
7 Reviews
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30 May 2024
The one positive thing I can say about this film is that it was fast moving. Having said that, it was so fast, that the plot left me behind. I was totally bemused by the end. As I knew someone else in my screening, I hoped he could explain it to me. Nope, he hadn't a clue either and neither did two other people I know who watched it.

It felt like it had been badly edited at times and that scenes were missing but I don't think that explains why it was so confusing.

Dear film-makers, if you want positive reviews, then have your films make sense.

I really wanted to like and enjoy this film as the synopsis was interesting. Sadly, that wasn't the case.
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The Dive (2023)
A Different Kind of Horror
22 August 2023
I really enjoyed The Dive. It was tense and held my attention throughout.

As for horror, it wasn't for the Paranormal Activity/banging doors brigade. It was a different kind of horror-real life horror. Sadly people do find themselves in situations like this and I'm damn sure they find it horrific. I empathised with the problem of fighting for breath as someone with severe asthma. It's no joke thinking you can't get enough oxygen into your lungs.

The only time my mind wandered was when I wondered if The Meg would put in an appearance and a short time later the trapped sister said she had seen something. Yep, I thought, she saw the Meg too.

All in all, I was a fan of this film.
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Simmba (2018)
Trivialised subject
1 January 2019
I'm stunned that the film makers decided to trivialise such a serious subject and as for the way it ended; that left a very bad taste in my mouth!
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28 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't engage with this and almost walked out several times especially as it was very bitty. The style jarred and I soon grew bored with the rapid changing of scenes as the dates went by.

Obviously once you hear the word Hiroshima, you know this isn't going to be a happy little animated film. In all honesty, it was only towards the end when the bomb is dropped, that my interest piqued.

I can see that my opinion is in the minority but I feel I must post to bring some balance to the overwhelming positive reviews. This could have been so much better.
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Tubelight (I) (2017)
A moving film that will make you think.
28 June 2017
It looks to me like there is some kind of campaign against this gem of a film. I have no idea why and couldn't care less. I loved this film.

I was behind Laxman from start to finish and hated to see him being bullied but my heart went out to him as he tried to will things to happen. Wouldn't we all love that power from time to time?

This film kept my attention throughout and that doesn't always happen with all Indian films I watch and I was particularly thankful that the music wasn't shrill as it often is during these films. My ears were very happy they didn't have to endure the pain that can sometimes accompany listening to the songs in Indian/Bollywood films.

I cried more than once during the film as we neared the end. I believed in Laxman and thoroughly enjoyed all the performances.

Ignore the hate, go and watch it and make form your own opinion.
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La La Land (2016)
Banal and Superficial
5 January 2017
La La Land . . . what can I say about La La Land.

First off, let me say that I love musicals (I can't wait to see Sing). I love music documentaries even if I don't like the artistes (yes Oasis, I'm looking at YOU) or even if I haven't heard of the band (Anvil: The Story of Anvil) and I adore films that feature great tracks such as Sing Street or films that feature tracks by the Rolling Stones or The Boss. But La La Land plummets to new depths of banality and superficiality. In fact the title sums it up ideally. The only time it perked up is towards the end.

Gosling and Stone do well in their roles but they can do better. The singing and dancing is nothing special and should not be compared to the magical musicals starring the likes of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers etc

I do not understand all the Oscar buzz, in fact if this wins the Best Film Oscar I will scream my little head off.

Whiplash was wonderful but Damien Chazelle has not made a comparably decent follow up. In fact, the woefully underused J.K. Simmons should have thrown a cymbal at his head whilst screaming "this is dragging". 5/10
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Truly Appalling
11 March 2016
How the heck does tripe like Fifty Shades of Black get funding let alone distribution? It makes Fifty Shades of Grey look like Shakespeare. Crap like this certainly doesn't help the diversity argument. Personally I would never employ any of the participating actors; black, white or any other skin colour ever again. They were all an absolute disgrace. There are films released this week that people will struggle to find whilst this garbage will stink up cinemas up and down the country for at least a week. God knows why I stayed so long but I eventually walked as no way was I going to miss my last bus home for this bilge. If you are given the choice of being tortured or watching this; I urge you to choose the torture. It won't be anywhere near as painful. Trust me
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