
24 Reviews
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Culture or not, Give it a miss.
17 December 2023
I don't particularly give a damm about the cultural aspect of this film mainly because a bad film is a bad film culture references or not.

The suggestion that I am somehow apparently not able to fathom the complex cultural significance of each punch line in this movie and thus not I decern hilarity could be a thing. Either that or it's just not funny. Saying mother fu**er after every sentence does not make this a comedy. The film is just not funny but dull to watch. Some people have given this high scores for reasons beyond me as it's totally moronic. I love a good silly comedy but this so poor I could not get through it due to boredom. Don't take it seriously and force yourself through it go watch something funny instead.
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Ridiculous and Stupid
3 July 2023
Action that is too stupid and defies any sense of reality. This is basically like watching someone play a video game. No real story, no depth of character and boring bits between the action scenes. The boring bits must have been an attempt to give the film some depth but failed to do so.

I don't know where to start with this mindless drivel so I'm not going to list all the reasons why this film is so bad. Such a shame as the first two films hit the mark.

I like action film and I get that it's not supposed to be real but there has to be some sense of reality so the viewer can engage with the danger faced by the main character. You have to care about him but it fails to provide any emotional connection to anyone. This is Tom and Jerry on steroids.

I'd watch the Equaliser movies as a reminder of how it should be done.

I did not watch till the end. The level of ridiculous hit new heights in the Paris car chase. I could not have cared less on how it ended by this point.
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Not bad not great
1 February 2023
It's not a 10/10 and it's not a 2 /10.

By episode 3 however you will start to drift off and think about other things. I stuck with it and decided to write this review on episode 7 as I'd lost interest in what happens in the end. I could not care less about the characters.

The acting is not bad but any attempt at comedy falls flat and there is no convincing emotional connection between the 3 main characters. The action scenes are not great. It all seems a bit forced.

It's a teen thing and perhaps that is why it's it has no real depth. Most people who gave this between 4 & 5 stars are pretty spot on with their review. I'm sure teens will think it's the best as it has teens with powers and they all have issues.

Something to put on the TV while you have your supper and instantly forget. I won't make it to a series 2 anyhow.
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Just not funny
17 December 2022
The overuse of the f word is tiresome and just not funny. Using profanity in comedy is all about delivery and timing. It is not just saying it at every opportunity as seems to be the case in alot of American comedies of this type. Rob Corrdry is especially annoying. He just seems to shout and swear with no real ability to make it funny.

To compare this to film to hangover just plain stupid. In hangover the comedy timing and characters are great. The situation and different character types make for a funny movie. Hot Tub misses the mark and feels lazy relying of the shouting and swearing but with no real substantial comedy frame it's use. Ther is no real juxtaposition like Ted for example.

I don't understand the high rating. This is really not that funny.

I got bored half way through and decided to write this review instead. Good comedy films are hard to find. I'd watch game night instead.
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28 Days Haunted (2022– )
Over Dramatic Americans
27 October 2022
Good concept ruined by people being over dramatic in an attempt at producing a form of realism and seriousness.

If there was any grain of truch anywhere in this show it was truly drowned by over reaction and needless cringe worthy acting. I'm not saying they are actors but perhaps they feel that this is a real job that requires made up professionals.

This was a this typical formulaic documentary we have all seen before with dramatic music and oh so serious commentary. Most Brits will not take this seriously. I'm watching it purely for laughs now. This is why it has one star and no 0.

What was all the emotional crap about? Who behaves like that. My suspicion is due to the lack of ghosts turning up they had engineer tension between the people. Just put the kettle on have a chat and wind your neck in FFS.

At least with Most Haunted they manage to have a laugh and while I am sure they take it seriously they are natural with each other with normal banter that makes Most Haunted more real. Not forgetting locations that are actually old.

I am finding each episode of 28 days haunted more annoying especially that whiny female medium who is constantly saying she is "outta here" to add tension.

Give it a miss unless you are gullible then you can give it 10 Stars.
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Nice to fall asleep too
5 June 2022
Totally boring. I know some reviewers state people these days are always wanting instant gratification when it comes to horror. They then go on to defend this movie as if they are somehow more sophisticated. I'm all for a good atmospheric slow burn but this totally boring. Endless piano in the back ground, TV and radio playing in the background watching the main character fall asleep not to mention endless landscapes. It is as if they are trying to calm you down ready for bed.

The building of atmosphere is about setting a scene making you feel on edge but here it is the whole movie.

Honestly I'd say give it a miss. I grow increasingly frustrated at the amount of amateurish or low budget dross that appear on Amazon. Sometimes you get a diamond in the rough but this is not it.
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Count Arthur Strong (2013–2017)
Just not funny
13 June 2021
Yes I get it but it's just not funny. As a 52 year old person who is familiar kind of this kind of comedy I found this just predicable and a bit rubbish. I found it boring and perhaps best left on radio 4 for the old folk that still think this funny. I was told how funny this was but it just feels ancient. Could not watch more than one episode. Times have moved on.
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Are You Haunted..? (2018– )
Skeptic but enjoyed watching
25 April 2021
Let me start by saying I watch these sort of thing purely for entertainment value I am not a serious believer. These guys however do not pander to providing over the top reactionary responses for those looking to be easily led. I enjoy the format and the group have grown on me. The absence of chairs flying all over the place and lack of ridiculous pseudoscientific equipment is refreshing. They are what I would call down to earth people and that is to their credit. When stuff does happen it feels like they are not staged. They are not there to prove ghosts are in every location they visit.

Unless one is actually experiencing something themselves there is no way to verify of what is happening is real. Out of all the programs like this I am more inclined to believe these guys. The program in not character lead there is no individual who is over the top or trying to be funny or overly dramatic. I think that they are honest and while season two is a bit more polished they have stuck to retaining a sensible approach to what they do.
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Pointless waste of time.
1 March 2021
This was poor. It seems to centre on the views of some guys who spend too much time on video games who probably live at home and are well into their 30s. The type of people who never date or can't and work at a gaming store. They are not qualified to have an opinion on anything other than comicon let alone be in a documentary on such a fascinating subject.

There is a guy who shot his parents who I think should have been on a different documentary because it had no relevance to the core subject. No science or scientists in the documentary let alone serious philosophy. I felt uninspired and uneducated after watching.

Don't spend money on this.
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Tenet (2020)
Interesting idea
26 December 2020
The sound quality was so poor and the film was just a bit of a mess. It may be considered a masterpieces on a second watch but who has time for that. Movies should be entertaining not hard work. Plus if you rented this you would not rent it twice. If you have to watch a film twice then for me it's failed. I just got bored with it partly due to the shocking sound quality and I did not really care about the characters. The film is sometimes visually good which was the only reason I did not give up on it. The acting was good but it was not enough to capture ones interest. All in all it was a bit of a confusing mess. Playing film backwards was hardly cutting edge special effects.
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Hard Kill (2020)
Macho American Gun Loving Nonsense
18 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film is of course utter American garbage. I can only imagine Bruce was in the market for a new shed or something. This is a predictable action flick badly acted and on a low budget.

It has all the ingredients of an American gun loving action film for idiots.

1 - Numerous bad guys all dressed in the familiar black storm trooper outfits who despite being armed to the teeth struggle to hit their targets while the good guys can fire one bullet and kill loads of bad guys or simply pick them off using a knife or do that breaking the neck thing from behind making it look as easy as turning a thermostat up.

2 - Tough female character over doing the "I'm as tough as the toughest man" however she manages to stay predictably beautiful throughout movie.

3 - One of the good guys gets killed to maintain some sort of credibility. He's soon forgotten buy the end.

4 - Last men standing namely the chisel faced hero and the bad guy who have a fist fight as the gun probably gets kicked away. I did not care by this point as I was playing with the cat by now.

Oh not forgetting the "give me the code or I'll kill your daughter" and " if you kill my daughter I won't give you the code" blah blah blah. This stand off is scenario is nonsensical and over done.

Yes I know it's not serious film making but the whole thing is so formulaic. They could have cut and pasted scenes from different action movies and nobody would have know. It's just been done to death and mostly in the 80s

In one of the many shootouts our hero has a conveniently up turned office desk that somehow is totally bullet proof and can withstand a barrage of bullets. If Trump had know that he could have clad his presidential limo is office furniture.

It's not even a bit of fun like Die Hard was, having said that the actress who played Bruce's daughter did have incredible eyebrows. I hope Bruce likes the new shed he bought with his wages.
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It's a 5 at most
16 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Who would give this over 5 stars? I am always amazed how many people give rubbish films a 10/10. This is predictable and at times a ridiculous film. One person's review hit the nail on the head. "It's a film you can put on while you do something else"

You could not care less about the characters and you will soon find yourself checking your phone about 20 mins in. The highest praise should not be above 5 stars anything more than that I would ignore unless you have very low expectations.
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The 2nd (2020)
Utter and total crap
6 December 2020
Bad in every way. Both the action, acting, dialogue and production was set at a very low bar. Typical American low budget nonsense.
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The Grudge (2019)
It's definitely not a 10 or a 1 get a grip reviewers
23 October 2020
Basically it's a film that seems to rely on one jump scare scenario after another. The story is basic and not really intelligent. It's instantly forgettable. I have not seen the original so I am reviewing this as a stand alone film. If you want to watch this with your mates with a few beers it's perfect. The film is totally predictable and there is nothing new here. It serves a purpose for those who want a night in and stay up late because there is nothing else on. I don't get the 1 stars though as it's not that bad but it's never a 10. I think a 5 is fair and I would ignor the extreme reviews on either end of the scale. If you don't take horror to seriously then give it a go.
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
Unexpectedly Excellent
21 August 2020
When I decided to give this a go I was expecting a teen "special powers" typical Netflix whining American beauties accompanied by chisel faced men nonsense. The sort of series in which you could not care less about the characters with the obligatory politically correctness to teach us something in a patronising and predictable sort of way. Well I could not have been more wrong on this occasion.

The actors are well cast and you do care about them all. I found the humour was genuinely funny. There is a lesbian relationship in season two and a gay relationship spanning both seasons which went beyond ticking the netflix diversity check box and was rather touching and relevant. Well done for doing a great job in weaving that into the story in a sensitive and meaningful way.

I actually preferred Season two but that is in no way saying season one was bad because it wasn't. Season 2 also covered political issues in the form of black activists and cold war paranoia which was relevant for the time in which it was set. This also was very well done and did not come across as preaching but rather it made me appreciate the struggle facing black people back then and in some way still do sadly.

I was blown away with the CGI concerning the character Pogo. This was a purely CGI driven character and it / he was brilliant. It would seem no expense was spared and the detail is worthy of any blockbuster movie. I don't want to give anything away but you will know what I mean when you watch it.

I tip my hat to the person or people responsible for a great soundtrack.

It would seem that all the ingredients where spot on in making this an entertaining watch for both teenagers and adults alike, a rare feat for netflix. The only other series I have watched that managed this was Stranger Things.

Netflix did good here, the acting was great and the characters and story was wacky enough to deliver humour and seriousness convincingly. Looking forward to season 3.
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Timeless (2016–2018)
Mediocre at best
17 August 2020
I am astonished at the maximum scores of 10 being awarded to this mediocre TV nonsense. Surly those who gave this a10 don't really think this is the best thing they have ever seen? I can only assume they are teens.

It did have a some sort of promise based on the story line but the execution was dumb and the characters are such that you could not really care less about them or what they have to say.

Netflix again provide us with quantity over quality in the form of another formulated American series in which the main protagonists concerned are a woman who is of course thin and beautiful and a man who is a chisel chinned bonehead both of which cannot instill any kind of emotional connection to the veiwers. The third character (despite having one of the most dumbest lines I have heard which referenced OJ Simpson and the crime he committed) was likable at least for the most part as a character. I think he is supposed to provide the laughs.

If your going to watch this then disengage your brain you will not be needing it.

After watching a serious attempt at a time travel mystery such as Dark then this is like the kiddies version. Come on Netflix. This is worth nothing more than a 4 or 5 star unless your about12 years old.
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Cursed (2020)
Typical teen netflix fantasy rubbish
17 July 2020
A teen witch fantasy from Netflix, who knew? Or is it aimed at another type of audience god knows. Well sadly 5 mins in I knew how this was going to go. It's totally forgettable. Heard it all before. Netflix seems to be all content and little quality. Some actors are better than others. For those in the UK the bad guy is the Scottish guy in the wonderful comady Mum. He is a good actor but it's hard to believe he is an evil monk. If your 16 you'll probably like it.
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Ice (2011)
So bad it was good
10 June 2020
Despite a good set of actors most of the dialogue is laughable. The dialogue almost feels made for radio if you shut your eyes. This is Sharkado meets Day After Tomorrow. I did however sit through both episodes of this mini series. I did actually enjoy it but for all the wrong reasons. Special effect where "special" indeed. The acting was poor adding more humorous moments. A man battered by large hail stones lays unconscious/ dead with blood over his face and one of the main characters shouts " hey you ok?"

It's made for TV so lower any expectations, read the reviews and lower them some more and you may enjoy this. I am a furloughed worked with too much time on my hands so if your bored on a Wednesday afternoon then it will see you through till it's time to eat again.
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Started with promise not sure where it ended.
9 June 2020
There will be those reviewers who would have us believe that this is brilliant. The sort of people who like to feel they have achieved a higher intellect than the average person and as such could never admit just how boring this series is. Someone even said it was "actually very good but most people wont get it" seriously?

For those of us not trying to be pretentious, patronising and arty then this review is for you. While the premise of this series is interesting it is totally let down by the absence of any pace, plot and cohesion. It's beautifully shot the acting is great and there is a sense of mystery and magic waiting to unfold. Sadly it never does. The series demands you use your imagination to fill in the many unanswered questions. If I want to use my imagination I'd write something myself. Some people will think they have stumbled on a serious piece of sci-fi. The sort of person who would buy a pair of flip flops for £150 because it's from an artisan craft shop.

It is different and original and it's setting is unlike most sci-fi series with big expensive special effects which is not always a bad thing. In terms of understanding the time or decade in which everything takes place this is left to the imagination but it really does make for an atmosphere that complements the story telling all be it very bleak.

Be warned it is not an easy watch because it's very heavy going. You wont be spending all weekend watching this back to back like you did seasons 1 to 7 of The Walking Dead.

The episode with a time stopping canister was 5 mins of plot run over 55 mins. I wondered if time had actually stopped for me while watching it. Nobody reviewing this could provide you with spoilers as nobody knows what the conclusion was or the point. Was it style over substance, a serious piece of sci-fi art or just lazy writing? Well that depends on how much you would pay for a flip flop.
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Not as bad as some say
5 June 2020
No it's not a big budget special effect driven sci-fi and it does not feature big stars and for those who take movies far to seriously by giving it 1 star need to take this for what it is, a low budget film. Not a bad film to chill out and watch in the early hours on a Friday night. My expectations after seeing Hungerford kept me from having false hope and I found it better than Hungerford. The acting is just enough to carry the film. The special effect are actually not bad. The plot does not require much intelligence but if you can just go along with it then it's all good. Go into this with realistic expectations. It does not deserve the hate from people who just need to get over themselves.
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Emma. (2020)
Just plain boring
2 May 2020
I'm not going to waffle on about the book or compare that with this film adaptation. I don't want to go into lengthy analysis of the main characters either. I admit I did not manage to watch it to the end as I had other things I could watch. All I can say is as a film it was not funny and rather boring.
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Guilt (2016)
American rubbish set in London
2 March 2020
This is a typical stylised American garbage. Acting is poor. The cast consist of gym fit beautiful people that command no credibility instead of proper believable real people. No suspense and no real reason to watch episode 2.

Watch the Stranger on Netflix to see how it should be done.

American drama can be brilliant but this is one of many Netflix series that is definitely not. Give this one a miss if you are looking for a gritty believable crime drama. Conclusion is style over just about everything else including substance
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Wasted Opportunity Due to Lack Of Cash
26 November 2019
Like so many reviewers I was looking forward to this Mini series and like so many reviewer was totally disappointed. Obviously money was spent on making the period authentic but it would seem they blew the budget with nothing left for alien CGI. The aliens together with the havoc they could wreak never was explored from a special effects point of view. I realise that special effect are not everything but come on its an alien invasion. The flash forward subplot was frustration and boring and acted like breaks on a slow moving train. The female protagonist does a lot of staring into space that is supposed to make us feel something deep but its just plain boring.

Every time I thought "here we go its going to get exciting" nothing materialises. It was obvious they could not afford the special effects favouring to focus on the expression on peoples faces or find a way to avoid showing the destruction. As the invasion of London was happening we saw some of the main characters running through a tunnel which was the cheaper option. The acting is solid and its clear from a BBC point of view this is big budget that was 2 or more years in the making. Sadly we are all used to more and its clear that the BBC are out of step with an outdated means to raise revenue (namely the license fee) The BBC should steer clear of Sci-Fi blockbuster aspirations. They really needs a Netflix budget its time to scrap the old ways.
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Raising Dion (2019–2022)
13 October 2019
It is the typical American formula that makes this feel unoriginal and boring despite concept offering some promise. Maybe kids love it but you have the usual back story with the constant flashbacks which always hinders the pace of the storyline. Just at the end of an episode something interesting happens so you watch the next one which has about 40 mins of not very much then another hook on the end. The characters are not interesting both in terms of chemistry with each other or as individuals. The boy is painful to watch as he is annoying. The female lead is of course beautiful but not convincing as a struggling mum. Did they not learn anything from Stranger Things??? I did not care anything for the characters 2nd episode so won't invest my time in further episodes.
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