
21 Reviews
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I really wanted to like this...
24 December 2023
Unfortunately this film just fell flat, but I don't know who's fault it is... the writers or the editors.

This show had all the right ingredients. Good actors, good storyline, the budget... but it was so incredibly rushed. It is a show that would have seriously benefitted from being an 8 part series.

We don't care about the characters, because we barely see them. I don't think we even see the side characters speak to each other even once throughout the whole film. This film tried to cram far FAR too much into too small a run time, hence it would have been better as a TV show. So much happens, however there's absolutely no character or world building... pretty much at all. We barely know anything about any of the characters and that really is a shame because it could have been really good.

Not awful... just not "good". Looks good, but severely lacking.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
$220 million worth of garbage.
18 June 2023
As a huge flash fan myself, I am very disappointed with the train wreck of this movie.

Barry Allen is one of the all time greats, but is portrayed on screen by an unhinged child predator. The casting director needs a new job if he thinks that this "person" (or mad goose wizard) is a suitable choice. He has severe mental health issues and desperately needs professional help, not acting gigs. He cannot act and simply grates on your nerves after a very short space of time.

Not even Keaton could save this one (though he is solid throughout).

The CGI is all over the place and extremely distracting.

The story is an unrivalled mess that wastes one of the greatest Flash stories "Flashpoint Paradox".

The DCU is dead.
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Surprisingly good!
4 December 2022
I came into this with no idea what to expect and I have to admit... I liked what I saw. I'm not usually a fan of the "cute" MC types, but then again the cute little cat girl isn't really the MC... her OP sword of awesomeness is!

An Isekai where the MC is becomes a sword. It's such nonsense but I have to admit its actually a pretty fun watch. Go in with low expectations and you'll be pleasantly surprised.

It has your standard isekai formulae, but with a fun and refreshing twist. I have to admit I'm watching it every week and it'll a good filler while you wait.

I would say its a solid 7, but this could go up depending on how the story progresses (early days yet).
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What a disappointment.
4 December 2022
The prologue really set the stage for this. But wow did this go south really quickly.

Some naïve girl gets a gundam. Some "wacky" space school shenanigans. The end.

There's some teenage drama nonsense in it, but this is a far cry from Iron Blood Orphans or Endless Waltz.

If you're a fan of magic girls (albeit with gundams instead of wands) then you'll love this. This show feel more of a fanfiction that was licenced more than actually being anything to do with Gundam Wing. If the MC & schoolfriends were written out and we actually focussed on the background story of what was going (the actual intrigue and political unrest etc..) then it would be good.

If you like your story to make sense or love the old school Gundam, then this is not for you.
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Bad, but (kinda) good bad.
17 April 2021
I gave this a 6 because it is NOT a Batman movie. It is a Bruce Lee (aka Dick Dragon) movie where Batsy is a supporting character. Its set in the 70's and its pure cheese throughout. If you have ANY expectations... well just don't have any expectations. The plot is awful, the music is cheesy, the animation is poor and yet SOMEHOW I was entertained throughout. I can't explain it, I know it wasn't good and yet I wasn't upset that I wasted my time watching it.
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If you like the dark side of JL, this is for you.
1 October 2020
This film is not your standard DC/ JLA sort of story. There are no boy scouts, no clear lines of right and wrong. This is not the Golden or Silver Age of comics where the good are good and the bad are bad. This storyline for the DC Animated films is solidly in the Modern Age of story telling. This film, indeed all the JL films since Flashpoint Paradox will not be for everyone, but I for one enjoyed them.

If you're not a fan of Constantine or the DC magic side of stories, you will not like this film. If you don't enjoy a little depth and humanity in your superheroes, you will not like this film. If you do not enjoy deviation from cannon, you will not enjoy this film.

Normally, I'm a stickler for cannon... however this last in the series film, while certainly not the best (and I HATE New 52 Superman in it), it pretty decent.

There were a lot of bits in it that I wasn't a fan of and a lot of the characters acted somewhat different to what we're used to. But they did bring it back in the end and tied it all up in a neat little bow. I'm actually rather please with how they did as it firmly sets the storylines apart from the comic (if only they could bring it to life on the silver screen!).

I would remind people that Superman in the comics is the Superman we all know an love (Rebirth Superman) whereas the Superman in the animated films is New 52 Superman (a wanker as Constantine would say).

All in all, a solid watch for me 8/10 - did not regret watching it at all (unlike Superman: Man of Tomorrow).
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My god....what a film!
25 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is the most satisfying anime film I've seen in years! The feels... the feels are real, damn those Onion Cutting Ninjas!

I will start by saying unless you watch No Game No Life (anime) first you will have no idea whats going on. To be honest I had no idea what was going on for the first half, but when it got started, my GOD did it get started! When Riku gets the glint in his eyes... sh*t got real! From 1 to 999999 in 0 seconds flat!

The story, and you have to watch it all the way through, was slow to start but beautifully executed. This has to be only of the only anime recently that actually requires a brain to think about things. The plot, is a fantastic story of the birth of "Imanity" and their triumph in the face of insurmountable odds.

From the movie, its clear that Sora & Shiro are a reincarnated Schwi & Riku - Japan is the land of Buddhism, in Buddhism the belief is reincarnation after death. So the one true God, Tet the God of Games, pulled these two back into his world to finish his game and he was "defeated", thanks to Riku's last prayer (to play again, but this time they could win). Also when speaking to Izuna Hatsuse (cat girl) he only refers to "those two" and not Sora & Shiro by name.

This wont be for everyone, I can understand why some wouldn't "get it"... but if you liked No Game No Life, you will love this. Great story, beautiful artwork and just a magnificent film all round.
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Neo Yokio (2017–2018)
What the actual hell is this?
5 November 2017
OK, deep breaths...

This travesty looks like someone described "anime" to an American "artist" and told them to come up with something that blends "americanism" and anime. The result is the god awful trash that is quite literally horrific in every way.

The story is a re-hash of a billion different animes (exorcism (demon slayer)).

Im not a fan of Baby Will Smith, but wow he never ceases to prove to me that its not all about genetics. His "voice acting" is just terrible.

The animation style in this "anime" is something more akin to a kids TV show than anime, I mean even Sponge Bob was animated better than this.

I swear when I tried to watch this my eyes were bleeding 5 minutes in.

I recommend literally any other anime in existence, but the top of the list would be Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood)... it is literally THE BEST anime in existence.
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Average, but so much potential
8 October 2017
OK, I've read so many different reviews of this, however it is simply your standard Super Hero flick (at least these days they're better than your average film).

As far as spider-man movies go, its probably 3rd (after Spiderman 1&2). However this could've been soooo much more. For teenagers, its probably amazing, but for those who actually like spiderman and know things about him, its annoying as hell.

Peter parker is a bit of a whiney tween. He's not the quick witted smart mouth spidey we all know and love.

Other annoying things:

  • Flash Thomson is apparently a chubby Indian kid? I mean why? - What is the point of the fat Chinese kid? - Apparently Happy is just there to bea d*ck - Tony could've avoided the whole ferry fiasco with 1 sentence: "I told the feds, leave it with them" - Apparently you can not only fight but breath on top of a plane travelling 500mph?

Its decent, not great, but entirely forgettable.
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The Defenders (2017– )
Its a mixed bag
25 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The good: Charlie Cox - Matt Murdock (Daredevil) Mike Colter - Luke Cage

The Bad: Everything else

Im sorry but the story, the deviation from the source material, Iron Fist and Jessica Jones, the action, the director, the production, the lighting, the camera work, the pacing... everything else is just awful!

I don't suppose it helps that Jessica Jones does pretty much nothing in this other than insult a few people and I have never liked the new iteration of Iron Fist i.e. a moron (*random rant time* what the hell was the point of walking into the enemy HQ just to tell them "I will expose you meh meh meh" only to get saved like a little wuss). Or even the new organisation of the "Hand" apparently run by an immortal white American woman... yes because that really makes sense when we're talking about a magic ninja cult created in 1588 japan by samurai.

There's a lot here that just make zero sense, such as why do the leaders of the Hand do anything themselves and don't just get the police/ army/ bounty hunters/ mercaneries to do their fighting for them.

OK rant time over-

Its a decent watch, so long as you switch you brain off and don't think about... well anything, its actually quite enjoyable hence the decent score. Although that is purely because of Luke Cage and Daredevil (who by the way doesn't work in this as he is dark and broody whereas everyone else is from a light hearted action comedy... think batman in my little pony) that I have given it such a high score when I have so many issues with it.

*source information below*

The Hand - they were founded in 1588 as a secret society of Japanese nationalist samurai but were soon co-opted by the Snakeroot, an ancient ninja clan which serves a primordial demon known only as "The Beast of the Hand". After the end of World War II, a select few of the more politically oriented members of the Hand formed the original HYDRA as a cabal of Japanese ultranationalists who plotted to overthrow the Japanese liberal democratic government, assassinate the prime minister, and install a neo-militarist government, which would rearm Japan.

K'un-Lun is one of Seven Capital Cities of Heaven which like K'un-Lun appear on the earthly plane periodically. The other cities are; K'un-Zi, Peng Lai Island, Z'Gambo, Under City, Tiger Island and the Kingdom of Spiders. However every 88 years all these cities align in a heavenly convergence creating the Heart of Heaven. The cities held a tournament and each has a champion to represent them, K'un-Lun of course was the Iron Fist. The tournament decides the celestial clock meaning earth was the prize. The winning city would appear every 10 years rather then the 88 years
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Mindless entertainment, boring storyline
12 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
OK, this is not a bad movie, but it is by no means good.

The vibe you get from this is that it was aimed at children with comdey moments for adults.

The story deviated MASSIVELY from the comics, and while I generally don't mind so long as it's done well... this isn't.

In the comic Peter Quill's dad is J'son, Emperor of the Spartoi Empir (kind of like the Shi'ar), not a celestial. The movie version has fabricated a completely different and much worse story for this iteration.

All in, its a solid 6... but no more than that. This is aimed at people who don't really care about a story and simply want visual effects with a few comedy moments.

Hopefully they get back to the Thanos Infinity stone saga now that they are done with this deviation.
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Ascension (2014)
Good mindless watch, just awful realism
12 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
OK, this show is decent... but Im undecided.

I like the people in the spaceship. I hate the people outside the spaceship.

I've read reviews of people harping on about how great the story is etc.. but its merely adequate. They claim that research breakthroughs such as MRI's came from Ascension... but I have yet to see anyone doing any "inventing" - its all "politics" and "intruige".

The concept is good, I like half the cast (the spaceship buddies) but other than that i.e. the people and story outside the ship... its laughably bad. For instance a consultant for a top secret military project trolling the internet for information... as if there wouldn't be secret military files on what happened, then going off to meet conspiracy nuts to get their information. The list goes on with not only the unrealistic portrayals but also also impracticality of half the story.

Its a mixed bag, some people will like all of it... I prefer just the sci-fi stuff (I can forgive a lot provided its not in a "real world" setting).
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Gantz: O (2016)
Great action, TERRIBLE dialogue and writing.
27 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
OK, lets start off by saying I love Gantz... but this, no.

I watched the English dub (bad idea I know) and I was very disappointed.

Animation rocks, great fight scenes and action.

A 17 yr old high school kid goes from zero to hero in 2 hours getting a model/ idol AND a 23 yr old mom to fall in love with him setting up his harem for life. Anzu and Reika are useless and annoying throughout. Suzuki is cannon fodder and the whole thing just gives me a headache. I think my main issue with the film is something literally unforgivable... he chooses to abandon his 10yr old brother to continue chilling with his harem. Im not going to lie, this "reasoning" has probably influenced me as it to this day outrages me.

The Voice Actors for the dub are awful (nothing new there) and I recommend watching this in Japanese with English subs.
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Justice League Dark (2017 Video)
Fantastic, but watch it and judge for yourself!
20 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I've read a few bad review of this and I honestly don't get why anyone has a problem with this. All of the DC animated films are much truer to their comic counterparts (especially compared to the trash films i.e. Batman vs Superman tripe).

I loved this and fully recommend it to everyone.

Story: Fantastic, it deviates from the standard Superhero format and instead focus's on the magical aspect of the DC universe. A welcome change and very refreshing. *p.s. Swamp Thing... you make my heart sing :D*

Characters: Good choice of characters, though from general knowledge Constantine is supposed to be a Batman fanboy... we didn't get to see any of that though the story makes sense.

Voice Actors: Constantine is voiced by Matt Ryan... the actor that plays Constantine in the TV show of the same name which gives a nice continuity. Jason O'Mara voices batman, which again shows continuity as he has done in about 6 other DC Animated films. Overall pleased with the VA's.

Animation: At times a touch cheesy, but overall what we've come to expect... good/ very good.

This is nothing groundbreaking, but it is a very enjoyable watch. If you're a fan of the DC world and want a laugh, give this a shot. I was smiling through most of the film and very happy with pretty much everything. Batman was left "holding the purse" throughout, even more so than with the JL and stands on the sidelines upset at his lack of involvement going "huh" a lot... it was very amusing. Constantine's character is lovable in the douchey sort of way much in keeping with his comic character (while I love the stand alone Keanu Reeves Constantine, it deviated A lot from the actual character).

Watch it and judge it for yourself, I however think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Im a DC animated film fanboy, and with the exception of Son of Batman (and maybe Bad Blood), I think they've all been pretty good.
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I finally built up the courage to watch it.... for 5min.
20 December 2016
OK, after what 6 years or so I finally got round to giving this another go.

I will start by saying I've watched everything in the Avatar series (Last Airbender & Korra) and this... this is not Avatar.

Summary: Acting 1/10 Casting 1/10 Pronunciation of names 1/10 CGI 8/10

Lets start with the obvious, the casting. Why on earth did they take a highly successful show, and decide that they should change the race of all the characters? The entire settings is based upon a kung fu world, which would indicate a more "Asian" ethnicity. But no, the bad guys have to be brown, the good guys have to be white and the poor local people are Asian. I mean did nobody mention that changing the race of the fire nation from Chinese to Indian was not the best idea? Or changing the water nation from Inuit/ Mongolian to white European/ American was a bit daft?

The acting, was in a world... AWFUL. Saka was and is my favourite character and they utterly ruined him. Aang (or Ong as they say in the film *shudder*) is just so devoid of joy, the complete opposite of how it should be.

The "bending"... hahahahhahahahahahahahha just wow. Bending was conceptualised to be based of specific schools of kung fu, in this film they wave their arms around randomly and then something happens.

I mean how hard can it be to watch the show and simply translate that into a movie? They have the cast, they have the dialogue, all it needed was to be brushed up with some fancy CGI and it would've been a hit.

This film was a failure in every respect. Save your time and just watch the animated series.
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Pacific Heat (2016–2017)
Complete.... meh
20 December 2016
To be honest this isn't a bad show... though nor is it any good. Its a time waster. If you have 20min and you're bored and want a chuckle then give it a shot.

Unfortunately you cannot escape the archer comparison and in that respect this is a very poor attempt.

If however you can overlook that, then you will be rewarded with a mildy amusing show with Australian humour that is every so slightly (and by that I mean glaringly) racist. At the end of every show I was left thinking... that was pretty damn racist... is that what they find funny in Australia? Every "bad guy" has a terribly stereotypical racist accent. Every "bad guy" is a stereotype. I am by no means an advocate of political correctness... but I'd say they take it a tad too far here.

Its hard to review it, as you will forget every episode within half an hour. Its just... meh.
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As a standalone film it might work, as a Batman / Superman Film it is garbage
12 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Skip to the end of the short version.

Let me start this off by saying I am a huge fan of DC Comics & have some knowledge of the DC Universe. My opinions are based upon this and not ONLY the films that have been released over the past two decades.

Lets start with the basics:

Superman: The boy scout, the paragon of virtue and the living embodiment of morality. Has Superhuman strength / speed / vision / hearing / lazer eye beams / flight / cold breath / nigh invincible

Batman: Greatest detective alive, works towards peace and order. Has tons of money / lots of gadgets / martial arts trains / clever fella.

One important thing to note... neither Batman nor Superman kill anyone... ever. Accidental deaths (and pre 1990's batman) aren't included in this.

However, and this is the premise for the entire movie, is that if Batman considers that there is even a 1% chance that Superman MIGHT one day decide to take over the human race, then he must be killed no matter what. This is in direct contradiction to everything we know about Batman. Lets for instance take the movie at face value and that should someone even have the remote possibility of becoming a tyrant, Batman will kill them... why hasn't he killed: Warlords, Dictators, other Superheroes but most importantly... the Villains he fights (i.e. Joker)? If we were to accept this batman, well he wouldn't be batman, he'd be Punisher with a bigger budget.

For the purpose of this review Im going to completely ignore the fact that if it came to a "fist fight" (as depicted in this movie) between the two, well its not even funny how badly Supe would win (faster than the speed of sound coupled with flight and super speed vs a dude in armour...). If there are any clever fella's out there who wish to argue that Batman could win, watch Justice Leauge: DOOM to see how he actually would do it. He uses brains not fists.

Also the character of Batman (and in no way was Ben Affleck a good choice for the role especially after what he did to DareDevil) was horrifically bad. As Bruce Wayne he was a tool & lacked the suave sophistication we've come to know and love from him. As Batman, he killed a ton of people in the movie (saving Supe's mother dearest), which again goes back to... Batman don't kill (otherwise he'd be as bad as those he fights - yes hes a complicated fella - and he cant ever allow himself to kill otherwise he'd never stop killing those he feels deserves it, watch Batman: Under the Red Hood). Oh and when he find out Supes mummys name is the same as his mummys, SUDDENLY "lets be friends and work together to stop Luther/ save mummy"... like they couldn't have done that in the first instance.

Batman Side Note: Ben was a little too "buff" for the role, Batman isn't built like a tank, hes a martial artist... not an MMA heavyweight (not to mention the ridiculous montage of him lifting weights and tyres... hes a billionaire for crying out loud, I think we can assume he has a gym in one of his many rooms IN HIS MANSION).

Superman, just so happens to concede to Luthers plan to have a gladiatorial match with Bat's to save his mummy. Superman can simply use his extrasensory superpowers to find his mummy (x-ray vision, super hearing etc...) at super-speed within the 1 hour allotted time slot.

OK so we've covered why Bats vs Supes is just a dumb concept (if anything it would be Supes going after Bats for going too far, not the other way around & then a movie about Bats running and trapping Supes in various ingenious ways using Kyrptonite to escape him etc..).

NOW its not over, we have the second (or third however you'd like to look at it) "story" - Wonderwoman. Gal Gadot is a 5ft 8 skinny model that a strong wind could knock over. Now depending on which wonderwoman you'd like to cite, I think we can agree that as "Princess of the Amazons" you'd expect her to be more "amazon" like i.e. 6ft plus with a stronger build (at least some meat on her if not defined muscle (you can be defined without looking like a bodybuilder)). The casting was awful for this, Gal might be a good actress I don't presume to know her work, but the choice was on par with Ryan Renolds as Green Lanter, Ben Affleck as DareDevil and George Clooney as Batman (good actors, terrible choices for the roles).

Also Luthor creating, by mixing his blood with General Zod's, Doomsday hurts my head so Im not even going to bother commenting on what an awful idea that was (also means you'll never see a SuperBoy... half krypton half human).

In short... this was a mish-mash of a movie that tried to tie in several different stories and introduce several characters for the future, but ultimately failed in pretty much every way especially in casting, concept & story line.

  • Edit, I've used DC animated film references as you should all watch those instead of this trash (and if you don't want to read the comics.... which get complicated depending on author / timeline / multiverse etc...).
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A step in the wrong direction
12 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This film had the same problems as Superman vs Batman: -Casting - Story -Execution -CGI

Apocalypse cant turn things to dust or teleport and that annoyed me. As did the fact that he was tiny (as tall as prepubescent teens), not to mention the god awful makeup / voice. His voice SHOULD have been deep and angry with the metallic echo at all times, his costume SHOULD have been either: metallic exoskeleton OR Pharaoh attire, not Pharaoh attire with random tubes going into his head. His powers are that of total control of his body on a molecular level i.e. turning his hands into lazors & feet into jump jets.

Storm: Worshipped as goddess in sub Saharan Africa, not a punk teen with a Mohawk, they took her look from age of apocalypse timeline.

Cyclops: Why in the hell is he a moody little sod? Not his character at all and the choice of actor was wrong IMO.

Jean: Personally don't like that actress so meh. I don't like it how they made her all powerful.... she doesn't access that power till MUCH MUCH later in life.

Angel: Heir to an American billion dollar company, not a German punk cage fighter.

Magneto: sigh, character all over the place: let me kill everyone in the world! oh noes i was wrong sowi, let me help you and you will forget i tried to end the world.

Quicksilver: No idea why he had such a big part, he's a minor character and where's his sister the scarlet witch?

In essence this film feels like a step backwards. They did such a good job with first class I just felt rather disappointed.
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7 pages before I found a review giving more than 5 stars
5 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
If like me you have seen the other films or know anything vaguely star wars related.... you will hate this abomination of a film.

If you know nothing of star wars other than its a geeky thing, you MIGHT like it.

Below contains spoilers, do not read if you have not seen the film.


Storyline: a re-hash of a new hope... and a bad one at that. Casting: awful casting, no chemistry between any of the actors.

Things that upset me:

-Stormtrooper raised since birth to fight for the first order goes AWOL on his first mission... really?! Since birth... let that sink in.

-13 x-wings take on the whole first order fleet and ultimate weapon and win.... really?!

-Random girl beats Dath Vader's grandson who was trained by Luke Skywalker himself not only in Force power... but in how to wield a lightsaber... really?!

-The deathstar was a failure...why? "because it was too small!!!!" so lets make it bigger? YAY! But wait shall we give it the same vulnerabilities? YES, but give it a shield! OK who shall be in charge of this shield? The first female stromtrooper ever? Yea she does anything you ask... wait so if someone asked her to de-active the shield she'd do it? who cares?!

-scene standing in the middle of a room filled with stormtroopers...but everyone is invisible until Kylo goes emo... then they all start shooting (badly)...*bangs head against a wall*
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Jessica Jones (2015–2019)
This show is all about the supporting cast!
5 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This show in my opinion is not a show about Jessica Jones but about everyone around her. The reason I hear you ask? It because she is THE most annoying main character I have seen in a good long while.

Krysten Ritter tries but ultimately fails to portray a brooding superhuman with anger management issues. She cannot throw a punch to save her life and does an awful job and playing an emotionally broken woman. In her defence, the show has far too much lighting and does not fit the character in anyway (its just too bright).

Krysten Ritter: Great actress, not the right fit for either the character or how the show wishes to portray the character.


Mike Colter plays a fantastic Luke Cage, very enjoyable to watch and plays the character well for how the show wishes to portray him.

The real character that steals the show and who really had me rooting for him since his first appearance, the great David Tennant as Kilgrave. An absolutely spectacular performance and really did make the show worth watching. Best David Tenant quotes:

"You've killed more people as an afterthought." "I've never killed anyone." "You use your powers to compel murder." "Oh, tomato, to- mato."

I wont say anymore... but MY, I just love this iteration of The Purple Man (Zebediah Killgrave...just in case anyone wondered where the name came from).
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Ripp Off Of Battle Royale !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13 May 2013
CAPS LOCK FOR ADDED EMPHASIS! THIS IS A TOTAL RIP OFF OF BATTLE ROYALE! And before any of you smart alecks decide to say "how can it be a rip off when its based off a book", the answer is simple:

Battle Royale came out in 2000, Hunger Games was published in 2008.

Not only that, this isn't even a decent rip off. It has a stupid one sided love story and its just generally a kid friendly Disney-esk Hollywood piece of poop. No seriously, if you think this is even remotely good, then just go watch Battle Royale... seriously. Exactly the same plot, with the exception, Battle Royale is bloodier, has a better story and is based in a real world country (japan) rather than some made up magical land of pixies and clothes that catch fire but don't burn people.

I've seen both, Battle Royale is epic, this is just lame.
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