
64 Reviews
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Tenet (2020)
Now I remember what I DID NOT LIKE about this film...
26 May 2024
Big fan of Christopher Nolan's films.

But I missed this at the cinema for various reasons, so couldn't wait to get my hands on the Blu-Ray.

I had expected it to be different (and oh, it's certainly that) and exciting (at times it is) and to be entertaining, which it is.... HOWEVER...

Having purchased it, I have only EVER watched this movie on my Blu-Ray once, why? I didn't much care for it as much as I thought I would, I'm a sci-fi & Bond fan and I had visions of this being spectacular.

As I write this it is currently airing as a premiere on BBC2 here in the UK & the thing I just CANNOT GET OVER is the noise of the SOUNDTRACK... It's extremely ANNOYING, at times you have to listen hard to here what's being said & even when it's simply the action in operation it's there, interfering with your enjoyment of the visuals.

I'm sorry, it's the 2nd time & it's NOT improved for me & it's mainly down to the SOUNDTRACK, which I would call simply NOISE that ruins what might be a half decent film if I could concentrate on it rather than this NOISE.

I've read another review here in which similar thoughts were brought up, they too found it a let down & also mentioned the's by far the worst annoying soundtrack I think I have ever heard.

Of course Christopher Nolan is intellectual & will I'm sure disagree with this notion, for he must have checked it & seen it many times before it was released.

DID NO ONE BE HONEST WITH HIM & ASK... Was such a soundtrack OK to him?

It's not even a particular GOOD soundtrack even when not just being NOISY & getting in the way of enjoying what's happening on screen.

I read that this reviewer appreciated it the 2nd time around.

I'm SORRY I don't think I EVER WILL.

I have this nagging feeling that if were not for this SOUNDTRACK I may well have enjoyed it so much more.

Is it Christopher Nolan's most disappointing film?

In ALL HONESTY I think it is but it's NOT his work or story so much that disappoints but this soundtrack which seems to turn up throughout the whole film, there is NO BREATHING quiet breaks from the pulsating MUSIC & at times it is so very difficult to hear what the characters are saying.

It distracts & annoys me like no other movie ever has.

I had not seen it for years & as I write this, all I can hear is this soundtrack beating out, I'm sorry I simply DON'T LIKE IT & for me IT DOES NOT FIT WELL with the film.

Such a shame.

I hope should this talented director ever read such words ? I would hope he might at least consider how some (like me) were just too put off by the MUSIC & SOUNDS throughout the film & think well, in truth, maybe they have a point?

Story was somewhat difficult to follow, even if fairly intelligent but it was all about this SOUNDTRACK, I have NEVER been so annoyed by such a thing ever before & I knew there was a reason why I had not rewatched this only played once disc...

The actors are good, even if Sir Kenneth is eating the scenery with his Russian Villain, visuals are strong as is the case with Nolan's superb films, framing too is good but I do think it's not as engaging as I hoped it would may be a clever film, perhaps even too clever for me? But I think for a film to be popular to a general audience of movie goer's it has to be (for the most part) understandable & relatively easy to follow...

I don't think this is so easy to follow.

Some have stated this is a GOOD THING & that it requires multiple watches to GET IT.

I've seen other films which I have found disappointing & then over further viewings either got things I missed & so I understood more... Even if this was possible for this film, the soundtrack just is way too annoying to give it too many more viewings, this is unfortunate, because on paper, reading about it & seeing the trailer way back when & it being a Christopher Nolan film, it's appeal was BIG.

The reality is...

That this could well be the most disappointing film from he so far, but much of this is down to the SOUNDTRACK (for me at least) just not fitting with the movie itself.

Perhaps regarding the soundtrack they were going very different as to what is expected & were trying to be a little too clever, has to have almost try to play out as an extra character (or mood at least) within the film, with this guy I'm sorry to say didn't like this part of the movie & it spoils it's entire feel for me.

Which I guess just goes to show just how important a Movie Soundtrack can be...get it right & you'll either hardly realise it OR it will affect a movie so profoundly, that you may well whistle it's theme / soundtrack or song even for years but when it's ANNOYING it takes over the film...and for overpowers this film but NOT in a GOOD WAY.
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The Thing (I) (2011)
Has it's flaws, but it works & Mary Elizabeth is superb!
22 May 2024
I am a huge JOHN CARPENTER Fan & he was without a doubt at his peak during the 1980's & would go so far to say that ALL 8 of the made during this time are TRULY, TOP NOTCH MOVIES...

1980 The Fog (my personal favourite Carpenter film)

1981 Escape from New York in which we got Plissken.

1982 The Thing...and just an outstanding motion picture.

1983 Christine...the weakest of the 8, but even this is cool.

1984 Starman, different & very underrated Sci-Fi outing.

1986 Big Trouble in Little China...NUTS!!! In a GLOURIOUS WAY.

1987 Prince of Darkness, a truly chilling horror film.

1988 They Live, unseen ET's among us & "he's all out of bubble gum"

I could happily pick one of these from my shelves & watch them at anytime, 8 films in a row made during the 1980's & not one mediocre one among them, now who else has gone on a run like this? Spielberg perhaps? Another fav of mine (I would need to check as there may be one during his EPIC series of Fantastical films from the 70's to late 80's that let's the side down but I cannot off the top of my head think of one...I even liked 1941)

So yeah, I'm a fan, a BIG FAN of John Carpenter & unlike some, I'm certainly not one of the haters of this film, in fact...

It's rather good & almost forgotten (sadly)

The major flaw (for me & it seems others) are some of the computer generated SPECIAL EFFECTS which are somewhat up & down...but thankfully do NOT spoil the film too much.

Did they go this route because it was the thing to do by this time & that it was cheaper & perhaps quicker to do so?

It was a mistake but to be honest this was the only mistake really here.

Yes it's a prequel & one tires of prequel's these days, like others, why go back to address what happened before the film that got you to go & see this one, only to usually be disappointed by it for doing so, very few prequels seem to work, whilst sequels are hit & miss...there seems to be a better of chance of folks going to see a WHAT HAPPENED NEXT continuation of them.

That said, this is one of the BETTER prequel type films & Mary Elizabeth Winstead is superb here... At the time I remember reading & hearing comments stated along the lines of OH NO a woman is in the new THE THING movie...Yeah, So? What's the Big Deal?

You want an ALL MALE Horror film...Carpenter made perhaps one of the BEST OF ALL TIME & whilst this sequel does not match it, it does a super job of trying to do so.

It's a well made, tense film, with some good acting (it helps) & story fills in a few things & is along the lines of the original, with a few surprises...IT's A GOOD HORROR FILM.

I'm a Carpenter purist but the hate from some of his films regarding this film is a little petty, the FX does spoil things at times, whilst at others it does just about get away with it.

Of course Carpenter made good films in the 1970's too... Dark Star is hoot, Assault on Precinct 13 is a cult 'siege' movie worthy of re-watching but it's HALLOWEEN during this era which made him a name to conjure with, even in his awful 1990's and later spells there are a couple of decent or interesting films he made that added to his GOOD if not GREAT list, these being...

Memoirs of an Invisible Man (YES REALLY) well, I liked it, an offbeat comedy thriller with Chevy Chase of all folks to be in a Carpenter movie, surprisingly he & it works (to some degree)

In the Mouth of Madness...once again with that superb actor Sam Neil, this is quirky & different & is all the better for it, strange too, because upon first watching this one, I thought it just OK, then upon viewing it again I started to get it a bit more, by the 3rd watch I thought yeah, this a very different feel for a Carpenter film but I kinda like it.

These were (for me) the only two films from the 90's of any note from him, which is a crying shame for a director of his talent.

His final film of any note was from 1998..."Vampires" with James Woods, yes it's been done before, but it was an OK horror picture but far from being one of the Best Vampire pictures sadly & that was just about it from this GREAT DIRECTOR.

He's directed 21 Films from what I can see & of these, just about 15 work for me & 9 of them are MASTERPIECES of Sci-Fi / Horror & Fantasy Films.

Sorry I've side tracked this prequel somewhat to concentrate on CARPENTER's films in general but I'm surprised he is not better treated within the industry, oh he's a quirky sort & says things as he sees the remakes of some of his films, one of which should never have even been attempted (I speak of THE FOG) his is a masterpiece, whilst the remake was a disgrace, but he simply said, they wanted to remake it, they were going to remake it, he allowed his name to be attached to it in some way & TOOK THE MONEY being offered...but that remake TARNISHED his just a little.

This film does not really have the CARPENTER touch...his framing of the widescreen is awesome & it's probably WAY OVERDUE that the ACADEMY AWARDS has not recognised him for creating some of the most imaginative & entertaining films in this genre EVER!!!
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Man of Steel (2013)
One of the ALL-TIME BEST SF / Superhero Movies
5 May 2024
Henry Cavill (A Superman that finally matches Christopher Reeves)

Amy Adams just raises every film she's in (ARRIVAL anyone? Another masterful performance in another highly rated, intelligent SF film)

Michael Shannon (as ZOD is way more menacing than that of Terrence Stamp but boy was Stamp lovingly camping it up in the original Superman's 1 & especially 2)

Diane Lane (Streets of Fire for this lad of 16 in 1984 made me an ALL-TIME Fan)

Russell Crowe (Jor-El) again, another match for Brando's version.

Kevin Costner (Jonathan Kent) another superb actor & that scene here, is rather heartbreaking.

It's a SUPER ;) CAST, it really is & ALL their roles work out here (for me) not a weak link in any of them, even the surrounding cast helps the cause.

More an out & out Science Fiction movie really this which happily includes Superman & Zod from Krypton to give us a BEST OF BOTH WORLDS (Both a superb SF film with the Superhero element)

I truly LOVE this film.

It's one of DC's & Zack Snyder's VERY BEST films.

I keep returning to it each & every year & of it's type it's damn near perfect...

The start retraces yet again Supes ORGIN STORY (Thank the Heavens James Gunn isn't once again giving us another origins of Superman story, interesting cast on this newer one to come but I doubt it will beat this cast / film version)

This is hugely ENTERTAINING.

Now I get that it's tonally different to ANY previous SUPERMAN films.

I happen to also LOVE the Christopher Reeves Superman films (especially 1 & 2, with a soft spot for 3 also) and it's true if you want something softer, which gives a closer account to the original Superman / Clark Kent from the comics then THIS is the one to go see, they're superb films in their own rights...

What's the point in remaking them like this when these were also (in their own way) kinda nearly perfect.

THIS IS A VERY DIFFERENT, harder, more SF Superman film & Synder kicked a field goal, judging by a good many reviews here, it seems not everyone is a Jack Snyder hater (and even some who are, can probably agree this is a superbly created movie, perhaps his BEST? I think so but the ratings would suggest otherwise, I'll touch on those & Synder in general in a moment) as with others here...

I cannot believe this movie does not rate higher than the current 7.1 score (I guess many a Snyder hater has brought this rating down) but it's surely an 8 at worst & for folks like me who can simply see past whoever directed it (although Snyder clearly brought is A-GAME to this one) it's a 9 bordering on an actual, almost perfect '10'


JACK SNYDER as director.

There is NO DOUBT certain director's have their own style, JJ Abrams has his critics also but if a films a GOOD ONE that it shouldn't be hated on JUST BECAUSE So & So directed it.

They'll always be GOOD FILMS (perhaps GREAT FILMS as I think this one rates) OK films & just downright AWFUL one's made by the same directors.

This for me personally rates as Snyder's VERY BEST.

IMDb thinks not (fair enough) and those that beat this 7.1 for "MAN of STEEL" are creditable & even a close match for this one.

It looks like most consider it a very close call as to which of Snyder's films RATES the BEST...

Both "WATCHMEN" & "300" rating 7.6.

Of these two I prefer the more inventive Watchmen, but how can one not find '300' impressive in it's way, certainly worthy of being his 2nd & 3rd BEST MOVIES in my list.

I also enjoyed "JUSTICE LEAGUE" (the original cut) but it seems Synder was a bit put out that HIS VERSION didn't really see the light of day until in more recent times (I have NOT YET seen this version) and it seems it now rates as one of his very best...GOOD NEWS for me as I kinda liked the original with you know who taking over as director.

Others I've liked from him...

"DAWN OF THE DEAD" rating 7.3 an early (might have been his first?) movie which surprisingly worked well as a more modern ZOMBIE film.

One that doesn't get too much LOVE, perhaps because it is SO DIFFERENT is "SUCKER PUNCH" yes there are scences within it that are a bit BLAH but the overall look & feel of the film works (for me) only rates 6.1 though.

Of late his films seem to be NOT SO GOOD...

"BATMAN v SUPERMAN" was a bit of an overblown mess, especially when compared to this film.

"ARMY of the DEAD" is also a bit of mess.

And although I have yet to see any of the REBEL MOON films, many that have seen these also, seem to feel he's lost his unique touch & that these are inferior Star Wars or even DUNE copies (at best) which is a shame!

I don't mind ZACK SNYDER one little bit.

Is he one of my favourite DIRECTOR's? Not really, has he made a number of poor films? YES, no one's perfect, but he's also made ONE OF THE GREATEST Science Fiction / SUPERHERO movies I think there's EVER BEEN & this is it & if the next incarnation of Superman is to surpass this one of Henry Cavill and / or Christopher Reeves than that's a SUPERMAN film I cannot wait to see but surely he will need to be very different from these two.
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EVERYONE involved in the telling of this DISGRACEFUL Scandal should be PROUD
20 January 2024
I'm not going to go into the IN's & OUT's of what happened regarding this SCANDAL of EPIC PROPORTIONS...

It's been well documented and... THE POST OFFICE THE GOVERNMENT and especially FUJITSU should hang their heads in SHAME.

I think I'm stating the obvious when I say for a long time many folks had NO IDEA of just HOW BIG A SCANDAL this thing was...

Those that say...COVER UP's & CONSPIRACIES Do Not Exist with those in power...should watch this.

Of Course Conspiracy & Cover Up's exist & always have, there's a BIG ONE being addressed a little more now (somewhat) with Washington trying to get their heads around something many folks at the TOP have known about for a long, long time... But this one is for another time, but it's going to wake up our species once it hit's the fan...

But regarding this one here...

How PATHETIC are these people in charge WHO KNEW, does one believe in 'Karma' it would be apt if such a thing truly existed because those that said nothing & worse DID NOTHING to stop these poor people being trampled on will perhaps get what's coming?

Here's where I praise 'ITV' it is a channel I rarely watch because frankly it shows very little of interest to myself these days but this could be said of a number of mainstream British Tv Channels these days.

They have little imagination...and...churn out the same Reality Tv Shows (most of which are rubbish), Game Shows, Quiz's & Soap Opera's... Imaginative, Original & Exciting and /or INTERESTING Television Series (that are not featuring Detectives / Police, Nurses / Medical shows) are few.

How I miss the 70's & 80's ERA those folks were given free reign to dream up all sorts of different scenario TV SERIES...Why can't they return to these different types of shows being aired during prime time on the main channels...rather than the usual stuff which lasts for 10, 20 even 30 years!!!

One thing they can still do well, at times is REAL LIFE DRAMA Accounts & to be fair ITV do this rather well & this one "Mr Bates (no sniggering back there) vs The Post Office" is right up there as ONE OF THE BEST....

In time to come (if not already) it will be seen as a superbly made account of what went on & helped open more people's eyes as to getting even more JUSTICE for these poor people.

One cannot even imagine how they got through it.


EVERYONE, ITV, the writers, the directors, producers, writers & ESPECIALLY THE ACTORS HERE (many of whom should be rightly PROUD of their WORK here for they have provided a terrific collective was at work here & this will go down as a terrific HISTORICALLY piece of TELEVISION... Which I'm sure in the long run will have HELPED these people in some way achieve JUSTICE & that must make ALL OF THESE ACTORS VERY PROUD, perhaps even their finest moment...and WHAT A GREAT ONE.


It was BOLD of ITV to take this on... And BOY has it paid off.

This will WIN AWARDS & rightly so but more importantly it will hopefully re-address (even more) the EVIL done to these people.


There is talk of a BLANKET 'ALL' NOT GUILTY (even if a tiny few might have fiddled the system) & Yes this SHOULD HAPPEN right now, quickly, even if ONE LAW HAS TO BE MADE to make it 'RIGHT'


Some did deals very early on...those BS paper deals should be RIPPED UP straight away.

TALK of £600, 000 for each person to start with.... I don't care if the numbers grow to 1,000, 2,000 or more postmasters that have been done...


Fujitsu SHOULD PAY...but if they cannot & will not & QUICKLY (20 years ago this!!!!) then folks in power need to get your fingers out, admit the problems & that it was mainly YOUR FAULT & get them ALL FREED, PAID & SORTED.

It won't get back those 20 years of MISERY but it will HELP....and if Fujitsu do not do this then the GOVERNMENT should go after them & should never use them EVER AGAIN...

As for the POST OFFICE... Well, geez, we Brits know just how this MIGHTY Organisation has FALLEN... Prices for EVERYTHING regarding them continues to head UPWARDS whilst the service sadly heads DOWN.

The Post Office needs to be as it once was... A HAPPY HUB of a place, which is friendly & provides fair prices, not inflated one's done just to line the pockets of those few at the top we saw in this DRAMA & REAL LIFE...Yeah return your honour but KEEP the BONUSES!!! ??? WHAT?

Any HONEST individual would never keep such a thing but alas these folks are CLEARLY not honest.

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Arkin, Caine & Freeman...Just for starters are PERFECT
15 January 2024
We don't get this sort of film anymore it seems.

I never went to see this at the cinema in 2017.

I never rented or purchased it.

I did see it on Tv a few years ago on the BBC and tonight they showed it again...I liked it the first time around, I LOVE IT now.

It's FUN & tells it's story within a short spell of time (something else we don't get too often these days) at just over 90 minutes this flies by & for good reason...

These 3 fella's just gel perfectly... I have always been a fan of all three of these gentlemen, their body of work is rather impressive but this was just for starters the ensemble cast compliments them beautifully...

Ann Margaret is a delight.

Matt Dillion has a good time tracking these fella's down & thinks he's got them...what da you think?

Christopher Lloyd's in this...I love Christopher Lloyd, most will do so because of Doc from "Back to the Future" or "Who Framed Roger Rabbit", me? I love him because he was Jim in the quiet brilliant television series from the 70's by the name of "Taxi"

John Ortiz (JESUS) :) yes he trains these guys & supplies the little people everyone would want.

Siobhan Fallon Hogan...Never seen her in anything else that I can remember but as the waitress with a heart of gold here she's a delightful addition to this cast.

A Heist movie with old folks, who are dry witted but still with it.

It has a story which sadly happens still today concerning folks money & those who play with people's pensions.

Of course ALL three of these old guys are good guys, so when they decide enough is enough they do it as peacefully as they can, figuring if they get caught... Well, they'll have a better standard of living now than they would have on the outside.

Do they actually get away with it?

It's worth watching & not just once but this is my second viewing & it's even better.

Sadly we have lost the delightful Alan Arkin, 89 years old & I hope he enjoyed every single one of them (if such a thing is at all possible?) this guy was a superb character actor I enjoyed watching when I was growing up... I loved the vastly underrated 'The Rocketeer' and his character of Peevy in this one but the one that caught my attention the most was as Bean in "Freebie and The Bean" now that's a film that is rarely seen shown on TV now, but I can safely add this one to one of his films I will always look forward to viewing in the future.

Here's hoping Mr Caine & Mr Freeman are well & in good spirit.

I guess these guys characters just seemed like they'd been slammed down once too often (like so many ordinary joe's out there) and when what they had expected in law to attain upon their retirement was not forthcoming & the pencil pushers did not take them into account despite the years of service they simply fought back.

Hmm...maybe if I reach 80+ and I'm out of money or taken from me then perhaps this film might flicker into my mind & I might consider robbing a bank (nice & friendly like of course) OH BUT WAIT, the pencil pushers, no longer have pencils because we now have less & less physical BANKS to visit... It's all ONLINE now ain't it :( Damn what does one do? When one is old & all the pencil pushers have CLOSED our BANKS and we have no idea how to work such things online (safely) ???

Perhaps one for a sequel? Or remake perhaps? Well, maybe? But you'll struggle to top these guys.


A Rocketeer Rating of at least an 8 (how could it be any less?)
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Dream Horse (2020)
Wonderful & Well Made FEEL GOOD Movie
22 October 2023
What a CAST What a FILM What a HORSE

Sadly, I had no idea this film even existed, until fairly late last night here in the UK when Channel 4 had decided to air it, at a somewhat strange time of between 9.25 and 11.40pm.

Channel 4 should air this again from NOON on the day of "The Grand National" here in the UK.

For this is a film with legs ;) and will for sure, slowly & steadily build & earn a following of even more fans as time passes.

If there is even one bad review here of this film then I would be amazed & there's ONLY 76 reviews so far as I write this...

Hopefully over time this would end up with a thousand or more reviews & everyone of them positive for this is a damn great, well made, feel good film.

I will not pinpoint any one acting performance here for as in real life this was a terrific collective effort with real spirit.

I guess this got lost within the COVID YEARS as the date of it's release is stated as 2020, so my guess is they had made this just before this dreaded thing reared it's head to us all & then simply got lost in cinemas with so few heading there at this time.

This is a wonderful piece of filmmaking & EVERYONE involved should be rightly proud.

I laughed, I cheered & yes I cried.

KEEP WATCHING OVER THE END CREDITS... Tom Jones would be proud, as should the whole of WALES.

A Beautiful Story.

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A 1973 Ghost Story perfect for HALLOWEEN yet seldom seen!
8 September 2023
Such a shame!

No...NOT THE FILM..."The Legend of Hell House" is a superbly acted, atmospheric & wonderful adult Ghost Story.

We used to get these films showing on British Tv on BBC2 or Channel 4 but even these channels have (for the most part) followed the lead in reality drivel, that's the shame...

Some younger folks have no idea such films exist & other older one's may have well forgotten about them.

As the cast listed shows... There were ONLY 7 characters / actors seen in this film and all do a fine job.

Bowles plays the go between & Culver is getting older & wants to know if there is any TRUTH in the AFTERLIFE?

It's a good opening set-up regarding a similar experiment previously which goes wrong.

Our FOUR main actors / characters are exceptional here, especially the always good Roddy McDowall.

The two ladies are kind on the eyes, especially the timid character Gayle Hunnicutt portrays who takes on a make-over, their acting here brings about a FUN spooky HOOT of a film.

But for me Clive Revill just about steals the film with his portrayal of the role of Dr Barrett, who starts to believe!

The HOUSE itself is almost like a 5th MAIN CHARACTER...most impressive!

Sadly, rarely seen on British Tv.

It should be sought out & given some LOVE AGAIN.

They really don't make 'Em like this anymore, sadly.

A PERFECT "Halloween" movie for ADULTS, although there is little gore or violence really, just a fun, spooky telling of a 'HAUNTED HOUSE'

Worth tracking down, but good luck with that!
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Better than you might think!
5 September 2023
Most Indy Fans will ENJOY this.

It seems some have a REAL HATE for this fifth outing for Indiana Jones.

I just don't get it?

I've read what some have to say about it, but REALLY a score of 1? Insulting.

One such reviewer even mentioned they rather enjoyed the first 20 minutes or so of a young looking (AI) version of Indy & yet they still gave it a ONE!

I agree with them & others in saying how amazingly good (almost perfect) this younger (AI) version of Indiana was here & the ACTION seen here is about as GOOD as it's GETS in this particular film, although I enjoyed the ENDING too & whilst none of the Action Set Pieces could MATCH anything in RAIDERS or The LAST CRUSADE I did enjoy them.


I'm not sure quiet what they expected?

With Harrison Ford heading upwards of 80 Years of age now, it was clear that he was going to show his age in this film & didn't he just, I GET that some thought he should have HUNG HIS HAT UP ;) at the end of his last adventure (some 15 years or so ago) but that said, I'm fine they made it, I'm fine we saw an older, retiring Indy (which of course Harrison is now doing with this character)

I READ a LOT of negative words concerning this film upon release & that may have influenced it's BOX-OFFICE but I enjoyed it.

The SCRIPT isn't the BEST...I agree, it certainly hasn't got the snap & crackle of RAIDERS (THE BEST in the series by far) OR even THE LAST CRUSADE (for which we should THANK Steven Spielberg for returning him back to another RAIDERS like outing & which is a very close 2nd BEST in the series) but after those two...

Is this SCRIPT here a great deal worse than 'The Temple of Doom' or 'The Crystal Skull'?

Not really, I don't think so, it's about on a par with them in terms of writing.

Indiana Jones films clearly WORK WELL with better scripts & stories (as per 'RAIDERS' & 'The LAST CRUSADE') it's TRUE.

Yet I still enjoyed TEMPLE & to some degree THE CRYSTAL SKULL (it was LaBeouf who spoiled that particular film for most it seems? EVERYONE else in that film was FINE & DANDY & as for the UFO / ET's? Well, it didn't bother me as much as it did some it seems, it would have played out better without LaBeouf in it, I think) although it has it's moments.

As for TEMPLE, that was probably a bit too dark for me, I rather liked the OPENING half of that film more than the second inside the Temple & the goings on underground just wasn't half as exciting as having the NAZI's in pursuit in 'RAIDERS' & 'CRUSADE'.

Spielberg knew this (he even said so in an interview) and so they returned INDY back into this sphere when making the wonderfully entertaining 'THE LAST CRUSADE' which brought about a legendary double act performance from both CONNERY & FORD that just makes that adventure fly by.

I could have happily watched these two play out more adventures all day long.

So Script wise & Story wise...

HOW DOES 'The Dial of Destiny' compare?

Although it's not in the same league as the BEST TWO (by far) the script is fine, there's not a lot that stops you in your tracks, but it does it what it needs to...THESE are ACTION / ADVENTURE FILMS, so the script is sort of secondary, it helps if they're better but I think it's the STORY CHOICE which helps them more as to how much your going to LOVE THEM...or NOT.

Raiders & The Last Crusade for me are 10's (they actually rate 8.4 for Raiders & 8.2 for Crusade which on IMDb is right up there scoring)

But which of the remaining THREE INDY films rates NOW rates the BEST out of them?

IMDb has 'The Temple of Doom' in 3rd with a highly respectable score of 7.5 and 'The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull' comes in with a low 6.2, which rates that particular film as the WORST of the INDY films in the series.


I like Both of those to various degrees & it's a close call as to which I like best between the battle for 4th & 5th place in Indiana Jones films...probably CRYSTAL surprisingly as the Action was better done as a whole.

My 3rd BEST INDIANA JONES outing is this one "Indiana Jones & The Dial of Destiny"

I know that will irk some (especially regarding 'The Temple of Doom' whom many will have in 3rd)

IMDb is currently rating this FINAL :( but about TIME ;) Harrison Ford Indiana Jones outing at a surprising 6.7.

WHY surprising? Well after reading some reviews & the early thoughts upon it's release to cinema's I figured this might end up scoring less than 'CRYSTAL SKULL' and be closer to the 6 mark than 7, so it's seems there is SOME LOVE for this final adventure.

MOST Indiana Jones fans will enjoy THIS, they'll accept it's THE GREAT Harrison Ford's swan song in the role & that it could it have been better?

Is it a BAD FILM? No, far from it, If you LOVE INDY you'll probably (if not LOVE this film) ENJOY IT.

We see old Indy about to retire before being thrust back into Adventure by his God Child I think she was?

A SPIRITED PERFORMANCE by Phoebe Waller-Bridge, yes I had heard that some didn't like her, I cannot understand why? I think she was a GREAT FUN, her character was a HOOT & not quiet as driven by MONEY & FAME as we first thought.

Loved the opening 20 minutes or so (with an AI Young Indy) after this it's true it didn't really KICK ON as I hoped it might but he's OLDER...

I LOVED that Indy actually "GOT TO SEE HISTORY" ;) and with that we say GOODBYE to a LEGENDARY MOVIE CHARACTER & Performance from...Mr Harrison Ford (And MANY THANKS)
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22 August 2023
"A Quality of Mercy" played out in some respects to an old (enjoyable) old episode "Balance of Terror" but with much added value and was & still is (so far) my favourite Star Trek SNW episode seen to date (I'm up to Ep3 from Season 2)

But this one surprisingly joins it.

"Ad Astra Per Aspera" is a finely acted 'Court Room' DRAMA episode & yes I am well aware that we've had these also in those original episode's involving funnily enough Pike, that one was OK...this is better, MUCH BETTER...

There is a POWER HOUSE of a performance here alongside a delightful one from Rebecca Romijn (now proving (if any doubted) that she has become a terrific actress) & this powerhouse performance? It comes from an unknown to me, by the name of Yetide Badaki (some name that it's even confusing the TEXT with red squiggling lines sort of asking IS THIS RIGHT? Yes & it's a super name isn't it?) she is Una Chin-Riley's defence lawyer here...and what a lawyer she is.

There's a great opening to this episode which see's our Captain go out of his way to get her for Una's trial...the to & fro between them is wonderfully played out.

There is a reason, she's firmly not interested, but Pike being Pike we know he's going to swing her around and how? You'll just have to watch...

I'm NOT GOING TO SPOIL a single moment of the court room antics for you folks.

Let's just say I very much enjoyed it.

We've already lost one crew member from Season One (although what a replacement & HOW THEY DID IT in such a FUN WAY, I speak of course of the delightful Carol Kane 'Pelia' she's making things FUN...Welcome aboard Carol, always been a fan, "TAXI" later seasons anyone? And "SCROOGED" yeah I get to see this angry but fun Carol Angel every Christmas) after Season 1 there was certainly a chance that we might lose Number One? As we know casts do change from time to time...

You'll have to WATCH to FIND OUT.

Many CONGRATULATIONS to Yetide for this is a terrific ONE TIME episode? Performance, it's a TOUR DE FORCE...even the looks she gives. BRILLIANT.

This is a Television Series which is again, finally taking us to other WORLDS & PLACES that are very different each week...

It's been a long time coming & some episodes will be stronger & better than others as will always be the case...

It looks like they made a GOOD ONE here.

The makers of SNW it seems are taking some risks with the PANTO one in Season 1 (which I strangely liked but it's clear by the ratings here that most didn't) & the Musical one I have yet to see from this Season 2.

These are the types of episodes I am still yet unsure of as I'm sure many Trek or Science Fiction fans are...

Personally with ONLY 10 episodes per season to sit through these days, I think I'd rather lose the BUFFY Musical types to see more of Pike & Co exploring & discovering STRANGE NEW WORLDS & OTHER THINGS but if just a ONE OFF? And this Musical episode might end up a GREAT episode?

That said... This episode was a quiet, no action type & yet it's my joint favourite so far.

Loving this series overall, it's just a little annoying that we ONLY get around 10 or 12 episode's for such seasons now, back in the original Trek days of TOS, The Next Generation, DS9 & Voyager we got 22 to 26 episodes per season...

So these folks will have to film 6 Seasons of 10 episodes each just to match the original Trek series from the 1960's & even than those 3 seasons still had more episodes over.

THAT SAID...if it's GOOD WORK & FINE EPISODES so be it, but could they stretch it perhaps to 12 episodes per season? PLEASE.

Still, one shouldn't grumble, we have STAR TREK BACK as it should be...

I didn't mind the odd arc of 2 or even 3 episodes to play out a longer, perhaps needed & important story arc (ENTERPRISE did this, not forgetting that underrated Star Trek series) but a whole season Arc for many just got a little boring at times.






And Oh, the final scene here with Kirk & Una is truly TOUCHING.

Too many CAPS ;) Aye Aye CAPTAIN :)
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Is this how our 1st Contact will be?
22 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a GREAT start to the new Star Trek SNW series.

After just this 1st episode I already LOVED this CREW (Each & Every One) which is a very good sign indeed (for at times there will be some just OK? Maybe even the odd BAD?

Episodes, but if this cast is this good, fun & engaging, then it's going to make these types far more easier to watch)

This starts out as a rescue mission (and a fairly easy one at that) but this part is over fairly quickly.

The story then remains on this Planet & concentrates on the clearly upcoming conflict upon it.

YES, this main section becomes a HISTORY LESSON.... Our Federation (as most should know) has a 'PRIME DIRECTIVE' in force, in which they can NEVER interfere with any species they encounter...and...GOOD LUCK with that!

It seems a logical one at first, let them advance at their own speed, learn & discover things for themselves, including possible religions & differences between folks on their Planet.

But be honest honest now, If this scenario played out for real (and let's NOT FORGET how & what this species acquired, which clearly gives PIKE & the crew an OUT regarding this matter) but wouldn't YOU try to save such a species that was in danger of DESTROYING THEMSELVES or OTHERS... I sometimes HOPE & perhaps at times say a little PRAYER that if the EVIL DOOER's on this Planet of ours should take things to the ultimate extreme that ANY ET Species out there? Close to us ;) may well...COME TO OUR RESCUE...Not unlike the film playing out in PIKE's home at the start of this film...The incredible "THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL" (original B&W version)

Well...the folks on the ENTERPRISE & Pike especially have to carefully consider such options as to what path to take here?

And, well, let's just say PIKE becomes very much KIRK like in his thinking here ;)

If they don't interfere in some way, then it's likely they'll destroy this Planet of theirs & most of them on it.

SOUND SIMILAR? Oh Yeah, welcome to PLANET EARTH & the home for many idiotic DICTATORS in charge of many parts of it, who think the loss of innocents is a price worth paying to get the LAND GRAB they want back :( pathetic individuals (on a sad note on this day of Wednesday the 29th of May 2024, I just learned that 2,000 children had DIED in Ukraine, let's make it clear...THEY WERE KILLED & so many MORE injured & who will be in pain for the rest of their lives) ALL DUE to the actions of this particular EVIL individual, who happens to live in Russia & will STOP at NOTHING to get his old, beloved Soviet Union nations BACK.

YES this scenario playing out there on this fictional planet is actually (somewhat) playing out on our own, in the Star Trek world, it DID NOT END WELL...yet folks like these DICTATOR's always think it will.

Pike & Spock explain to them such a HISTORY played out on PLANET EARTH but even then it's not quiet as clear cut...until...well, you'll see.
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A DREAM Team-Up we actually got to see...Although...
5 July 2023
I enjoy (to some degree) the majority of the Friday the 13th movies...

They're NOT artful or clever Horror films but for the most part they can be ENTERTAINING...

The first two in this series, came during the early 80's (just a little too soon for me, although I read about them with some interest as an early teen) when I did finally get to watch them (as with others) I too found them to be a little BORING...but this is where it started, so without them we wouldn't have got the rest, so hats off for that but these first two rate in my bottom 3 of the 11 films I will score personally at the end of this review, I wonder if anyone will guess the other to join them in these bottom 3 spots?

Just a quick (very) review of this film that so many back in the day had HOPED FOR...and bless 'em the powers that be actually got them together & for this alone it's worth watching.

That having been said & again as others have also mentioned in some of their reviews... It's a little bit by the numbers, it's very dark toned & lit (sometimes you have to squint to see any real detail especially in the BIG SHOWDOWN between the two, it's all about the two lead characters here Jason & Freddy, the others are fairly forgettable.

This is one of the better Friday the 13th outings I think but not for the execution of it or the story but just because they got these TWO ICONIC CHARACTERS TOGETHER & it's fun seeing them.

But it could have been a whole lot better with a little more care...

OK, these types of films generally stick to a basic premise & most of us are OK with that, some tried something different which didn't work, whilst others did & some disappointed, whilst others become favourites in this series...this is right up there for me because of these two.

Had they assembled a better surrounding cast of characters (I know difficult to upstage Jason & Freddy in their big showdown movie so I suppose it wasn't even worth trying & they didn't let's be honest) just a few tweaks here & there and this could have been right up there as the BEST EVER Friday the 13th film, it's good, ite's entertaining & it's a super film for viewing at parties or alone during the Halloween season, but with a better characters around with them with some better purpose for being there & more creative story with some inventive ideas & less DARK SCENES and this might have been the one to aim for, as it is, it places a highly respectable 4th place of 11 (I'm NOT including the reboot after this one...not bad btw) but it could & might have been so much better.

I liked it enough I hunted down the UK QUAD POSTER (Horizontal format...which works in it's favour) which is a classic image showing FREDDY with GLOVE drawn :) on one side of it & JASON on the other) got it for a fair price at the time (just a few years after it was released in cinemas) but it takes pride of place up on the wall, within a 30x40" framed display during HALLOWEEN...and it sure looks the part & how can you then NOT play the film at some point during OCTOBER....

Not quiet good enough (for me) for showing on HALLOWEEN NIGHT itself, there are so many other GREAT & GOOD Horror Films to fit this nights slot but it does not let the side down, thankfully.

So as to the overall RATINGS of these first 11, Friday the 13th movies on IMDb, well, the ratings of individuals give us an overall 1 to 11 placing & it shows that surprisingly (or not?) the No 1 spot is...(MY RANKING of each is within the brackets)

1) Friday the 13th (1980) original, but only scoring 6.4 on top (11) 2) The 2nd film (sequel) is pretty much more of the same (9) 3) Part 6 : JASON LIVES, finally one I very much agree with (2) 4) Part 4 : The Final Chapter, this is your typical, middling sort (6) 5) Part 11 (no it has no 11) simply FREDDY vs JASON (4) 6) Part 3 and it's in 3D, not too bad, another middling one (7) 7) Part 7 or VII : The New Blood, more inventive & different (5) 8) Part V or 5 (if you like?) : A New Beginning (8) 9) Part 8 (VIII anyone?) : JASON TAKES MANHATTAN (1) 10) X (no Part this time) the names X...JASON X (in SPACE!!!!) (3) 11) Jason goes to Hell...and he can stay they too (10)

It's difficult to rank these but I've given it a go, most have their own favourites which are totally opposite to mine but that's fine, if you like or even LOVE one or a few of these over others what's it really matter? The majority are pretty much the same if we're being honest, so if you enjoyed the original couple because it was your era? Fine, if you enjoyed those (as I do) which were a little different or if you enjoyed the usual types but one's which had a little more going for them to the usual (but still good) middling, usual types then fine but I am surprised some my favourites have ended up being voted WAY DOWN THE LIST :(

My TOP 5 are probably always going to be the same, although on some viewings I have pondered was this one better than that one I thought was not as good at say 4th or 5th.

Just a few thoughts on My Top 5 Favourites from this series...

I've got PART VIII (8) as my Number 1, but it could easily drop 4 places to 5th on a given set of viewings, there's not much between these TOP 5 for me, but it will never drop below this & is a favourite of mine because ? Well, apart from the first two films in this series (that I saw first & wasn't over impressed by) this one was my first proper introduction to the HOCKEY MASK Jason & although it treads the similar path as most in the series, I found it to have a kind of FUN, LOVE BOAT meets DEATH on THE NILE vibe with JASON & how can you not smile when seeing JASON reach New York :) Fans of this series seem to disagree with me on this one having it a low 9th of these 11, really? Only two are worse than this?

2) JASON LIVES is a SUPER FUN FILM & a well made Friday the 13th outing & thankfully on this one we fans can agree, they having it in 3rd.

3) JASON X as with 'Freddy vs Jason' could have been truly special & it comes close, it's certainly different, after nine previous films it probably needed to be, they took a chance, some didn't like it (fair enough) myself? I LOVED IT. Big Sci-Fi fan as well as Horror & Jason mixing it up in both genres was FUN to watch.

The Beginning set-up is perfect & the last 20 minutes or so are exciting, it's just those middle 40 minutes or so which at times just get a little bogged down with the same thing, like the one with Freddy this is a FUN WATCH but isn't quiet what it could have been...A CLASSIC!

And once again, fans / viewers of it seems once again disagree with me over it, again that's fine, but it's way better & more entertaining than those first two films as well as a good majority of those middling, familiar, usual, outings we had for a good number of these films.

4) FREDDY vs JASON... And although not perfect, as I said they did manage to get these two ICONIC characters together in the same film.

Yes there appear in better films in their individual movie series (JASON's for me can be seen above, but also as I said previously, at times you can watch this & ponder if this might be the BEST in this series? But it tends to come up just short) as for FREDDY? Well that first Nightmare on Elm Street is a darn CLASSIC, although I do favour Elm St 3 & DREAM WARRIORS over it for action / entertainment value but his first was real SPOOKY & ATMOSPHERIC... Still, put 'em together & we got a good outing that's FUN to SEE & others seem to agree with me on this one, having it at a just above middling 5th place.

5) VII : The New Blood... This finds a place in TOP 5 because like the others above (say for JASON LIVES & JASON TAKES MANHATTAN which are more like your usual Jason films but which (for me) were a little more fun & better made) like JASON X & FREDDY vs JASON it's somewhat different, one reviewer mentioned it's like Carrie takes on Jason & to some degree that's about right, but again, I find this entertaining, well made, for what it is & makes up my 5th Best film in the series.

Look, it's clear to see, with the first film still (surprisingly) being considered (by most here) to be the BEST film in this series, it still only rates a 6.4 with only 3 others able to make it to 6.0 or just over, so there's many a casual viewer that has perhaps taken a look at one or another I thought, guy in Hockey Mask killing folks, nah rubbish, not for me, OK, but if your a horror fan, even a casual one? You should be able to find some FUN or ENTERTAINMENT Value in these films...

I very much rate JASON LIVES, JASON TAKES MANHATTAN, JASON X, FREDDY vs JASON and PART VII : A NEW BEGINNING as such & would score all 5 of these at or around the 7 mark.

Hope this helps anyone considering choosing a few for HALLOWEEN Season viewing during October.

None are probably worthwhile enough to warrant playing on the actual night of OCTOBER 31st (just too many way better HORROR MOVIES out there) but should you choose just one?

Perhaps give JASON TAKES MANHATTAN another chance? If not? Then go with 'JASON LIVES' for such a film, it's rather well made.

Now, IF, we might one day, somehow get ALL KINDS of these MODERN & even not so MONSTER VILLIANS together in one HUGE Halloween released (from Mid October) MONSTER MASH-UP Horor film with every character you care to mention & done properly & somehow? Not stupidly? Then a real MONTER MASH UP up on screen altogether would be like seeing a version of MARVEL's 'Avengers' now there's a thought, although strangely...

We already have something like with the FANTASTIC...

'The Monster Squad'

Featuring all your CLASIC MONSTER ICONS & this is a GOODIE.

Back to my CRYPT I go...awaiting that SILVER BULLET which someday will surely head my way ;)
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A true 'cult movie & a guilty pleasure to be sure!
2 June 2023
It's not a good BATMAN film, that said...


It's completely out of whack & different to the other Batman films at this time...Nolan's three really nailed the DARK BATMAN.

This is one COLOURFUL movie...Green's, Red's, Blue's and obviously with an OTT Arnie as Freeze, White's too.

The Bat suits are bonkers.

The Dialogue clunky (yet strangely FUN)

For George Clooney & many male actors this must have been one of those DREAM ROLES he just couldn't turn down (he may wish he had, I'm sort of glad he didn't, he looks & acts awkward & Clooney's a good actor but this was not a role for him & yet at times he's giving it his BEST doesn't work but I can see the FUN in it & I think Mr Clooney can too I understand now)

I mean...How many British actors would turn down the role of JAMES BOND? Not many, thankfully with that franchise we've had no problems (so far) yes even Lazenby is good in OHMSS.

I TOTALLY GET...those that hate the film, can't watch it & think it garbage, compared to BURTON's it fails...and yet perhaps this director was this time trying to go for FULL ON CAMP MODE?

Similar to the 1960's TV series?

If he & the makers intended to head this way with this one?


It's not as FUN CAMP as that original Tv series but they'll be some like me that will know it's NOT a GOOD BATMAN film & yet if you go into knowing it's BATS NUTS, you may just end up smiling through it rather than pulling your hair out.

Supposed to be a BIG BUDGETED Blockbuster Film but ended up being a strangely, curious & unexpected true 'CULT' movie that is a pleasure to be sure & a GUILTY one, for I know I shouldn't but there are a number of things to be found within this film that rather than anger me just makes me laugh & think...



I guess it helps if your an ARNIE fan? I am.

I purchased the original movie poster & still have the full set of 8 U. S. A. Lobby Cards to this day (purchased at a Film Convention soon after released) the poster is one of those naff one's with the characters photo shopped into place around it...but the LOBBY CARDS SET is a work of BEAUTY...

The characters, those colours & some nice posed for shots too (not in the movie) which is unusual for such cards.

Drop your brain off at the door...and give it another go, you may just find yourself smiling throughout it? OR NOT ;)
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I'm reviewing this in MAY of 2023!!! Why? 3D Talk...
14 May 2023
It's a CHRISTMAS FILM to be sure, yet somehow I found myself here reading "The Polar Express" reviews in May, funny what we humans do at times.

I saw this NOT at the cinema & not in 3D (at first) and although the story is the MAIN appeal, it's a lovely & engaging one, concerning how perhaps the MAGIC of Christmas becomes diminished over time with some...

Thankfully, I'm somewhat of a kid at heart still, so I liked it & that magic is still there with me, BUT...there WAS still, SOMETHING OFF...about this FIRST of it's KIND film & I can understand how others saw this & have commented on it here & stated in no uncertain terms that they didn't like it because of it, it can be a little jarring at first.

So, whilst the rendering of the Train, the Wildlife, the Snow & the Countryside are all good, when it comes to the FACE CAPTURE scenes it has to be said that there's a clear problem regarding these, it's now some decades later & these have almost been perfected now so these problems are less now, but these here (created back in 2004 as a first) need time to get used too.

It was at first a LOVE, HATE film for me...Loved everything about it except the HUMAN CHARACTERS or rather the WAY THEY LOOKED, although curiously enough not so much with the Tom Hanks character as the Train's ticket conductor or the Old 'Magical' Tramp type also found on the train, they somehow worked for me regardless of their's like they were like this as part of being the magical, different aspect to the film.

Here's the thing, I later I bought this on Blu-Ray & so clearly the quality was much better than the DVD but it also came with the ability to play a 3D version (some love 3D whilst others clearly don't) the ordinary Blu Ray disc makes little difference as to if you will enjoy this film more, it's sharper but the same character renderings are here even in sharper detail (so this may drive some away even more) although I have found that over time, if you watch this film ENOUGH TIMES it may just be that you grow to (if not like) the rendering of the Human Characters then at least be able to cope with them more, having understood it was a first & that the STORY remains the main appeal...

My Blu Ray copy of this was an early version & was the 3D anaglyph version, so yeah, those carboard blue & red lenses types & although there are clear faults at times with this version, it's a version I have LOVED the most...

Do we get ghosting at times with the outlines of things & characters? We sure do, in fact, I would say for approx. 25% of it it's running times we get these, especially with multiple characters on the train (understandable) and yet I can forgive it this & the colour we obviously use given these old style 3D type glasses because amazingly...

It equalises the characters renderings somewhat...

I wonder if anyone else having watched this 3D version of this film has ever seen or felt this to be the case... It becomes easier to live with the character renderings this way more & although the eyes feel tired after watching this anaglyph old 1950's version of 3D it works for me & is the way I've always watched it during the lead up to Christmas.

I'm aware that a 3D version was later released using the TRUE 3D glasses type, which one assumes would clean up such ghosting? As these glasses are much different... We had a 3D TV & true 3D Blu Ray but sadly by the time this version showed up for sale, our 3D TV had gave up the GHOST ;) sorry couldn't resist, so although we have a number of 3D blu ray discs we have nothing to play 'em on.

Some modern Home Projectors have the capability to play such 3D Blu Ray films still when coupled up to the 3D Blu Ray players?

I have no idea if it's just as simple as that? Or if you need extra synch type stuff to enable you to do so?

Hopefully someone will read this & clear up such things for others & myself....but for now...

This anaglyph 3D Blu Ray disc version is the way I shall continue to watch this truly magical, charming Christmas film (it has it's faults but like I said, strangely for me at least, it also levels up some of those original problems some have with the character renderings, by using through these types of 3D glasses they do seem to lessen such things & the depth draws you in even more, especially on a bigger screen)

Now where did I leave that bell ;) yup I own a Polar Express Bell & I can here it ring :)
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Craig's reign is OVER...So WHO NEXT as 007? More FUN is needed!
2 May 2023
Allowing for the END CREDITS this Bond film clocks in at over two & a half hours and at times it felt like it.

You should NEVER be watching a BOND FILM & thinking oh just get on with it!

That's not to say it's a bad or even a poor film, it isn't, but it seems this was only created to give Craig's version of Bond this FINAL ENDING ;) and how interesting it should involve Danny Boyle's end version of events for this film before he left as director.

There are some interesting moments (that were rumoured) it's beautifully shot, it has some (not many) exciting ACTION scenes but in the end it just left this 007 fan cold & yearning for the more exciting & more interesting of Craig's outings as Bond (Casino Royale & Skyfall)

I read with interest Charlie Higson's thoughts on this film & I think he was right, stating, this was...

"A Bond film now made by folks who are a little embrassed to make a Bond film"

Yet again it was a continuation of this Bond's life story, rather than a new, different & exciting mission.

Frankly this series of Craig's 007 films (so very good early to midway) has just tailed off to a BLAH, I can't wait for the new guy (and we do mean GUY) & hopefully more exciting & fun 007 adventures again.

Charlie went on to say that the BEST BOND FILMS now (or rather best imitation types of Bond films now & which pretty much surpasses them currently) are the "Mission Impossible" one's and he's right to some degree, Ok, there's NO 007, Q, M or Moneypenny to be sure but they're real FUN & ENJOYABLE RIDES to sit through, this was a bit dour & can many Bond fans really say they'll be watching this again many times over? In the years to come, really?

I agree with those who believe Ana de Armas's character almost took this this film from BOND with her character of 'Paloma', she was fun, quirky, exciting & had she had another half hour or so then most of us may well have come away thinking she was the true HIGHLIGHT of this film.

There was much talk of making the beautiful Halle Berry's character from "Die Another Die" (JINX JOHNSON) into a Spin-Off film, that didn't happen but Ana is clearly young enough & fit enough to maybe be given that chance? Should the Bond makers have idea's of trying such a thing? Then they surely she would be the pick to try such an experiment & there are ways of bringing her over into the British Secret Service & there's that stupid idea at one time considered of a...JANE BOND :) yeah really! But it would 'PALOMA' in her own spin off? With a twinkle in her eye (as seen here)

It seems we live in different times & Bond (so the rumours go) is set to become a pay per view TV SERIES :( Well, I'm old style & Bond for me will ALWAYS be a see it at the CINEMA, Big Screen event kind of thing.

"No Time to Die" will be remembered for a few wonderfully executed ACTION scenes, being beautifully filmed & with THAT ENDING...which sadly is not a patch on the unexpected OHMSS ending.

It's a bit of a BLAH Bond film sadly but hopefully the makers will now head back to the single stories & they're FUN, OTT versions I grew up with.


As of now, it seems it's down (possibly) to just TWO...

Henry Cavill who let's be HONEST, would almost certainly make a FANTASTIC BOND & who would set the BOX OFFICE tills ringing WORLDWIDE if he stepped into these shoes.

OR might it be...

Aaron Taylor-Johnson?

It seems that the wind is blowing in his direction right now if the polls are to be believed?

I had to ponder the idea of he as a BOND for quiet awhile as my mind was set on he as Kick Ass, but then it clicked (silly fool) that was some 13 years ago, LOOK AT HIM NOW... Could I see him as the new 007? I surely could & it may well end up being an inspired choice.

This is a very Difficult choice...HOWEVER ;)

I think there's a fellow that sadly has been overlooked, with no mention of he, WHY?

At just 33 he's close to the age required & he has the acting chops to become such a character.

He's a little slight in body (some might think?) but I was one of the fools who when I heard Daniel Craig had been chosen to become the latest Bond, had to look him up & then thought NAH, he's not BOND :) IDIOT, should have given him a chance, I & a good many others were wrong about him...even if this final outing was just so depressing really.

NICHOLAS HOULT is the name, a great name & a splendid actor.

To soon to be BOND? Perhaps a bit too UNKNOWN? To most? Maybe, but let's be honest Craig wasn't exactly a BIG NAME at the time.

ANY of these three I believe could make a RETURN to the more FUN, laid back, not so (let's be honest now( MISERABLE type of 007 that Craig's was during these last few films...

Those Mission Impossible films (GREAT though they are) cannot really continue forever with Tom Cruise in the lead role, for one, with all his amazing personal stunt work in them, he may well end up badly injured or worse, time is against him, so...

Time for 007 to step up & to bring the FUN BACK to these sort of films, which many of us remember as being pure FUN enjoyable escapism spectaculars...MAKE IT SO AGAIN...PLEASE!

My NEXT BOND choice?

If I had to have a bet... I would bet it will be Aaron Taylor-Johnson, with time on his side & he does seems to be the favourite having already made a good impression with his interview & that early filmed (brilliant GUN BARREL sequence) test shot.

Although how can anyone rule out the amazing Henry Cavill?

The BOX-OFFICE is there, already built in for him & if EVER there was a JAMES BOND in waiting? Then he's it & if made well, with inventive Action scenes & a FUN ensemble cast around him, then I'm sure HE could be BRING BACK BOND as many of us would like to see him, easy going, fun, with a twinkling smile & looking like he's actually having fun in the role, sadly Craig just doesn't look like he was having fun here if we're being honest.

Perhaps HOULT at only 33 is one for the future?

So, my pick would be CAVILL but really...any of these three are well capable of returning back to a more fun, easy going manner I think.

I just want the old time FUN BOND FILMS BACK.

Craig was way better than I ever imaged, especially in CASINO ROYALE & SKYFALL...was he the BEST EVER BOND?

How quickly people forget...

CONNERY will take some beating still ;)
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King of Kings (1961)
ONLY 135 Reviews! (currently) for this Wonderful film
7 April 2023
Well, actually, I get it.

It's a RELIGIOUS themed film & of course such things these days are not really so popular & with this film being some 60+ years old I suppose it is understandable that it only gets an airing on TV (if lucky) perhaps just once a year during EASTER.

Curiously, although the religious aspect will no doubt put many off from watching it, there is no doubting that this film (if given a chance) would appeal to many movie fans...

I echo the sentiments most here have stated by these surprisingly low reviewed numbers...

For starters it is Beautiful to look at.

It is Engaging & Emotional with some truly wonderful stand out scenes & acting by many a good old timer & young talent (at the time)

Raised a CATHOLIC the story will always be an interesting & touching one for me.

Do I still believe in such things? A ONE TRUE GOD? And that this man 'Jesus' was his SON? Sent down to enlighten people.

Let's be HONEST...even some CATHOLICS find it difficult to believe in such things with the story being a fantastical one but it seems when it comes down to it things it's simply saying...

LOOK AFTER ONE ANOTHER to the BEST of your abilities.

Catholic or NOT i think that's a worthwhile cause...

Some 2,000 years later are we any better as a species? A little YES but it seems we have a long way to go before we final realise the NONSENSE of such HISTORY we have show to repeat over & over again needs to end before we are truly to break free as a species worthy of taking it's place among the COSMOS.

Watched it again today (GOOD FRIDAY) over on good old BBC2 & although my belief in such things is up in the air I do still find this a very moving film that DESERVES some LOVE so although I had no intention to write up this review I thought I would do so.
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Took me damned near 45 Years to see this movie...was it worth it?
6 March 2023
It damned well wasn't.

I'm pretty sure I wanted to go & see this movie back in 1977 (aged 9) and it was all down to the Movie poster...

Back then MOVIE Cinema Posters were really something to behold with the likes of 'Tom Chantrell' providing spectacular, colourful ARTWORK types which seemed to work, the Doug McClure fantasy films I went to see were mainly thanks to those 1970's Chantrell UK Quad Posters which i still adore to this day...and SAD to say...

The Poster this time was the BEST thing about it.

I did like the fact I think another rip off film followed this & I could done with more ACTION with this thing.

It's not's just simply disappointing.

Fairly boring actually but there's a few scenes that get a tick but overall I was dreadfully let down by this effort.

Damn ;)
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Star Trek: Picard: Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2 (2020)
Season 1, Episode 10
Season 1 Finale that delivers an interesting ending to it
18 January 2023
10 Episodes in ALL.

It was clear from the 1st episode that this version of PICARD was heading into darker territory & Patrick Stewart delivers a superb performance throughout it all, ending with this one...

I'm shocked to find some numpties rating this episode 1's and the reasons behind doing so are so is banal as to make their scores a JOKE & WORTHLESS...may as well as scored it a 0.

Seems to me there are many that did not see the original series of Star Trek : The Next Generation during the 1990's judged by some reviews and that's OK, some still enjoyed it, but others perhaps didn't pick up on PICARD's JOURNEY into later (older) LIFE as we older types were able to having followed him for years, if they did & found this new series without merit? (after scoring a 1 for this episode alone & just as low for this season) well it's is pathetic.

Others perhaps never saw ST TNG and PICARD & the Gang and so came to it (as i say) with new eyes but still, if they did so & rated it as low or as close to this too then I am aghast.

These Days you watch the whole lot (ALL 10 Episode's) in one go, I spread it out a little to take in what i had watched (3 days) whilst back in the day you had to wait a full week (7 whole days) to watch your next 45 minute adventure...

It's different & maybe some of the younger crowd didn't quiet get where this was going? Or simply couldn't connect with the journey & the QUESTIONS being asked here...

Old Age for many is HARD & LONELY & even CRUEL... Picard was well rewarded for his role in Star Fleet but even he was finding things a little stale on this vineyard of his...

Is this NOT what all Old Folks miss & still HOPE FOR?


Picard was of course standing by his policy of trying to PROTECT EVERYONE...whatever they were & were they came from & THAT was a good part of this new story for him (especially after what had happened on MARS)

Young Folks are used to the latest technology & it seems would except interfaces into or on their bodies... But how far would they be prepared to go?

Some interesting QUESTIONS i thought in this first season of PICARD with the Romulans seriously at odds with such AI's & of all the people who should be afraid of such...

PICARD (having become BORG) was willing to DEFEND such Artificial Intelligence & without spoiling the ending (those that will have seen it will know it came FULL CIRCLE of a sorts)

GREAT CAST SUPER STORY...Not as much ACTION as expected but that's OK if the story makes one think about things... And PATRICK STEWART especially at nearly 80 Years Old was superb.
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Rogue One is the 'EMPIRE' of all the other Star Wars films
25 September 2022
Gareth Edwards shouldn't he have already been signed up for future Star Wars films by now?

I rate J. J. Abrams & his reinvention of the Star Trek films worked (for me), but if i may be so bold, he perhaps should have stayed within the Trek Universe rather than move over to the Star Wars one.

I'm not a hater of SWTFA, in fact I rather enjoyed it but after all that has been said & done regarding that filmit was basically a rehash of the original A New Hope (to some degree) if we are being honest but it got things safely back on screens...

This film "ROGUE ONE" is something else.

It's the "Empire Strikes Back" of all the other Star Wars films that have followed 'The Return of the Jedi'

It is the film I have re-watched over & over again more than any of these others that came after Jedi.

How this guy (Gareth Edwards) has not been put in charge again of another Star Wars film is beyond me, like many others here reviewing this film we know this is damn well nearly PERFECT.

I shall whisper this quietly but for my money it is the 3rd Best film in the entire Star Wars saga & even then ONLY JUST and at times I do even feel it deserves to be right up there with the Original Star Wars film & it's fantastic sequel EMPIRE.

This was director Gareth Edwards last cinema release film!!!

How very, very strange & then one learns that this film ranks as one of only 50 films to ever make it past the ONE BILLION DOLLARS mark (said in a Dr Evil voice of course) perhaps it was Gareth's choice?

I noticed his next film is due for release next year (some 7 years after Rogue One) called "True Love" which seems to be a sci-fi love story.

Best of Luck with this one Gareth, but what in the world happened here?

Most Star Wars fans have a real LOVE for what he created here, the atmosphere, the direction, the story, the acting, he's a special effects guy (a good one too) and he probably even had a hand in those too? Yet he seems to have been shunned after this film was released despite it becoming somewhat of 'cult' classic already.

A cult classic that became one of the TOP 40 movie money makers of ALL TIME if we can have such a thing? Well, if we can? Then this is it.

Let's show some LOVE for Mr Gareth Edwards who really did bring STAR WARS back to something akin to those originals we so fondly remembered.

The folks at Disney could create much good will if they got him back in the director's chair...can you image COMIC CON & Gareth back as director of a Star Wars film? The one's who know would GO CRAZY!

So a BIG THANK-YOU to you Gareth, along with the cast & crew & everyone else involved in this terrific Star Wars film & for giving us what is a very re-watchable & enjoyable film with that killer ending :( Sad but satisfying & then we got that end scene!

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Arrival (II) (2016)
"It has ET's...But no SPACE but it is really a very interesting Time Travel movie"
28 March 2017
A proper grown up Science Fiction film is this but i do appreciate it won't be for everyone (as in there is very little ACTION)

This film headed in a direction i had not expected with the 'TIME' element added into the mix and it made for a most unusual & brilliantly grown up SF story.

Gosh you LOOK AT THE WORLD currently & you wonder if we will ever be worthy of being visited by ET's such as this?

Is it any wonder they're keeping their distance.

The special effects are especially well done... The alien creatures (Abbott & Costello) are cleverly filmed & if such a species (looking somewhat like this) exists out there then WOW will that be a mind-blower should we ever discover them?

My sister and i had a long conversation over this one...

It should create much debate among you more intellectual types too... Time itself? Well we humans believe we have a grasp on this thing we refer to as TIME, it's linear right? Must be...the timelines we must all travel down, surely?

As i write this it is the year 2022 and so clearly 2023 is nearly a year away BUT WHAT IF IT ISN'T?

What if Time is NON LINEAR...What does this mean?

Well that's the thing, we humans could not truly understand & get to grips with this scenario (right now) as we seem to percieve a quiet different version...the LINEAR version (timeline one) Should we one day find out the majority of us are WRONG (and somehow? We are ALL living in NON LINEAR TIME) the fact remains that we have all been travelling along & believing that timeline one is the one we are on.

So how does one get their heads around that?

That ALL OF TIME could be TAKING PLACE at the SAME TIME in our Universe right now.

So the the Great Wall of China as i write this is actually being built as i do so! That's NUTS! How can that be? That's a version of the past, perhaps in the future i am still typing crappy Imdb reviews of films with my arthritic fingers aged 80 at the same time as i do so here & now...Hey did i change my mind about this film? I can't reply although if we are simply living within our own type of mini bubbles that form a whole big collective one? Then perhaps somehow we may one day be able to access them? Past, present? Huh?

Or future.

That's a MINDBENDER isn't it? Should it ever be confirmed we are living a NON LINEAR Time existance! Especially as everyone feels like we are NOT, how does that work?

Well wouldn't know any better anyway.

As anyone that sees this film might understand, it kinda means WE (You & I) are already a tight, neatly bundled DATA PACKAGE of EVERYTHING.

One consisting of our memories of our past & present actions but NOT our or anyone else's future one's (yet as we percieve it BUT they TOO have ALREADY TAKEN PLACE)

If this is the case you could almost compare us to all to being on a HUGE USB DATA stick with EVERYTHING within our Universe having already taken place.

And with that...comes SO MANY MORE QUESTIONS right?

How did such a thing come into being...As we might be able to understand it...What's the FINAL MOMENTS on such a stick ;)

NON LINEAR will mess with your head but it's an interesting discussion? I think ;)

This TIME aspect of this film IS WHAT MAKES THE FILM so very interesting.

But it will (as i remarked earlier) BORE the hell out of some people.

ET's are here too but are they from our Universe? One might assume so but who knows?

Perhaps there are many such Universes, some within our realm , some not (known as in Inter-Dimensional) so perhaps this is from where the NON LINEAR experiences of them comes from?

"So Hannah this is where your story begins...and despite knowing where it leads i embrace it, but i don't now believe in beginnings & endings"

And there ya have it...with that you see with the knowledge she already knows SHE CAN MAKE THOSE (what some might still think is a CRAZY CHOICE to still have the child) but it now becomes clear to her that this choice HAS ALREADY BEEN TAKEN & there is little she can do about it.

This film has some good messages but looking at the World right now...such things are falling on deaf ears.

I wonder should i ever read this back next year if i will be cursing RUSSIA or CHINA or even both for creating pain & death over a silly LAND GRAB.

Will plastics still be manufactured & littering our towns, countryside, beaches, seas, FOOD...which yup get back to us & our insides (can't be healthy) Some still say our Planet is warming NATURALLY...BS, we have DATA showing WE (Humans) have done so but still we (or rather those that rule these bigger countries that could make the DIFFERENCE) will not do anything to put this right.

WE NEED TO LEARN TO GET ON WITH EACH OTHER...but it's GREED & POWER that still exists on this PLANET.

This film tells us to TREASURE & REMEMBER THOSE MOMEMENTS IN TIME that bring us happiness, joy, enlightenment & even excitement to us all at times in our lives, these might only be glimpsing for some of us (sadly) but HOLD ONTO THEM DEAR (if at all possible) for they are WHAT MAKES Us...US.

It is a Terrific & Thought provoking film & one i LOVED from the very first time i saw it.

AMY ADAMS knocked this one out of the park with her performance here but because it was a Science Fiction genre film those ACADEMY VOTERS overlooked her, they shouldn't have.

BLADE RUNNER 2049 was in GOOD HANDS after all, a very worthy sequel...and then he went on to film 'DUNE' which recieved rave reviews & hopefully PART 2's conclusion will be even better & get even more bums on seats back in the CINEMA.

So 80 year old me...How did you like the remake of the remake of DUNE? ;)
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NOTHING Like "THE THING" what? who wrote that? more like "THE BORING"
25 September 2016
I had read somewhere (it was probably the same folks that gave it 4 stars on the DVD cover?) that this was an interesting and good (4 star film) FORGET IT I very rarely spend the energy & time to review anything BAD but when it's truly BAD or just annoyingly BAD then every now & again I will address the issue...i'm a LOVER not a HATER.

But this is so BORING & BAD that I just thought i'd give a heads up to anyone else thinking of picking it up (even on the cheap) or watching it on TV....DON'T.

It's been stated it's similar to John Carpenter's superb classic "The Thing"!!! now what film was that reviewer watching? because this is NOTHING like that film except they try to copy a good few scenes and turn them into a yawn fest.

Clearly a very cheaply mounted film with sadly nothing to redeem it except for the strangest most weird ending featuring a favourite Christmas animal :) I've reviewed over 40 films now...and many don't agree with my reviews and I don't mind but i'd be truly amazed to find one out there that disagreed with this one.

Of those 40+ I have reviewed only 3 where BAD one's..."THE FOG" remake which I just wish could be erased forever! "A GOOD DAY TO DIE HARD" which is the stupidest DIE HARD film they could have ever made! it didn't even feature McClain at it's heart it was his dumb son (I had to disapprove of that one!) and then "PARANORMAL ACTIVITY" which like this my 4th BAD review is just so damn boring! A good percentage of you out there could turn out a better script & story than this silly twist on THE THING, which will just make you laugh sadly as you watch it, still can't believe I got through it to the end but I did and for that I deserve a GOOD drink.

You'll be SORRY if you try to sit through this...

Something found in the ice (never properly explained) a scientist guy arrives late to the scene just in time for the workers to walk out, cat dies, it's having an effect on the team, they go crazy, shoot & harm themselves due to the VIRUS type THING (yup that's all it is) more shots of walks into the woods and around the snowy cabin, another guy shoots himself in the face, a strange talking creature turns up (not pulling a sleigh) and the traps talked about for a few seconds in the movie gets the final guy in the END...BIG DEAL.

A Cigarette Packet script & it gets a 1 from me but it's close to a 0.

BLESS you 3 folks (currently, sorry if any of you were involved or took part in this film but you just gotta be HONEST)
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NOT another Good MARVEL Movie? surely? well YES Actually
12 September 2016
My memory is not what it was but as I see it there's only ever been one poor MARVEL movie (Iron Man 2) and even that at times was entertaining.

So what of CAPTAIN America : CIVIL WAR?

To me it plays out as almost two movies in one...

PART ONE is an interesting, almost action free debate on how far the Avengers can go and on who's terms? this could have been a little boring for many Marvel fans but it's intelligently & entertainingly done and sets up Part Two perfectly...

PART TWO This is what MARVEL does best...putting up on screen that which many of us dreamed of back in the 1970's & 80's as a young lad. It's true it's not actually an Avengers movie in words but it's as close as you can get without ever calling it such (only HULK & THOR two terrific characters are missing here...but i think in THOR : RAGNOCK we are about to find out why they were not here) We also get an almost scene stealing turn from Spiderman (pretty much as we remember in the comics...wisecracking and commenting on pretty much everything he does, he's even picked up on it as a kinda in-joke)

ANT-MAN shows up in a fun cameo and boy has he grown :) This scene on the airport runway was FUN with a capital F.

Is it as good as CAPTAIN America : A WINTER SOLDIER?

Tough call, this is a little different with the quieter & thoughtful first half but I LOVE that MARVEL at least tried to consider things and tone down the BIG SFX showdown's until the final half which still leaves our two sides poles apart and us wondering well what happens now?

SUPER onto DOCTOR STRANGE and let's just hope that it's more trippy and better than simply an INCEPTION clone? with all the buildings twisting and turning...there must be more to this? the different dimensions and trippy effects are being held back I guess from the trailers? we'll see but the lead role looks nailed on to be good, just need the story and staging to be as good as Cumberbatch almost certainly will be.
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Lost in Space (1998)
GREAT Ship, FUN Story & Characters...Give it a Go
12 September 2016
I saw this back in the cinema back in 1998 I liked it then and although parts are a bit wobbly (the special effects at times & Penny's video diaries) overall I still find it GREAT Fun today.

Get the home projector out and Give it a Go...

The special effects at times now look a bit dated but some still hold up well today, I loved the Jupiter tribute at the beginning (original TV design ship becomes a super duper modern one when it reaches high Earth orbit)

Most of the characters are super Fun...

Matt LeBlanc's best film playing the macho character Don West

William Hurt as the father is terrific (he's always been a good actor)

Heather Graham a spunky, sexy lady and more than a match for poor Don.

Mimi Rogers as the mother with a bit of attitude.

Gary Oldman as Dr Zachary Smith is entertaining viewing "GIVE MY REGARDS TO OBLIVION" (i'm sure Tom Cruise would approve)

Even Will Robinson (Jack Johnson) has something about him here.

The real weak links (sadly) are Penny Robinson & the stupid and badly done Blarb creature but if you can overlook them or at least live with them? there's a lot of fun to be had here...

A super ship, good cast & some terrific scenes in which the crew encounter a huge ship occupied by a swarm of metal spiders, a crash landing on an ice planet, time travel and a GREAT ending with the Jupiter 2 making it's way through the Planet (that's breaking up) only to encounter a black hole! oh and the early pre-title sequence is good too with Major Don West helping his mate in a space battle :)

Keep your eyes peeled for cameo's from three of the original TV series cast members (the mother shows up as Will is messing with his computer device turning her into Rambo etc) and the two daughters from this 1960's series show up as reporters at the launch.

This is for me an under-rated and FUN sci-fi adventure movie far more deserving of a rating higher than the current 5.1.

I give it a solid 7.
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Entertaining...Like a GOOD TV Episode but with a bigger Budget...UHURA & Dr McCOY steal it!
12 September 2016
No JJ direction this time out but "Star Trek : Beyond" is still a great deal of fun!

Simon Pegg helped to write the script & did a good job (with fun lines given to ALL the characters) as did the director (that early trailer with the motorcycle gave a completely false look to this film and this scene is actually entertaining & NOT as silly as it first seems)

I LOVED the pre-title sequence segment with those MASSIVE Lion like CREATURES :) highly amusing & very well done I thought (I am kinda digging these 007 Bond like pre-title sequences for these newer Trek movies, i loved the JJ's first Trek one with Kirk's father & then Into Darkness with Spock trying to save the primitive planet)

The attack on the Enterprise here (the BEST Spaceship in the MOVIES) is again superb and Space Station York Town is really something to behold (a truly amazing creation)

This is the film in which they get the Kirk, Spock & McCoy vibe back together and something akin to the original TV Series...a GOOD thing but in fact the WHOLE CAST are again superb.

Karl Urban is simply a joy as Dr McCoy and he get's some wonderful quips & lines here as he is partnered with Spock, an officer who is thinking things over after receiving some bad news that should (if your a Trek fan) get the tears's done in a very respectful & classy way.

Kirk too is thinking things over and he is paired up with Checkov (Anton, god bless ya you got the very send-off you deserved) I was expecting pretty much just a 'Kaptain on the Bridge' but he got a whole lot more screen time here than I thought he would. I will miss him in future films he took on Walter's role and gave it a lovely quirky twist that somehow worked, rest easy sir. And PLEASE don't replace HIM...HONOUR this wonderful young actor by retiring Checkov in a cool way somehow? perhaps Jayla can now help Sulu pilot the Enterprise now? she was great fun here.

For me though Uhura very nearly steals the picture, Zoe Saldana is sensational, she's beautiful & she is one COOL & INTELLIGENT lady but more serious here than we've ever seen her before and with a whole lot to do and doing it well...SHE is TERRIFIC!

Idris Elba is clearly a good actor (and I for one would not mind seeing him as BOND) but for me his character has been the weakest of the three villains so far in the JJ era of Trek films.

In the first we had Eric Bana as a real menacing & revengeful Romulan, in "Into Darkness" we really got two terrific bad guys in the forms of Benedict Cumberbatch & the real villain of that film Peter Weller who was truly menacing.

Idris here is good with what he's given to do (he couldn't do anything better than he does) and helps this story which in the end comes down to the bonds that tie this group of people together, he is not one of your classic oh wow! baddies but he is good even though it becomes fairly clear what he is and where this film was going.

Sofia Boutella as I said is FUN as Jaylah and clearly clicks well Kirk (might we just see her on board the Enterprise next time?)

There are rumours that the next Trek film might see Kirk's father re-enter the frame (I do hope it's not just a time travel picture but something a little more cerebal?)

I think an interesting dynamic would be also bring back Dr Carol Marcus(ALICE EVE) especially if Jayla's onboard too? THAT could be fun with Kirk in the middle ;)

Overall STAR TREK BEYOND might not be quiet as big in scope as the first two JJ films but what this clearly does is riff off the close crew / cast (it actually looks like they like each other on and off screen? and it shows)

THIS is Fun & a Good, Entertaining & worthy addition to the Trek films ranking just ever so slighty below the first JJ Trek film (with Bana) and Into Darkness (with Weller) but there's not much in it and if anything this is the film which gets that Enterprise TV vibe back like it used to be...surely a GOOD THING.

BEYOND deserves my 9 out of 10

I can't wait for Star Trek 4, oh but wait though haven't we had that already? "There be Whales Captain" :)
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Clint Eastwood can do NO Wrong in my Eyes
19 April 2016
I'm one of Clint's biggest fans and he does not disappoint with this hard hitting direction of this biopic film.

The American Sniper of the title Bradley Cooper proves he's become one of the best actors out there, there are so many scenes here that are difficult to watch.

Everyone assumes Clint is this BIG All-Action figure of a Man and let's be honest back in the 60's, 70's & 80's he was, a huge Iconic American Actor & Director but he proved with 'Unforgiven' he was a thought provoking man too...this was a tricky film to take on but everyone concerned in the making of this film are to be applauded.

War is NOT pretty or easy HOWEVER Good you are and this guy was incredible, he's confident, good and even a little cocky but over his different tours of duty the reality of the situations he's placed in wears him down...the scene featuring the kid and the woman holding the bomb is one i'm sure they all to sadly saw and it happens again with a young child and a rocket launcher...I can't even imagine being in that scenario.

Clint's always been a good director (took good notes from Don Seigel and others) and this is a more modern direction from Clint, a marked difference from the likes of 'Play Misty for Me' I didn't even realise it was Sienna Miller at first (the wife) and she is brilliant (the look on her face at the end of the film as that guy turns up at the house is chilling) Clint doesn't even mind courting controversy as the brother finally follows his brother (Cooper) and bad mouths the USA, right now all is not good with the USA (as I write this Donald Trump still has a chance of becoming the President of the United States! what? I pray and hope the Good American People will come to their senses)

This is a terrific film made by one of my all-time favourite actors & confident directors and you'd be a fool to miss it, a word of warning though, the tears may well fall by the end....EMOTIONAL Stuff.
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There are Echoes of 'ALWAYS' & is a Wonderfully Schmaltzy Romantic Film
19 April 2016
Admission, I had no intention of watching this film but upon the recommendation of my sister I am so glad that i did.

Romantic films for the most part are not for me but there are exceptions (Steven Spielberg's 'ALWAYS' is just about as damned near perfect as you can get and is an under-appreciated American Gem) It may well be that Blake Lively looks back on this film in many many years to come and thinks...Yes that was my best film & performance, most actors & actresses realise a moment in time in which they're at their best and this might be hers.

No question about it, this is schmaltzy (but wonderfully so) there's plenty of sentiment here but why not? these kind of films demand it, done wrong they can be awful to sit through, done right (as here) they can work wonderfully and send you to bed happy and feeling GOOD with the World.

The set designs are superb (the Drive-In scene is exquisite) the acting is spot on with Harrison Ford as one reviewer remarked back on form, Michael Huisman as Ellis is terrific, i wasn't sure i was going to like him for the first few minutes but you realise he's a good guy and he reacts lovingly to Adaline (Blake is both beautiful and in the Zone here) It has some similarities with 'Somewhere in Time' and the said 'Always' but it holds it's own with these and is a nice addition to the Fantasy Romantic Film Category.

The film is wonderfully bookended with the story about the comet.
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