
21 Reviews
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Who is Responsible?
7 April 2023
Martyn Iles from the Australian Christian Lobby is interviewed by Neil Johnson from Vision Radio about who he thinks is ultimately responsible for the rioting in America. It's very insightful because Martyn in an expert in International law, has a Christian world view and a keen, discerning eye. He obviously admires and follows American politics but has just enough of a distance to view it with a more objective view, thus getting more to "The Truth of It". His particular talent is cutting through the rhetoric and gobbledygook to find out what ideologies are at play beneath the surface, then explaining it in away that an average, lay person can understand.
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Ex Machina (2014)
Intelligent Moves
2 December 2020
Much more of a case study of what makes us human than an android turning on the humans and running amok. Which is what I expected it would be. A young, brilliant computer programmer in a large company is picked to interact with an android to evaluate it's artificial intelligence potential. We are met with the basic questions that have consumed us about what truly makes humans, humans. As a Christian who believes the Bible I already have those basic questions answered so I found it a bit tedious. However, the dialogue is quite clever and the smashing performance of Oscar Isaac as the AI "creator", Nathan is truly tour-de-force and makes the viewing of this movie worth it. I first noticed Isaac in The Nativity as Mary's future husband, Joseph and was blown away by his believability as the future step-dad to Jesus. In this role he is equally amazing as the one moment drunk and morose puppet master and the next cutting up the dance floor with some major moves. Anxious to see more from him!

For other Christians I should tell you that the F-word is used frequently and blasphemy a few times. There is some graphic violence near the end (involving stabbing) but it is all the full female nudity on several occasions that probably deserves the biggest warning. Although the sex act is not graphically depicted, the nudity directly relates to the androids' body being viewed. It's a good script and interesting film but ultimately I won't recommend it because there are better things and films to spend your time on.

I hope I was helpful. Sincerely, Laura-Lee (from The Bible and the Biz blog)
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Serenity (2005)
The Christian View of the Perfectly Crafted Sci-Fi Action Adventure.
26 November 2020
No aliens in this one just a sci-fi film with a difference because of its wonderful ensemble cast led by Nathan Fillion and written and directed by Joss Whedon. Based on the popular but short run TV series Firefly, Serenity takes it to the next level and beyond. What can I say? I love it on so many levels and it has something for everyone, including me. References to sex but none shown, violence in many areas but more intense than graphic. There is swearing but it's made-up words in a make-believe hybrid of English and Mandarin. There are Christian themes and the nature of faith is discussed because one of the main characters is a minister. There is a reason it's a cult classic and the fans are hardcore and lifelong. My "allegiance" as a "Browncoat" (name for its fans) has softened throughout the years but I still watch it with love and respect for its themes of friendship, family, redemption, and sacrifice and for its great plot, excellently directed. If you are watching a DVD make sure to catch the Director's commentary special feature. Joss is so clever and funny and knowledgeable you get a whole new appreciation for the film and its actors while watching it "with" him. He gives us a wonderful balance between telling us technical elements, anecdotal, behind-the-scenes extras as well as his clever and funny personal wisdom. Close to the perfect Sci-Fi flick. And I haven't even mentioned the fabulous soundtrack with wonderful elements of guitars and violins that underscores and enhances every scene without intruding. But soon I'll be gushing like a schoolgirl in love instead of the respectable, Christian lady in her fifties I am. Sort of. And did I mention all the catchphrases that edged their way into my everyday vocabulary and are still there all these years later? Okay, okay. I'll stop now. By Laura-Lee (from the Bible and the Biz blog)
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The Foreigner (I) (2017)
From a Christian Perspective
26 November 2020
Jackie Chan takes on Pierce Brosnan and the IRA. This is a cleverly written, well constructed cat and mouse game with several plot threads that come together at the end with a toned down Jackie Chan who uses a lot more brains than kicks. Although he still has many of the creative moves he's famous for, seeing fewer of them makes more sense for a man the age and background he is portraying. He gives a solid, subtle performance and Pierce Brosnan is also wise enough to use some acting restraint in what could have been a stereotypical, over the top role. They make their characters believable as does the large supporting cast. Even the ones who have very little screen time and dialogue. I liked this movie. There was a lot of bombings, fight scenes and guns fired that made it intense, but it makes sense for the time and place they depict. The sex scenes were throughout and included several brief moments of groaning and grunts but no actual nudity. What is the hardest to take is all the uses of Jesus' name as a cuss peppered throughout the dialogue of the Irish people, although near the end as things get pretty intense and when the "chickens come home to roost" they were depicted as not in vain at all, but very sincerely felt. Again, it's how people in that place and situation talk and in reality they use MUCH worse language and more of it. But I admit it grates on me and after two hours of it I was ready for it to be over. But I did enjoy this movie, found it clever, and even informative. I have a way of gaging just how bad I think it is on a "Christian scale". I imagine Jesus sitting next to me watching it with me, because I literally believe He is, yet I didn't feel like I was doing something I had to sneak or hide from Him. But that's me. And honestly, again, there are other good movies to spend our valuable time and money on. I didn't pay for this movie but watched it free through my public library and I would not have have paid to see it because we vote with our money and it sends a message to the movie makers and this film could have been made without all the bad language and a lower intensity of violence and still would have been realistic. But that's me and my "measure of faith". I will just pass on the facts and my opinion and leave you to your own faith, conscience and consequences on Judgement Day. I hope this review helps. Sincerely, Laura-Lee (from the Bible and the Biz blog)
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Quest for the Bay (2002– )
Go For Broke/Wreck
5 November 2020
Quest for the Bay TV Show

Another case where these particular producers and filmmakers wreck what is a fascinating and intense part of Canadian history by throwing something together quickly to make a buck and capitalize on the popularity of Pioneer Quest. By the third episode, I still wasn't even clear on who the seven men and one woman reliving the trip of the original Yorkmen were. And what's more, I didn't care. In an attempt to create drama they put them in a boat that was leaking from day one and gave them huge amounts of pemican to eat but not enough basic things like potatoes. And when they tried to trade for these items they made it out like they were "cheating". Guess what. Potatoes, honey, and strawberries were ALL available back then too. Plus, they hardly show any personal diary footage which would have made us care about the participants and then tried to stir up arguments where none existed. This show is mildly interesting despite the bad filmmaking and I would recommend it in honor of the real Yorkmen and then add your own imagination. And to the eight people who underwent this journey, I say, "you deserved being depicted better for the hardships, some life-threatening, that you went through". BTW Alanna and Frank Logie show up ONLY for a couple of minutes at the VERY beginning to wave "bye-bye" (and hurl criticism), which is the best thing I can say about this miniseries. I hope this show bombed enough to discourage producers Jamie Brown and Andy Blicque from doing this again. If they aren't going to honor our Canadian pioneers then at least leave them in peace instead of throwing Canadians who DO care into perilous situations while you watch from your recliners and laugh all the way to the bank. To the viewers: if you can't watch for FREE, skip it! I hope this helps. Sincerely, Laura-Lee
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Audacity (2015)
Timing is Everything
17 October 2015
Part documentary, part story, part stand up comedy routine, all of it relevant as society continues to heat up on the debate of Gay Marriage and Homosexuals & Lesbians within the Christian/ Church going community. However, my expectations were blown out of the water when I watched this film (in it's full version on YouTube) and discovered myself both entertained and even laughing out loud at places.

Also, there are so many "coincidences" connecting me to this movie, I felt it might be Destiny for me to see it when I did. Right down to the fact that I actually possess a bogus Million Dollar Bill, in Canadian format. (Actually, it might be the real deal but with what Canadian currency is worth around the world, it comes to the same difference). As you know, if you've read my previous reviews, I can ramble on for a VERY long time, especially when discussing something I enjoyed. I don't give many films a rating of 9, but I'm going to "shutteth" my mouth & "stoppeth" my typing because I'm "wastething" your time (that's me doing Bible talk) and I'll let you zip over to YouTube and watch "Audacity" for free. Trust an Aussie, Ray Comfort, to examine a topic sideways and make you see something in a way that you never have before. When I saw the title, "Audacity" I thought it might be a horror film about someone taken hostage when their computer sound editing program develops artificial intelligence and creates a post- apocalyptic society. Boy. Was I off the mark. It's really a breath of fresh air on a topic that's become hot and stifling because it seems that EVERYTHING that can be said about gay and lesbian marriages has been. So whether you're straight, gay, lesbian or just prefer the love of your cat with a 'thing' for toe biting - ("Hey, don't judge me. At least he always shows up in time for dinner!!!")) you will feel better after seeing "Audacity". Tell them LAURA-LEE sent you. (It won't get you anything, but it might compensate me for the less attention I'm getting for cutting this review short). Sincerely, Laura-Lee (Was Here)

P.S. Is it breaking the hard and fast "Spoiler Warning" rule here at IMDb if I tell you there's a good "Knock, knock" joke in this film? If you don't read another review from me here, you'll know the answer is "Yes!"
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Moonlighting (1982)
The Peanut Gallery
16 October 2015
This film is a mesmerizing and strangely addictive story about a man who buys a dilapidated condo in London and hires and transports several Polish builders to London to renovate it because they will work for a cheaper amount than the unionized English workers. Except for the foreman (in an early role by Jeremy Irons) none of them speak English and the foreman doesn't tell his employer or his co- workers when they overshoot the budget and run out of money.

Trying to figure out HOW he will get the job done and WHY he is going to such great lengths and pains becomes all consuming mental and emotional puzzles as you become sucked into this well written story and tour de force performance by Jeremy Irons. By the second half of the film, you can't bare to watch but can't stand to look away. (It's as if you meant to eat only a few peanuts to suddenly discover you've consumed the entire amount and didn't even notice) I think this film is best described as "Escapism" rather than "Enjoyment" but either way you won't be focused on anything else while you're watching it. In fact the "taste" of it lingered with me for days after I saw it. It's full of a quiet yet constantly building tension, with a capital 'T'. No car chases, big explosions, explicit sex, swearing or violence. Just a well constructed screen gem that seemed to have fallen through the cracks when it was released in the early 1980's.
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Finally the Rapture ...
14 October 2015
... depicted through well made film. Based on the Christian belief that millions of Christians from around the world will suddenly and bodily disappear when Jesus "kidnaps" them.

Seen through the eyes of four main characters from different places around the world: L.A, Tokyo, Buenies Airies and a plane crash survivor on a deserted island. What sets this Dramatic/Thriller/Tear-Jerker above other End-of-the-World films is the superior acting. A bit slow to get started but by the end you are "caught up" in the characters' plights as they search for the truth to the disappearances amidst all the theories and trying to survive the chaotic aftermath.

Filmed on location around the world and an international cast gives it even more authenticity. You might not believe in Jesus by the end but you'll KNOW you've seen a good movie.

But, as is usually the case, the Book version of this story is better. (From the Bible).
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Visit to Wasteland Waste of Time and Money
7 September 2015
In a Theater this is nothing less than an assault on your senses, but on the smaller screen you need an actual story and this film doesn't have very much of one.

George Miller gives us several good ideas about what a Post- apocalyptic Australian future would look like, but he's had his entire life to think about it, so I would expect at least SOME good ideas after having decades to mull it over. But this is mainly a bag full of "tricks" to entice every teenage boy into the theater and out of his allowance: From loud cars, to loud thrash metal, to loud electric guitars (that shoot flames - one of the many, many Phallic symbols in this film) all the way to the group of bikini clad, nubile young models who are actually wetting themselves down. (Can anyone say: "Wet T- Shirt Contest?")

Tom Hardy is probably the best actor of this generation and all his talent is so wasted here. In fact, the character of Mad Max is superfluous to this entire film. He's only here as an excuse to get us back to this time and place. But Hardy still manages to get in some good acting licks. He has a way of bringing out the "humor" (yes, I said "humor") in the character of Max without trying to behave like Mel Gibson. The way Hardy runs around and the way he uses the file on the face mask is reminiscent of Max fighting in Thunderdome, without actually imitating Mel Gibson.

But this film is all about Charlize Theron (Kudos to her agent for getting her top billing at the beginning of the film). It makes me think maybe Miller had a crush on Charlize and constructed this entire film as an excuse just to hang around with her.

In a nut shell, if you're over the age of 14 and actually want a story to go along with all the "cool cars" and "loud noise", you're out of luck. This movie is a bunch of massive hype with the big "selling" point during the months of promotion being that "a lot of the stunts were done in real life instead of CGI". Uh. That is actually the way almost EVERY film made before the year 1990 was created too. So what's so great about that?

The actual "trick" of making a BIG film is to BALANCE it with enough INTIMATE moments that make you sympathize with the characters enough to care what happens to them. (A good example of this being done right is James Cameron's "Titanic") But in this film I don't care if all the characters die. Except for Nicolas Hoult, who used his few moments and lines to make me care about his character, Nux. This was no easy feat amid all the dust and noise, so I'm anxious to see what he can do in other films. But after watching this film 4 times (I wanted to give it a fair chance to win me over), I'm done. Mel Gibson was smart to give this one a skip. You should do the same.

As for Tom Hardy, your time is better spent watching one of his former films over again instead of wasting it here. Pick one of his films where you can actually see his face and hear his voice. This Max could have been portrayed by hand puppets and none of us would be the wiser. Who knows? Maybe it was?
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Tense, Thoughtful and Plot Twisting TV Movie
7 September 2015
Flicked to this TV movie just as it was starting and was "hooked" within seconds. Looked like it would be a dumb and "cheesy" TV movie, but ended up being treated to a thoughtful, tense drama of real life story about a woman's ex-husband (an American-Arab) who kid-naps his daughter (whom he has visitation rights to) and smuggles her out of America and back to his home country in the middle-east. With no money and no more official options (aka. the Government), the mother, Cathy Mahone (solid, convincing performance by Muriel Hemingway), unofficially "hires" 3 ex-military men to go and kidnap her daughter back. This story is finger gripping tension from beginning to end. Their solution to get this little American girl back is not your typical car chase and shoot off a lot of guns action. They have to think and maneuver their way through the problem and culture of several Arab countries and past the ever watchful eyes of the father's very large Jordanian family in order to retrieve this little American girl and reunite her with her mother. I owned it on video for many years and as with any good story, I watched it again and again, finding something MORE in it each time. Great acting by the entire cast. Especially Clancy Brown, James Russo and Jeff Kober who portray the 3 men who decide to help Cathy retrieve her daughter, even though they will actually lose a lot of money to take on this "job".
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Locke (2013)
Locke: A Meal NOT from Drive-Thru
11 June 2015
CLOSED CAPTIONING is a MUST while watching the film "Locke", especially if you are NOT from the UK. My Mom was deaf, so I've used CC in general for years and discovered it helps especially when I'm watching anything with people using accents not the same as my own.

Since the dialogue in "Locke" is hugely important and there are several different British accents being used, take a moment to flip on the CC. You really don't want to miss anything being said because it is wonderfully written by Steven Knight. It's so true to life that it takes only a few minutes to become thoroughly involved in this man's dilemma. It's been a long time since I've seen a film so true to human nature. There was barely an emotion I didn't experience while watching. I laughed, cried, got angry, anxious, etc. Even everything he says to his father is exactly the same as my own experience that it was almost spooky. Right down to my father reappearing years later wearing "trainers". And how Ivan took his last name, "Locke" and "made it right". I've always felt that I wanted to live a good life to "fix" my family name. To make it represent something good and meaningful after generations of it standing for crud.

But this film should be watched TWICE to be truly appreciated. The first time for the plot & to focus solely on Tom Hardy (he is definitely a one- man-band). But the second time to focus on and appreciate the SUPPORTING CAST. They do such a remarkable job too that you don't even consider them during the first viewing. All you know is that you are lost in what is going on. That means everyone is doing their "supporting" job to such perfection that they "disappear" into the experience of the story.

Think of it as tasting food. The first mouthful just gets your taste buds ready to become more defining so you can pick up on the smaller nuances. It takes your second bite before you appreciate how good the food really is. It's the same for watching "Locke". The first time is about following the plot. The second time you're ready to truly get down to enjoying every other part of the rest of this film.

Also, the second time make sure you play close attention to the "set design", even though the entire movie takes place in one car for a 90 minute drive. Because there is so little "set", nothing is in the car by accident. (For Example: on the Passenger seat you see a layer of those wooden balls that make it more comfortable and aids circulation if a person is taking a long car ride. But how often do you see them on the PASSENGER side of a car? Do TWO people sit in this car for long periods of time? It's important that the "navigator" is comfortable. Does that speak to his marriage? Is he considerate or is his wife demanding? A person could discuss the psychology of the "set design" for hours.)

This film is like a meal. It's got a lot of courses, is prepared well, with care and attention to detail and there is something in it for everyone. So enjoy. (And make sure to wear stretchy pants so you're comfortable and can take it ALL in).
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STOP Reading Right Now
28 May 2015
I LOVE films and I LOVE IMDb but if you have not seen the movie Hobson's Choice yet, then you shouldn't be doing anything else. Everything else is a pathetic waste of time in comparison to seeing this film. Yes. It's THAT good. Flawless. Perfect. FOR everyone. So STOP reading right now and go watch this film. NOW. GO. I'M NOT KIDDING. (Let's see if this gets past the "Review" proof readers. It would if they knew I never give up an audience - even of just one. So if I'm shooing you away, it's because this film is THAT good.)

Why are you still here? Go watch this film. Why am I still here when I could be watching it again. I'm 'outta' here! Laura-Lee
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Spartacus (1960)
I Finally "Get it" After All These Years
8 May 2015
I've watched this movie several times throughout my life but it was only extremely recently that I came to appreciate it for the triumph that it truly is. What is the difference? SUFFERING. Forget about the fact that as a smaller child I probably didn't comprehend the entire plot and what was happening, but it's when you start to understand what it means to truly suffer and what it takes to rise above it can you appreciate this film for all that it is. An entire lifetime of living in the "pit" of slavery is WAY beyond MY ability to understand. But I've watched several of my closest family members die in the past 3 years. Learned what it meant to not have a home or a friend. And to have sickness take away control over my own body. These elements are all found in this movie. They are all the true attributes of being a slave. Slavery: You own nothing; Not even yourself. Nobody to call your own. No home. Unable to even have a friend. As Spartacus says, "Death is the only freedom a slave knows". yet he ends that sentence with, " ... But that's why we'll win." Because a slave has no fear of death. And with that one spark of hope, the hope that there is something "better" than the life he's living. And that HOPE jumps to a flame when one life is given as a sacrifice. It's not actually Spartacus that starts the revolt. It's Draba! It's his life that is the catalyst for sudden and massive change. Back in the days when Rome was in control of the world and it had a god for everything (probably even a sneeze), Spartacus says, "I imagine a god for slaves ... and I pray. I pray for a son who will be born free". His hope isn't even for himself. And in my own "pit", my Christian hope burst forth and I finally understood why Jesus had to come as a meek and humble servant. So that we would know that there IS a God for slaves, because each of us is a slave to something. When Spartacus is "wooing" Varinia it is the simple touch of their hands and the first person to show concern for her ("Did they hurt you?") that breaks down the walls to her heart and allows her to give it to Spartacus. Would she have loved him as deeply if he wasn't a slave too? And so I watch Spartacus and comprehend it. Not just because I understand how it fits into history, but how it fits into ME. A God for slaves. Yes. A God who understands my slavery and woos me so I am free to love Him back. Not because He has power over me but because he understands what it means to be a slave BEFORE He came into power. Truly an epic that transcends all that is in the human heart. At last I "get it". Watch it again and glean your own hope knowing that someday the darkness will end and hope will reign. That is what makes this story an epic. transcendence. And know that there is most definitely a God for slaves and so ... you are understood. Sincerely, Laura-Lee
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Cold Comfort Farm (1995 TV Movie)
Quaint, Quirky and Quotable
12 October 2013
This movie is based on a fantastic book but it is also worthy to hold the title, "Cold Comfort Farm" on it's own. Rarely are films as good as the book they come from (especially when the book is a classic - as this one is) but this movie can stand up beside the literature from whence it sprang "as a distant orb". Thus it gets my 10 out of 10 rating. The story of a young, single woman in upper British society who doesn't really know what to do with herself. So she decides to go and live/inflict herself on some distant relatives on "Cold Comfort Farm". Why? "Because they sound interesting" she concludes upon reading their response to her letter. Let the weirdness, ridiculousness and laughter begin. But it will also need a good dose of kindness and sensitivity, which is woven liberally in between the hilarity. Our heroine (played by the ever fresh Kate Beckinsale) ends up changing everyone's life for the better and in the end, her own as well. But this is NOT heavy drama. This story is for pure fun and those wanting a good time, the line starts here. And let me prepare you, there are so many great phrases that are entrenched in the true to life events that you will definitely want to view this movie with several friends. The phrases will remain "in" jokes and be quoted by all in attendance for ... ever (as it was in the case of my family). The great dialogue makes you laugh, ponder and try to apply it to any and every situation from there after. But remember no matter what you do, don't look in the wood shed. Because I saw something nasty in the wood shed. Or was it the garage? Or the barn? Or the bicycle shed?

~~~ by Laura-Lee
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Happiness Inspite of Hollywood Hacks
12 October 2013
This movie is based on the book, "The Small Woman" which is the true story of Gladys Alyward who went to China as a missionary. However, Hollywood writers decided to mess with the story a bit and include a love interest in the form of Kurt Jurgen. But in spite of some unnecessary additions and some unnecessary cuts (like a lot of the Christian themes) this story is so fantastic that this is a movie that stands up all these years later. Like they say, "Truth is stranger than fiction". What is worth noting is that it is the final role of Robert Donat (best known for his portrayal and Oscar in "Good-bye, Mister Chips"). The final scene Robert Donat ever acted on screen was when the head of the city wants it put into the city's final records (before it is deserted because of the invading Japanese) that he has become a Christian. Even though this movie might seem to have the ingredients to make it very mushy (a la "The Sound of Music"), it is so based in real life that it is able to sustain the gritty realism that a person would face going to a remote place in China in the years before World War 2 (and indoor plumbing). For young and old; man or woman, this is a film for anyone and everyone. ~~ by Laura-Lee
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Elizabeth I (2005)
Helen Mirren: Queen of Elizabeths
2 October 2013
I think it is true to say that Helen Mirren is a versatile actor, but she seems to be making a sideline career of portraying Queen Elizabeths. I thought she did a fantastic job of portraying the current Queen but when she steps into the shoes (and large lace collars) of THIS Queen Elizabeth, she does it AGAIN. And perhaps even more so. My apologies to all the other actresses who portrayed Queen Elizabeth I, but Helen Mirren has no equal for this character since Elizabeth I was done by Bette Davis all those decades ago. And for all those who think that there is only "junk" on television, watch this two part mini-series and eat your words, while being educated and thoroughly entertained. A HUGE honourable mention goes to Toby Jones for his role in this. He and Mirren, their rapport and the way they bat the dialogue back and forth is some of the best give and take I've EVER seen in ANY film. Between the two of them, it's hard to remember any other actor in this film. And that says tons because there is a truck load of British talent in this story. (I'll give more apologies to all the actors in the rest of the world but can anybody act as well as the British?) Do yourself a favour. Rent or buy this miniseries, get a big bowl of popcorn and spend an evening (or weekend) watching this. But here's a hint: Don't invite a friend unless they are the kind that can be absolutely silent while a movie is playing, because you won't want to miss one syllable of what's being said.
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Crossroad (2012)
Coincidence to the Nth Degree
22 June 2013
"How many coincidences does it take before something ceases to be a coincidence?" This is a question I have asked many people when debating if God exists and does he intervene in our everyday lives. So I was pleased when I was watching a movie trailer that asked that exact same question. "Crossroad" tells the true story of what happened to a group of people who randomly met one morning at a small dinner thinking they were each there for their own different reasons and personal purposes. However, when the dinner is suddenly held up by two gunmen they rapidly begin to discover that their lives are undeniably and amazingly intertwined and they actually have very much in common.

As coincidence is added to coincidence and the links in their lives proves to be remarkably intricate, even the most hardened skeptic has difficulty denying there is more going on than first meets the eye. As each person makes individual choices, it only reveals even deeper links between them and they each must personally decide if they believe the events are random coincidences or the hand of God and make life or death decisions based on their conclusions. This film is well acted, fast paced and most of all suspenseful in an intense and gripping way. It catches you quickly from the beginning and the events are so amazing, it is impossible to guess or anticipate what will happen next. But whatever you believe, you definitely will wish to stay to the end to find out what will happen next.

It has some violence in it, but ultimately is appropriate for viewing by all except the very youngest members of the family. Whether you watch this movie for a couple hours of entertainment or wish to experience an amazing, remarkable and inspiring true story, you won't want to miss this one. Even if you believe you found this review merely by coincidence.

~ Laura-Lee
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Christian Movies Suck ...
31 May 2013
... but not this one.

I've been watching movies since I was in diapers. That means almost 50 years of films. Thousands and thousands of them. So a few years back when Christians got into movie making in a big way I was extremely excited, ... until I saw them.

I don't know if you've noticed, but there seems to be a real tension in Christian films. Will they use the J-word or just the G-word (or neither)? For some reason, they are either so busy trying to get to the "main stream" OR "not trying to offend" anyone, that they seem to be dancing around the subject of Jesus all together. And while they're dancing, the story seems to fall along the wayside while editing and debating whether to mention Jesus.

That's why this film, "The Grace Card" was so refreshing. I actually found it by "accident" here at IMDb. I went over to iTunes to RENT it for the weekend because I am the most frugal (okay, cheap) person in the world. But since the Grace Card was being sold at a "lower-than-the-other-films" price, I bought it. Yes. The cheapskate of cheapskates bought it.

I'm so glad I did. Then I can watch this film more than once and whenever I need a boost. This is NOT your average "Christian" film. This one has a story to tell, and they are going to tell it as real as they can. The actors nailed it because I believed them as their characters and I believed their lives. They weren't worried about whether or not they said Jesus. If it's a movie that has a Christian in it, the he SHOULD say Jesus at some point if it's true to life. Right?

What was best about this movie is I did see real life in it. I recognized the truth of what it's like when a dedicated Christian who loves Jesus to the core is "stuck" working with someone who can NOT STAND Jesus or at least CHRISTIANS. It had that complete "been there; lived that" feel to it.

And while telling this real story of everyday people, whether you relate to the Christian or to the guy who wishes they would just shut up about their religion, you will want to see this movie. Because ultimately, there is not one of us who doesn't need grace and a real friend who will stand by us when life goes way beyond rocky. And for a piece of advice, spend the extra to buy this movie, because it gives you some extra Hope along with that helping of Grace.

An added tip to those about to see the Grace Card:

*For the women, bring tissues. *For the men, remember the phrase, "I've just got something in my eyes."

~ Laura-Lee
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Escape (2012)
Universal Themes - Universal Thrills
20 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
If you had told me I would be watching a subtitled Norwegian film, I would have told you to, "Go ahead and pull the other leg". But a long weekend was in front of me and I wanted to rent a few movies to enjoy some moments of escapism. So when I saw the title, "Escape" I was drawn to it. After reading the short description, in which it did NOT mention it was either NORWEGIAN or SUBTITLED, I decided to rent it. I found out about the Norwegian when writing came on the screen to explain the set up for the story. While I was having an "Oh no. What's this?" moment on the inside, I instinctively was reading the translation on the outside: " 1638 Norway; black plague has killed half the population; lawlessness and hardship covers the land; a few people risk the danger to wander in the hope of finding new lives and new hope." I was hooked. It takes only another few minutes for the action to begin. Like those nightmares we all get where something big and horrible is trying to catch us and we feel too small and weak to defend ourselves, this appears to be your typical "Chase" movie. Just like the Terminator. At the heart, it is the story of two young girls running through the bleak, barren and beautiful landscape to escape from a gang of ruthless killers, led by a bleak, barren and beautiful woman. But beyond that it departs from usual "chase" territory when the story gradually reveals the reasons behind what's going on. As we learn about the characters histories and motivations of hate, love, selfishness and pain, which are believably brought to life by the sincere and fierce acting of this cast (especially the main actors: Isabel Christine Andreasen, Milla Olin and Ingrid Bolso Berdal) we can't help but ask the deeper question: "whom" is truly escaping "what"? So unlike other "Chase" films, you will want to leave your brain powered ON for this one. It takes a lot for me to give a movie 9 stars out of 10. My main criteria is two fold. 1) Is there anything about this movie I would change or fix? and 2) Was I lost in the story? The Answers: 1) I could find nothing I personally would change and 2) I was definitely "captured" by this story and did NOT want to "escape". Laura-Lee
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The Birdmen (1971 TV Movie)
I've Found MY People
7 May 2013
I don't know if I can trump the rest of you with my age but I first saw this movie on TV in 1975. (some of you probably weren't even born yet). Anyway, it came on TV again a year later, 1976 (hey, I can add). Since then, I've just been waiting and looking. And remember a good 20 of those years "waiting and looking" there was no such thing as an the Internet. I searched through EVERY video rental store I could find (we didn't know what a DVD or CD was back then). In fact when I started looking for this movie there was NO where to look because video machines hadn't been invented yet. So as a 10 year old I got my pencil and loose leaf paper and started writing TV stations to please play the movie. I was in Canada so I wrote to the 2 Stations in Canada and the 3 in America. But nothing. Now here it is AND I discover there are people from all over the world who love this movie too. I feel like a black person returning to Africa. I have found "my people". Of course, it's about time this movie came into it's own. you wouldn't believe the weird looks a 10 year old gets when a bunch of grown ups are discussing their favorite movie stars (Richard Burton, David Niven, Gregory Peck, Charleton Heston) and I slip by with my glass of Kool-Aid and say, "my favorite actor is Rene Auberjonois." You'd have thought I had a banana growing out of my head! (I actually wrote to Rene Auberjonois about this movie because it had so many titles it was making it difficult to look for. He wrote me back a lovely note AND sent me a photo which he wrote the name of the movie and my name on it as well. By then he was on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" and most people knew who he was. That renewed my vigor to keep looking) But I think what those who haven't watched the movie and are reading these reviews should notice something important. Almost all of us gave this move a 9 or 10 stars. Personally I WANTED to give it 10 stars but that would mean "perfection" and I just can't hold to believe that there is anything this side of heaven that doesn't have at least ONE FLAW.

Which brings us to Doug McClure. HE AIN'T IT! They may make characters to spoof him on "The Simpsons" ("Hi. I'm Troy McClure"). But good old Doug redeemed his entire career of somewhat goofy movies with this one. Way to go Doug! And thanks to the rest of you who have reminded me that we are never alone. Just perhaps a little distant from those we belong to. Love Laura-Lee
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QB VII (1974)
The Hey Day of Mini Series
2 May 2013
I saw this mini series when I was only 8 years old. It came on for 2 afternoons in a row during school hours. The first day I was recovering from a trip to the dentist and saw the first part. The second day I did a lot of begging and my mother finally consented to let me stay home to watch it. And my mother never let me out of school for a TV show. But she knew it was good too. I don't think I've ever given a movie or TV Show such a high rating before and I've seen thousands of both during my more than 40 years of watching. But it's the first time I saw Anthony Hopkins in anything and even though I didn't understand everything that was going on, I was memorized by the story. (before that the most intense things I had ever watched was "The Wonderful World of Disney".) "QB IIV" kept me thrilled and enthralled at 8 years old and all these years later when I understand more and see more layers I can say it's even better. Do YOURSELF a favour and watch this miniseries. It's based on a true story about a trial of a doctor who was tried for war crimes by doing surgery on Jewish people in concentration camps. But the entire show you are trying to figure out if he did it or if it is just some horrible mistake. (It certainly would be a nightmare to be accused of such a thing if you didn't do it). So you'll have to watch to find out the solution. I wouldn't even hint at what happens and deprive you of one moment of fascination. Enjoy! And don't forget, it's also a book. So you may want to read that too. It's more layered than the MiniSeries is. L-L
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