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This Is NOT Scooby Doo
12 August 2014
It's just a spoof of the original cartoon. The hipster producers don't realize when you make fun of the original elements that made Scooby great, you are left with a pile of nothingness and that is what Mystery Incorporated really is - a pile of nothingness.

The only thing creepy about MI is the ridiculous hipster aura contained in every episode. I shiver when Velma talks about Shaggy "Rocking the burgers."

Also, what is up with Fred becoming a cry baby and romance developing between everyone except Scooby? I roll my eyes every time Daphne flirts with Fred or Velma flirts with Shaggy because it's very distracting and even nauseating to sit through. None of these characters were like this in the original show, fortunately.

Finally, I cringe when the families of these high school sleuths are profiled because they are all super wealthy and bring you a new image of the gang as being nothing more that spoiled brats solving crimes just to have something to do when private school is closed.

This series is very forgettable as are all Scooby's made after 1990. In my opinion, the original Casey Kasem as Shaggy episodes will never lose their spooky charm because Scooby belongs in the 70's and that's where the show maintains its nostalgic attraction (especially that flower power van!). If that makes me old school, then I'm proud of it! R.I.P. Casey Kasem
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Effects Over Story
10 November 2009
I saw this today at a "early bird" matinée which cost $8.00. Gee, I can only imagine what the normal ticket price is! Anyway, I went in thinking this would be a truer version of the Charles Dicken's 1843 novel as promised by the director. Well, I was disappointed with that end of it. Many scenes and words from the book are left out (i.e. when Scrooge ate dinner after closing his office Christmas Eve before going home). Because the movie obviously focuses more on 3D special effects than on characters and story, so we are left with little to take interest in more than the overdone zaniness which James Carey is well known for. But even the eye opening effects got annoying in parts. When Scrooge shrinks up and flies through tunnels and crashes into icicles, I thought it would never evolve into the next scene, until finally it did (by the way, this scene also is definitely not in the book). Now, I did love "The Polar Express" which Robert Zemeckis also directed. But unlike "A Christmas Carol", the effects blended in nicely with holiday nostalgia and a winning soundtrack. I barely recall hearing that much Christmas music in this movie other than hints of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen". So Zemeckis just didn't pull me in with as much holiday spirit this time around. But overall, at least this animated version is cute and I'm sure kids will eat up all the wild effects. So it makes a decent family outing, but I wouldn't go beyond that. For me, and many others, the champion of all versions of "A Christmas Carol" remains the one made in 1951. Alastair Sim's emotional performance is one tough act to follow, so I doubt any other version will ever top it. Some believe Sim owns the role and the more overly-anxious actors I see playing the old miser, the more I tend to agree.
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Halloween II (2009)
Better Than The First, But...
6 September 2009
Must admit this is a finer effort by Zombie. Michael is definitely more creepy and the visuals are much more stunning in this sequel (especially in the parts when we see Micheal's deceased mother and himself as a child). My remaining complaint is the acting. Scout Taylor Compton tends to over act in some parts and under act in others, making her role as Laurie Strode quite annoying. Plus, although I've always admired Brad Douriff and Malcolm McDowell, I got the feeling their ages didn't match their roles. When they became dramatic, I almost felt they were having a stroke! Finally, I still can't figure out when this series takes place. Is it in the 70's, 80's, or now? I do know some of the fashions are definitely exclusive to now, like the overdone tattooing. Oh, and this sequel continues the redneck foo, two of whom were almost as sadistic as Michael. But fortunately they got put in their place after a wicked attack on the hulking Michael (He does seem to be supernatural in this one). Now back to what I did like about the movie. I'm glad Rob brought in more of the original John Carpenter music, I even heard an updated version of "Laurie's Theme" which is always chilling to hear. No, these "re-imaginings" are not even close to the original Halloween, which is my favorite horror movie, but Rob appears to be learning from his mistakes little by little. So if you want to see one eerie and gory horror movie with plenty of rain to top it off, I recommend H2. But you prefer to avoid boredom, stay away from H1. Now, I just wonder what Rob has in store for Halloween 3, dare I ask?
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Stand by Me (1986)
True To Life
11 June 2008
Yes, this movie is definitely sad and you just don't feel the same after watching it. It holds a special place in my heart, especially the unfortunate fact that not only did actor River Phoenix die in the movie, but in real life too! If you've never seen Stand By Me, I highly recommend seeing it uncut instead of watching it on a channel like AMC. Not because of the profanity itself, rather because you need to experience what these boys truly said to each other and how it relates to their emotions so you can fully grasp what the movie's message is all about - how short life really is. I think the saddest line in this movie is when the Writer (Dreyfus) talks about how friends come in and out of your life like "bus-boys in a restaurant". Man, that is very true and very sad to think about. I've been trying to find a best friend I knew when I was 12 and to this day, I cannot locate him. For all I know, he could be deceased. I also used to walk with childhood friends along a railroad track near my grandmother's house in the summertime, so that part brings back fond memories too. The Stephen King novella Stand By Me is based on is also very emotional and I recommend reading it first to get a taste of what Reiner's film will be. It's unforgettable and timeless. Plus, I guarantee your eyes will leak tears by the end credits.
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Ebbie (1995 TV Movie)
Best Marley / Not Best Version
27 December 2006
I'd say the best performance was by Jeffrey DeMunn as Jake Marley. But the hairspray ghosts (of Christmas past) were real cheesy and Susan Lucci's acting wasn't very convincing to play the "tight-fisted" character of Scrooge. She just looks too vibrant to play the part and didn't put that much into the role which weakened her character. The Ghost of Christmas "Present" (Lorena Gayle) had the second best performance in the movie. Her emotions were quite natural and she was a pleasure to watch. Tiny Tim and Cratchet's characters were just mediocre at best as with the rest of the cast.

So again, the best Jacob Marley I've seen to date is the DeMunn Marley who WAS very convincing in the role (not to mention genuinely eerie). So I give kudos to DeMunn and Gayle, but my praise for this weak version of "A Christmas Carol" ends there.

UPDATE : OK, I watched "Ebbie" once more this year and must change my review some. It is indeed a good movie if you look past some of the amateurish parts. You can go beyond the hokey hairspray ghosts and see plenty of drama in Ebbie's past and again, the "present" ghost was perfect, and the future ghost was a convincing bringer of death. This time I viewed "Ebbie" from a more humanitarian (rather than casting) side and by golly, it stole my heart. Have to admit, this is the best female version next to "A Carol Christmas" with Tori Spelling. So, if you can sweep aside a few obvious shortcomings, you will discover Christmas gold in "Ebbie".
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Super Size Me (2004)
Over-hyped Movie
13 March 2005
This movie is grossly exaggerated. This man must think McDonald's ought to be shut down for good. I disagree. No one forces people to eat there, so get over it.

Plus, he ate nothing but fast food for 30 days. HELLO. Factually, most people don't eat at McDonald's every day. I eat there no more than once or twice a week.

He didn't even mention that many fast food dishes contain healthy ingredients as well (like tomatoes).I even read an article that stated eating pizza is not as bad for you as originally thought because of it's nutritional value (i.e. calcium, fiber, Vitamin C & D). So this movie is over-hyped. I've eaten at fast food joints for over two decades and am still alive and well. Never had a stroke because I exercise when possible and take vitamins.

I also don't care for the message "Super Size Me" sends about obese people. That all women should strive to look like a super model and that if you're obese, you're a loser. I don't think so. There is too much pressure in society to be like this and it often results in mental illness. Enough is enough.

The only effect this movie had on me is an increase in appetite. Those Big Macs he chomped on looked tasty, didn't they? and the cold milkshakes...I'm there!
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The Evil Dead (1981)
Boring Plot And FX
21 November 2004
I ordered this "classic" on DVD and watched it again after a long time. The movie starts out slow-paced and gives you the feel of a campy low-budget horror flick, and it is. So, you watch and wait for the action to start and when it does, you are rewarded with plenty of gore but unfortunately, it's not very realistic gore. Most of the effects were done with clay and time-lapse cinema (yes, like those used in "Santa Claus Is Comin To Town"). I felt the "Violated by the Woods" scene was rather dull. Gee, how difficult is it to think up a young woman having sex with trees? Not very. In other scenes, I felt they were plain annoying and stupid. The scene where Ash's girlfriend becomes a Cindy Brady demon is a perfect example. "We're gonna get you, we're gonna get you.."). Ugh.

I'm not a Raimi fan, but I thought this may have been the one good film he made. Not quite. I'd probably enjoy watching the idiotic "Spiderman" series more, at least the FX are not made with claymation!
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Classic Mad Scientist Foo
6 May 2004
The movie "Re-Animator" was obviously inspired by this monster movie. The head resting on a plate of blood and the thing in the closet helping it to accomplish revenge match up. I noticed that the original title was "The Head That Wouldn't Die", I think that makes more sense. After all, the doctor preserved his wife's entire head. The known title makes one think it's about a human brain floating in a glass container that mutates. Not exactly. Anyway, I liked the monster in the closet idea. They keep you wondering about it until he comes out! The gore involved was top notch for it's time. It actually caught me off guard, I guess because it was a black and white film. The only part I didn't like was when the doctor went around town in search of strippers while playing that cheesy music. It was rather annoying. Otherwise, this is certainly a sci-fi/horror classic that continues the Frankenstein legacy. Excellent for Halloween time.
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Very Boring
4 May 2004
I watched this movie after seeing "Zombie Flesh Eater" thinking it would be just as satisfying. Nope. The evil skeletons (Knights Templar) return again, but they always move in slow-motion on horses, a cheap effect. What really bites about this installment is the fact the dialogue is so boring. Plus, I still can't understand what the crabs were all about. Every time a virgin was brought back to the lair, we see slithering crabs around her hair. Did the Knights transform into these crustaceans? I really don't care. This movie is very forgettable. I recommend "Zombie Flesh Eater" instead. The opening coffin scenes are much more eerie...and the skeletons don't have crabs!
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Zombie Flesh Eater???
29 April 2004
The title to this movie is way off. They're not really zombies, more like demonic skeletons, and they don't eat anyone's flesh. Whoever came up with this American title must be off his rocker.

But anyway, I liked this movie for the most part. Some death scenes were too long and the acting is bad. However, it does have a nice eerie atmosphere with all the fog and cultish chants. Plus, the skeletons look great.

The boat appeared like it was a toy floating in a bathtub. Obviously, the budget didn't allow for a real ship. But I could accept it. What annoyed me most was the scene where the blonde chick wakes up the mad skeletons. It takes forever for them to finally claim their prey. She does all this screaming for about 5 minutes, then finally loses her head (literally).

But the Exorcist-like ending was good. These guys are invincible!

A more suiting title would be: "Ship of the Evil Dead". So, if you found this title because you're seeking Romero style zombies, keep looking. This film is more about demonic supernaturalism. Very spooky.
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23 April 2004
I've heard all the complaints about this movie and noticed that all are simply based on the fact Michael Myers is not in it. Some critics have complained that it was a poor storyline too.

Well, I disagree with both views. If Michael isn't in part 3, who cares. This movie contains plenty of atmosphere and scenery to enjoy. But the acting and music score were also top notch. In fact, I like this music score (by Carpenter and Howarth) more than the first. The directing by largely underrated Tommy Wallace is exceptional too (he also plays the TV announcer's voice).

H3 is a little slow moving, but the suspense picks up toward the end. My favorite scene is when Dr. Challis (Atkins) is searching for Ellie (Nelkin) in the old factory and comes across an elderly lady knitting. He asks here about Ellie, then the head falls off revealing a mechanical prop. This was plain eerie. I loved it.

The climactic ending will surprise you too. I recommend Halloween III for suspenseful fun, but not for those expecting yet another Myers sequel.
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Goriest of the Bunch
16 April 2004
The first "Friday the 13th" is definitely the scariest and goriest (thanks to make-up artist Tom Savini), and it's far from being a "Halloween" copy. The creeping-around-in-the-woods scenes keep the viewer interested. When a thunderstorms brews up, it really adds to the eerie atmosphere. I love the part where Marcy tells her boyfriend (Bacon) about her "bloody rain" dream. A eerie touch to foretell what is to come. My only complaint is that some scenes are too dull, like when Alice is making coffee. But when the killer begins to stalk her, it gets interesting again. Alice really goes through hell. The climactic ending is classic and Savini really adds realism to the gore. The sequel was light on gore but heavy on suspense. I only recommend seeing the first four of this series (Savini returns for "The Final chapter"). The later sequels are more comical than scary (if not plain boring). If you're expecting to see Jason creeping around with a machette and goalie mask, you'll be disappointed. Jason is pretty young here. Instead you'll see an eerie, suspenseful and gory classic where the killer's identity is not revealed until the end. Turn down the lights for this one...
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The Gate (1987)
Cult Appeal
13 March 2004
Overall, I liked The Gate because of it's weirdness. Plus, the special effects were eye-catching. Especially when the handyman tumbles over then transforms into tiny demons that scatter about. My favorite scene is when the parents return home late at night and Glen's father says "You've been baaaaaad!" and tries to strangle him while slime drips out of his face. Weird stuff. My only complaint is how it ended. But I won't give it away. I recommend seeing this one but keep in mind that those dwarf demons are "older than the Bible".
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Unusual Horror
13 March 2004
I liked "The Possession" more than the original. Part one was so phony that it was even comical in parts (not to mention the over-acting). Part two contains more real life horrors such as incest, child abuse, domestic violence and mental illness. Yes, it is loosely based on the DeFeo case. However, I believe the director avoided direct links to the incident because of possible lawsuits. One disagreement I have with William C. Uchtman is when he stated in his review that Ronald DeFeo Sr. was a swell guy. Well according to "City Confidential" on A&E, the father was very abusive and was reported to have beaten "Butch" to a bloody pulp one time for simply talking back at the dinner table. Wife beatings were also reported. So, the abuse scenes are quite valid. The part when "Sunny" points a shotgun at his father after he punched his wife is valid too except that, in the real case, Butch pulled the trigger with no shells inside. That was the only difference. The counterculture involved is also interesting. The Montelli's are no typical American family, you see this from the start when Sunny returns from buying a pack of cigarettes and has an arguement with his father who threatens to "kick his ass".

Yes, "Possession" did copy parts of The Exorcist, but it's still a good film with more gory scenes than the original.

If you like over-acted supernatural thrillers, you may enjoy the first. But if you want to see a movie based on a real murder case (though admittedly from a supernatural point of view), "Possession" is for you.
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Most Unique of Series
11 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS This installment contains scenes not found in the others. For one, it's the only Friday The 13th presented in 3-D (originally). I was lucky enough to see it in this format (still have the glasses). The effects were outstanding! But it's still a good horror movie without 3-D stuff. The unique qualities continue...Jason dons his famous hockey mask for the first time when he takes it from a Jewish kid after slicing his throat, Jason murders a pregnant woman (in later installments, Jason develops a soft spot for kids), Jason runs in pursuit of his intended victim (in parts 5-10, he only walks), there's a catchy breakdancing tune in the opening/end credits and Jason's mother returns for a cameo- "What was all that about a lady in the lake?"

Plus, the scene where Mr. Voorhees slices a young man in two while walking on his hands is my favorite of all! The acting by Dana Kimmell was admirable too, I feel she was second best after Amy Steel in part 2.

Her highest acting point is when she describes the time she first ran into Jason out in the woods and got attacked. Very convincing drama.

My favorite suspense scene was when Chris Higgins (Kimmell) opens the barn doors and Jason is hanging on a noose in front of her. When he springs back into life, it's a shocker- "Can't be alive!"

Overall, the movie is a fun ride. Some of the 3-D effects may still surprise you (beware of flying eyeballs).

This movie was shot in Saugas,California which is why Camp Crystal Lake appears much smaller than in earlier installments shot in New England.

Steve Miner is a talented director and certainly proved he could reach beyond some boundaries in this very different follow up to part 2 (notice how much bigger Jason is).

Part 3 is definitely the most unforgettable Friday of the bunch.
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