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Black Crab (2022)
Action with a Heaping Helping of Derivative!!
5 June 2024
This Swedish action thriller carries its story like a cast iron totem pole. There were action elements to keep you thrilled until they tried to shoehorn in a story that was overly dramatic and didn't make sense. Toward the end, the main protagonist looks absolutely bi-polar in how she breaks out in anger and flip-flops with her ever changing motivation. In many ways I was enjoying this movie to start. Then I started noticing poorly hidden cliche's from the action/horror genre. I wanted to know more about the opposition but no details were being presented. I really wanted to believe that omission was a cleverly designed ruse to flip the script on what we may have believed about the people and their mission.

Then the bad story, poor drama and logical inequities were stuffed in like cheap wieners into an otherwise well made chili and I realized that this wasn't a competently made production.

Give it a miss!!
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A Great Journey to a Mediocre View
23 May 2024
"The Loop" is a vast scientific research station where they study anomalies and engineer little miracles. The product of what they do and study there is so fantastic that it can only be described as "Fantasy". Yet, despite that, they tend to leave their toys out rusting in the fields for people to get into trouble with. Not very realistic, logically speaking.

This show uses anomalous happenings to create dramatic situations rather than using it to examine the human condition directly. Some of the stories are quite excellent but I could never get into caring that much for the people who's lives are affected. The over the top social interactions are often very cringeworthy and seemingly forced. This combined with an almost monotoned, consistently depressing background track that seems to be unresponsive to what is going on in the story much of the time like someone doesn't appreciate juxtaposition.

I think most aspects of the story were good in general. Yet the over reactions and forced interjecting of drama inducing nonsense was quite obvious. This is what a poorly directed and musically inflexible story looks like.

Edit: I just looked up that each of the stories is directed by a different person. This is a terrible idea. A director is responsible for the artistic vision. 8 different people are going to have 8 different styles!! That's like painting by committee!!

I would recommend watching it for those who wish to critically observe how this effect ruins a perfectly good story.
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400 Days (2015)
Lazy and Disappointing. Give it a miss.
23 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Well that's an hour and 30 minutes I won't get back!!

None of this would make sense for an enduring living situation. The main protagonists broke up before the mission. Add typical 'bro' jerk and a sensitive guy and hilarity ensues. Paranoia and delusion hits the jerk the hardest. When they leave the habitat, they discover that the trees had all been burnt to dust but, somehow, wooden houses and buildings in the towns are, somehow, fine. This lends credence to the idea it is all just a group delusion and not some poorly written fiction.

What's unfortunate about this sort of story is that the ending is usually not so disappointing that the journey wasn't worth it for many people. Yet, even the delusions and the idiosyncrasies of the "Interesting bits" aren't contiguous with logic.

It actually reminds me of another show where all these strange things happen and the viewer is trying to figure out why when it is revealed (at the end of an entire series) that it is all just a "Shared Dream". It's just lazy and disappointing.

The two protagonists find their way back to the capsule, fight some invaders and then run out the clock. Then a message plays telling them that "They made it" and all the lights go on to the sound of cheering. Was this prerecorded? Was this all something that happened in their minds? We don't know because that's where the movie ends. Either possibility doesn't make sense but the asteroid idea makes a little more...just a little.

The condition of "If it doesn't make sense then it was just a delusion" is a nice excuse for poor story production. I wish I had looked at the ratings first because they are very accurate. This is hot garbage!
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Fallout (2024– )
It's a hard watch for a canon purist like me but I love it just the same!!
12 April 2024
The original was full of dark humor and well crafted situations. This does that and wraps it up in an intriguing package complete with character arcs. There are things that are very different than from in the game but that just means a clean slate with which to create an admirable story and I appreciate that!! As a fan of the game series, I am very elated to hear that it is doing so well in the ratings. The original creators were imagination powerhouses of the gaming industry. There is plenty of meat on the bone to have gotten creative with for a series. The actors were all pretty amazing and I never knew what to expect next!! Just the way I like my shows!!
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
I never read the books but I absolutely love this show!!
28 March 2024
Netflix does not disappoint with this product. The acting and characterization is extremely well done!! There are unique nuances to interactions between different people and subtleties to look for.

So right there on the ground floor they've done it right. Like Game of Thrones, the show is not shy about ending the life of a popular character to give the viewer a sense that the story could go anywhere.

Story-wise, it does not disappoint. It gives you some answers with more questions as does the best Science Fiction. Through it all is this unravelling effect that compels you to watch further. There are, however, some scenes that are very disturbing. I would still rate this as one of the top Science Fiction series I've seen in the last 12 years. It's worth a look!!

The good thing about this show is that it was based on a very successful book series. This is also bad for reviews because the book purists come along and say "it's not the same as the books!! 1 Star!!". Well it never is. I never read the books and I loved the show. Shh!! Let people enjoy things!!
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Gen V (2023– )
Too far between good ideas
16 November 2023
In almost any series you will find that someone had a good idea. Gen-V is no exception. Yet the amount of filler and the overuse of Gen-Z cliché's and buzz terminology while mimicking 'the style of' "The Boys" is practically offensive. Not much of what happens seems to be congruent with whom the characters are from one point in time to the next. Though this provides the viewer with a great deal of surprise and the writers free of personality restrictions, it falls flat in the wake of common sense: Not every single character should be an Oscar winning actor...yet we suspend disbelief in that fact. The problem also contributes to the fact that immersion suffers for not trusting that one character or another isn't going to flip out. There is no 'feel' because that takes time and crafting. Gen-V was obviously made quick and dirty. I enjoy it as much as, say, a comic book. Not something you would take seriously. As story depth and character content? It's McDonalds next to a slaughterhouse. Sometimes that's enough. I sure hope this isn't a sign of the quality to come and "The Boys" doesn't last-season-of-Black-Mirror their fourth!!!
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Bodies (2023)
A Pile of Illogical Nonsense with Hooks.
23 October 2023
Just like many things we see on Netflix recently, this is a show with hooks and no substance. The Causality Time Paradox is so overwhelmingly insulting that I only kept watching as one does a train wreck. Fortunately I'm catching up to Netflix marketing formula department in realizing that when there are too many hooks that it is likely not going to be a very logically cohesive story. This has proven to be true. Despite my realization of this, I see others who are completely fooled by it and, thus, the trend will continue. They pulled this stunt with "1899": All Hooks with no real story telling. Then the recent season of Black Mirror was a shadow of its former self. All the while increasing fees!? Someone is placing formula and money over content and I'm about ready to vote "no" with mine.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Season 3 based around a poorly thought-out gimmick
8 March 2023
So, back in ToS, Kirk would face off against planet killers and Gods. Things that were enough in the way of enigmatic origin that you could say "Yeah... they display a power would be a real challenge to deal with" . Enter Season 3 of Picard where they are facing against a "Bounty Hunter" that has a list of weapons that reads like the grocery list for an armada...ON ONE SHIP!!! This thing could, quite literally, one-shot a dreadnaught. That's quite "impressive" for a civilian vessel. "Impressive" like Somalian Pirates flying around in flying saucers with death-ray "Impressive". Yet nowhere has anyone remarked yet how ridiculous it is. Then I started to realize how filler oriented the series indeed is. Too much mucking around with little pay-off. The laziness doesn't end with the "Bounty Hunter from God".... It has been there all along. Padding out a series based around a list of characters we all remember from TNG. Playing upon nostalgia to collect some extra residuals. For the most part, I didn't mind. For the most part, it was time well wasted. Yet when writing goes from a poorly thought-out gimmick to outright insulting its own audience... it's just offensive.
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Short on story. Long on violence.
13 January 2023
Remember the old Twilight Zone? Half an hour with a really good story. They didn't need violence and shock because the telling of the story led the viewer down the rabbit hole toward the disturbing realization. The stories in this show are twice as long and half as intricate. Where there would be a carefully written clue to the final reveal in the old Twilight Zone, these shows have gore and violence. Oh...and randomly one of the main characters does something so completely insane that the effect isn't shock... it's scoffing disbelief. It's like the writers have a dartboard of what happens next without actually having anything meaningful lead up to it. The stories aren't surprising. They are, in fact, very linear like they were created by a marketing department that made a program to spit out a random set of events without actually giving any thought to it. These guys compared themselves to Black Mirror!? I think this nonsense resembles something more in the brown category. The funny thing is that despite the lack of creativity, the production quality is top notch. I can't fault the acting or the technical staff. Why spend all that money on a script that would be laughed out of a comic book!?
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1899 (2022)
A Seemingly Dark, Theatrical and Intriguing Show that is a Complete Poser
1 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
You start watching this, intrigued at the theme and the backstory of each character. The sentiment regarding certain things are very Turn-of-the-Century as it has an authentic feel. Strange stuff starts happening and you, the viewer tries to make sense of it. The characters are in turmoil about what is going on around them. You think there is some sort of grand plan that puts all the pieces together or is it just some cheesy, over-themed show with a stupid catch-all ending that doesn't explain anything...because it doesn't need to. Hope in one hand, right? 1899 is made very well for a very poor overall story. What happened in each episode kept me pushing forward...even though none of it means really much of anything. Don't bother trying to make sense out of it because none of what happens even matters. It makes as much sense as a dream...because it is one. A shared dream world. I feel totally ripped off watching this for exactly that reason. It's not a quality's a cheap trick. Don't spend 8 hours buying the snake oil of meaning that isn't there like I did.
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Katla (2021)
Where do I begin?
7 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
One of the primary attributes of this series is that it accomplishes instilling a feeling of social perspective through disruption. In each of the cases where the seemingly unwitting doppelganger shows up encased in ash...there is a story as well as a lesson. Invariably there is a need for them to exist. Yet these ash people are not all benign in nature. One of them is outright psychotic...made more disturbing that it is from a copy of a boy who died young. Another assumes the role of 'the wife' in every way. The actual wife had brought the relationship to near death with her struggle with depression and lack of consideration. The wife-copy was even remodeling the inside of the house...symbolic. My issue is that it came down to a game of Russian Roulette. Before writing this, my opinion was "Why were they so flat about it". Then it occurred to me that the doppelgangers were purpose driven. Once they accomplished what they were meant to do, they were okay with can be seen in the case of Ara. Yet the whole thing seemed far too contrived. What happened to the body? Why was the husband so easily accepting of a copy of his own wife to the point where his actual wife dies and he's like "Oh well... I had a copy, anyway". That lacks both emotional and physical realism and seems to be written from the perspective of a narcissist. If that was told as an isolated instance of someone being a narcissist, then that would make sense (although the character in question was emotionally generous to a fault)...but there is another story where the choice is made for the duplicate. An older man who's wife was bed-ridden; she can't talk or interact much at all. Into his life pops a younger copy of his wife who is up and about making him food and being receptive. This man seems to be the sheriff and seemingly one of the wisest people in the village before this point. He stuffs the copy of his wife in jail for safe keeping and replaces his wife's cancer medication with something else all while making an excuse that "It's the will of God". The copy gets out and escapes with his actual wife and the son, who finds out what he did, clobbers him over the head with a statue of Jesus. This isn't a "Character Arc", it's a character 160 degree turn. There were a few examples of this person being not emotionally receptive but being thick doesn't translate to being psychotic especially after showing him to be a caring person.

Despite all that, to look past all the emotional and physical incongruities, Katla accomplished what it was supposed to: give us food for thought and stir up our emotions despite an often weak and meandering plot that drags out more than it should. Positive critique for writing and direction? Tighten it up. Ask yourself "Is this a realistic reaction?" because too much of it wasn't. If you are reading this and haven't watched it, yet, I hope I didn't spoil it for you. If you've watched most of the best SF suspense on Netflix and you need to binge on more of the same, this is Mac and Cheese level show. It will do the trick but it's nothing to get too excited about.
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Euphoria (2019– )
Good in Form, Bad in Pay off, Mixed in Execution
7 April 2021
What I really like about this show is that it blends different character arcs: One ashamed of her body who finds confidence in the Fetish community (...and explore). One who loves an abusive man and is willing to undermine her own ethics to do his bidding. A man who can never seem to please his overbearing father yet has struggled all his life to do so. The strong young lady struggling with addiction and using transference to focus on someone to help her overcome that. I really like the noble and simple, yet wise dealer Fez. There is something brilliant about that character.

One thing I had a problem with is that many actors never bothered to pick up their tongue. Without Subtitles, I would be completely lost...yet flashing a subtitle for an entire unintelligible statement in half a second is just lazy editing. Don't get me wrong; some of the actors enunciated perfectly. Too many of them sound like they stuck their tongue to the top of their mouth and tried to speak through their nose.

Yet all these wonderful stories ended with a season finale with no pay off. I'm not saying what it is, so there is no spoiler. Lets just say that 10 minutes of music video and interpretive dancing when there were all kinds of loose ends to warp up is just like flipping the bird to your audience. It's lazy. It's weak. It shows lack of thought and respect.
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Big Wolf on Campus (1999–2002)
The Most Amazing and Underrated Shows Ever Made
4 April 2021
Big Wolf on Campus does exactly what a TV show is supposed to do; Raise your spirits. Merton and Tommy play off each other like that fun monster movie comedy duo of old: Abbott and Costello. It's not just them. Secondary cast members are hilarious like the bullies "T and T". This show will raise your mood level...almost guaranteed.
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South Park: Board Girls (2019)
Season 23, Episode 7
Matt and Trey getting their groove on
15 November 2019
This is what I always loved about South Park. Take an issue and throw a well placed spanner in the works. This time it was about an iconic character of wrestling fame: Randy 'Macho Man' Savage identifying as a woman and entering into contests where he would gain a decisive advantage. PC principal was grappling with the idea of his own being intolerant to Trans Savage and hilarity ensues.
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Letterkenny (2016–2023)
Different than anything coming out of L. Aaaaay
15 October 2019
The banter is often witty and quick though sometimes cryptic and confusing. The low hanging fruit Near-puns seems to be just padding for between the actual jokes and witty repartee. This is a unique show with like a rural Shakespearean dialogue in its often 'off-english' semantically loose yet literate dialogue. It is very stylized...that is one of the many things I love about it. I hate to say it but some episodes seem phoned in while others are finely crafted works of comedic art. The "set-up comedy with the punchline ending" episodes are my favorite. I just watched the Halloween special and that ending had me almost literally rolling on the floor.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
Oh? It's not a comedy?
5 August 2019
Another Life seems to be a comedy about a bunch of idiot Millennial stereotypes and the one actual adult who has to deal with them.

The "Crew" take 'Orders' as suggestions, have no common sense, and believe everything they think to be true without a second thought. Each episode has an example of one or more brain farts the "Crew" hold up to get the best "Participation Award" for that each of these idiots believe to be a nobel prize worthy move, and at least one person ends up dying for it.

There's nothing that happens that should have happened if everyone was playing with a full deck of common sense.

It's like the 3 Stooges except with Millennial stereotypes. The leader Niko (Played by Katee Sackhoff) is one of the few genuinely capable and mature members of the crew. She, however, caters to her crews outbursts, drama and snap judgments rather than shut them down. She does her best to lead by example, doing some of the most hazardous tasks herself to attempt to earn the respect of these disrespectful misfits. You get the feeling that If she was accepted into the ranks of "The Young and Beautiful", she wouldn't have to work half as hard to get twice the respect. This 'Narcissistic' vibe permeates the entire season 1.

This show is either set to appeal to the egocentric youth or mock them. Maybe a little bit of both. I find it enjoyable enough. I just don't take it too seriously.
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Into the Badlands (2015–2019)
A good fiction overly padded with nonsense
21 June 2019
This could have been a decent SciFi action film if they focused on that rather than the endless violence and fighting. Most of the fighting is excellent but then someone decides to completely defy the laws of physics like having one Suriken kill an entire room of people. Even The Shadow Warrior didn't try that and he had portable nuclear missiles.

Eventually you start to wonder how much of the actual fighting is doctored. That isn't fair to the actual martial artists. Honestly, it feels too much like a fight generator like Lets Get These Two People To Fight and the plot gets hacked together to make that happen. I was honestly there for the main story but it moved so slowly in that regard.

I started suspecting that the Narrative was whatever was convenient rather than logical with Quinn and the things he did and didn't do. Toward the end of Season Three, this absolute Jealous psycho who enjoyed killing the weak and innocent, died himself. Given the emotions at the funeral as well as the background music, it was indicated that the viewer should feel for his passing with sadness. This guy killed more innocents than Charles Manson and I'm supposed to feel sorry for him. What a pile of garbage. I think maybe what happened is that the narrative was supposed to give this guy more of a human side. more of a dramatic snap but that didn't happen and they didn't bother to change the ending for him. Somehow all the Little People dying everywhere else in this production drowns out all the subtlety.

In all Three seasons they had enough for maybe two hours of actual fiction. Not good enough.
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
I'm In Love with this Show
23 May 2019
Back in the day I loved "Angel". The idea of portraying a supernatural being in a more human context. Lucifer does the same from several different angles. The opportunity to tell a story and reveal character aspects seems to be approached with vigor. Battles are never overdone which leaves more room to craft humor and character development. I can't seem to get enough and have been binge watching this series on Netflix. I have to say, though, its a shame when they show a seemingly significant character like Reese and then drop him. Though, I suppose, that also adds depth to the other characters in this series.

I normally don't give a 10 star review to anything but, if there is any show that deserves it, it is this one.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
I am deeply divided by Season 8
20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone complains about how Dany's arch. Personally, I think the personal story to be the best. She stopped examining herself and decided that everything she did was good and right. I don't have a problem with any of the acting or directing. Even the writing was spot on (and I know people have problems with it) . I only wish they put at least half as much thought into the ending as they did for the creation of those characters. The issue I have with the show is the HORRENDOUS lack of respect for LOGIC. Did ANYONE in this show CONSULT ANYONE who knew even a thimble worth of strategy!?

A Frontal Assault by "A" Class Irregular cavalry against a MASSIVELY larger group of, essentially, steady infantry who NEVER suffer Morale issues? Why not just have them ride off a cliff!?

Speaking of Dothraki...or, maybe call them the "Wile E Coyote" because no matter how many time we see them all die, they always come back.

They died to a man in that "Dramatic Effect" charge. A bunch of them showed up at the Funeral. 1000s died to almost a man when the Iron Fleet attacked. Then Several thousand show up at the gates of Kings Landing!? I don't get it... when they die, do they multiply!?

Speaking of obscene perversions of logic. How did a handful of people left alive in Winterfell become an army that could besiege King's Landing!?

What happened to Cerci's plan to have Winterfell fight to a man against the Night King and the sweep up the remains with her army. It would have made perfect sense except for the Dracaris-ex that could destroy the world with enough bean burritos. That whole thing wreaked of a hasty (and highly illogical) plot change. It's Sloppy. It's practically Fan Fic in this regard.
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Veep (2012–2019)
Great Lines...Now work on enunciation and pausing between words
25 April 2019
Selina Meyer is massively Narcissistic. She is the only protagonist I know that I actually hate more and more with each episode. Early into the series you may believe her to be a genuine crusader for good. Later in the series, she is more harshly contrasted to her devotion between appearances and the act of doing good...and even basic empathy.

The arc isn't so much in the character but in the perception of the character by the viewer. Those of us who choose to see the best in a person internally downplay our perception of the awful things that she does due to the charisma of the character. It kind of the real POTUS. I see this as a high level of artistic genius. It seems that they made this point quite clear about Selina but seem to keep going with it.

The word bullets in this show are flying everywhere. Most of the best lines are spoken too quickly with not an increased level of enunciation. Then someone else shoots out a word bullet burst smearing the moment. I enjoy that they use small sentences to craft a situation like an artist uses small brush strokes to create a painting. Yet, unlike a painting, we experience this art form sequentially so it is important to appreciate the detail of art by being able to hear it adequately. Most of the actors in this show articulate just fine. Several of them still don't...and it's really a shame because I do enjoy their characters. cc doesn't help this situation as much as those words flash by too fast as well.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus is amazing. She is a National treasure. What I love about this show is that so much of the acting communicates non-verbally. For instance; when Jonah talks to a couple of women at a wedding, you don't have to know anything about what he says to understand what is going on. When the non-verbal acting seems so genuine then the situations seem that much more real. This is very organic and allows for a greater sense of immersion.
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
No Transition
29 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I watched all 3 seasons and each episode kept me hanging on with just enough decent content for me to want to know what happens next. Unfortunately the interesting content is spaced out with far too many road apples. How many times do we have to hear Karen or Foggy be upset about the duality of the daredevil?

The end of season 3 was almost like the end of season 1. Fisk is in Jail because Daredevil couldn't bring himself to kill him even though the Kingpin was responsible for the death of practically a village worth of people. Daredevil didn't want to kill him because or his religion...and how he would feel later. Boo Frickin hoo! You would shoot Hitler if you could go back in time, wouldn't you? We know the drill. Season 5 Fisk comes back doing more bad things and Daredevil chastises himself yet again saying "I should have killed him when I had the chance".

Karen was very charming in the first season. In the 3rd season, I don't think I ever had seen her without wet eyes. She was crying because she was happy. She was crying because she was sad. She was crying because she was grateful. Basically? She was ALWAYS frickin CRYING!

This is the problem with the Marvel series on Netflix: nothing ever seems to be changed or resolved. There is no arc. All the personal problems stay the same and we have to watch the same overly dramatic moments again and again. Season 1 had it right. There was some gentle moments between bouts of absolute drama and violence. There was a juxtaposition where the characters just got to be people. There were a few moments like these but it honestly felt contrived... not natural. The chemistry is all wrong. The wording is just plain weird. The only exception was the chemistry between Matt and Karen before Elektra swooped in on her skinny ass wings and made it all about her.

The first season was done well. The character of Foggy was portrayed incomplete as if the actor wasn't getting into the part or the director wasn't giving the right feedback. This could be forgiven in the first season but even in the third season Foggy appeared whiny and not properly engaged. Wilson Fisk, on the other hand (played by Vincent D'Onofrio) was magnificent and present. There was a duality in this character (which was ruined in season 3). The Yin and Yang of an honorable man locked in the mind of a monster. The power of his lady friend, Vanessa, who could give enough power to tip the balance toward the good. If she had her way, she could have made Kingpin a serious force for good. In Season 3, she turned out to be not so good, herself. Kingpin's goodness was definitely not in control of his actions.

A series based on a comic book doesn't have the same artistic Carte Blanche to develop the characters since it doesn't have exclusive rights to do so. This is the limitation of the genre in series form.
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Well Worded Half Thoughts and Mistruths
4 September 2018
This show is very dangerous. It cultivates racial hate speech based on presumptions which are not fully supported. It draws one faulty conclusion on another like 'Religious Science'. As an instrument to encourage dialogue between races of men? That would be a worthy goal. Yet, how do you address the 'Fifth' level of flimsy when it would take a month to explain why it doesn't even make sense. The show very cleverly uses advanced philosophical concepts yet cherry picks them for purposes of selling it's product. The product is indulging hatred among those who feel that they are a victim against their perceived oppressor. I don't mention 'Categories' because it is irrelevant. If you want to fight a disease, you have to attack it directly and not they symptoms. This show feeds the disease. The disease is Racism. This show profits from that. We need to stop judging and hating for everyone's sake.
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Dark Matter (2015–2017)
Binge Watcher's Bonanza
18 August 2018
This isn't a SciFi where you sit and brainlessly watch the shiny lasers. Much like all good serial shows these days, there will be a lot of references to what came before in the series. Remembering names and faces is key to getting the most enjoyment out of it. That being said, I think that might be what brought it down. Linking with the past and continuously adding more but mostly from the past gives the show both dimension and baggage (I honestly had enough of those doppelgangers 2 episodes after their introduction). Eventually, the show seemed a little incestuous the way it was turning in on itself all the time. It also seemed a little egocentric like the whole galaxy revolved around the heroes who could never really be killed. I mean even Game of Thrones killed off Sean Bean's character! The drawing upon itself as its own resource must have made the show inaccessible to the casual watcher. I binge watched this on Netflix. I loved the characters. I will miss not being able to see any more episodes.
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Mad Max (2015 Video Game)
17 July 2018
What's his motivation? He wants a big engine for his car. Apparently all full sized pick-ups fell into a black hole or something. Weak. The story is awful. The game is massively grindy, the bases are confusing and the bosses aren't all that hard. What is the point of having most of the better 'Archangels' right at the end of the game!? If I'm a stone's throw away from the end, why would I grind 'Pink Eye' rep down to zero and spend 16 thousand scrap to build a few template cars that I would only really ever use in a handful of races!? It's pointless. Though there can be all different modifications of the same car, there really only is one version that truly makes sense going into the late game. What else? The driving is janky and tends to over or under steer. Good points? The world is large. None of that 'Rage' limited driving. The voice acting is pretty good. Combat is flashy and fun until it gets tired and you've seen everything Max can do. I enjoyed the enigmatic 'Griffa' encounters.
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Doom (2016 Video Game)
Great Game with a LOUSY Story
30 June 2018
Seriously starting off as some legendary warrior gifted with the powers of a Seraphin (or some such c**p). Seriously...the story was better starting me off as some grunt with a pistol and not saying anything. Does anyone at ID know how stories work? You have to build. Where is there to build to if your very presence causes Satan to soil his black loin cloth!? The game, mechanically, is excellent! I love the Easter Eggs and the retro levels! Arcade mode is fantastic. I also love that you can switch your loadout and play in slightly different ways. Why would you employ a story teller who is useless? Seriously a story this bad is worse than no story at all. Just give me a pistol and say nothing. You wouldn't hire a amateur coder. writing is, at least, equally important.
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