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Left me similarly paralyzed
8 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has received an astoundingly high rating. I expect that those, like myself, who wish to excise this experience from our respective memories, probably would prefer to not remind themselves of it by visiting IMDB and leaving a review. I shall soldier on on behalf of the silent masses.

I recall The Devil Wears Prada; a cloying, flaccid attempt to paint fashionistas as warm and caring individuals - somehow significant due to their important role in deciding which colour sweater one would need to wear this season in order to not feel inferior - as opposed to the vapid, self-important cretins that they actually are.

"Wow" fashion editor has a stroke, and writes book with one eye. That is about the size of it. I do not wish to demean victims of that devastating illness. Nor would I detract from a persons achievement in completing a literary work. However, people have strokes every day. And people write bad books every day.

I wonder, should I contract terminal cancer and put out a CD of mediocre pop songs describing my situation, if I might have a movie made about me? I expect not. And I have to wonder why Monsieur Bauby's contribution to culture would be any more interesting or relevant to anyone outside his immediate circle?

Taking time to read the book, you would quickly get the measure of the man. A text-book fashionista as previously described. From high life, sipping champagne surrounded by beautiful people in all the right clothing, to stroke victim. I can imagine this fall to be all the further should you topple from a pedestal. But does that make it interesting or compelling? Not remotely. All the cinematography and skilled script writing in the world, can not give this film one single grain of substance.

You may argue, that against all odds he wrote the book with only one eye. Well, he didn't *actually* write the book with one eye. He dictated it with one eye. In his final days, did he write about the miracle of life, the importance of taking care of each other? Anything noteworthy at all? No, he wrote about himself. Exactly as you would expect.

I toiled through this movie with my wife, in desperate hope that at some point the movie or the man would demonstrate some redeeming quality. Alas we were disappointed. I left the movie feeling soiled. Sorry you had a stroke and all. But if having a stroke is what makes you ultimately interesting, it probably wasn't a good idea to make a movie about it. I really - really - do not care.

As a private record of this guys life and illness, perhaps for close friends and family, this would be perfect. A very nicely presented home movie. For anyone else, uh.

I really should know better, purchasing DVDs with excessively beautiful artwork is always a mistake. Worst of all, I purchased this for $1 in the bargain bin, and the same day my wife coincidentally did also. So now we have 2 copies, double the sinking feeling when scanning past them on the shelf.

God I detest this movie, easily in the Top 3 worst movies I ever had the misfortune of seeing.
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