
40 Reviews
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Baby Reindeer (2024)
Brilliantly done but a tough watch
30 April 2024
I am not sure if I enjoyed this as such but boy was it powerful.

Covering a range of emotions and issues, it was bloody raw and impact full.

I gave it a 6 as I felt seven episodes was too much. Five would have been plenty.

Very well done though with some excellent acting, particularly Donnys Dad.

Great cinematography as well. Recognised a lot of places in the City.

Initially very funny but then frightening. Donnys descent into madness was so hard to watch.

The scenes with Darrian were horrific. He was probably the real villain of the piece as there are sexual predators of both sexes out there.

Worth watching as very well done but it was a hard watch, particularly the Darrian episode.
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Me Time (2022)
A contrived mess
28 August 2022
This flashed up as new on Netflik on Friday and I put it on with visions of The Rock and Hart or Wahlberg and Ferrell together.

Sadly Hart and Wahlberg don't work together. There's no chemistry to their buddy comedic relationship.

It's not helped by a script trying to be too modern and diverse. Perhaps they were trying to avoid stereotypes and tick all the right boxes? Who knows! But it just doesn't work.

The scenes in Death Valley are horribly clichéd and contrived. The family scenes either bizarre or banal. The "villan" an insult to whatever nationality he was supposed to be. The father in law? Could have been a great memorable character but stereotyped by a hapless scriptwriter.

It's not bad but it's certainly not good. Harmless yet very forgettable.
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Is this meant to be a Comedy?
10 February 2022
Absolutely hilarious. I'm sure it's not meant to be real is it? They're all scared at night and looking towards the woods where a noise comes from and then we see a camera shot looking back at them? Irony? Stupidity? Who knows but it's sssoooo funny! I'm laughing writing this on Episode 4. Hand sized poo now! Love it!
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Great story poorly executed
1 June 2021
I have always admired the work of Cary Elwes and Michael Ironside and they usually lift the medoicre in to the much better. Sadly not with this very poor movie.

The main actress has always looked good and her acting has been ok in such films as Wrong Turn but this is far too much for her. Her attempt at tics associated with a mental disease reminded me of the Velociraptors in Jurassic Park. The dinosaurs were better. Her attempt at passion and angst is derisory to the film.

The plot has more holes in it than a swiss cheese. Stilted, dull and poorly executed. Its an insult to the poor families.

Please don't bother.
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The Stand (2020–2021)
A Horribly Confused mess
22 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have now watched 8 out of 10 episodes and will watch 9 and 10 just to finish it but this was an insult to one of the greatest books ever written.

Fortunately I read this book every year so I know the plot like the back of my hand but for people new to this it would be so confusing., The story is simple. The Superflu wipes out 99% of humanity and survivors head to Boulder or New Vegas depending on their morals and needs. However we do not really see how this all starts as Campion doesn't arrives at Arnette at the start. The episodes jump from characters already being in Boulder back to their journey to get there. As a result character development is non-existent.

Mother Abigail calls her followers to her from the iconic Hemingford Home where she is transported to Boulder. We dont see that and she is in a Care home? Thus her status as the messenger of God is completely diminished. Goldberg is also hideously miscast and the 1994 Abigail was far far superior.

My main issues are with the character portrayals of Lloyd Henreid and the Trashcan Man. In the book Lloyd is a strong and intensely loyal right hand man to Flagg. He is full of menace and evil. This director has turned Lloyd in to a hideously camp weak willed goon. He has NO relationship with Flagg and barely speaks to him. Trashcan Man should be a mentally disturbed yet dangerous pyromaniac. This director has turned him into a pathetic creature who squeaks at people which is so crass it is very uncomfortable to watch.

Redman was far better played by Gary Sinise. Marsden is a good actor but fails to portray the charisma of Stu. Marsden's portrayal is vacuous and fails to capture Stu's horror and anger as the death of his friends is kept from him at the lab they are forced to go to. Plus in the book and 1994 series the head doctor is in a rage and wants to kill Stu for showing no symptons. This version wants to help Stu other than one cardboard cut out soldier character who is in it for barely 5 minutes?

As a result we have a generic soulless TV series which is an utter abomination of one of the greatest books ever written.
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Powerful Biopic
17 May 2020
Started watching this yesterday and finished in one sitting. Absolutely powerful and thought provoking.

I am full of admiration of these families. They always held their heads up high whilst different factions fought political games with their children's murders. That is the one positive dominating factor of this documentary. Yusef Bell's mother in particular is a woman full of courage and determination.

Always thought this conviction was less than watertight but having watching this brilliant mini series, I am convinced Wayne Williams has been the victim of a massive travesty of justice. He has been used as a scapegoat to "solve" the murders and prevent racial tensions erupting.
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Time Trap (2017)
Very poor
18 April 2020
Please dont bother. Dreadful acting. Great idea but so poorly executed. Special effects were bland. Soundtrack devoid of tension. Cavemen done better in the 60s. Monotonous pedestrian movie that was a waste of a Saturday movie time. Shocking
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Ghost Nation (2019– )
What has happened to the team?
19 February 2020
Now I used to love Ghosthunters. Jason and the team always tried to debunk the haunting first. They used their knowledge as plumbers and common sense dictated some experiences were down to outside forces not necessarily paranormal. Yet they were always helpful, humble and informative. The new Ghost Nation is different. The guys come across as arrogant and quite rude in this season, Rather than help the person or persons experiencing activity, it's almost like they are screaming "It's al in your head"! They don't offer any closure or help with the spirits. They almost say "Oh you'll be ok" "There's nothing here" or "It will go away". I believe they should use a Psychic or someone who is able to help the spirits rather than moving on to the next "haunting" without any piece of mind being given? Plus its so clean and mundane. Get some humility back chaps and start helping people rather than exploiting their vulnerability!
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Midsommar (2019)
Perhaps I just don't get it
27 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Right let's get one thing clear - I hated Hereditary. Well maybe not hated as I found the last 30 minutes hilarious. So I watched Midsommar with an open mind as much as I could.

It was awful.

The main character didn't help as I could not empathize with her at all. I found her annoying and a blank canvas to be honest. The other characters ranged from equally annoying to uninteresting. So it's very difficult to engage in a movie if the main characters have no endearing qualities or acting qualities leave you cold.

The plot? Telegraphed and Cliched I am afraid. It felt like a Swedish rip off of the Wicker Man. There is no real discernable reason for the climax. Yes the main characters were annoying and frankly I could not care less what happened to them but why? Is it a sacrifice to the Gods or a blood lust? Nobody really explained why their customs were such other than a cringeworthy explanation of the suicide of the two elders.

The soundtrack was clunky and made you wince. The cinematography made you nauseous but I guess that was deliberate. The ending was bland and at no point during this or any other part of the film did I feel peril or menace. I sat there waiting for it to end as it meandered along like a drunk walking home on a Saturday night. You knew what was going to happen and when it did? Just plain silly.

A very good idea wasted by poor acting and a horribly confused and cliched storyline. Avoid. It doesn't come anywhere near to the hype.;
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Afflicted (2013)
A Total surprise
27 August 2019
We picked this movie to watch last night expecting to laugh at the usual hand held cam nonsense but wow what a surprise. Excellent acting and a truly ingenious script and premise for a movie, it was very good. You guy in to the characters from the start with one being afflicted by a life threatening illness and the other going with his friend around the world to ensure he is safe. Well their trip to Paris blows that out of the window as Derek goes off with the French girl Audrey. They let him have the hotel room to his self and try to prank him the next morning by rushing in to the room. They find a dazed, battered, bruised and bloodied Derek who has no recollection of the previous night. Derek and Cliff move on to Italy and that's when it starts going crazy. Funny, scary, unsettling and ultimately compelling it was a cool movie.
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Funny People (2009)
Funny and Heartwarming
20 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Wow this movie left a warm glow inside you and proves that Adam Sandler is actually a fine actor.

It feels like it is almost autobiographical as Sandler's character George is very rich but clearly not happy. Maybe that is how Adam feels about fame? George treats women like crap but clearly it is because he feels that way about himself. In the second half of the movie we see why as he rekindles his romance with his first true love before he became famous. However Eric Bana and two great kids come in to play. Bana is great.

Excellent support from Jonah Hill and a whole host of cameos. My favourite is Eminem chewing out Ray Romano for staring at him.
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Creep 2 (2017)
Just Awful
19 February 2018
I never turn off movies even if they are bad but this is a first for me.

We watched the first half an hour and turned it off. Acting was bad and the two protaganists wee truly horrendous.

Avoid avoid avoid.
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Mind Blowing
5 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Wow what a documentary.

Gives you all you need to know about the existence of aliens and the US government's attempts to hide this from the World.

The main guy is a brave man considering many people have been silenced even killed to keep this a secret. They used ridicule and manoeuvred the press and media to make things implausible. According to the one guy who was high up in the "cover-up" it still goes on today.

I don't want to say much more but watch it, whether you believe or a skeptic. It certainly is thought provoking although a tad too long.
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A return to the Summer blockbuster
23 June 2015
To be honest I am astounded by the criticism on here and the pedants having a pop about tiny plot holes. At the end of the day it is a welcome return to the summer blockbuster. The best film I have seen since Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and my favourite film alongside Zodiac this century. fast paced, great acting, super effects and monsters. No Jeff Goldblum thankfully so in my view better than all the first 3 films put together. BUT the best thing is Chris Pratt. He was great in Guardians of the Galaxy and now he carries the film manfully on his shoulders. Funny Sexy Clever Passionate and damn fine acting. It was 2 hours of thorough enjoyment. It won't win any Oscars but who cares about those films? Stop thinking about small inaccuracies and enjoy it for the thrill ride it is. ABSOLUTELY FAB!
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Godzilla (2014)
24 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Really looking forward to a far superior version than the underrated Matthew Broderick Godzilla. More modern and edgier with a far greater fear of peril. However I was very very disappointed. Started promisingly with Bryan Cranston's character and his apparent paranoia over the death of his wife and a cover up involved. Whilst the story centred around him it was an interesting slow burner. However when it shifts to Johnson as the main character that is where the film starts to die a death. He was great in KickAss as an underdog but simply awful and wooden as the main hero of the plot. His range of emotions and expressions are simply not there. A raised eyebrow here and an attempt at angst or fear was just unbelievable. But this wasn't the only gripe about the last hour or so. The main one is the film is just too dark to follow. You cannot really see the special effects and as a result it is confusing and lacks care. A lot of promises but sadly like finding a coffee cream in your box of chocolates. Looked good and promising enough to begin but goes sour and unsatisfying.
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Entertaining Hokum
30 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this after suffering through Noah on Christmas Day and was pleasantly surprised. Very well acted and well paced biblical epic which was very entertaining. Yes there are a few historical and factual errors in the story but are we not entertained? Bale is his usual broody menacing self and Egerton is excellent as an almost ashamed villain. The angst he suffers whilst exiling Moses is well done although Sigourney Weaver is underused as his unpleasant mother. The idea of God as a 10 year old boy works well in my eyes as it is different from the usual booming voice and guise of an old man. The plagues could have been explained better and given greater clarity. Ewen Bremner's character could perhaps been used more in this respect. Maybe a little long but overall very entertaining as a modern biblical epic and vastly superior to the hilariously bad Noah.
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The Conjuring (2013)
Great First Half
9 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I sat down and watched the Conjuring not expecting a lot and then after an hour was pleasantly surprised. It was scary, well crafted, acted well, good rhythm, unobtrusive soundtrack. BUT all is well that ends well. Err no. What happened in the second half. It was hurried, unrealistic and completely out of character for Carolyn Perron up to that point and became simply preposterous. Why do Hollywood do this. Take a good story and chuck in some spectacular (not) exorcism type set-pieces. It has nothing to do with the Devil at all so why change a perfectly good story and sensationalise it. Very very disappointed after an amazing first hour.
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Interstellar (2014)
The Emperor's New Clothes
24 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I sent to see Interstellar on Saturday night and have just spent 45 incredulous minutes reading the reviews. The film I went to see was dull, preposterous and far far far too long. Let's start with the idea. A good one but poorly displayed. I wanted to know more about how humanity was destroying the planet. All I got was old folk I am guessing talking about the duststorms of the 1920's and 1930's? Perhaps they were attempting to lay the foundation for the whole premise of the film? I also wanted to know more about Cooper but we didn't really see how he became a farmer other than the flashback at the start. When did his wife die? Why is his father in law living with him? Did we really get to understand the relevance of the droid they chased in the truck? Unfortunately most of the film is taken up with barely audible dialogue about scientific hypothesis and personal issues intertwined together. This made it very difficult to follow and the interest wanes as a result. BUT the biggest downfall of the film is Matt Damon. I am a fan off his but not in this. He is dreadfully miscast as the villain of the piece of sorts and that whole fight with Cooper and Ryan is poor. It is just not convincing at all and there is no suspense involved in the whole docking scene at all. Cooper just tells him not to dock as he hasn't got the codes but you never felt Ryan was in jeopardy. It was so poorly constructed. Overall vey similar to Inception in that it is at times visually stunning but rather like Inception it is style over substance. Beautiful to look at but like opening a strawberry cream in a box of Quality Street - very disappointing. And the title of my review? I am just a bit fed up that Nolan has made some fine early films and now nobody will criticise him? In The Emperors New Clothes nobody tells the Emperor he is wearing nothing until a little boy informs him. Somebody needs to tell Nolan that he needs to get back to crafting films full of suspense and not a plodding sci-fi full of characters you barely care about.
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Enjoyable yet predictable. Disappointing.
1 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I sat down last night on New Years Eve replacing the festivities with a big blockbuster that I was looking forward to watching. One word to describe it is disappointing. It just does not reach the heights of the second film and the main reason for that is the villain. This is not the fault of the 3rd film really as Heath Ledger was just fantastic in the 2nd film. It is that Bane is just so one dimensional in comparison and that is not down to Tom Hardy in any way. There just needed to be more mystique and terror around him but he was just a big lump with a fairly incoherent and gruff voice. And Catwoman? Sorry but Anne Hathaway is just not good enough to play this role and her turn to be at Wayne's side at the end-preposterous. And Blake to be Robin was telegraphed from the moment he came on the screen. AND all the police force to get caught down the sewers-ppllleeaasse no. BUT it was worth 8 out of 10 as it was a spectacular blockbuster let down by a little weakness in the plot and one dimensional characterisation.
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Insidious (I) (2010)
Poorly Executed Good Idea
8 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I was expecting great things of this after reading good reviews and seeing typically enticing trailers. However, I was enthralled then badly let down. It reminded me of Jeepers Creepers because of the great first half and dreadful second. The first held of the film creates the idea nicely and we work out the different characters and their issues. The boy's fall is handled well and his false coma explained. Then the scares come and they are well done and it reaches the inevitable angst of the parents. A little unneeded humour is added with the paranormal investigators but that is where the film starts getting sillier and your interest wains. Firstly the gas masks - why? Then the inevitable tag-line - it is not your house but your son and it is explained where he is etc and I thought let's forget the silliness and get back to the dread and fear. But the music and feel of the other zone is ruined by the people on the sofa and then the dreadful old style rendition of Tiptoe through the Tulips. Why as it just totally destroyed all tension. And the ending was lazy and totally unsatisfactory. Great idea, good first half but poor second and totally unsatisfactory ending. Don't make a sequel. Just make a better ghost story.
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Let Me In (I) (2010)
Kids who can act
8 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Wow what a pleasant surprise this was. I was expecting the film to be OK but is was great. This is mainly down to the 2 young actors in the lead roles who are simply fantastic. They prove that you can act without the histrionics of a Dakota Fanning or Hoel Haley Osmond. I expected Chloe from Kickass to be good but the boy as well. Simply amazing. I don't think I have ever seen and probably never will see a film where two such young people provide such a thoughtful and convincing romantic performance without feeling wrong or uncomfortable. It also proves that you can make an excellent horror film without a load of torture porn and gore. Create a amazingly believable story and well drawn characters who are amazingly portrayed by the two young leads and you achieve an innovative movie. It just feels like a couple of kids running away and they are having a normal conversation at the end. Ther is no need to see the obvious trail of destruction left behind or a wailing mother. It just feels so perfect for them to be together for time immemorial.
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Tron: Legacy (2010)
Huge let down
4 September 2011
Visually stunning but awful apart from that. The original film was OK but as a lot of people recommended this as groundbreaking and exciting, I gave it a try. Boy was I disappointed. I think the main issue is that the characters are so poorly drawn and developed, you just don't care about them. So when the son enters the Grid, do you really care what happens? Was he going to rescue his father or was he curious? or did he just need to have something in his live other than money. I just lost interest and found the Grid to be ponderous rather than a menacing place. And how did the girl become "Real" at the end? Surely that was not able to happen? Please can we have filmmakers making a believable story with likable characters and then putting the effects around the story. This was clearly a case of right we have the Grid and all the great effects. Now we need...........................Oh yeah a story. Very poor.
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Was it worth the Hype?
25 April 2011
I faced viewing this film for the first time with a lot of doubt and trepidation. The plot and story did not fill me with an overwhelming anticipation or real desire to watch it. I just wanted to see what the fuss was about. However, I was very pleasantly surprised to find I really enjoyed it and found the whole theme riveting and the move experience extremely enjoyable. It was superbly directed and well acted with a storyline that grabbed attention throughout. All the main characters were absolute horrific and people who I would steer well clear from but that is what is so good about the film is that it is so believable. You didn't care who won or lost. In fact you wanted them all to lose. But it was so riveting that you wanted to know what happened. It was a pleasant surprise but i should not have doubted the man who thrilled me with Zodiac and Seven. A modern classic - enjoy!
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The Children (2008)
Very Poor
16 March 2011
I read the idea behind the film and saw it was on last night and thought great that sounds good. However, although it was a great idea, it was very poorly executed and the plot had more holes in it than a swiss cheese. Usually when kids are in a horror film it sends a chill up your spine; Think of the little girls appearing to Danny in the Shining or little Gabe in Pet Cemetery. But here, a bit of make up is applied and that is it. You cannot blame the child actors as they are poorly directed and there is little in the way of a storyline. What annoyed me is how the hell did the kids turn nasty? Was it an infection and from what? Is there anything supernatural and from where? Why didn't the emergency services turn up? Where did all the kids turn up from at the end? Does anyone care cos after an hour, I did not care but was hoping all would become clear. Avoid Avoid Avoid.
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Sleepers (1996)
All star cast does not disappoint
19 January 2011
This is one of the only films that I can watch time after time and still be highly entertained. The film has many layers and a great cast of fantastic actors. It also has a wealth of superbly drawn minor characters. Bruno Krby is excellent as always as Shakes' dad. A man apparently typical of the community in Hells Kitchen. Proud but ruling his wife in particular with a iron fist. He is portrayed far more favourably than in the book where it is clear he is a lousy father and husband. But it is the ever excellent Kevin Bacon who threatens to steal the show as the deeply disturbing Sean Nokes. He is pivotal to the 4 boys descent in to hell and his evil in the bar scene where he meets his demise sets the wheels in motion for the revenge in the 3rd part of the movie. De Niro is superb as always but has great support in Brad Pitt, Jason Patric, Minnie Driver and Dustin Hoffman. A Must see if you like films of this genre.
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