
11 Reviews
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Inside Out (I) (2015)
3 August 2015
I'd heard that Inside Out was 'good', but was surprised at how big a punch this little movie packs. Starting with the very few downsides; the narrative goes a little flat at least once during the movie, and the few characters there are, take slightly too long to warm up - but that's it...that's all I can draw from this film that is conceivably less than great. Everything else is just perfect. There's one pivotal scene (you'll know it when you get to it; about half-way in) when the emotional depth of the storyline really hits home. Everything had been building subtly to this point and all that ensues flows beautifully. For me, this is the point from which the movie makes perfect sense and holds your heartstrings tightly until the end. Congratulations to the screenwriters, artists, technical talent, director and entire production team - you've created a poignant, intricate and thoroughly satisfying story that visually pleases everyone (young children especially) and a narrative that will appeal to adults (parents especially). Thank-you.
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Harmless fun...
31 July 2015
My big challenge with the Mission Impossibe franchise, is that I can't quite suspend disbelief long enough to truly get into the films. Bourne gets it right in my opinion - though extreme - the reality is there so I get fully immersed in the tension and drama. Bond is also more my cup of tea...although less gritty than the Bourne movies. Mission Impossible is very different. I know it's made up, but it still has the pretence of possibility (despite the name) about it, so it's a tougher watch. The disguises, the escapes, the stunts, the chases, the final sting...all are just too perfect, too choreographed and too unbelievable. My advice - switch off your brain, suspend disbelief and just enjoy his piece of cinematic fluff. Pure popcorn with greet set pieces, impressive visuals and amazing craftsmanship from the stunt team. If you can manage to dumb your brain for a while, you will have great couple of hours fun watching MI:Rogue Nation. Simon Pegg's bigger role is one of the high points.
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On balance...better than I'd expected
29 May 2015
I was happy to consider this movie because of DiCaprio and the source material; but I had some nervousness too, because I'm not a great fan of Baz Luhrmann's previous fare. Indeed, there are times when the counter-contemporary music takes away from the experience, but it's not constant and didn't leave me with lasting disappointment. It is all a bit 'Busby Berkley' at times with some of the set pieces looking a little too staged and unbelievable for my liking. I get the creativity and splendour of what was in Luhrmann's vision, but with a period like the 20's - I don't think we need too much more glitter than was the case anyway. The positives outweigh these concerns though - DiCaprio is mysterious and enigmatic throughout and the supporting cast perform perfectly and compliment the visuals to create an eye-catching experience. Toby McGuire plays a cautious character, but grows in stature as the plot progresses - eventually standing as the only principled individual of the piece. So Baz - I'm not convinced that everything you do adds to the plot in a positive way, but on balance the experience of watching The Great Gatsby is one worth having.
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Average fare
14 May 2015
Lots of good stuff - impressive CGI, great sound design and big set pieces, but it could've been so much better. The pace was too slow, the editing was clunky (like a series of bad gear changes), but worst of all - the screenplay was dire...! Had the visuals not been so eye-catching, this movie would've been a 3-rating for me. I know the Moses story well, and while I am OK with some adaptation and interpretation for dramatic effect - this film is a poor shadow of the story in Exodus. There's simply no soul to it, and despite the Biblical source material - there's nothing Spiritual or Godly in any of the characters. Worth a look for the visuals, but the rest is weak.
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Whiplash (2014)
Intense but somehow incomplete
8 February 2015
As a display of emotional intensity and passion for musical excellence - I can't recall a better example than Whiplash. It's hard to turn away from the on screen drama, but it's not always easy to watch. As a non-musician I can't really relate to the discipline maintained and the pain that the chief protagonist is willing to go through, but it is no less believable. The mentor / teacher is a at once a beast and a proponent of tough love. My only frustration is that there is no redemption, no justice, no least none that my value system can recognise. There is only continuance of obsession, from one generation to the next. So a little unsatisfying, but well worth the time spent nonetheless. Exhausting...
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George Bailey reborn...
20 December 2014
An absolute pleasure from beginning to end. Not quite the same storyline as Its a Wonderful Life, but the arc taken by the main character, Walter is very similar. Apparently overlooked by successful people and invisible to many others, Walter wishes for something better. Eventually he takes courage and embarks on a series of real and life-affirming journeys during which, and I think it's not a plot-spoiler to reveal - he finds the true meaning of his life. Hits all the right notes for those looking for encouragement and reassurance that Hollywood still remembers how to play our heartstrings... I loved the soundtrack too - downloaded a few tracks already...!
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Huge Disappointment
30 April 2014
First time around; Anchorman was fun...a bit patchy in truth, but many classic lines and some unique moments - and I even grew to love the characters in the few scenes they each what on earth went wrong...? This must be one of the best (worst) examples of a vanity project and a studio's commercial greed in perfect alignment. Everything was wrong. Overplayed, exaggerated, clumsily staged and just plain crass. Too many grubby cameos and clumsy in-jokes. Brick is destroyed as a cult character. The essence of Brian Fantana is killed-off early on and Champ Kind (the weakest of the four core characters in the first move) is even more of of an irrelevance this time. And Ron...well what about Ron...? He needs to stay on the graveyard slot - no more prime time please...! The Carry On team would've thrown thus one aside...and they made some Grade A Baloney...!
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Man of Steel (2013)
Very good...but not great
16 June 2013
As a graduate of the Christopher Reeve era, I had a lot of nostalgia to get over before I could allow myself to love another Superman series. If anyone can though, Christopher Nolan can; so I was positive about Henry Cavill's chances of starting a new chapter in the Superman catalogue. Nolan delivers all the polish and incredible visuals that we've come to expect from him; and also, the characters have resonance and depth as always. Cavill is solid and believable as the tortured hero. I'm sure his next outing will allow him to show his leading man status to the full. For what it is, Man of Steel is good and well worth your hard-earned money, but somehow I can't help thinking that this particular superhero does not fit the 'Dark Knight' treatment. I certainly don't want a reboot of the overly moralistic and saccharine sweet Superman series, but where is the fun Mr. Nolan...? Purely for the addition of laughs, I rate The Avengers Assemble and the Iron Man films ahead of Man of Steel, but it's still a great piece of cinema...!,
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A huge disappointment...!
10 February 2013
Madagascar 3 has the highest IMDb rating of the three, but it is much, MUCH poorer than either 1 or 2. Only the tiniest of tots will fail to notice how threadbare the plot is and how blatant a commercial exploitation of a reasonable franchise this is. The new characters don't add much either. Huge jumps in the storyline beggar belief and the over indulgent set pieces - however colourful - do nothing to distract us from the fact that this is vacuous nonsense. What a shame to say this, but Please end it here more mini episodes or Christmas Specials Either. Enough is enough (or rather, this one is too much already).
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Hugo (2011)
What going to the Cinema is all about...
1 March 2012
The plot may be take a couple of unbelievable developments (that's why I give this 8 out of 10 and not 9)), but I really didn't care that much - I'm happy to suspend disbelief for a couple of hours when I go to the movies. I loved Hugo; the reason I read about cinema history, the reason I love movies from all decades is what inspired Scorsese to create this little masterpiece. There is a purity and warmth around the whole film from beginning to end. It's about people who are yearning for inspiration, lovers of beauty and loyalty. Leave your sarcasm and cynicism at the door and just enjoy the sheer wonder of watching Hugo. Not one for little tots, but anyone from 6 or 7yrs old upwards will be able to enjoy this.
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War Horse (2011)
Truly a Children's Fantasy...not for grown ups...
2 February 2012
If War Horse had been exclusively billed as a children's movie, I might not have felt so let down, but rightly or wrongly; my hopes were high and I was indeed disappointed with what I saw. There's nothing too wrong with the movie as family flicks go, but it's just a bit too 'twee' and simplistic for adult minds. Some sections annoyed me - the French and German nationals talking to each other in accented English for example, and the speed at which some plot situations resolved themselves when hope seemed lost was just not believable. Trite, simplistic but good, honest and easy family fare. Not one of your best Mr. Spielberg.
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