweet story and the compassion and love was beautiful until the inter-species sex scene. It's not out of being prudish or anything but everyone has a 'line' and mine would be sex between a woman and the creature from the black lagoon.

I found the dialogue tediously boring, too. "Every...sentence...seemed to be something...that...had many...unnecessary...words...that...made it take...a very...long ...time to get...the point across."

I really wanted to love this movie, I will say that I 'liked' it but human and alien getting jiggy with it just blows any sort of 'sweetness' of this love story.
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Downsizing (2017)
Something is wrong with me - I liked it
31 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Certainly not the best I've ever seen but I have seen FAR worse and this one at least entertained me.

What a lot of people seem to have missed (too busy calling it 'the worst movie they have ever seen') was the point that everything looked so perfect to sell the new life but then he got to the 'other side' of the wall and into the slums that nobody saw. It was subject to crappy weather, subpar living conditions, illnesses and filth. I was in a whole theatre of people who also noticed it.

Don't go expecting something sophisticated and challenging to sci-fi fans, it's just more a 'what if' kind of thing.
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Exciting show, vibrant ensemble numbers and perfect cast
22 December 2017
I expected to be entertained but not so totally WOWED! The energy from the ensemble numbers and the tenderness of the solos and duets were a perfect blend. Hugh Jackman's Les Mis performance was a mere 'warm up' for this one. A few times I forgot that I was watching a movie and was just about ready to cheer at the end of some of the numbers. I really hope this does well at the awards shows - long live the movie musical!
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Dame Judi Reigns Supreme
10 October 2017
Her second portrayal of the former queen is just as enjoyable as the fist time and the bonus is that with this (and Mrs Brown) it's based on fact. Of course they had to twist it a bit but that was to give it the humorous spin. Bertie is played brilliantly too! There were so many fun things that Abdul and Mohammed were experiencing their first days in England that I can imagine would be a novelty to someone from a hotter climate. Truly charming story.
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Excellent message, humour and colour
2 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I went to see this because I didn't want to see Wonder Woman or another Pirates movie and I'm really glad I did.

There are so many messages on so many levels. I thought it shrunk the world down to the size of a village and showed where the holes are. Aside from the obvious - teaching people to be self-sustaining and work with the resources that they have (including the energy and strength of today's youth)it illustrated a few more things.

The "internet" was very well represented in the way of the village grapevine (all the aunties passing messages over the fence). Anyone with a computer can give their version of 'the truth'. People rely on the internet for truth and don't even stop to think if it's plausible and if it's going to hurt anyone.

Another thing I thought was profound (and I actually could see it all along) is the part about the selfies. The world is so narcissistic, "look at me", "here's me doing this", "here's me doing that", "smile", "here's what I had for breakfast", "Look at my drink, I decided to have espresso instead of cappuccino today". All they're left with the end is a bunch of pictures of their faces, pictures of food and drink and their friends with their tongues hanging out...nothing about the beautiful things they have seen or done. No pictures of local heroes, important happenings or parents that they're going to miss after they're gone.

The Holi festival was beautiful!
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Anne with an E (2017–2019)
Montgomery would cry
2 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I gave it a two because they did a sweet job of Anne. Megan gave every Anne after her VERY big shoes to fill so I will not compare anyone to her. This one is good though. Mirella the tightly-wound old lady is more comparable to Emily's Aunt Elizabeth than to Marilla Cuthbert.

Artistic liberty with the story though, I'm not so tolerant. I suppose it's a sign of the times though, in that you can't have a sweet, innocent story set in the day. It has to be riddled with high drama and the action of Matthew sprinting across eastern Canada to halt Anne's return to Halifax, the sloppy spin on the brooch story and now they've adopted her? I want to see how they play out the book. This is getting to be unlike the book. Why didn't they just make up a new character and not associate it with Anne of Green Gables if they wanted to skew the story so much? Sad Sad.
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Adults and Teens Should Watch Together
18 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I think this is going to be one of those movies that nobody hears about until it's finished with the theatres but will be sought after on disc. It's a brilliant way that MIGHT open dialogue between parents and teens if they watch it together. It has so much value - and shows where the parents can really mess up when they try to take total control of situations for their kids. A few of the parents do what many people would like to do and maybe this will stop them from going through with it when they see what it can cause.

This is a valuable film that I heard nothing about until I went to the theatre.
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22 August 2014
In the age where everything has to blow up or become a sexual storyline, it's so nice to see simplicity in entertainment. This is back to beautiful scenery, actual plot that goes somewhere rather than just be a loose background for a bunch of swearing and fighting.

To me it was kind of Marigold meets Chocolat - a hybrid of two movies I love. Dealing with xenophobia, culture shock and that mixed up "displaced" feeling of moving somewhere new. People just refusing 'new' things until they get to know the people behind it. Maison Mumbai looked BEAUTIFUL! I'd eat there LOL.

It's just nice to have a movie you can take your 90 year old mother to and know she is enjoying it.
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Noah (2014)
Effects are worth the price of admission
4 April 2014
The story is quite contrary to what your Sunday School teacher taught but I don't find that relevant. I didn't find that it threatened my beliefs in anyway. For all the religious hoo-hah it has spawned, I'm confident in my own faith, don't need to lean on Hollywood for that.

Hands down, the thing I loved best were the effects. Mostly of the Sodom and Gomorrah references and the flood.

The characters, they seemed rather superficial, like they'd all just gotten there the week before, learnt their lines, thrown on clothes that I swear I saw people on "The Road" wearing and hopped to it. I didn't think any of them seemed particularly immersed in the character but they told the story all the same. (Just a different story!) If you take the bible to be 'The Word' then you may want to give this one a miss unless you're very confident in your beliefs and don't mind a slightly different spin.
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The Children (2008)
Save your money, go buy ice cream
2 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
There's a very loose plot with a lot of screaming and phony crying. Repeat A LOT of screaming from the very minute the movie starts. I spent a lot of my time with my fingers in my ears. I couldn't take any of the characters seriously and considering the landscape, why is it that the police and ambulance couldn't get there? Two cards managed to get away plus the friends were going to come and pick the oldest kid up and it didn't seem to be a hassle.

It's a lot of same old same old. The only reason I'm not giving it a 0 out of 10 because '0' isn't an option and there are a few elements of surprise.
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