
4 Reviews
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Who is America posing as Borat
24 December 2020
I genuinely laughed a lot watching this movie - it's not a bad sequel overall but only a 50% of this movie is a funny sequel. The other half is a political statement - the film was even released just before the elections and has very clear political massages in it and the story suffers from its political undertones - the attempt to discredit political figures seemed rather unnecessary.
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Adventure Time (2010–2018)
Adventure Time is often misunderstood
1 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
You might get a wrong idea about AT:

1 - It can seem very childish because of it's vibrant colors, silly moments here and there (that is one of many characteristics of the show) BUT The show is not typical in any way including childishness and silliness - those qualities enrich the show.

2 - AT might seem dull and random because of how weird it can get. BUT The weird part is all in favor of originality (which is limitless on this show). Large portion of crazy elements of Adventure Time are purposeful smart ideas and in most cases these ideas come from pure artistic statements and not just random thoughts anyone can have.

To sum up what I wrote so far - Adventure Time is not what it seems. That goes to show on the characters: For instance: Ice King is not a two dimensional crazy villain he seems at first - He's a former scientist with a tragic past and you really empathize with him. Marceline is not just a cool vampire - she has the most tragic backstory. Princess Bubblegum is not just pretty and cute princess with cold exterior - she is one of the most complex characters on the show and you find out more and more about her... I could go on but the characters are/get extremely developed as the show goes on (Finn is the best example of that considering how much he's grown and matured).

3 - AT is not for a limited age group IN FACT as an adult, I enjoy the show more than any child can ever enjoy - that's thanks to the smart writing. The writers on this show manage to fit a great story (90%/95% of the times) in 11 minute episodes and it's for all ages - it's adventurous, deep, smart and funny.

4 - Don't expect AT to be a typical Cartoon Network show. Furthermore, if you're an adult please don't watch Adventure Time on CN as lots of moments are censored (cut/altered) on the network and you may enjoy the show better without those changes in place.

5 - There might be a bad episode Yea, no show is 100% perfect and because of the difficult task the writers have on this show. (I need to explain why: let's compare this show to Regular Show, Family Guy or Rick and Morty - the writing structure is less evident on Adventure Time as it doesn't quite have a typical structure like Family Guy has for instance - being comedy-based characters being cynical most of the time, or having random cuts for loughs, AT doesn't have a structure like Rick and Morty that has the smartest character in control every episode and being predictable and it doesn't have a typical tone every single time like FG and R&M by going for comedy over drama most the time... I write all this not because I hate on any of these shows but it's a simple fact - Adventure Time (while not perfect either) has way less cliche writing and way more depth than most cartoons out there). Because Adventure Time makes sense, has depth and a developing story instead of on-timer episodes, it's difficult to make every single episode great. So be sure to give Adventure Time a chance to grow on you and most importantly - don't judge the show on few episodes. P.S: Adventure Time starts as being a little silly but it matures - slowly getting smarter and deeper so keep that in mind as well.

I can't get into someones head and clearly, we're all subjective here no matter how hard we try but by telling people what to expect and giving them the idea why they might enjoy a certain film/animation and making them aware of what to expect is what's important rather than saying this show is awesome or that it sucks. As for me: I am happy I get to live in the age when there's Adventure Time to watch - that is how much this show means to me. And as a summery:

This show is not an entertainment, Adventure Time is art and I mean it both as a regular fan and also as someone having degree in Animation and History of Modern Art. Adventure Time is all a person like me needs in a world full of nonsensical shows and movies that aim at entertainment and money. So please keep an open mind and give this show a chance, you might end up thinking this show is pure genius and not some over-hyped thing some simple minded people tell you it is.
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Mr. Turner (2014)
Originality is often rejected and disliked
30 January 2015
I did write originality, but what I meant by that is - reality. The more realistic the movie is - the more dissatisfaction of the viewers it gets. Here are so many people indicating that the movie "is boring", "it's not entertaining"... Isn't that what life is like?...boring, and imagine being like an old man such as Turner portrayed in the movie - it would be rather boring. I thank god there are directors, who make movies without thinking how to entertain the audience. Every story tells you what it needs itself, you don't have to be extra original (the originality is there - if it's real). There is no chance this movie could be entertaining, you know it's not when you're somewhat familiar with Turner's biography and knowing that the movie shows the painter as an old man. I would very much like people to see reason, that movies are not bad if they don't entertain...God, just think about what kind of century we're living in: We are full of clichés, stereotypes, meaningless images and symbols, spirituality, we create imaginary self, then we promote it, we lie more than ever, and we are constantly seeking the entertainment, we don't want to spend our dear lives on something that looks boring, and even it is boring, don't necessarily dislike it, if you don't see a reason - don't necessarily judge it... Don't reject the originality, in fact, please: don't ever reject the originality. That's the reaction Turner was probably getting - lot of people rejected his kind of art...and not just Turner - it happened at each stage of art history, you're just being the same sort of sarcastic people, who reject the unusual, who always need things to be or look their way. People want to see the reviews (I think that is the purpose of the comment section), not who's entertained and who's not. HERE YOU ARE: The movie is: Real/true, beautiful (the scenes, the cinematography. there is a great deal of attempt to show the environment as it was/could have been around Turner, as well as showing the scenes that made his pictures), well thought story, you don't feel the script (that's a good thing actually, takes a lot of effort to make an audience feel like they are observing a real person's life, following him, attending the same places), acting is brilliant (needless to say - Timothy Spall is a genius). I saw the movie today and it was really worth spading 150 minutes of my life.

My advise to you - who want to watch Mr.Turner is this: Be an accepting person - you will get more out of anything you see that way. Be bored and uninterested - the only times you'll find something new is by not looking for what you'd normally look for (if it's normally an entertainment). And of course: You decide for yourself - what's boring and what's-not.

P.S: It was wise of Mike Leigh to chose the 2.40:1 (I think) aspect ratio particularly for this move, It's the firs Mike Leigh film I saw, to have that aspect ratio (looked really appropriate).
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The New World (2005)
Such a low rating :/
6 October 2013
...Yea I was expecting a high rating for this film but... The reason of a low rating is that some of you, have voted as - awful. First to user - stelea: Your suggestions are no better than this film. a film studies teacher you say? Yes some think that's enough to judge films, I say It's not nearly enough. To user - gryffindor249: Cop Out is a dumb film :D ...Well, maybe it's not a great film, but everything's comparative... Matter of taste of course and there's nothing I can change in people's mind :) And then there are so many 1 star reviews following each other that it really looks like an organized downrate movement: "Hey, this film is a crap, so let us all downrate it, because I hate it," "or it so happens that so many people are addicted to a Hollywood crap films ("I can't stand a boring films like this, let us watch Transformers" - it really happens you know), or a user having this excellent idea of creating many profiles to downrate this film... All I know is this film really doesn't deserve the rating it has, so could anyone tell me what could possibly be the matter :( PS: The highest rated film is "The Shawshank Redemption" (at given moment) and it's a total crap considering it's a Stephen King's novel shot in the most common way, absolutely no Artistism in it. but then again, I can't recall any Art film being top rated :X
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