
9 Reviews
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X2 (2003)
7 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I thought that this was a grest sequel to the first X-Men film. I thought that it was perhaps better than the first. The plot was good and the villan of William Stryker was done well. I need some questions answered in the next movie:

What happened to Magneto and Mystique at the end of the movie? What is up with Senator Kelly?

Other than that it was a good film. 10/10
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Dr. No (1962)
Good start
17 April 2003
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I thought that this movie was a good start to the 007 franchise. Obviously the original idea of the filmakers of the Bond franchise were to make it more of a detective type of movies. We really don't see the big firefights, explosions or big car chases that we would see in other films. Although the ones that are in it are good.

I thought that all of the charcaters that would be brought back in the other movies were well introduced like M, Moneypenny and Leiter. I thought that Sean Connery did a good job as James Bond. I thought that the character of Honey was well done as well. 8/10
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Live from Baghdad (2002 TV Movie)
15 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers

I liked this movie. It was interesting to see how the 1991 Persian Gulf War was covered and some of the differences to how the present day Gulf War is being covered by the news network.

Michael Keaton did a good job of portraying Robert Wiener and so did Helena Bonham Carter as Ingrid Formanek. I thought that Bruce McGill looks like Peter Arnett and I think he did a good job as well. I couldn't believe that Bruce McGill is D-day from "Animal House" either.

It was overall a well done film and I think that it was interesting for me after seeing the film to see what some of the real people portrayed in the film are actually doing today. 8.5/10
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15 April 2003
This is a tradition in Canada.

It is much better than anything that ESPN or Fox has. We got Ron McLean and Don Cherry to ramble on at the intermission. This show's theme song is pretty much the other national anthem in Canada and it has been a tradition for over fifty years.
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15 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers

I personally thought that this was a film that was done very well in a sense of technical achievement. The effects and scenery are beautiful and in some ways are better than "Fellowship." Some people complained that it was all just one big battle. Yes, it essentially was, but it is just to bridge "Fellowship" and "Return of the King" and still I thought that it was one of the best movies I ever saw. I thought that all the actors did a good job especially Andy Serkis as Gollum. I think that Viggo Mortensen did a good job. Some people might think he has little expression in his acting, but I think the way that he acts suits the character of Aragorn quite well.

I thought that the Battle of Helms Deep was done very well as well as the effects of creating the Orcs. ****1/2 out of *****
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2 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers

The idea for this movie was great. I know that there was another version in 1960s. But, this movie was incredible. I thought that Brad Pitt and George Clooney did an excellent job. I felt that the characters in this film were geniuses just because of the way that they outplayed Terry Benedict throughout this whole film. This is a must see for those who enjoy crime movies. This is a film that has to be watched a couple of times in order to sort out what happened.
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The Matrix (1999)
Solid film
2 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers

The Special effects for this film were spectacular and it has been copied in many other films. Especially during a fight scene when the characters would suddenly stop in mid-air.

But, I felt that the story of this film took a while to take off. Once, Neo had been told the truth and exited the matrix the story began to take off. But, I felt that the beginning of the film seemed to go on for days and that took away from the rest of the film.
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Great Movie
2 February 2003
This is one of the best movies that I had seen in a while. I thought that Kevin Spacey's preformance was excellent and that the story was great (especially the finish). I thought that the other actors, while they weren't as well known as Spacey did an excellent job as well. *****
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One of the Funniest
2 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers

This is one of the greatest comedies of all time. This movie pretty much invented teen movies. There was always some funny part to this movie. Especially the part when Bluto, D-Day and Flounder take the horse into Dean Wormer's office and Flounder causes the horse to have a heart attack.

The ending was classic with Delta trashing the homecoming parade. A classic movie. ****/*****
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