
35 Reviews
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Kenya Barris Used His Template Again
22 January 2023
This version of 'Cheaper By the Dozen' is a predictable disappointment. Kenya Barris has once again provided us with another one of his closed minded, photocopied story lines in line with the typical Hollywood dribble. Concepts used in the movie are highly inaccurate and are fed from a culture that considers itself intelligent and enlightened. Something original would be a pleasant change. Shockingly, the only current mainstream Hollywood concept left out of this movie is the characters owning a classic car. Other than that, all of the currently necessary boxes were appropriately checked. Watching any of the previous versions of 'Cheaper By the Dozen' would be time better spent.
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Cookie Cutter
19 November 2022
A decent cast made the movie bearable, but having all of the necessary Hollywood boxes checked early on was a turn-off. London was likely the biggest star of the movie as it's one of the worlds most amazing cities. The flow of the movie was decent and it's length was thankfully appropriate. I'm not sure who scored the movie, but the music didn't help make it any better. Having it available on Amazon Prime helped make the 'price' of watching more bearable but in the big picture, it would have been better for it to be a made for TV movie to have advertising pay the bills. If you've got nothing better to do, it will kill some time.
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Elvis (2022)
Don't Believe the Hype - At Least I Didn't Pay for a Theater Ticket
12 September 2022
It ended better than it started but that doesn't make it a worthwhile watch. Austin Butler did a commendable job in his role but Tom Hanks was putrid in his role. Hanks is normally an excellent actor, so I can only surmise that the direction he received for the roll was misguided. The wandering, completely inaccurate accent was plain embarrassing. The first hour felt like I was spinning out on hallucinogenic mushrooms as there was almost no direction to this part of the movie. The last 1.5 hours was better and almost seemed like a different director. Should have been much, much shorter. I love classic cars, with a soft spot for Cadillacs, and this movie did not disappoint.
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Call Me Kat: Call Me Shellfish (2022)
Season 2, Episode 18
Irony in Hollywood? Imagine That.
8 August 2022
Another shameless display of Hollywood society is evident as the song 'Celebrate Your Face' is being played and all of the lowly crew members are not able to celebrate their faces and instead are forced to wear masks. It sadly ruined an otherwise decent episode.
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Too Long, Hardly Interesting and Not Recommended
23 May 2022
This documentary looked very interesting to me and with a release date in2022, I was excited. It started off OK but slowed down quite a bit. After I had already lost most interest in the program, the unnecessary racism started. Purposely injecting this into a subject that is 100% unrelated is just irresponsible. Not recommended.
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Sheryl (2022)
I Had High Hopes for This Documentary and the Let Down Was Substantial
18 May 2022
Having been of college age when Sheryl Crow came on the scene, I've always appreciated and been aware of her music but did not know much of the backstory that his documentary provides. Much of it was interesting but the content was entirely too sexist and being presented by bloviating self-righteous celebrities quickly became a turn-off. After watching it for what felt like two hours, I realized I wasn't even one hour in with another forty minutes to go. Not for me but might be for you.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Another Our Hair Is on Fire Movie
8 January 2022
Worth watching if you've reached the end of Netflix. The movie checks all of the necessary Hollywood woke boxes to be considered successful except for being well written, cast and directed. It was bearable, but only while being entertained by iPad games an I likely would have walked out if it was in a movie theater. It was clearly a satire on today's politics and society but was so misguided that mainstream media and Hollywood society were in the crosshairs not the conservatives that most will assume were. Try again.
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Jagged (2021)
Is this How Dogs Feel When a Dog Whistle Is Blown?
8 December 2021
I am not positive that Alanis was quite that popular, but I may not remember correctly. It was interesting to see the other musicians she was associated with but the shrieking was intolerable.
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Difficult to Write a Review for this Documentary
8 December 2021
I really enjoyed the content of this documentary but the manner in which it was presented was offensive. It would be interesting to see what the documentary would have looked like if it had been done 5 years ago. The facts of the documentary were fascinating but they were presented through the current media lens that all white men are evil and capitalism should be abolished. These concepts were not as widespread as they are today and seem to be the only avenue that the media can follow. It was disappointing that the story had to be tainted by this. Had it been presented in a less offensive manner it would have received a higher rating from me. It was still worth watching.
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Top Five (2014)
How Can a Movie with a Cast This Stellar Be This Bad
22 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've always been a fan, but this is the second Chris Rock dud I've watched this week. It had a few good lines but was 50 minutes longer than necessary and moved very slowly. Chelsea Brown's (Dawson) character was not believable as a 'junior reporter' as she was at least 10 years past that. Additionally, it does not make sense how she could secretly be what is insinuated as a well know critic James Nielsen. If a critic was that well known someone would know who they are. The flashbacks were odd, strangely timed and generally did not add to the story but created confusion.
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Spiral (2021)
A Pretty Bad Movie Even If You Like the Saw Franchise
19 October 2021
I was excited to see this as it seemed that it was related to the Saw franchise (which had grown tired by the 3rd movie) but different enough to be interesting. I was wrong.

There was not a lot of story building and the acting needed to improve to be subpar. Chris Rock should stay away from serious roles.
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On the Road (2012)
Incredibly Boring...but at Least It Was Long
7 July 2021
Don't waste your time, it went nowhere. Its budget should have been used to help the homeless. At least that would have been a productive result.
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Science as a Weapon
5 March 2021
I really enjoy the interesting take on studying paranormal subjects as it's a different point of view. Unfortunately, as we've seen too much of lately, science is being used intermittently to fit a narrative and it's laden with constant mainstream speak against society and its traditions.
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Mixed-ish: Sweet Child O' Mine (2021)
Season 2, Episode 1
Entire Episode Based on Inaccuracy
31 January 2021
The entire premise of this episode was that the family would gather to watch 'The Dukes of Hazzard' every week (in 1986). Had the writers actually done some research, they would have found that the show went off the air in February of 1985. This destroyed the credibility of the entire episode, and likely the series.
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Your First Instinct Will Be to Avoid Watching This Movie - Always Go with Your First Instinct
29 January 2021
I recall hearing how great 'The Big Lebowski' was, it was not. I also remember all of the critical acclaim for 'O Brother, Where Art Thou', totally misguided. 'The Jesus Rolls' is based on a character from 'The Big Lebowski', so we're already in the hole. The plot line was very similar to 'O Brother Where Art Thou' which is akin to a butterfly fight, lots of movement but no direction and no conclusive result. It definitely had the Coen Brothers fingerprints.

Every major actor in the movie is overrated yet darlings of the Hollywood set.

Am I the only one offended that an actor of Italian-American descent was playing (and poorly at that) a Puerto Rican character?

The bright side of the movie was the early 1970's Plymouth. I believe they were trying to sell it as a Roadrunner.

When my DVR asked about deleting the movie when I was finished, I wish there was an option to remove it from history. It was just that bad.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Way Better than I Ever Could Have Expected
17 January 2021
I was never a big fan of 'The Karate Kid' franchise and was a little reluctant to start the series. Great music, casting and execution. Love it.
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I'm Glad I Waited 35 Years to Watch This
17 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Confusing movie. Was it serious or funny? There were parts that made me chuckle but the serious parts had 1960's Disney music dubbed over them and I didn't know how to react. A really good ensemble of actors but the direction could have been better. The whole tie-in with Africa was a good fit but executed poorly. It was also not believable that Celie was excited to move back into a house that had been so traumatic to her life. An hour could have easily been trimmed from the movie with no ill effect
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537 Votes (2020)
31 October 2020
Due to the systematic tainting of the media, I doubt the accuracy of the details that are provided are correct let alone how they are presented. It was fascinating to relive what happened that election cycle as it was quite bizarre. Regardless, Americans are all grateful Al Gore did not become our president.
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The Iron Lady (2011)
Good Movie About a Great Leader
7 September 2020
Even with Meryl Streep playing the lead role as Margaret Thatcher it was a pretty decent movie. Streep actually did OK considering she had to play a respectable conservative icon. Interesting to see the parallels to 2020.
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29 August 2020
An interesting documentary with a caveat that has been too prevalent lately. There appears to be lots of personal opinion and hearsay not necessarily backed by facts. It was, however, very important to bash President Trump.
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Ad Astra (2019)
What a Dud
26 July 2020
It has Brad Pitt so it must be good. Not even close. Two hours of literally nothing.
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It Took Me Almost Forty Years to Watch This Movie and I Wish I Waited Forty More
4 July 2020
I can't understand the hype surrounding this movie. The performances were okay, leaning towards over exaggerated. I can understand the anguish over Sophie's sacrifice, but the film defining scene was barely a few minutes long. An hour could have easily been trimmed from the movie without any real degradation of the storyline. All of the pain of the decision being built up seemed inconsequential.
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Hard Pass
2 July 2020
This movie had 35-40 minutes of content in a 2+ hour package. Cast and acted well but not worth the time.
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The Order: Hell Week, Part One (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
The Writers Drank the Kool-Aid
28 June 2020
Not a bad show, somewhat intriguing. Writers are clearly on the media bandwagon by referring to George Bush being as evil as Benito Mussolini. Come on, think for yourself.
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Asks the Question: How Does Nicolas Cage Get Any Roles?
30 April 2020
Do not watch this movie! An hour and a half was spent on this dud. The story was not believable, the conclusion was pitiful and the acting was atrocious.
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