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I am a Smosh fan and i tried my best to enjoy. In vain
27 July 2015
I am a moderate smosh fan. Watched nearly all of their videos in youtube. The biggest puzzle of this movie is Ian and Anthony acted the way which is alien to me. Looked like they were being forced to act, absolute zero emotion and crappy dialogs. Were they nervous ? They are far more better than this in their youtube videos ! Who wrote the story ? Even their food battle videos makes sense than this predictive, humorless story. Seriously guys, you can do better than this on live camera ! The reason i like smosh videos is that they bring absolute absurd scenarios to life and make fun of almost everything. In this movie, there is none of that. Looks like someone saw 5 minute smosh video for the first time, tick some checkboxes. Wiener joke ? Check. Taking dump on car ? Check. Ian laughing at people ? Check. OK boys, story is written. Now glue your faces and start acting. The regular smosh family could have pulled a better short film. Seriously, Their foreign food test videos are better. I heard there are some true fan materials in the movie, like pokemon throwback or whatever. Who cares ?
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Now we are getting genre in animation
22 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
What so say. The movie is so splendid. No wonder it made 2 nominations ! First of all, the animation itself. Much like corpse bride, it has some kind of eccentric artwork. Everything looks not normal, but somehow it fits ! Animation is not the best of the world, yet you feel there are some class into it. Characters models feel like they came from year old scrapbook of an artist, as if he didn't put a lot of polish. Yet he had a lot of fun while drawing it. Music was , as always, superb. I always ended up hearing too many times that i now need break to hear them again haha. Same thing happened again in another french movie: A monster in Paris. But that's another masterpiece of lighting effect and music. Overall story ? Well, story is not genuine and not unpredictable, although the ending is not as you'd expect from a animation movie, where happily ever after is common. While the story is not so great, it's the little things that makes most of the time grate to watch. It's 19th century, the age of mechanical craftsmanship. Transistors, chips, electricity was sci-fi. It's good to see how the mechanical dreams were represented in the movie. Surgically fit a clock into a human body ? Awesome ! I always loved mechanical machines, the cogs, the wheels. I really liked how they put this things with a complex matter like love. The movie also made some great Easter eggs for people who really care. Like the movie "Hugo", it showed some early tries of movie making by the magician. Like the spaceship hits the moon, in the eye. It's the classical plot in Hugo and again i saw it in here. I'm not a movie historian, but surely there are some important hints this movies are giving us. I'd love to understand all that ! This movie is too boring for children, and kickass generation of this days, and probably meh for adults who watch movie only for their children. It also doesn't have the polish that pixar movies has. But surely this is another little private achievement for me. I'm a animation nerd, and i'm feeling deeper emotions with this kind of movies. Better movies out there ? Yes ! There are. But to me, a single moment in a movie can win my heart, as let it go from frozen, la seine from A monster in Paris, now Flames with glasses in this movie. Keep em coming ! I said genre is coming to animation. Why ? This movie doesn't fit into normal animation movies. Like you can't say anime is cartoon. It's too much generalization. This movie is too eccentric. Surely there are wise people out there sorting this movies into categories. I feel this movie deserves it !
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Gunday (2014)
21 February 2014
The first sequence that comes in this movie is pretty surprising. It defies every possible facts about the birth of Bangladesh. It was never a war between India and Pakistan. It was a liberation war, and it was fought by our brave people. It was a huge resistance we admire to our heart. We always welcome and remember India for helping us during war, but it never deny the facts nor accept the fiction war between two other countries.

I never see Indian movies because they are always low par on quality. They always throw something on the mud to start a movie hoping that it'll find along its way. I never had the intention to see this movie but this time they throw something on the mud that is very important to me. I can only say to the director of the movie is if you need to make a 3rd grade chick flick movie don't put serious staff on it. Why bring liberation war ? your movie is about dancing around and hanging around and doing stupid staff anyway !
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Not Bad !
8 December 2013
I mean, the animation is not top AAA class but it doesn't look like puppet dancing either. Character animation was okey, their texture was also good for kids i guess. But the magician was i guess was too much animated. I mean, he looked like came from some Arabian nights movies. Scripts was not witty. Voice was sometimes terrible. But when you really want to watch it with open mind and put all AAA class movies aside from mind like Disney makes, you'd rather enjoy it ! Disney, pixer or Dreamworks put a lot of money into production and i was rather surprised to see they made it out of so little money ! And it was not a How to train your dragon rip of either, both are totally different. The story is predictable though.
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great laugh in a busy life
8 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This kind of movies remind me of the good days of Hollywood, when there was no cgi graphic boom boom. A movie - of complete fun. A 6 star - out of 10 only represents how much morons live in this world who got no humor.Rowan Atkinson is great,flawless in every single frame. i really get amazed how old he is actually, coz i saw him in TV screen since my childhood - but he is still the same. How come ! He , and his movies - are legend. I don't know about others, but i want this kind of little laughs - at least they don't hurt. A must - see movie. Not only there is laugh - but there is more ! Mr. Beans is now in 2007, so the circumstances and public reaction of his weirdo things have changed. So we now see MR. bean running from polices when he was caught in security cam. I don't want you to be more spoiled... so watch it and see it fr yourself !
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My Girl (1991)
A sweet sad movie that makes me cry
24 January 2010
Well, you are a lot of review about this movie aren't you? Some told you it is good, some told you bad.

I advise you to watch the movie. Especially the last 30 mins of the movie. If you can hold your tears in that time, i guarantee you, you can be a Mr.Hitler in no time and burn the world.

Just skip what bad people said about the movie. Don't watch the movie to judge it or check the errors. WATCH THE MOVIE LIKE NORMAL PEOPLES DO. Enjoy it, cry with it. Then you can truly enjoy the movie.

The movie things are all fake isn't it? i mean, the characters,story.... But i watched it 5 years ago and still i believe i saw a true,sad spectacular story happened to my life.
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Peter Pan (2003)
The movie is a emotional journey to teenage problems.
23 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The movie make a 100 year old book alive by making a total internal change.

How? By making Peter and Wendy 13 year olds. Then the movie discovered what happens when a 13 year old teen girl who is desperate to be away from horrible grown up things, met a boy of timeless dreamland.

Peter is the first boy in Wendy's life. He's amazing and funny and ignorant about many things. Wendy accepted his "never-grow-up-have-fun-forever" invitation to neverland. But she does have a romantic feeling over Peter. She want feeling from Peter as they are "father and mother" of lost boys.So does Peter, but is too embarrassed to say or think it deeply. And he has a playful life what he likes most.

Peter finally had a clash with Wendy what was inevitable. Wendy loves Peter and she finally wants Peter to grow up. Peter also seems devastated by the new foreign feelings about Wendy. He got confused. One time he banishes wendy, next time he makes sure wendy can't return to her house. And then there is enemy hook, who beats Peter at least one point - a grown up person, not a deep feelingless boy like Peter.

Wendy gets Peter's answer very rudely and tried to return home. The pirates caught her with lost boys. Peter goes to save her.An epic fight began. But something happened.

Though he is a 13 year boy, and always gave a "no-i-am-not-in-love" and "timeless-countless-joys" impression to wendy, he DOES have feelings for wendy. Hook soon realized it. He asked Peter some questions during the fight.the questions contain some answers Peter was too scared to hear.

Wendy was leaving him. She will grow up. the nursery window will be shut. There will be another man with wendy, not Peter.....

This thoughts made Peter sick. Peter never bothered to ask Wendy if she loves him. Maybe then it's his fault. He thought "If i would accept Wendy's love... wait...that's impossible...i doesn't wanna grow up....but don't want to see wendy with another man...."

Peter is boy and never had a deep thought before. He soon fall. Hook make a final drama to kill him. But again, something happened between Peter and Wendy that changed the storyline.

Wendy said "Peter, i must grow up. But this is for you, and always will be." And then she kissed him. Now, this scene is a debating subject for critics. But i like to tell, if you were Wendy what would you do when your loved one dying? Examine the drama-o-meter and sex-o-meter?

The boy get thousand answers from the kiss. Ya he might not grow up with wendy, but surely got her heart forever. That's enough.

The fight was over. the lost boys and wendy returned home. Peter too, in his home, with a new foreign feeling called "love".

Now let's go though some questions.


Because it is a 2003 production.the book is 100 years old. it contains internal message for kids that are too old now. Also, it is waste book for teenagers.

The movie targets especially teenagers.The book refers 5 year Wendy who has grown up problem. The movie changed it to 13 year old. Now that is more sensible. Because 13 is the age when we start to have deep feelings and starts our journey to adulthood, not in our fifth year of our life. the age conversion is also compatible with the romantic theme settled between Peter and Wendy in the movie. 13 is the age we face the ultimate problem of our life - grow up.13 is also the age we start to like the new foreign feelings that crush our mind and thoughts.

The movie discovered those problems by the main characters and make a beautiful finish.It show the romance what is practical in the 13 year age bracket.

The movie also has a beautiful message. And it also make a question mark over the original book. Now in the original book, Peter flies back to neverland, keep taking Wendy's child,grandchild and so on.

What kind of career the author gave Peter? He is alone in the neverland. Because fairies has a short life, lost boys and pirates are gone. Wendy's gone too. What the hell he do then in the neverland. Play with himself?

This is an incomplete finishing of a beautiful story where a playful boy got a tiring, alone life whose job is to keep taking children of Wendy.

The movie also fixed that. It deleted the finishing part of the book and make a sad romantic end. It alos make some beautiful quotes.

"Peter has countless joys but other children will never know...."

"Peter was looking particularly at one joy which he would be forever parted...."

It contains a very beautiful message to teens. Growing up is not so horrible business. It is beautiful. You can be young in your heart forever. Not growing up? Be peter - a lonely boy who know how horrible it is to watch your loved ones growing old and dying and you have to bear those memories forever.

2. "This movie has too much love aspect...." - critics

True. But it is cast by 13 year teens. Can you guys remember your 13 year teen life memory? The movie is for teens, not for children. For that it has practical scenes that should happen when a 13 year boy and a girl met. No where in the movie the romance got unbearable. The romance was necessary - it made a 100 year old story more compatible and sensible to teens.

3. For teens?

Yes. It converts children-grown-up-problem to teen-grown-up-problem. More sensible and deep. It is a emotional journey of teenage problems.
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