
13 Reviews
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Very stupid repetition the whole program. Waste of time to watch.
6 August 2023
It is really waste of time to watch this. Same things repeat and repeat. The same photos and video inserts are seen dozens of times just to get enough duration.

This "document" is the worst I've seen. If you fast forward the video so that you see the picture, you see how the same images and drawings appear at certain intervals again and again.

Once upon a time, a great movie was made about the serial killer Zodiac, in which the killer had the same sign, which is seen several times in the drawings of this documentary. You can see better made documents in Youtube made by amateurs than in this.
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Unfriended (2014)
Pling-plong-fuii-bleeb-pingg-fiuuu-fujuu-blonk-plunk . . .
25 May 2018
What a heck? Do people really use all these freeking sounds? If you hate these sounds, do not watch this film. It makes you feel crazy. All right, I am 65 yrs so that explains a lot but usually my sons tell ME to mute these kind of sounds in my computer. So I have the feeling that younger people do not keep these on at all. Why an Earth do you really need those? Do you really follow different sounds so you know what happened or are these just background noise you wanty to hear the get the right feeling?
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MythBusters (2003–2018)
Please, change the name of this program!
28 March 2018
I have been watching Mythbusters from the very beginning and have usually enjoyed a lot. But now when Adam and Jamie have retired, this serie continues with very weak and unprofessional manner. Why an Earth the name is still Mythbusters? It is wrong, WRONG. Please respect Adam and Jamie and change the name to New Mythbusters or something. I still keep my ten stars to respect the original Mythbusters.
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Why they made this movie?
24 November 2017
I don't know what to think about this movie. The first impression was that it was a home movie because of the picture quality (16mm), lack of lighting, shaky shooting and strange camera movements.

Anna Kendrick was showing her white teeth all the time when smiling thousand times exactly same manner which was odd. Perhaps she had new teeth and wanted to show them. These overly white and too perfect teeth look funny here in Europe because they don't look natural.

And why an Earth was this called Happy Christmas? I wanted to give only one star of ten just to warn people if they think that this was some kind of Xmas-movie and more over a happy one. Well. The kid was nice and that's why I watched the movie to the end.
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MacGyver (2016–2021)
Science Facts have left the series
18 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Original MacGyver had a lot of real science included. Not every of the tricks were shown complete because they wanted to prevent people to build something really dangerous. But usually they really worked when the missing formula was added.

BUT this. I've seen only the first episode, which usually should be the best, and I felt really embarrassed and shamed because of few of these "facts".

"Mac" built an electromagnet using a battery. bolt and some wire. Well that really works but not in the purpose he used it for. He walked near security guard and switched the electric magnet on and immediately the guard was unable to work because his radio started to malfunction. The magnet using a battery is a DC current driven magnet and acts just like a weak magnet. It can't harm a radio at all especially when in several feet away and working with one finger battery.

The other wasn't a trick but shows that there was nobody who knew something about boating. When Mac was driving a boat, there were green and red lights seen also backwards. In real boat (or a plane) they show your driving status. They must not be visible directly astern.
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American Restoration (2010–2016)
They destroy all the beautiful items of yesterday's
17 January 2016
I am a long term electronic service engineer specialized to professional video tape recorders. I do also much restoration work with old radios etc. It is just awful to see how they destroy those nice old things removing every single nuance and original paint they have. Even if the paintwork is really good for its age. They repaint using their own colors which usually are too bright and do not fit to these old beauties. Also they ruin labels and texts when they can't do them right. They use wrong fonts and wrong colors etc. Also they change old, beautiful gears and buttons and other things which made the apparatus look so fine. Why? Did they sell those to real restorers or museums? Also the prices are something ridiculous. I wonder if anybody really has paid those huge sums for that bad job. One of the worst was the Nasa helmet they totally ruined.
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Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! (2015 TV Movie)
This was . . . . well . . . s o m e t h i n g . . . again!
22 October 2015
I was just stunned and could not leave TV when watching this. It was something so huge that I believe I should watch this movie some more times to get more accurate idea, what a heck it was. I had actually two chooses: 1 or 10 stars. But if a movie can capture me in its grip this strongly, it must have something. Sorry I can't tell you more but this was baffling.

One of the best is that you never can guess what's gonna happen. Or you actually can but if you just keep watching in idling mode you can get surprised many times. This is so overdone that you really can't take this seriously. Or should you? That's the question. This is one of those marks which tell you that the movie is a good one.

Airplane and its sequel are two of mine favorite movies and this looks like this was the next level. But I could never give them one star, that's the difference between these.
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Sharknado (2013 TV Movie)
This really was . . . . s o m e t h i n g ! But what?
22 October 2015
I was just stunned and could not leave TV when watching this. It was something so huge that I believe I should watch this movie some more times to get more accurate idea, what a heck it was. I had actually two chooses: 1 or 10 stars. But if a movie can capture me in its grip this strongly, it must have something. Sorry I can't tell you more but this was baffling.

One of the best is that you never can guess what's gonna happen. Or you actually can but if you just keep watching in idling mode you can get surprised many times. This is so overdone that you really can't take this seriously. Or should you? That's the question. This is one of those marks which tell you that the movie is a good one.

Airplane and its sequel are two of mine favorite movies and this looks like this was the next level. But I could never give them one star, that's the difference between these.
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'Minä elän' (1946)
Strong and touching movie
22 October 2015
Aleksis Kivi was wild and strong but sensitive and vulnerable person who made the best profile of Finnish men living in hard conditions. His books were read in schools when I was young but I'm not sure about today's case. Anyway his books made indelible impression to my mind.

This movie was a biography of that great artist and complex person, who died lone and forgotten, like so many great artists. It looks that the illness has been diagnosed thru the ages from Schizophrenia to Syfilis but it looks today that he had Borreliosis which causes very different kind of bad symptoms.

When I first time saw this movie as young, it produced very tough picture. Today my feelings are a bit different and it still makes me touched feeling but because Rauli Tuomi was so stressed doing this movie (also WWII affected him something, I don't know what) that he made suicide few years after.

You can see that this role was hard job to do and the end is one of the memorable shots in the Finnish movies.
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Secret Lives (1999– )
This is needed. But unfortunately it is badly made drama.
20 October 2015
I am really amazed because this has been on production for over 15 yrs! Probably because it is so easy to follow and people can find themselves and their acquaintance in this series.

I was taking care of their video tape recorders up to 2001 and I know that these are made really fast. They don't have time to shoot many takes but it usually is recorded as fast as possible. One take and that's it. This is why I give two stars because I admire the actors and actresses who can do this in such stressful environment.

Some of the people are professionals but there are many young persons just appearing the series and if he/she does it well enough, the magazines are telling all about these people making them familiar to those who watch this. So this series is served strongly to the ordinary Finnish people.

Some are very over acting; usually Police, doctors or authorities. These are very annoying to see because the Finnish Police etc. are very professional and do not act so arrogantly or passionate but are calm and very professional.
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Science of Stupid (2014– )
Not so stupid science for everyone
22 August 2015
Well, I am really tired of these "funny" videos shown everywhere BUT this makes sense because they tell why these odd things happen. So they teach people in a good manner to really understand why not to do something stupid. This also teaches you how to do it right, if you really want to learn something. Moreover I'm sure that masses of people, who are not interested in science, are watching this because of the host and even if they do not follow every scientific nuance, they unconsciously receive important information which you need to survive well. And when there is the one and only Richard Hammond, people do watch this.
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The Witch (1952)
Truly frightening and powerful witchcraft
8 August 2014
I was 14 yrs in 1967 when I saw this first time on TV and the movie was just terrifying and I was really frightened. All I remember was the foggy swamp, impassioned music and horrified people talking about some awful witch who was buried there.

Mirjami Mane was so powerful and crazy that she run every men to craziness. The critics didn't see her wild playfulness but thought that her acting was just helpless. In my mind she acts exactly like a girl who is not used to live attached to the present day but has been some kind of loner living somewhere for maybe hundreds of years.

She is just so crazy and wild that the people don't understand her and men just fell into the snares of this unexplained witch. There are more and more evidences that she really is a witch who was buried to the swamp three hundred years ago.

Also cinematography and art decorations are marvelous and they both received "Jussi" trophy (Finnish counterpart for Oscar).
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Good feelings
11 June 2011
I've seen this movie at least 7 times still enjoying it. Especially Aku Korhonen as Antti Ihalainen is just adorable. This is also a popular drama held in Finnish summer theaters which usually take place outside located in beautiful or historical places all over the Finland.

Ester Toivonen (as Maija-Liisa Ihalainen) was known first as Miss Finland 1933 and Miss Europe 1934 elected in the UK. She acted in 14 movies between 1934-1943 and was even offered a contract in Hollywood but somehow she refused it. Ester Toivonen was the first Miss Finland who acted in a movie and many others have been followed her. Usually they acted only in one movie in a minor roles having perhaps few lines. Ester Toivonen was a real actress.
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