
7 Reviews
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Torchwood (2006–2011)
Definitely Dr Who for adults!
23 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Without giving away too much of the plot, I can assure you that you're in for a treat with Torchwood. It's action from the get go, and Captain Jack Harkness just totally lives up to name and reputation in this new series. And Eve Myles, previously seen in the Dr Who episode The Quiet Undead is a believable character. This series has it all and has all the kiddies stuff removed from it - it's the parents who'll be hiding behind the sofa with this series.

From copper to super-villain-from-the-future sidekick PCW Gwen Cooper gets in deep over her head when she is more curious than she should be... and that's the first day of a lifestyle she would never dreamt of. Well worth watching, and it fits in well in the Dr Who universe. But there are some surprises with this series you'll just have to watch for as they are not suited for kiddies at all.

Ten out of ten for this series!
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The best parenting programme for a long time
17 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Dr Tanya Byron is a child psychologist who helps three families over six days with emotional and developmental problems of their kids through a series of exercises, challenges and activities.

So far I have seen four weeks of this series, and they've just said that they are making more editions of the programme. They had to stop doing the programme for a while because they said that Dr Tanya's father had died unexpectedly, and I feel sorry for this happening to such a nice person.

I am not a parent, but even I can see how useful this programme is for new and expectant parents to learn from watching this programme. It can also be useful if you are planning to enter into a childcare job to watch this programme.

I give it 10 out of 10.
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Supervolcano (2005 TV Movie)
Excellent story, hard-hitting science... leaves you with a chill down the spine!
13 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
*** Contains some spoilers *** This is a story of the volcano that sits underneath Yellowstone Park. Initially I thought it would be rather boring but by about a quarter way through I was sitting on the seat of my pants watching it with intense intrigue. Why was it intriguing, you ask? Because it put a human face on what could be a major natural disaster.

The general feel of the approach of the makers reminded me very much of the aftermath reporting when the tsunami hit the Indian Ocean basin. It shows the pros and cons of the process of reasoning that scientists need work through to work out what may be happening: the job of predicting whether, when and where a disaster may happen. It puts into perspective that the job of those scientists is never easy. The style of the docu-drama (that's how I would describe it) is 50% drama, 50% fiction (afterall we're not in a volcanic winter!!!) and 100% science.

If you're a science bud (like I am), this is top class viewing material. Put your feet up, watch the programme, and then hope that the eruption is going to happen at least 1,000 years or more from now. I give this 10 out 10 for sheer quality and I hope the BBC do a docu-drama next to show what life really be like for the first Martian settlers. ;-))
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The 4400 (2004–2007)
A series with 4400 stories and one more (mild spoiler)
31 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Having seen reviews of this series, I finally got to see it when my DVD arrived. The story is really compelling and thought provoking. It asks of the viewer the "what if" when 4400 people are returned to the present day after being snatched being some unknown beings. The events surrounding their return start of innocently, but then more and more of the returnees, or 4400s, are exhibiting unexplained psychic skills in varying degrees and levels. My favourite 4400 is undoubtedly Maia, and the actress playing her has a bright acting career ahead. The title music is so cool. I've almost totally memorised it. I am already looking forward to Series 2, and with so many snatched individuals there's spaces for 10 series. Well worth missing out on a night for!!! I give this series 11 out of 10 for effort, story and acting.
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The lost child (2000 TV Movie)
An almost perfect movie about finding yourself!
7 July 2004
I sat down with a little scepticism for this movie. The description of the movie on the television guide did not sound that appealing. However, after a slow start in the first 20 or so minutes I really got into it.

The movie is about this woman who was adopted as a child, and then as a married adult with kids of her own, decides to start looking for her birth family. She finds them in a native American reservation!

As I have friends in the US who are native American and I have been told many stories about their traditions I was very impressed with how they conveyed that culture on the screen.

You may also recognise the grandmother. She was in Dr Quinn Medicine Woman as Cloud Dancing's wife.

I highly recommend this movie!
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The Great Egyptians (1998– )
If you're into archeology, this is a program to watch
18 February 2004
The program is well presented, drawing from legend, fact and speculation in equal measure. Bob Brier does a good job showing us what and who the real Cleopatra was like. I was pleased they did not simply dub her as a seductress as the usual view of her is, but as the intelligent learned person she really was. The program moves through her life from childhood to her untimely death. It is obvious from the program that she was a woman caught up in the events of her time.
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Anya's Bell (1999 TV Movie)
Excellent acting from Della Reese
27 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I am a real fan of Della Reese as an actress and looked forward to watching this movie. The story is about a young boy in an early but troubled teens and a blind woman who has to find her own independence after the death of her mother. Like all good friendships theirs has its ups and downs, but it develops enough for Scott and Anya to learn to appreciate each other and to learn to overcome what is stopping them from being truly independent: his learning disability and her blindness. It was really moving how Anya is able to draw the best out of Scott and make him confident. Throughout the movie you can see how Scott's relationship with his mother is in turmoil who borders on despair at times. The story deals with dyslexia which was not well known about in 1949 when the film takes place, and which at times is still not recognized as something that can be treated. However with Anya's encouragement Scott and his mother seek out treatment and find he has dyslexia and a new life starts for Scott; one of hope and possibilities. When Scott returns home after the tests he finds that Anya has died and he runs off to seek out his grandparents. In the process of seeking them out he also starts the possibility of them and his mother mending their wounds. When he returns from his grandparents, Anya's lawyer comes to their house and says that Anya left money for Scott's education and the future looks like it is going to be good for Scott and his mother.
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