
4 Reviews
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Like having my intestines removed through my nostrils
1 December 2020
Devoid of humor, dreadful. Aubrey Plaza, Ben Stiller... you broke my heart.
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Really nice - watch it for yourself.
29 December 2018
Went to see this for the creative angle, didn't expect much due to negative reviews, but I really liked it!
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Begin Again (II) (2013)
A refreshing film ...without explosions?
7 July 2014
I knew virtually nothing about this film - hadn't even seen the trailer - when I drug my wife to see it last night, and we were both very pleasantly surprised. The characters are drawn in such a way that they are both like-able and relatable. In the end, the film builds emotion with the audience not by means of incredible stretches of the imagination, but through a gradually reinforced empathy. I have seen all the summer blockbusters, and the single largest failure in most of them is that they create shallow characters that the audience does not care about.

The dynamics used in this movie cause an engagement in the audience that is necessary in ANY film for it to be great. This one is not to be missed in the CGI-filled summer.
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Holy Crap, what a waste of time...
2 July 2014
JULY 02, 2014

A stench of anti-substance so pungent it causes one to recoil wafts up from this festering pile of nonsense. Was there a real storyline? Not of any note. Was there depth to ANY of the characters? Absolutely not. Was there a smokin' hot chick? Well... yeah.

It was a strung together bunch of shallow characters who had earned no emotional investment from the audience, punctuated with explosions at every turn. The whole bit about father being overprotective was just way overdone, to the point of it being a parody of itself.

***Possible vague spoilers below, but how can one spoil something that's already gone so very bad?***

Ascribing human personalities to these ancient beings is also absurd - for instance, we now have Autobots in the flavors of bearded hillbilly and samurai warrior. I can appreciate that yes, it is a comic-book movie. And yes, they will stretch credulity. The point is, even in cartoons credulity does have an elastic limit. They should keep machines as,.. well, as machines. No human personalities and character traits, if you please.

Finally, we have the length of this awful, awful bit of directorial self-indulgence. I liken this film to being subjected to that torture I've heard of where they tie you down to a rack and tie a bowl over your torso with a rat in it. Eventually, you just pray for it all to end, but the torture continues until the end is just a distant fantasy and you reconcile yourself to a purgatory of hopeless agony.

...I do not recommend this movie. anyone.
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