
6 Reviews
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Incredible film about a disappearing profession
25 July 2004
This film is incredible and shows the power of one man. Nachtwey has dedicated his life to being a war photographer and shows how one man can help shape public opinion with the power of images. As was the case in Vietnam, photos can be very subversive since they show the falseness and fraud of the government's official line or 'spin' on stories.

And thus we see that in the war in Iraq the gov't is keeping a tight lid on images. Once you see pictures of a 4 year old boy in a morgue with his limbs blown off, the generals and the politicians cannot, no matter how hard they try, justify it. this is why Al Jazeera has become the boogeyman of the west.

once people see enough of these images, they cannot support war any longer. this, i believe, is Nachtwey's vision and his struggle.
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Salvador (1986)
Incredible movie ... but a bit preachy
15 July 2004
Salvador is a revelation. incredible movie about the horrors of US intervention in the third world.

however, stone would have been better off simply showing the situation instead of subjecting the viewer to long drawn out monologues. i think most viewers groaned when michael douglas launched into his "So Bud, do you think we're living in a democracy" speech in WALLSTREET, and there are a few such sermons here.

stone should watch THREE KINGS to see how it's done. let the viewer make his own conclusions instead of pounding him over the head with pre-fab ones.

for those who think the interventions in salvador, Vietnam, cambodia, laos, philippines, etc were justified, they probably have not been to any of these places. granted it was the cold war... which is the excuse that is generally used... but the cold war is over and US policy has not changed in the slightest. the US is always at war, the cold war, the war on drugs, the war on terror, it goes on and on.

anyone with a conscience should see SALVADOR, the world's first (and last?) political roadtrip movie. this is belushi's and woods' finest hour.
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Serpent and the Rainbow meets Jane Eyre
11 July 2004
Man, this was a weird one. i appreciated the location shots and thanked god this wasn't shot on a sound stage somewhere in London. still, a confused piece of work that leaves many unanswered questions. the idea is that Jamaica, like the emblematic Sargosso sea, will tangle you up and pull you into it. and it's true: once there europeans lose themselves in the foreign culture, the exotic landscape and in taboo love.

still, something was missing from the mix. the fact that the film only exists to fill in a few gaps from Jane Eyre (explaining where one character came from) explains a lot. the author would have done better by making a stand-alone film.

Lombard is great in her role which is quite difficult to pull off. a creole french woman seduced by voodoo is a tough one to pull off without looking ridiculous, but she manages it quite well.
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The Love Boat (1977–1987)
say what?
15 February 2004
are we talking about the same show here? THE LOVE BOAT was a foul piece of bile. stubing was pathetic, and i noticed no one mentioned his daughter, vicky. my lord, the girl was a disaster area. she alone would have ruined the show, had it not been beyond redemption in the first place.

the only redeeming feature (other than laughing at all the has-been "stars" falling over themselves to hit on each other) was julie. when spelling stopped putting a bra in her changeroom with her costume, i guess she got the hint.

but even this couldn't save the show.
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Élisa (1995)
My thoughts
15 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This was an incredibly moving and under-rated film. it is basically about a girl who loses her parents and tries to reconstruct a surrogate family from her friends on the street. in the end she meets up with her father, intent on killing him at first... but fate takes another turn. vannessa paradis is incredible in this film and showed the world that she is a talented actress. i highly recommend this film.
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Salvador (1986)
Salvador is one wild ride
11 December 2003
In the beginning the viewer thinks he has stumbled upon a road-trip gone wrong movie; this initial impression is strengthened by the presence of James Belushi, in a fantastic comedic/dramatic role. However, Stone ratchets up the tension in this political thriller as events escalate and force the protagonists to make difficult choices and take sides... an incredible film and memorable performances by Belushi and James Woods, who plays the ultimate cynic. a must see film.
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