
92 Reviews
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The Fall Guy (2024)
Gosling and Blunt are Crushed by Bloated Run Time
27 April 2024
Let's get some postives out of the way. One of which are; The two leads, there charisma and charm is one of the few reasons this movie was tolereble. The action was also handled with Leitch's flare. Which is becoming a trademark when it comes to action set pieces. The shots where we were watching a film being made was well choreographed. And Finally there's a cameo that made me grin ear to ear(involving the final shot of the film they were making).

Now lets talk about the elephent in the room. Which is the over inflated run time, there are dialogs in this film that span for five minutes but feels like twenty. They added no depth to the characters and did nothing to progress the story. The marketing of this movie reminded me of Goslings other film The Nice Guys(2016) a detective -noir film that I love and was hoping to get a similar experience here, but alas it's nothing like it. The story telling felt like it was inspired by Kiss Kiss Bang Bang(2005) which is a fantastic film by the way. But comparing it with this would be insulting to Downey Jr. And to add insult to injury the plot of the movie is predictable. Not a quality you want in any movie. The concept of the film is one that actually demands respect but the fear of commitment to it's core story is a main reason it stumbles.
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
A Swan Song in a Time of Deafness
7 March 2024
I remember seeing the trailer for this series a few months back and thought this is what I've been looking for; Japan in the late seventeenth century. The production is excellent and could easily be mistaken for a high budget film. The writing is sharp and even had quirk in it, fast paced and thought provoking. But what stood even beyond this is the characters. They actually feel real, imagine that in this time of famine, we have been starved of intelligent characters for so long, it felt refreshing to actually see writers put some effort into building these "people". Speaking of which, John Blackthorne the wild card British Pirate(Merchent - yeah right) that could upset the tides of war was a bold gamble on the writers behalf, but if they play there cards right, he might be the Ace that grants this series it's well deserved second season. If you haven't already, I would strongly recommend you start this series, you will not regret it.
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Magnum Opus in Visuls and Uncharted storytelling method is the recipe for a masterclass in the making
21 October 2023
I find my self at a loss for words, yet I will do my best to try to convince you to watch what could very well be the next groundbreaking Sci-Fi Epic. It has been a while since I'v been this impressed wih anything(animated or otherwise). Let's be honest creative media is a dying bread in modern entertainment. But I ran into the trailer and it looked promising enough. But what I witnessed was something like getting high in church and watching a man outside splitting the river in half with a wand(not religous, nor have I been high, just painting a picture). Breathtaking visuals, accompanied by a fantastic soundtrack makes this a must watch for any sci-fan fan. The voice cast is also excellent. This might be the silver-lining of this year.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
If the music doesn't put you to sleep, the story will
30 May 2023
How is this getting such good reviews? Did I walk into an alternate universe and see something different, I genunily feel bad for Halle Berry, a fallen star. This is a mockery to a beloved fairytale. Even the visual hit and miss at some point. This is a major production that they spent hundreds and millions on. Let's talk about the music, perhaps what the original was best known for, while the classsic animated film gave joy, the "modern" film, made me drowzy, as in, I slipped out of consciousness at least four times. Why do producers insist on remakes nobody asked for? Is creativity a dying breed? Melissa Mccarthy is the silver lining in this disrespectful film. Which says alot.

Story: 1/10 Characters: 1/10 Visuals: 4/10 Pacing: 3/10 Acting: 6.
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Everything Wrong With Cinema
27 December 2022
Possibly the longest I've waited for a sequal. And this is the best Mr. Cameron had to offer. The way of water might be ground breaking in visual effects, no one is denying that, but imagine what this film could have done with actual screen writers. The director's intentions are noble as he's trying to give a (not so subtle)message in this film, to guard our home. But I would have loved to see the other sides point of view. Why are the Humans so desperate to mine this planet? Considering the technology that was show cased in the film(and the first) you would think we would have discovered more planets than Pandora. Planets that are less trouble and perhaps one that wouldn't cost as many lives. I've already put more thought into this film than the writers have. Despite some negativity J. Cameron has gotten lately, it's hard to argue that he's one of the best Directors of our generation, not to mention he might have the best track record when it comes to sequels. But this film was simply put, disappointing.

P. S. The only Character I liked in this film was the whale.

Story: 5/10 Characters: 3/10 Visuals: 10/10 Pacing: 6/10.

Overal: 6/10.
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Smile (V) (2022)
The Titanic of Horror Films
8 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to be using The Titanic as a metaphor becuase it seemed fitting. Talk about wasted potential, this film starts out farily strong building a back story to our protagonist and even showing that she's trying to help people in need. A bit generic but I've seen worse. And the suspense builds till around the half way point. Here's where we see the iceberg, when they try to explain the lore behind "the curse" it seems like the writers were reaching and by that I mean they used other films as "inspiration". But our ship doesn't hit the iceberg till our protagonist finds out how to get rid of said "curse". She needs to kill someone, which she says she can't do and ten minutes later she's got a knife driving full speed to a hospital. Okay, why? Off all the places she could go why go to where you work? Let's overlook that a loving character just made a U turn and is the soul responsible for all those who drowned aboard the Titanic. See how the metaphor fits... The boyfriend and fiance feel like they were shoehorned into the film and added as much weight to it as a paperclip.

I genuinely feel sorry for Parker Finn and mostly for Sosie Bacon who tried despertaly to keep this film afloat, but the writers were like no, we need to make this as ludicrous as possible. Logic has left port ladies and gentleman.

Story: 4/10 Characters: 4/10 Visuals: 6/10 Pacing: 6/10 Acting: 7

Overall: 5,4.
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Peacemaker (2022– )
Gunn gives the bird to Critics and lets his fantasy run rampant
13 January 2022
Peacemaker is a breath of fresh air in a genre that has become the equivalence of a broken tape recorder, sure the series has similarites with other comic-book adaptations, but what show doesn't? Gunn is mostly talked about as a director and rarely mentioned as a writer, but his unique sense of humor adds "class" to these band of misfits. And since people seem to like to compare, I'll take Cena over Larson any day of the week. The side characters are shallow and need a lot of development and the visuals could have been better. But considering the latest comic book adaptations we've gotten lately, I found Gunns approach to this universe admirable. I enjoyed the series for what it is, and more importantly for what it can be.

Judging by the reviews, this series is polarizing the critics and fans. Which is reminist of Gunn's older work. Slither(2006) is a fine example, considered to be a cult-classic, and to this day, one of my favourite guilty pleasures. Peacemaker is a wild trademark that might become it's own brand.
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A lesson in Film Making
9 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Open Your Eyes tells the story of César, a man who seems to be living the good life, he's good looking, rich and naturally a ladies man. As the story starts to unravel the curtian slowly starts to lift and you are left questioning his reality. Make no mistake, this is a slow-burning mystery that throws you at the deep end of the pool and expects you to learn to swim. Led by a fantastic cast Abre los ojos delivers an emotinal rollar-coster that would put most Hollywoold films to shame. There is something unnerving about the idea behind this movie, perhaps becuase it doesn't seem all to far-fetched, unlike most science fiction films these days, it's refereshing to see story telling where were the fly on the wall in someone elses dream/nightmare. Creative scripts like this is one of the reasons foreign films have started to gain a cult following. If you are a fan of mind bending films that leave you emotinally wrecked and reeling then may I recommended this fine movie.
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Eastwood's Finest Film - A Future Classic
19 December 2021
I'm not a fan of drama's, I watch film for escapism. But I do make few exceptions and in rare cases they pay off, Million Dollar Baby is a fine example of this, it tells the story of a young woman who has a big dream to become the best at boxing. Sounds cliché doesn't it? Yet, Eastwood gives a lesson in film-making, driven by a performance from Swank that has been burned into my mind for the foreseeable future. Swank's character Maggie Fitzgerald slowly grows into a capable fighter, but the fights feel like the side-story in this film about discovering how hard life can hit you(quoting Rocky here seems fitting). I cannot remember a film ending that hit me harder, I wept for a good few minutes and considering I'm not a fan of drama's and am pretty dried eyed, this should give you an idea of what to expect. But nothing will prepere you for this journey through the vivid and heart-breaking story of a young girl trying to make it. Supported by a strong cast including the man behind the scenes and legendary Freeman. This film is a must watch for anyone asking "how could it be worse?" Eastwood is about to give you a run for your money. I feel like movies like this will be missed, Cinemas are being flooded with superhero films, makes me wonder, Has the film industry taken a wrong turn? Sure an action-flick is great escape, but it feels so hollow when you see perferfomences like Swanks. Imagine being a fan of film and not knowing about this? I envy you, theres few films that gave me the whiplash that MDB did. Fewer even with a lead that gave me goosebumps. It's a shame that Swanks talent's are being wasted lately, as she's an actress that deserves better.
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Arcane (2021– )
Brilliant Writing is Pushed to the Stratosphere by Masterful Visuals
20 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like it's fair to say that it's difficult to adapt anything to the silver screen/TV these days, not that there hasn't been plenty of movies/shows that have tried and failed. But Arcane is proof that it can be done, and be done exceptionally well. By the time you reach the season finale you can tell that the ending was thought out from the start. Even giving depth to the villian Silco who seemed two dimensional at the start, but growing to care and love a little girl, showing that even the darkest soul can have a heart. It has been a long time since I've been truly impressed by a series(animaton or otherwise) and the fact that it came from out of nowhere makes it all the worthwhile. The amount of work that went into the details is outstanding. This is an animation that Riot Games and Fortiche Productions can be proud of.

The fact that it follows multiple story lines and there all unique in design is no easy task to pull of, but the writers rise to the challenge. Mark my words Arcane will pave the way for future adaptations. I loved the characters and there motivations made sense, they made mistakes, they grew and some lost sight of reality, This is testament to the writers knack for building the foundation to flawed and vived characters. It's a bitter-sweet feeling that an animation can have so much depth while most live-action characters feel like there hollow and without soul.

Story: 10/10 Characters: 9/10 Visuals: 10/10 Pacing: 9/10

Overall: 9.5 /10.
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21 April 2021
I've recently lost interest in comic book films and this series a perfect example of why. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier has such an unrealistic plot and hollow characters. But the nail in the coffin is the pacing or the lack of. Nobody watches these films for politics or to watch someone struggle with his income, if we wanted that, there are plenty of great dramas out there. And if you want to make it about politics then you've got to have compentet writers to back it, The Winter Soldier(2014) was Marvel's best film, because it didn't rely on flashy effects and an estabilished universe, it wanted to set itself apart from it's peers and that why it's the film that I respect most in the MCU. Even the actors look bored in some scenes, can't say I blame them. The visual effects are the only departmant where this series doesn't fail but I'll take a good story with bad effects any day of the week.

Story: 2/10 Characters: 3/10 Visuals: 7/10 Pacing: 3/10

Overall: 4/10.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 16: The Rescue (2020)
Season 2, Episode 8
18 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Season 2 Review:

Who would have suspected that season two would be such an improvement over it's first season, The Mandalorian is the hope we needed in a year full of disappointments. Great story building complemented by stunning visuals and a wild character arc is exactly the breath of fresh this universe needed. This is coming from someone who's had doubts ever since Disney took over this universe, never been so happy to be proven wrong. I guess we will not being seeing much of Grogu in the next season but I am curios to see where his charchter will go in the future seasons, I heard rumors that he might become the next villain of the series, I'm hoping there just rumors at this point but time will tell. Reeding Peyton Reed's name as the credits rolled came as a bit of a shock, I was certian that this was directed by Jon Favreau as it had his art style and directon all over it(although it was written by him).

Season Finale Review: Nobody could have prepered me for that, the build-up to that ended in the climax reaching it's peak. I feel like everthing that needed be said is already being covered by the reviews, I do want to talk about something that I loved and didn't really hear much talk about, which is the soundtrack, it gave me chills. Litarell chills. The Dubstep/Electro vibe it gave off when the Dark Troopers invaded the ship was nothing short of epic.
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Godmothered (2020)
This is a joke, right?
4 December 2020
Okay, gotta admit I liked the trailer for this and was actually excited for it. But that changed very quickly as I found myself checking my phone before I hit the ten minute mark. And I decided to bare with it. However, I'm honestly curious on who wrote the screenplay, I've seen funnier dialogs on walls covered with graffiti. By the half-way marked I had completely checked out. The "jokes" fell flat and the story is slugish. The story is about Eleanor an apprentice who's dream is to become a godmother and help someone in need. And honestly the trailers made this out to be a light-hearted film, with little to no humor. Which would been so much better. But this is a comedy(I think). As there is a joke before you even hit the first minute mark. I'm curious on who the demo for this film is aimed at, because I can't imagine a kid enjoying this, it's not entertaining. I'm really disappointed mainly because I love Isla Fisher. Such an underratted actress. And with Disney behind the production I knew it would have a budget. Apparently, money can't buy quality writers, here's the proof.

I wish the film didn't rely so much on humor, if it focused on it's story and world building, this could have been a light hearted film, heck I would have taken a cheesy rom-com over this. At least most of those films don't take themselves seriously.
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Titans: Dick Grayson (2018)
Season 1, Episode 11
The Backbone of the DCEU
21 December 2018
Season one Review:

Every episode is better than the previous, Titans has gradually built a foundation on which the DC Extended Universe can stand on, a Universe that has been struggling to find it's footing ever since it launched with Man of Steel back in 2013 and though that is a guilty pleasure of mine. I do agree that DC has been having trouble in there cinematic universe. However Titans is something I cannot praise enough, and this make's me sure that DC will find it's footing(at least in the dcuniverse), with shows like Metropolis coming out(did you see that teaser!?) Titans is a series that's brutal and doesn't pull any punches and it's exactly the series that DC needed and deserved. I cannot wait to see what the second season will have to offer(fingers crossed for Nightwing)

Season Finale Review:

Who would have predicted this series would be this good? Can you remeber the marketing for this show, I'm still trying to forget. But man, this is proof of the potential stories that the DC Extended Universe can provide. Masterful storytelling. Yes, it was obviously a dream state of sorts but even I was sucked into it and the ripples that Trigon created added incentive to the story line and kept the plot moving. Building the climax till even Grayson turned his back to the justice system. Showing how powerful Trigon is and how important it is to have a villian with depth. That being said, I feel like Seamus Dever is miscast here, not that he's a bad actor, he just deosn't look or even feel the part. Might be knitpicking but I did feel like it needed to be said.
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Titans: Hank and Dawn (2018)
Season 1, Episode 9
Proof a Filler Episode can be so much more
7 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Hands down my favorite episode of this season, Hank and Dawn might be the best side characters I've seen in a comic book adaptation. As to why this episode wasn't aired right after the second episode, well that's where Raven come's in and why Dawn needed to be in the coma. With this episode I'm putting Titans up there right under Daredevil, if the series can keep this quality of writting and characters development, I can see it surpassing that as well. Titans is the biggest suprise of this year. And as a DC fan, I can safely say that this is the best live action adaptation they've put out and I cannot wait to see what else the dcuniverse will dish out(Swamp Thing,Doom Patrol,Stargirl,Metropolis).
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12 Monkeys: The Beginning Part 2 (2018)
Season 4, Episode 11
The End of an Era
7 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
What a beautiful way to end a series, We have wittnessed(pun intended) a cult-classic meet it's end, and what better way to do that then by bringing back all the characters we've come to love. A great episode with a perfect ending(not a term I use loosely). I cannot remember the last time I was so satisfied with a shows ending. Jennifer was definitely the highlight of this show, but I have to admit that it's Katarina that took the episode by storm, as her quick thinking gave Cole and us the happy ending we/him deserved. The writers can look back at this and say I wrote that, and be proud of what they've achieved. Maybe it will never be as known as Game of Thrones But to have done what they did with the budget they had is a bigger acomplishment(in my humble opinion). I will miss this show so much and I know it's not an Emmy, but I want to thank the people behind this series as they've created a show that is(in my eyes) a masterpiece.
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12 Monkeys: One Minute More (2018)
Season 4, Episode 9
30 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
They weren't kidding when they said it was a loop. An episode that tied everything together and had me guessing till the end. I suspected that Cole was the Serpant all along, but Hanna being Cole's mother. That caught me off guard and the best one(in my opinion) was the fact that Cassie and Cole were the ones that released the Plague, hence the loop. This series never seizes to amaze me, if this episode doesn't put this series in the best science fiction category, I don't know what will. It's been an hour since I watched the episode and yet my mind is still racing trying to put the pieces together. This is one of those shows that I can see myself re-watching, it would be fun to see everything in reverse. I don't know what will happen in the series finale, what I do know for certain is that it will be brilliant and the hardest episodes to watch, as this show has grown to be my favorite Sci-Fi series.

Give these writers a new series, I know I wouldn't be the only one who'd be interested in a show from them. Not usually a fan of the romantic factor but I have to admit Amanda Schull and Aaron Stanford have some great chemistry, which is why it's going to be even harder to let go of this show... well at least for me. Last but definitely not least, Todd Stashwick an underrated actor and character, not gonna lie I teared up when Jennifer shouted and cried.
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12 Monkeys: Die Glocke (2018)
Season 4, Episode 6
Emily Hampshire Steals the Show
24 June 2018
This is my favorite episode of the season, yes most might argue that the previous episode had better writing, but an episode where Jennifer takes the stage(literally) and performs a song from P!nk, and she nails it, that isn't something we've seen too often in this series, or any series. This might have been there first successful misson in four seasons, ironiclly the idea came from there ex-enemy Deacon, who proved his loyalties this epsiode. Katarina seems be inching closer to her end. She seems to have accepted that and even welcomed it when she was facing the Lieutenant. Not to mention she gave a heart-warming toast. I cannot praise this series enough(especially this season), it's such a shame that it flew under so many people's radars. Is it crazy that I want a spin-off of some sort? Or maybe a diffrent series with Emily Hampshire as the lead. A story is only as good as it's characters and these writers prove what great character building can do to a story, how dramatically it can impact an audience. After all, if we don't care what happens to the characters, why would we care about the story? Once the epic climax reaches it's inevitable end, I will be following these cast's future work. As they've left a lasting impression.
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12 Monkeys: The End (2018)
Season 4, Episode 1
Desperate Times, Desperate Measures
16 June 2018
The episode starts with a glimpse at what I'm guessing is going to tie into the season finale, Then it jumps to our time and it switches gears from there, with Titan appearing in front of our heroines. As a last ditch effort, Katarina tells Cole of Project Charon a wild card that she's been saving for a rainy day. As they intend to use the machine to teleport the facility to another location. But since it's untested they have no idea how succesful it will be or whether it will impact the timeline. And as usual the ending left me in awe. As good as the story was. It's Jennifer that was the highlight of the episode, it felt like we got a glimpse into her head and it was so entertaining. Take a bow Emily Hampshire. You've earned it.

This series might not have had a strong start(due to lack of budget) but it's never been inconsistent, the writers have always known which direction they were headed. Mark my words this series is a cult-classic that will be remembered in the years to come. Season four is on par with the best science fiction I've seen in a long time.I cannot wait to see how they end the series, knowing that this season will be it's last gives a bitter-sweet sensation. I'm sure they could have easily made it last longer as time travel is a concept that has limitless opportunities. But it's better to end a series on a high note, rather then dragging it along.
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The 100: Sleeping Giants (2018)
Season 5, Episode 3
Shaping up to be the Best Season of the Series
9 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This season seems like I'm watching another TV show, the writing has improved drastically. There a lot of reasons this season is(in my opinion) the best in the series. But to me what this series lacked(espically in season one) was a villian, yes there was the grounders and the mountian men. But it never felt like there was one character we hated. However this season there's Charmaine(played beautifully by Ivana Milicevic) and I hope that she stays for a while becuase this series needs a strong villian to challange our protegenists. Even the hard-core fans have to admit that the "world is ending" story line was being overused. But now the series is digging down on it's roots; survival. I want to see more flashbacks(never thought I'd say that), as the relationship between Clarke and Maidi might be the backbone of this season.

Murphy staying behind was unexpected, he's the most underrated character in the show and I'm curious to see what capacity they use him in. When I started this series Jasper(R.I.P.) was my favorite becuase he was the comic-relief and Murphy is slowly starting to fill that void. I'm impressed with how the writers are focusing on one character at a time this season, I might be in the minorty but I think it's paying off. The only reason I'm praising this series so much is becuase it's rare for a show to improve so much as it progresses. Most of my favorite shows dropped in quality as they progressed. But if someone asks me what series has the best character devolpment, I might just point to this show. The only reason this show is not as acalaimed as other CW hits(Flash,Arrow) is becuase of how many people gave up on it when the series started and I don't blame them, but this isn't the same show it was when it aired. If they could have given it the chance I did, it would have been more then worth it. As this season would give any CW show a run for it's money, heck it might even put some major TV shows to shame.
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Wasted Potential
11 March 2018
A.I.C.O. Tells the story of Japan being overrun with "matter", a sort of abstract material that destroys everything in it's path. The story is a bit generic but the pacing make's up for that. The biggest issue I had with this anime was the main character; Tachibana, Aiko. it's not that she lacks depth, it's the way she reacts to every situation. It's like she was made to be shocked at every turn. And it gets tiresome fast. The best aspect of the anime is the artwork. The elegant animations and fast pace of the series is what kept the two dimensional characters in check and made the series watchable. I did like the small details that made the world of A.I.C.O feel more authentic, e.g. the artificial suits that needed to be fed in order to function properly. I wish a little more thought was put into the world building of the series, it felt like I was watching a CW series with good visuals. There's nothing groundbreaking here, but it does make for a good popcorn anime.
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The Magicians: A Life in the Day (2018)
Season 3, Episode 5
Best Episode in the series. Brilliant Writing
8 February 2018
Who would have thought a series about magic is better off without it. This series has always had a knack for surprises and this episode the series comes full circle with a head spinning twist that would give the Tasmanian Devil a run for his money. I think it's fair to say that the highlight of the episode was Q and Eliot's adventure through Fillory. Sad, funny and surprisingly addicting this season is proof of the potential that lies in this series. Give the writers a raise, they bloody earned it. Yes I know it's adapted from the Novel(Which now I intend to read), but it's not easy to put something on paper on to the silver screen(or in this case, a TV screen). How many good adaptions can you think of? I really hope that SYFY keeps this series on air for many seasons to come(with the same writers of course). I can see so much happening in future seasons(fingers crossed).
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Black Lightning (2018–2021)
Make's Luke Cage look like the Dark Knight
17 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
If you've seen any of the DC comics and liked them, then you'll hate this. Yes, Black Lightning sets a new low for the CW's uninspired Comic book collection. Jefferson Pierce is a principal at a local high school and he tries to keep his students safe(really? how are kids in a high school in any danger). Those kids also include his daughters; Anissa and Jennifer. The latter is a teacher at the school.(Seriously, how old is this guy?) and the former is a popular rebellious teenager. There father hasn't been Black Lightning in a decade because of a promise he made to his estranged wife. But when the pilot calls for it... I mean when a gang called the 100 rise to threaten the city, Jefferson must rise to the occasion. Watch anything else, watch Supergirl, not even kidding, it's better.
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Bancroft (2017–2020)
Deep, Sharp and Vivid --- Bancroft is full of Potential
11 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Bancroft has been on the force for twenty-seven years and is a respected officer of the law. But when her colleague starts digging up cold cases she has no idea that Bancroft has Skeleton's in her closet(literally). What starts out as a slow burning mystery quickly turns into a game of cat and mouse. What stood out was Sarah Parish's performance as Bancroft. The story reminded me a bit of Dexter, of course not on that level but still engaging enough to keep you occupied. The series has potential and if they can add some layers to the characters and add some emotional weight to the story, I can see a bright future for the series. That being said, the pacing is a big concern, I kept with it since I'm a fan of mystery, but I'm not certain everyone will. Bancroft is a grounded story about a cop who's in over her head and she's willing to do anything to keep her secret.
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Happy! (2017–2019)
Insane, Twisted and Brilliant
7 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Adapted from Grant Morrison's novel. Happy is the tale of Nick Sax an ex-cop who has fallen off the wagon(or cliff), as he's contracted to kill a couple of the mobs men. But when Mike tells Nick about a password he's not suppose to know, Nick finds himself in the cross hairs of some dangerous people. As if that wasn't enough he starts seeing a flying unicorn(you read that right) and naturally he thinks it's a hallucination, but as the story progresses he realizes that Happy is so much more then that. The story is crazy and that is the hook. I loved it, it's definitely not for everyone. The best aspect of the series was the screenplay, it's so refreshing. Gave the story a fast a pace. I loved the voice over from Patton Oswalt. If you are a fan of dark humor, stop what you're doing and watch this. Happy is a cult classic in the making.
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