
38 Reviews
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Is stand up comedy dead?
26 April 2024
I mean if even Jimmy Carr cannot produce better material than this who else could?

He talks about his feeling that he may lost his edge and he is totally right. Having a kid changes you. Sadly he doesn't realize this but the audience does.

He is not the same guy who told the brilliant mosquito joke. Other than the emotional and mental change he looks different, too. Really skinny and tired.

Honestly I could not remember a single joke from this last special it was so ordinary and boring. What a disappointment.

I don't know what's going on with these stand up comedians lately but they all lack something which they had in the past.
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Echo (2023–2024)
Echo is a villain, a cold blooded mass murderer
25 January 2024
The show obviously is utter garbage which tries to fan-bait you with Daredevil and Kingpin. You get a couple of minutes from the former and a little bit more of the latter in a completely neutered way. It is disgusting how they butchered these characters which is not at all surprising considering that they also changed Echo. Different personality, power, origin, looks, costume... Might as well be another character.

The plot is boring, stupid and unbelievable. It also leaves some big unanswered questions regarding Kingpin like: Where is Vanessa? Where was Echo throughout the events of the Netflix series which is canon? This belated shoehorning simply doesn't work especially with this unlikable, one facial expression, robotic character who is not a hero. Getting powers is not automatically a redemption arc! She is not motivated by the common good only by her selfish feelings. Maya puts others in danger and blatantly disregards their safety while commits murders without a hint of remorse.

Also, while I get that they were trying to make us experience the "deaf world" but this still makes a really bad show.
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The Winchesters (2022–2023)
The road so far is pretty bad (re-review after deletion)
23 July 2023
Sorry, Jensen but you should go back being Soldier Boy (or do something else). That was a good role but so far this show is absolute garbage and a waste of time. It brings nothing new to the established lore.

Bad acting, bad casting, zero chemistry, insufferable characters, stupid dialogues, nonsensical behavior, boring and illogical plot, copied premise, "blurry" image, cheap CGI, uninteresting monsters, talk-diarrhea about feelings, Scooby Doo imitation without the dog, usual CW teenage trash... Should I continue?

I simply cannot find anything good in this cringy Supernatural afterthought.

The ending of the first season is a colossal disappointment. Such a lame way the deal with the "big" bad. Some fan-service is not enough to make it good.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
Crisp Rat never was and never will be a serious action star
23 July 2023
He has a goofy look and personality that is why he is more suited for comedic roles. I expected him to start laughing in every scene he was in while he was doing his serious Star Lord face.

People may like this series because it doesn't push the MESSAGE like basically all the other ones. I am sorry but that just not enough. I am not saying this is unwatchable but it is far from a 10/10 masterpiece that the positive reviewers suggest. I mean you could waste a couple of hours watching this if you don't have anything better to do.

The story isn't much either and if you have seen the Netflix version of the Punisher you might find some similarity between the two.
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Dune (2021)
Not a good adaptation
23 July 2023
I get that making a decent Dune movie is not an easy task but if you are not willing to create a faithful version then why bother? Without the inner thoughts of the characters you lose the whole point of it. By focusing on visuals in order to create some kind of atmosphere instead of the deeper meaning just makes an empty, soulless film. This isn't supposed to be just a generic science fiction piece.

There are too many missing things and unnecessary changes. If you haven't read the books or at least watched the previous tries you probably won't understand a lot of the events and the technology.

Changing Liet and Chani is stupid, illogical and agenda pandering. I'm not sure about the guy who plays Paul. He seems weak. There are some big names here but they are under utilized.

Maybe the second part will be better.
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This is what current comedy should be
23 July 2023
I don't usually write positive reviews but this one deserves it. I know it pisses off some people but those people are wrong :) It is too bad that because of this negative feedback Dave Chappelle made the next one ("The Closer") weaker than this. "Sticks & Stones" is the best thing he created so far. Never apologize for telling the truthful jokes! These things need to be addressed especially in a humorous form.

He has really good insights about topics that are uncomfortable or sort of a taboo. His take on the alphabet community is spot on and funny.

I definitely recommend this to anyone who likes a good standup performance.
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Superman & Lois (2021–2024)
Just another CW soap opera
23 July 2023
Disguised as a superhero series. The same garbage that you can expect and get from Berlanti. Abysmal writing, idiotic behavior from mostly unlikable characters. Couple of minutes of action combined with an awful amount of talking about feelings just to fill the runtime. I don't care about Lana's family and their problems. Heck, I don't even care about Superman's family. The kids are annoying and totally unnecessary.

All this cancer talk in S3 is a downer and unrealistic (in that reality). They already should have "Elysium" level tech for this illness with all the gadgets, aliens and magic.

Recommended watching: skipping scenes and fast-forwarding to the very few scenes that are okay-ish.
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65 (2023)
Absolute garbage
23 July 2023
What was the point of making this stinking pile of trash? Why wasn't it made actually good? This is just a waste of time, effort and resources. It just a big fat, forgettable nothing. The writing isn't lazy it is simply bad.

The plot is nonsensical from start to finish. The represented technology and science are highly questionable. The events are illogical and unbelievable including the behavior of people and dinosaurs. The one dimensional characters are unlikable with the exception of the little girl whose presence is a forced and annoying cliche.

Watching this is a waste of time. I don't recommend it.
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Discontinued (2022)
Starts okayish, ends badly
23 July 2023
The premise is somewhat intriguing and this is probably the only good thing i can write about this. Obviously it's low budget but the problem is with the execution of their idea and not the acting or the money.

In reality the people's reaction would be much more erratic. There would be chaos and all types of violent behavior.

The ending suggests that it doesn't matter what type of person you are and how you lived your life. Sadly, this anti-moral message is quite popular nowadays. I wonder why.

Summary: despite all these it's worth a watch just don't expect too much. Also, this is not a comedy.
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Disgusting, China-pandering garbage
23 July 2023
If you are not a bot or a zealous Marvel fan then you find this rubbish.

Unlikable characters, idiotic and illogical story-line, abysmal attempt at portraying one of the most iconic archenemy of Iron Man. Without IM of course. Everything in this CGI-fest is turned into a product that kisses the behind of a tyrannical state for their money.

Lot of foreign language parts which i dislike and not because i can't read and watch at the same time. It's because they put it in there in the aforementioned purpose.

The rings are not rings and they have inconsistent and unexplained powers that are different from the comic book version which is better.

The kid is the equivalent of a wet cardboard. The chick is super annoying.

Summary: shiny trash, waste of time.
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Renfield (2023)
Wasted potential
23 July 2023
Not much to write about this one other than that the movie could have been way better. It had potential and i expected more. I mean Nicolas Cage as a vampire in an R rated movie... This should have been a blast. Instead it was a let down. It is somewhat entertaining but what i wanted was a fast, funny and probably violent film. Although it had some good moments but overall felt watered down.

The actors weren't that bad except the really annoying Asian chick whose name a refuse to mention. I don't get it how she has an "acting" career.

Summary: it is watchable one time with lowered expectations.
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Kevin Hart: Reality Check (2023 TV Special)
Boring and bland
23 July 2023
He plays it too safe and that's why his stand up specials lack in every category. It's like he is afraid to offend people and holds himself back. That's not the way to a good show.

Watching this i was seriously wondering what the audience was laughing about. It's like they heard the best jokes in the world. While in reality we got some boring anecdotes and that's all. Probably the wonders of editing. Even Chris Rock did it better in his latest although that was also kind of weak.

Watching a short black guy yapping around...I don't find this funny at all. He lacks edge and there are no punches which makes his "comedy" a snooze-fest.
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A massive step down in quality
17 July 2023
Compared to the previous ones. This is an idiotic jumbled mess that cannot decide what it wants to be. Emo-drama, action-comedy, torture-horror? It ends up being a big nothing. The plot is moronic and inconsistent. No original ideas combined with recycled characters. The movie feels like a standalone productions and not really a part of the MCU.

Adam Warlock and the High Evolutionary are idiots or bad jokes. The later is not threatening at all just like Kang. At least Thanos was a legit psycho. The relationship of Gamora and Quill was handled pretty badly. The runtime is too long filled with unnecessary CGI. Nebula looks very weird and the design of Groot is also questionable.

Also, screaming your lines is not funny. The music feels forced in most scenes.

Summary: it is a "must" watch because of Vol 1&2 but this isn't entertaining or good at all.
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Morbius (2022)
This movie is bad in every way possible
16 May 2023
The questionable acting and visuals, the pacing, the nonsensical plot. It feels lame, cheap and incomplete. The interactions of the characters are mostly robot-like and lack deeper emotions. The dialogues are really bad. The events and the behavior of people are illogical. The fight scenes are garbage. Making this PG-13 is a bad joke, should have been R. The references to MCU movies are forced and cringy. Also, misrepresented. The post credit scene is idiotic.

It has zero re-watch value. It's not even a good popcorn movie.

I can't recommend it other than a collection of bad examples for future filmmakers to avoid.
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Animal Control (2023– )
They forgot to add the jokes
6 May 2023
To this really unremarkable and bland thing which should not be called a comedy. The show lacks humor. I mean it doesn't have any of in it. One could easily assume that it was created by an underdeveloped A. I. instead of under/over-paid writers.

These unlikable characters are so boring and empty. They have zero chemistry with each other. They are just there and speak their lines.

The entire season barely has a plot and the individual episodes are easily forgettable. They feel like fillers which is a problem because there is nothing to fill.

I can only recommend it if you want to shut off your brain for a couple of minutes while staring at a screen. Binging it may leads to a coma.
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Event Horizon (1997)
Underrated and disturbing movie
26 April 2023
Usually I don't even watch horror movies but this one is an exception. It has a really creepy atmosphere and some memorable gory scenes. There is an uneasiness throughout this film which by the way totally deserves a cult status. It is hard to write a review without spoilers but those would ruin the experience for someone who hasn't seen it. The story starts slow but builds up quite good to the not (so) happy ending.

You can feel the Warhammer 40K influence in this. Too bad that we didn't get more of it (sequels or at least the directors cut).

Not recommended if you just want something light to watch.
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Wednesday (2022– )
This show is too weak
2 January 2023
I was expecting more after seeing the high ratings. It really does feel like a mixture of other series and movies (X-Men, Harry Potter, Scooby Doo and any generic high school teen dramas). It doesn't really have an Addams Family vibe despite having all the characters there.

The dialog isn't witty enough. The CGI is bad (the main monster is laughable). The acting is questionable especially Catherine Zeta Jones's. Wednesday is kind of okay-ish but she shows way too much emotion. It is not enough to tell that you don't care you have to show it, too! The blond roommate is simply annoying.

It has some funny moments and some good music but I don't think I could honestly recommend this to watch to anyone.
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Hot Ones (2015– )
A show with an interesting premise
2 January 2023
The base idea is that they do a celebrity interview while both of them eat increasingly hotter spicy wings. At first this seems like a prank-show* but it leads to enjoyable situations because it is hard to control yourself while your mouth is on fire. Also it maybe makes the interview subjects more honest with their answers and behavior. This probably gives a glimpse into the real personality of these famous people.

Although I definitely recommend this for watching there are some negative things too. Lately they seem to be doing too much promoting and they also invite unlikable celebs with fake attitude. Otherwise it is good.

*Beware of The Bomb!
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Violent Night (2022)
When you mix everything and it still feels like nothing
1 January 2023
It is too boring to be an action flick, the slow parts kill that possibility. It is not funny enough to be a comedy, most of the jokes fall flat. It is too stupid to be a movie about crime, the plot is too simple.

Although it contains child-like elements (believing in Santa) it cannot be recommended for children because of the violence. Also, the acting is annoying and the spacing is all over the place.

Even if you feel like you don't have anything better to watch it will disappoint you.

This movie is really just a hastily thrown together mishmash of ideas in order to rake in some cash in the holiday season.
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Jeff Dunham: Me the People (2022 TV Special)
Better than the previous but not as good as his best
5 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I actually liked that he went this way. It is time that a comedian dares to make fun of the old guy. He deserved that and so much more... That's why the Walter bit was good but it could have been even better/harsher. The new guy wasn't bad either. Peanut and Bubba J were boring. They were only there to serve the nostalgia feeling. Jose was somewhat good. No Achmed at all.

Jeff is aging and this shows. You don't feel that in-your-face attitude. He is not as provocative as should be but at least his routine wasn't full of the allowed topics like certain other comic's performances. He still plays it too safe.

Summary: I can recommend this for watching.
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One of those cases where the sequel is far worse than the original
26 November 2022
They kept all the bad things that made the first one really unlikable and added a few new ones. It totally deserves the low rating. Even the soundtrack is worse.

The dreadful overacting and stupid behavior of characters are even more prominent this time.

The only thing more idiotic than the antagonist's plan is the execution of the said plan. He should have done nothing. His goal doesn't makes sense at all.

The special effects are still laughable just like the fight scenes.

The whole ozone-thing is a good memento of the unreliable predictions of our future. Otherwise you don't lose much if you decide to not watch this installment of the tetralogy.
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Highlander (1986)
It is interesting how this became a cult film...
26 November 2022
Despite being so bad. I mean the half-assed plot, the cliche behavior, the (over) acting, the sub-par special effects, inadequate accents, the abysmal fight scenes and so on... The only thing remarkable is the Queen soundtrack.

Don't get me wrong I don't hate this movie but after re-watching it as an older person it is hard to not see all the failures. It served as a basis for an idea to be followed and fleshed out later. Although not everything that came after this was good either, like the even worse Quickening.

By today's standards this simply isn't a well made movie but not seeing it is still missing out.
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Titans (I) (2018–2023)
Lacking in budget, writing, casting and logic
14 November 2022
It's also not faithful to the already existing comic-book and animation versions. I'm not just talking about the looks but the demeanor of the characters, too. Basically they are using the names to create a totally different product. This type of stealing/destruction should not be allowed.

The cheapness and the lack of commitment ruins this. I know that body-painting is a troublesome procedure but they should at least apply on the hands and faces! The talking heads solution to the money problem is irritating. The actors are miscast or given useless script. The writing is daily soap opera level. Action scenes are a rarity and often bad. Moronic behavior plagues everything.

Also, starting the first season with probably the biggest of baddies was an idiotic idea. You can only go lower after that and unfortunately they do.

Summarized: if you are able to suffer through the huge amount of bad you get rewarded a small amount of good.
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Clerks III (2022)
Don't expect a comedy! This is a drama.
25 October 2022
Anyone who actually watched this sequel is painfully aware of this fact. The movie doesn't even try to be funny most of the time and when it tries it fails. At the end it has some mediocre jokes anything before that falls flat with the soul-less delivery.

I should call this false advertising which seems to be Kevin's thing lately (He-man).

It is nowhere near the previous two Clerks. Not in quality, writing, dialogue... The actors are old, probably too old for this. Nostalgia alone can't make a good film.

I seriously dislike the events. Clearly there wasn't a problem with the availability of actors so they choose this miserable plot. Disappointing.
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Current events and politics ruin the show
25 October 2022
People had enough of that and try to move on or simply doesn't want to hear that in a supposedly entertaining type of event.

The other parts are also not really good. The almost two hours were not used well.

Mostly longer stories that are kind of boring and lacking in the jokes apartment. It felt like self advertising and bragging.

Too much focus on the event and not on delivering quality to the audience.

He is not my favorite comedian but he has better specials than this.

I believe the long hiatus ruined some (or most) standup performers. They became disconnected, out of touch with people.
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