3 Reviews
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Jonah Hex (2010)
The Continent Destroyer
14 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
They were pretty smart with this movie, releasing it only a short time after red dead:Redemption every player of that game wanted to see this movie, in the same western setting. Honestly, i was one of them. After seeing the trailers i couldn't wait too see a bad ass cowboy with turrets on his horse and megan fox being the usually megan fox.

The beginning wasn't that bad, a decent introduction of the characters and how the main characters got his trademark face injury, im sorry to say it went downhill from there. The storyline was pretty much non existent, aside from the main character wanting revenge. The antagonist is barley introduced and the viewer has no idea why hes even considered bad until he happens upon a giant cannon ship with giant yellow balls that can destroy a damn continent, so dubbed "The Continent Destroyer" by me and my friends.

We generally use this term to describe any movie that "has little to no plot-line" or uses any instance of deus ex machina. Which is exactly what this movie did. Without any explanation on how the weapon came to be, why he found it, and what the hell those giant balls are, and hell..it doesn't even say WHY he wants to destroy the damn country, but he manages to get this super weapon to the sea and beings destroying Washington D.C one massive yellow ball at a time.

This movie could have been much better, and im sorry i wasted my money on it, but it gave me and my friends to laugh about, and a term that we use to this day.
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Both a 8/10 and a 3/10
2 July 2010
First off, the only reason i gave it a 10, is to counter balance the negative votes this movie received, which il get into later.

On the second day of this movies showing (Thursday) i decided to go see Eclipse with my family, as i had done for the past two. i was a fan of the books prior to the movie series, and was unhappy to see that both twilight, and new moon cut out major parts of the books. When going to see eclipse.i had low expectations. The ratings were low, and my because prior experience to the movie saga, i had doubts this film would be any better. The only reason i decided to whip out $10 for probably "B" movie, was because i heard there was a new director who wanted to capture the "male" audience with more action. He did not succeed. If you look at the votes, 90% of males votes this film 4 and below. When watching the movie, i couldn't help but noticing the directors promise for a less-chick flick eclipse was a load of crap..what really surprised me, was how good this movie was despite that fact. I can't say either Robert Patinsonn or Kristian steward are great actors, but they're both certainly improved. The awkwardness between the two actors( Edward and Bella) was apparent in both twilight and new moon. Their chemistry surprised me in eclipse, the romantic scenes between the two characters were more..natural i guess you'd say. Another MAJOR thing that surprised me, was how accurate this film was too the book. A few details were left out of course, but most parts were true to the book, and the extra hour to do this, was totally worth it.

I know i don't represent the typical male-audience member..Most wont even give the films a chance. My advice to anyone seeing this movie..if your a guy, and don't like the twilight books, or past movies..Don't SEE IT, your not going to like it, and even if it was really good, you'd probably hate it anyway because, lets face it, most people hate twilight just for the sake of hating it. Most girls, will probably like this. its a good love story, with good action scenes to back it up. IMO a good watch.

Go check out the votes for this movie..most males may have voted the movie 4 and under..females generally gave it a score of 6 or more. Why? its a chick-flick, and thats all i have to say about that.

see the movie

actual rating:

Acting: 6/10 Robert Pattinson and Kristain Stewart may not have been great, but Taylor Lautner made up for them

Effects/CGI: 6/10 Other then the fail-CGI wolves..all's good

Plot: 8/10 A great plot strait from Stephanie Meyer's popular book series, very accurate to the book.

Sound: 9/10 Great music soundtrack, really fit the mood of the movie. Though if probably depends on the theatre, the sound quality was great

total: 7.5/10
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Zombieland (2009)
An amazing movie
3 October 2009
First, to all the retards who thought this was a horror, your retarded :D and to you mr. digitalbrian your the biggest retard of all, ITS not a horror movie! its a comedy, and if its so crappy why is it rated 8/10? faggot, someone saying the new indiana johnes movie was good cant have much sense, they ruined those movies. Your a retard As for the movie it wa perfect in everyway, funny, romantic, funny, suspencful, funny, exiting, and i almost forgot...funny. A great movie from beginning to end

When i first saw the previews i thought i would like it very much, i would have no idea how much i would love it, in my top 10 list for sure. "Poor fat bastard"

rule #2
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