
2 Reviews
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Wonderful movie
1 February 2003
This movies is one of those movies that you can love, but hate. It makes you hate what happens in the movie. You get so attached to the characters, and when things happen to them, you hate it. But the movie is powerful, wonderfully written and directed by Louis Malle and defiantly should be seen anytime one is studying WWII or the Holocost, or if you have free time, and are looking for a good heart-wrencher. I watched it in French, with subtitles, and that makes it all the better.
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Just Married (2003)
30 January 2003
This movie kept me laughing long after I left the theater. I went in there expecting to see some funny stuff, but it was a GREAT movie. I'm gonna go see it for the second time tonight, just to see it again. I absolutely love Ashton Kutcher, wish I was getting married to him. This movie, which I think is for sure one of the funniest movies of the year, is 100% worth seeing, again and again.
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