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The Virginian: The Exiles (1963)
Season 1, Episode 16
Hat in the Long Grass
14 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A well dressed stranger in a suit comes across a dead man and when he stops to investigate finds the dead man has been shot in the back. He tries to get the dead man's horse but the horse takes off so he goes back and gets the dead man's gun.

Later the Sheriff tells Ramrod and Steve that the Judge has had a another, but this time fatal, run-in with a well known adversary resulting in the Judge being under suspicion of murder.

The Virginian (Ramrod) finds out that a Ralph Slocum has sold the horse of the dead man and caught a train out of town so likewise catches a train to follow to North Bend Montana.

On the train a husky voiced woman named Angela, who says she's is a singer, asks to sit next to Ramrod as a fatherly type is accosting her. Later at North Bend she is apparently told by an unknown deputy to leave town on a non-existent 3 o'clock train!
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The Virginian: Jump-Up (1971)
Season 9, Episode 24
Hard Labour
26 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Roy Tate dons a new suit dressing up for a trip to a town where he is having time off and also to hopefully meet an old flame is she is still working there.

While there he plays cards with a slippery fingered con-artist who has tried to get the saloon owner John Driscoll to go shares in his gambling venture stating he can't lose.

Tate wins a round but when he tries to collect the pot he is accused of having cards up his sleeve and, to prove this, slippery fingers pulls a card out of Tates clothing.

When Tate says he wants to get the card shark for lying, and betting crook, there is an opportunity for Driscoll frame Tate for the killing of the slippery fingered con artist.
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The Virginian: Wolf Track (1971)
Season 9, Episode 23
Night Stampede
25 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Colonel MacKenzie is out on a cattle drive with Tate and other ranch hands when a wolf sets off the steers. After the herd is settled a calf is heard bellowing in the distance followed by wolf howl.

The ranch hands warn Colonel MacKenzie that wolf hunting is dangerous but the Colonel insists he has hunted all his life, for many prey including tigers, so knows what he his doing.

Meanwhile back in town the bank has been robbed of seven thousand dollars and the town Sheriff meets Colonel MacKenzie on the trail and so the two hunters part company after their respective prey.

The Colonel is hunting the wolf using a trailing bait so but little does he realize the wolf is actually hunting him!
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The Virginian: The Town Killer (1971)
Season 9, Episode 22
When to quit!
23 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The Virginian and a ranch hand are in a saloon when Ramrod tells the ranch hand it's time to go but, after the Virginian has left, there is a fight over a local woman.

The next morning the Virginian finds out the ranch hand is incapacitated from the fight, as he is hobbling around in broken slippers not his boots, so he rides off without the ranch hand.

The Virginian is later drinking from a pool when he is set upon by a would-be robber but who loses in a fight with the Virginian.

Ben Hunter arrives with a posse to tell the Viginian's attacker to move on, without the mare he took from Ben, and then tells the Virginian to go with them to his home where he gloats over his local status.
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The Virginian: The Regimental Line (1971)
Season 9, Episode 21
Forgotten Hero
22 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
American Indian braves kill a moonshine brewer and burn his log cabin in the opening scene and then the movie switches to where Colonel MacKenzie is watching cattle branding in progress.

A cavalry troupe arrives and the Colonel exchanges pleasantries with the troupe leader Lieutenant Dorn. They discusses a looming threat by Indian braves out to reclaim the lands by attacking white settlers.

It also appears that a long forgotten apparently dead soldier from India, whom Parker and Colonel MacKenzie recognize from ten years ago, has arrived in the form of Sergeant Mulchay.

Parker is asked to keep an eye on Sergeant Mulchay by Colonel MacKenzie but he leaves the fort by horse as Parker calls out "Lieutenant Baxter"!
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The Virginian: Tate: Ramrod (1971)
Season 9, Episode 20
Party Poopers
21 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Sibling rivalry is brought to the fore when Amanda and Will Benson exchange words whilst dancing. The dancing and partying at the local hall is interrupted by Sam Donner who insists that the use of barbed wire is against local unwritten policy of letting steers free range.

When Will Benson goes outside he is set upon by Sam Donner's son and Will is injured however he refuses to give up the attacker to the law.

The Virginian offers the services of Tate to help out with fencing on the Benson ranch, while the owner goes off for a few days, and whilst her father is away 16 year old Amanda gets interested in Tate.

The argument over the fence continues with a visitor witness to the event and who stops the fight with a gunshot from a dropped revolver
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The Virginian: Flight from Memory (1971)
Season 9, Episode 19
Double Deal
20 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Agreed this is an almost exact copy of a previous episode and the acting is nowhere near as good.

The storyline is as follows:

Colonel MacKenzie is riding past a snow capped mountain and sees a dark horse in the distance with a dazed rider. When Colonel MacKenzie approaches the rider is thrown off her horse so the Colonel takes her to a cabin where he puts her on a bed and is able to ascertain her name is Melissa.

The cabin's owner Muley arrives with a long rifle and the Colonel greets him to avoid being a target. Together they look after the woman Melissa much to Muley's initial disdain as he has a policy of no females in his cabin.

Down in the valley below a man, who says he is her brother, is looking for her as she was supposed to go to a wedding and has gone missing.
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The Virginian: The Angus Killer (1971)
Season 9, Episode 18
Bullied Beef
19 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Opening on a downed Angas bull which has been poisoned by Loco weed, after a fence was cut, and the Virginian later meeting the widow, Laura Duff, of the property founder.

Her son Jimmy is hot to trot in getting revenge but is talked to by the alcoholic ranch foreman Reedy not that it did much good as it appears Jimmy is intent on causing trouble no matter what.

It looks as though there are a few more suspects than first appears and one in particular is rather close to home. When the Virginians's conversation with Laura about investigating the fence being cut is overheard this leads to the Virginian being shot.
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The Virginian: The Legacy of Spencer Flats (1971)
Season 9, Episode 17
Mistaken Identity
18 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Trampas loses his saddlebags in a storm and stumbles over a sign for Spencer Flats showing the population as 2103. However, upon arriving there, Trampas hears a Dutch Organ which draws him to the saloon and seeing nobody around helps himself to a beer plus a meal.

Little does Trampas realize he is being watched by two of the town's three people, two sisters one named Della, who believes him to be a wanted outlaw and who is intent on killing him at the first opportunity.

After much conjecture with each other, and Teddy the third person in the town, Trampas is allowed to live until the Sheriff arrives. More trouble comes when the next man arrives in town and he is assumed to be the Sheriff and this causes Trampas more concern.
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The Virginian: The Animal (1971)
Season 9, Episode 16
Deadly Dynamite
16 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The valley that Troy is riding through cracks with the sound of gunfire and soon Troy comes upon a man with a rifle who warns him that a hunting party is out and that it's better he takes the other trail.

However Troy has been in the saddle many days and said he would rather take the shortcut with the result that he runs into the prey and then the hunting party.

The prey turns out to be a familiar animal with a disability that seems to change the situation somewhat. Troy takes the prey into town, after avoiding the hunting party, but the local sheriff is not keen on looking after the situation due to the fact that a popular local man Burt has been killed.
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The Virginian: The Politician (1971)
Season 9, Episode 15
Bad Blood Boiling
15 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Opening on a bottle shoot inside a saloon the culprit Jack is dragged out for a dunking and then home to be told by his politician brother Foster the Bonham family home is up for sale and that the Shiloh foreman is on his way to look over the property.

After a failed attempt to ward off the Virginian with a warning shot the bad Bonham boy Jack continues his belligerence by trying to cause trouble with a neighbor Joe Terry and his wife Eileen.

Jack argues with his sister in law and tells the Virginian he's not welcome then goes off to cause more trouble for the Terry family and it seems his blood is so bad that it's constantly on the boil!
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The Virginian: Nan Allen (1971)
Season 9, Episode 14
Tarnished Reputation
14 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Colonel MacKenzie rides into town to find out his friend has been killed after a fracas with a local Bobby Allen due to impropriety with his sister Nan Allen. The previous night Bobby had come home after a night of cards and drinking Bobby, after hearing glass breaking, rushed inside and a fight ensued which ended with Tom Whalan going out the window and landing on a trellis.

Colonel MacKenzie asks for special consideration to attend the closed court hearing where he hears the story of how his representative has met an end with a tarnished reputation. Judge Carver orders that reporting of the case be kept factual and court documents private. But is the end of the matter?
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The Virginian: Hannah (1970)
Season 9, Episode 13
Train Terror
13 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Trampas meets Hannah on a train where she is playing chess with her father who has a turn that immobilizes him. Hannah asks for help to find her mother who she believes is the source of her father's anguish.

After much persuasion, and helping herself to a horse, Hannah is able to talk Trampas into helping find her mother but gets into strife with his revolver whilst he is swimming the adding insult by suggesting Trampas looks like a rat when he emerges cold and wet.

Meanwhile Hannah's mother is caught up in her lover's criminal ways after being run out of a previous town, for cheating at cards, he plans for a large heist using her to get information.
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The Virginian: Last of the Comancheros (1970)
Season 9, Episode 12
Mexican Madness
12 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The slaying of a wild bull by Comancheros, and the subsequent reporting of the event by a pretty reporter Sally, raises the ire of townsfolk with the resulting tension causing the slaying of the Comancheros flock of sheep. The wounded Comancheros shepherd manages to get to his people where the sheep slaying stirs up the Comancheros community.

This in turn causes the Comancheros leader Sosentes to capture Colonel MacKenzie and the reporter Sally for a ransom to pay for the sheep.

The town sheriff is determined to thwart the ransom demand in order to prevent further kidnappings which leaves Colonel MacKenzie in the unenviable position of trying to save Sally unaided.
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The Virginian: Follow the Leader (1970)
Season 9, Episode 11
Gunning for Trouble
11 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Trampas runs foul of a family of comic outlaws and during a card game tries to flush out the weapon used against a man called Thad. Trampas goes to the local gunsmith again to get a favour and later the argument continues in a barn with brothers from the card game.

A stalemate results in one of the men, named Ritter, being detained by Trampas and hidden by a friend however Ritter's family kidnaps Colonel MacKenzie to exchange him for Ritter.

Trampas and Vanessa MacKenzie, the Colonels cousin, discover Ritter is missing at the gunsmith's office and are able to recapture him. Sheriff Abbott comes across Colonel MacKenzie's wagon, which is still on the road from the earlier attack, but he seems to be lagging a long way behind the action.
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The Virginian: Experiment at New Life (1970)
Season 9, Episode 10
Communal Chaos
9 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
When Shiloh cattle stray into the herd of a commune called New Life the Virginian approaches the council to organize the removal of the cattle.

The New Life council approves the moving of the cattle but after the Virginian leaves there is another vote to bring in a law that leaves a bad taste in the mind of the wife of the founding father of New Life.

With her daughter Belinda's happiness at stake, along with the honour and memory of her husband's wishes, Amelia Ballard is forced to reconsider her future and that of her daughter in the light of unsavoury developments and seek assistance from the Virginian.

However their plan to escape the situation is met with resistance that is as dangerous as the men who seem to have taken over the commune.
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The Virginian: The Price of the Hanging (1970)
Season 9, Episode 9
Dire Doctor
8 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Colonel MacKenzie is in a dire situation from injuries sustained on a cattle drive and Tate has gone into the nearest town to get help from the local doctor Benjamin Kinkaid. Tate has continual flashbacks about the situation that caused Colonel MacKenzie's injury.

However, at the doctor's practice, Tate is informed by the doctor's wife that the doctor is incarcerated due to be hung! Tate is on a mission to get the Colonel the medical help he requires but is refused by the local Law and Judge John Markham.

Later Judge Marham has a change of heart and allows the death row doctor a chance to help Colonel MacKenzie and with his diagnosis Dr Kinkaid informs Tate that an immediate operation is required.
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The Virginian: Lady at the Bar (1970)
Season 9, Episode 8
Voting for Freedom
7 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Trampas is nodding along on his horse when he is rudely awoken by rifle fire. Marshall Krug and his deputy arrest Trampas and take him to town to face court for murder of a man whom he had been seen with earlier.

As Trampas has no representation the court appoints a local lawyer who is unable to take the case so he handballs it on to a female partner.

This new development bemuses Trampas and he puts his foot in it by stating he does not support voting for women! However the change in lawyers is the best thing that could happen for Trampas as she is a stickler for procedure and this saves Trampas from the usual rush to the noose the town is used to.
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The Virginian: Crooked Corner (1970)
Season 9, Episode 7
Blinded by Jealousy
6 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
When a ranch of four thousand acres is sold to German immigrants they begin to experience unwelcome events that put their hold on the land in jeopardy.

They try to live in the new world without guns as defense on the property but a night raid by three men on horses sees the end of a lot of hard work as a new building burns.

Tate is constantly blamed for their misfortune and feels compelled to assist the newcomers.

One of the immigrants Paul has a lot to be responsible for and when he goes to blacksmith Ivers to stop the madness he started Paul ends up losing sight of the future he envisioned and tells the truth to Clara and Tate.
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The Virginian: Gun Quest (1970)
Season 9, Episode 6
Hanging Judge
5 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The Virginian is resting in a field minding his own business when he is rudely awoken by armed men intent on taking him prisoner to stand trial as Boss Cooper a hired gun and killer.

The Hanging Judge refuses to allow the Virginian to prove his innocence by contacting Colonel MacKenzie. It seems that the town is determined to end the Virginian's days as fast as possible by immediately putting him him on a horse with a noose around his neck.

The Virginian manages to turn the situation around at the last moment by persuading the Hanging Judge to look him in the eyes as he says his last words!
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The Virginian: The Mysterious Mr. Tate (1970)
Season 9, Episode 5
Train Tyranny
4 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Precious cargo, in the form of Miss Lark Walters, is being accompanied by Colonel MacKenzie by train to her uncle's place. Whilst in a town for a break Lara and the Colonel see a fist fight that ends up in a lethal gun fight!

Back on the train the Colonel Alan Mackenzie is up on the engine with the driver and a lynching is brought to his attention as they are travelling onward. On seeing this the Colonel insists the train stop so he can thwart the hanging and subsequently invites the reprieved man on board.

Lark is interested in the newcomer but is instructed to keep away from the stranger whose mysterious identity and history is a matter of interest to others on the train.
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On the Queen
2 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Flushed with excitement a crooked gambler goes off to get some more money to continue gambling but has to cut and run when the riverboat is overtaken with armed men. A quick swim sees two partners in crime back on the run on dry land where more plotting and scheming takes place.

Trampas is left holding the baby in the form of worthless loot barring a good deed and has to explain his way out of trouble.

Trampas ends up being a saddle-less saddle-tramp and on the water, in a pretty pile of timber with a pretty gal, plus a Moose after much bargaining with a calamitous Captain.

A motley crew arrives to work on the river boat but they look like a bunch of vagabonds from a pirate ship somewhere! So who will end up the richer for the experience?
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The Virginian: Jenny (1970)
Season 9, Episode 3
Old Friend
1 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The Virginian comes to the rescue of a woman being roughed up by two men in a hotel room and is surprised to see it's Jenny. However Jenny is reluctant to call in the sheriff or to see a doctor but later admits she has seen the two men before.

Both Jenny and the Virginian are headed in the same direction via stage coach and, as they prepare to board, a stranger asks a lot of strange questions about the stage route but does this mean trouble?

On the stage there is a lively young lass named Mary Ann, in company with a sick man Randolf, but when the coach tries to outrun three horsemen a wheel decides otherwise in a desolate valley!
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The Virginian: The Best Man (1970)
Season 9, Episode 2
31 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Starts with gunfire in the valley as Trampas and Pick practice fast draw on bottles.

Trampas is invited to be best man at Pick's wedding but later finds out Pick has not asked Teresa yet!

Teresa has a beau Cristobal who asked her first and is watching Pick in action. A meal with the family makes for interesting eye contact.

The next day Trampas makes a mess of a fast draw after Teresa's suitors cut the rope.

Pick gets Trampas to offer an engagement ring which is returned but makes Teresa happy she has 2 suitors. Will romeo Pick make a mess of their visit?
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Range Wars
30 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The new owner of Shiloh Colonel MacKenzie arrives by train and tries to change the unwritten Law of the West when a family, the Andrews, is torn apart by a hanging for cattle rustling.

The Colonel and the Sheriff clash over the priority of going after the murderers or ascertaining if calves have had brands tampered. The Virgininan and Trampas have worked at Shiloh for 9 years and had planned to move on though it seems their presence is required for a while longer.

Amalia Clark the nearest neighbour invites the Colonel to the Cattleman's Association meeting. It looks like sparks will fly over the second hanging in a day of man who had arguments with the Association.
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