
3 Reviews
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I'm Glad They Made This Awful Film
22 December 2010
Why am I glad that they made this shoddy excuse for a film? This has to be the worst remake of a British classic yet, and Hollywood is out to ruin every one it can (Get Carter, Alfie, The Italian Job, etc.). What will they butcher next, Billy Liar? Percy? A Clockwork Orange? I cringe at the thought! Well, this did inspire hundreds to seek out the original who hadn't seen it, though it no doubt ruined a bit of the suspense for them. I must warn anyone who has yet to see the 1973 classic that there are prints with about 12 minutes cut floating around, so be sure and get a copy that runs 100 minutes! Last but not least, the remake is hilarious and inspired all these equally hilarious reviews. I just spent the last hour laughing so hard my jaws and ribs hurt. Thank you IMDb contributors for making something so bad into so much fun! Anyone out there who hasn't, see the original. It is a brilliant picture!
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Judge Dredd (1995)
What A Waste!
22 December 2010
Such a shame to see a creative comic series turned into another low brow Stallone vehicle. Could of been great. A very strong cast and great source material simply wasted. I realize this entertained many, so I guess it accomplished its purpose, but this had the potential to be so much more. If you liked the comics, I would think you would be upset to see what they spent millions to ruin. Stallone has made a few good movies in his career, but as a general rule, I associate his name with juvenile scripts and unimaginative action. This is no different. If you're a big Stallone fan, you should enjoy it, but I'm surprised at any Judge Dredd fan liking this. All the special effects in the world can't save a bad script. It is so rare that Hollywood ever does a book or comic adaption justice.
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It Gets Better
25 August 2010
I won't go into plot and story details. Others are more capable. I'll just give you my opinions as a life long Si-Fi fan. I sat through the first two episodes with mixed feelings. I thought it contained some interesting ideas, but I thought the writing, plots and especially the dialog were like a bad low budget action movie. I thought maybe I'll come back to it some time when I'm really bored.

Well, there came an evening when I was ill and confined to bed so I decided to watch the next couple of episodes. It improved a bit, and the storyline started pulling me in. It seemed to get better with every episode, the characters began to grow on me and the show was genuinely entertaining.

I never read the comic series or saw the made for TV movie, so I can't make any comparisons, but this is way better than my first impressions led me to believe. The directing, scripts, acting etc. are all quite good once everything gets rolling, and to me, worth the wait. The cast all fit their parts.I really came to enjoy Painkiller Jane and I'm sorry it wasn't picked up for a second season.
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