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Loop Track (2023)
Pleasantly surprised
26 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well it keeps you wondering this film. Starts off with Ian a guy with a failed business escaping to the wild countryside of New Zealand on a hike with a few overnight stays. Ian is paranoid avoiding other hikers and doesnt trust others but meets a fellow hiker Nicky. Ian and Nicky become acquainted and trek through the forest trail to an overnight cabin. There they meet Austin and Monica a couple also walking the same trail. A series of events unfold and gets paranoid with those on the trail with him. Two backpacks left in a cabin makes Ian even more paranoid about those he is with. He also thinks somebody or indeed SOMETHING is following them.
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A remake that's better than the original - Rarity
12 December 2022
Great film, enjoyable, plenty of horror and action combined with a shopping experience. Faster paced and harder than the original. One of if not the best zombie film made. Ana(Sarah Polley) a nurse, comes home from work and the following morning she wakes up to find her daughter is now zombie and has bitten her husbands neck through to the jugular killing him and changing him into an undead zombie. She manages to escape her house and seeks refuge in a shopping mall on the outskirts of the city with the help of a policeman and several others. They have all the amenities to survive the present locked inside the mall, but how long for and where to as the zombie apocalypse population grows.
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The Trailer was good, the movie hmmmm
6 January 2022
The trailer for the film was epic, but the film was a complete mockery of the original. I just don't see how on earth this could of been a success. I have no clue in the thinking behind this film. Just proof that origins should be left alone and when you mess with things that don't need to happen, it all becomes a bigger mess.
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Disrespectful to true Bond fans and humanity.
1 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've loved Bond ever since I saw Moonraker on ITV as a 5 year old on Boxing Day 1982. I have seen every Bond film since A View to a Kill in the summer of 1985 at the cinema including License To Kill my Dad blagging myself as 15 even though I was 12. Everytime I've left the cinema happy except today October 1st 2021. Thats all I got to say.
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War of the Worlds (2019– )
Aliens what Aliens?
24 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The robodogs are used by Police in NYC, they aren't Aliens rediculous. It's slow paced mostly and has potential but to say those robodogs are alien is wrong.
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Iron Fist (2017–2018)
7.3 is the lowest rating episode yet overall 6.5?
22 January 2021
I will start by saying 7.3 is the lowest rating for an individual episode yet overall 6.5? Something very wrong with the ratings.

Anyhow overall I really enjoyed it, disappointed there is no 3rd series. If you haven't seen it, try it and don't believe the hate which makes no sense.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 16: The Rescue (2020)
Season 2, Episode 8
18 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It just came all together just like that.... Smooth. Dark Sabre, Luke Skywalker, R2 D2, Dark Troopers, Boba Fett, Jabbas Palace(after end credits), its got.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
The Star Wars Way, this is the way!
11 December 2020
The best Star Wars content since Return of the Jedi or maybe even The Empire Strikes Back. I've been waiting for this since 1983 I was 6. All those years growing up playing in my room with action figures. Somebody who understands Star Wars fans finally made it.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 15: The Believer (2020)
Season 2, Episode 7
Back to back 10 stars
11 December 2020
Another truly stunning episode, I just hope the season finale lives up to the expectations now.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 14: The Tragedy (2020)
Season 2, Episode 6
Everything you wanted to see in a Star Wars movie
5 December 2020
This was the best episode yet, better than any of films since ROTJ. I kid you not that's the Boba Fett we wanted to see. A nice little side story of how he escaped the Sarlacc pit would be a great side story. The ending of the episode really does leave you in suspense for the next episode. Not mentioning any spoilers except Boba Fett finally seen in action and you won't be disappointed.
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I don't know where to begin but it began
20 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So the crawl just states the Emporer was still alive all along, yet we saw him explode and the death star exploded. Who rescued him, Snoke was some kind of genetic experiment. This story was made up as they went along and it was thrown together. I won't say anymore but the storyline was just garbage and lacked any sort of creativity and continuity. Disney really need to forget Star Wars, just focus on what they are good at Snow White, The Jungle Book, Dumbo and Mickey Mouse. Disney have all but killed Star Wars, my kids still prefer the original trilogy and awknowledge the prequels. The 3rd trilogy makes no sense from the off, maybe its because of the nonsense political route Hollywood has gone in. Darth Vader/Anakin didn't force ghost yet Kylo Renn/Ben Sky walker did. The knights of Ren had no lightsabres? Chewbacca dies then its OK because he's on another spaceship? There is so much that is so wrong with the film, the pace is so bad its like what is going on? The effects are fantastic to a point and that's why I gave it a 3 and not a 1 or a 2. One last time please Disney don't make anymore, sell the rights to somebody who can direct and write a script. JJ Abrahams and Rhain Johnson are the most overated directors alive. They along with that Kennedy have destroyed every little boy's hopes and dreams they had for Star Wars. Star Wars Murderers! Should be tried for crimes against movies.
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26 August 2019
Can't believe what I just watched, awful story. It just didn't make any sense at all.
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Brakes (I) (2016)
I'd be ashamed and If I made this
25 April 2019
Some of the worst camera work and editing I've seen on TV. The acting wasn't good but the camera work, angles, editing really was poor and made the acting look worse. How does stuff like this get 4.8 and put on TV? Awful, not even funny and its supposed to be a comedy? I tried my best to get into what was going on yet none of it made any sense the way it was done. Did it really take 4 years to create this? Looks like it took 10 minutes with no storyboard or script!
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Wire Cutters (2014)
Beautifully done
20 March 2019
That characteristics of humour nature transferred into machines. They team up, they work successfully together using each others special set of skills only for one moment of madness. An argument over a tiny issue which could of been avoided with common sense, of course like humans make a mountain out of a mole hill and the worse things happen. Sad tragic end consequences.
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Truth or Dare (I) (2018)
Entertaining enough to pass a bit of time
7 January 2019
Think of the game truth or dare and add the Final Destination movies. One by one in that order tell the truth or do the dare or die.
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Not even good
30 December 2018
Awful, the acting is poor considering the cast they put together for it. The editing is poor in patches and some of the camera shots are just bad. The storyline a rip off to the original yet not even set in Italy. 7/10 you people are kidding me, struggles to make 5 tops.
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Best out the 3
23 December 2018
Looking at it through British eyes I found this way more funnier than the other two films. You people need to relax and not worry about PC European relations.
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Doctor Who: The Tsuranga Conundrum (2018)
Season 11, Episode 5
7 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Zero. Politically correct nonsense, I'm lost men give birth to babies. Men become woman and Romanova is now a man(Bloody should be only fair).
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To all the this is bad trolls, you aint Star Wars fans
27 September 2018
Now the first viewing it was ok, the second viewing it was a little more interesting as I pieced it together a bit more and thought yes this is actually good l, that was back in April. Now I bought it on blu ray yesterday and gave it another re run and surprisingly it was better still, with even more bits noticed. The problem is maybe the pace of the film in patches but its definately beats The Last Jedi and seems the door is open for Solo Returns a Star Wars movie.
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Aliens (1986)
All time classic sci-fi action horror
3 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So 57 years later Ellen Ripley is found floating in a escape pod from the Industrial Star Cruiser Nostromo. She destroyed the Nostromo because of a dangerous ET xenomorph creature which killed all the crew except Ripley and the ships cat Jonesy. She is taken to a spacestation orbiting Earth and interrogated by the company she worked for Weyland why she was found floating in space and why a billion dollar starship was destroyed. At first they don't believe her story but after loosing contact with a colony set up on LV 248 the planet were the Nostromo Crew picked up the xenomorph a rescue team is assembled. This rescue team is a group of specialist colonel marines in which Ripley is persuaded to go with them as an observer. Unfortunately things don't go to plan and a battle for survival commences in a bid to escape the xenomorph infested planet. To avoid spoilers, this is one of just a handful sequels that are actually better than the original. The effects for 1986 are amazing and infact better than a lot of todays(2018). The cast nails the film, the music score is perfect, the location is from a nightmare and this is classic great sci fi at its best. Its an all action sci-fi horror thrill ride on an express train to hell.
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The Grey (2011)
I just came out of the cinema an hour ago, good but could have been better!
27 January 2012
The acting is good so I scored it high on that alone, but its the reality of the whole damn thing especially the ending that brings it down for me. So eight people survive a plane crash, OK we know this can happen because of the film alive which was based on a true story. Normally there are no more than fifteen to twenty wolves in a pack, I'd say there was 30 or so people on the plane 23 bodies for the wolves to feed off. Normally wolves would scavenge before putting themselves in danger like many other predators. The scent of dead bodies would have kept the wolves where they were. I'd imagine if people were being hunted down then in the open they would have been venerable but surely the would have armed themselves at little better out of that wreckage. Molotov cocktails to burn them would have worked and could have been easily made. There was a scene from Rambo First Blood, amazing how the wolves found a fast route down there, If the were following them. The worse thing was the amount of time Ottway was in the river in sub zero temperatures he surely would have died from hypothermia, especially trying to save Hendrick with mouth to mouth. Also if he had of made it ad dried off which he looked like he had did then in theory the wolves would have probably lost his scent. Therefore would not have persisted after him. If somehow they did catch back up with him tooled up with a sharp survival knife and a knuckled duster of three sharp bottles would have had more than enough in his arsenal to kill the lone alpha male weakened or not.
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Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead (2009)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Not that bad, a fun episode.
18 April 2009
Not the best Doctor Who episode but certainly not the worst. Thought the storyline was a cross between Pitch Black, Entrapment, On the buses and that program about a time traveler in a blue box. Seriously it was OK not as bad as some comments say it is on here, the thing about Doctor Who is if you had the Daleks, Cybermen or the Master every week now eventually that would be boring. Dr. Malcalm (Lee Evans)is a cool character but maybe a bit over the top with the I love you Doctor stuff. Christiana played by Michelle Ryan comes straight out of the movie Entrapment and then once they reach the desert in the double decker bus you almost expect Vin Diesel to turn up. Them flying stingrays must be exceptionally hungry as one can eat two larger than life human sized flies in one after another!
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Cry Wolf (1968)
A young boys who mistakes things because of his imagination.
21 August 2008
An Imaginative young boy called Tony who's dad is the town mayor, seems to get mistaken with a lot of things he sees. To cut a long story short no one believes him when he really does see a gun pointing out of a window as he uncovers a kidnap and ransom attempt on the commonwealth Prime Minister who is meeting his dad the town mayor. Any how the young boy saves the day with the help of his friends Mary and Martin, but is nearly tricked by a woman photographer known as Stella whom he befriends is also part of of the criminal operation. Its was nearly 25 years ago i last saw this film but thankfully I tracked it down online and obtained a copy. I did say I would love to see this film again but i doubt i ever will, but I have and it just brought me so much satisfaction sharing the film with my children. CFF films aren't shown on TV anymore. CBBC used to have a Friday film special for an hour in the 80's during its broom cupboard reign and broad-casted this film up to the late 1980's.
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Doctor Who: Voyage of the Damned (2007)
Season 4, Episode 0
Another excellent Christmas thanks to Doctopr Who
25 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The Titanic is a space cruise liner from Skaro which as been hit by asteroids and set crash into Planet Earth killing everyone on the planet. The Doctor finds himself aboard the ship can he save the passengers and the planet? Just who is the mysterious Max Capricorn (this guy has so many similarities to Davros the creator of the Daleks, could be very interesting the series to come in 2008. I hope John Simm can return as the Master, along with the Cybermen and The Daleks with Caan and perhaps Davros making an appearance. It all seems very interesting again for Doctor who fans again this year.

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Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (1973 TV Movie)
Don't be afraid of the dark
11 November 2006
This film scared my mum and dad when they first watched it in 1981, i wasn't interested in horror films until i was about 12. My mum didn't know the name of this film, but she kept going on about this really scary film about a couple that inherited to this house, where a maintenance man told them not to unblock the fireplace as they moved in. Little demons etc. So i always looked in the TV times for possible movies with that description in the film guide. One morning looking at the TV page of the Daily mirror low and behold i went running to my mum and said is this it. A look of terror appeared on her face and a "yes thats it" came from her mouth. That night in back in 1989 i set the VCR and the next evening we watched it. I found it reasoanbly scary but not as scary as my mum who was petrified. My dad said i'm not watching that again, has still hasn't. I'm not sure what happened to the copy of the video, but i would like to see it again just to see if it was really that scary. There was some very good horror films mad in 1973/74 I also recommend - Don't Look Now (Donald Sutherland), Satan's Triangle (Doug Mcclure), Black Christmas (The original slasher movie, now being remaid and released at dec 16 at Christmas in the uk) 2006.
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