
12 Reviews
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Family Guy: Trump Guy (2019)
Season 17, Episode 11
Absolute garbage
4 March 2020
Pathetic gratuitous lies and nonsense. Try actual comedy.
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Imperium (I) (2016)
Not bad
12 February 2020
Not nearly as good as American History X but the overall story is fine. Plenty of plot holes but I liked watching.
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The Meg (2018)
11 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like this could have been cool mindless fun. But it was stupid and that is disappointing. When you make mindless movies ya gotta have more eye candy in every way. More action, more cgi, more craziness, more huge sharks doing insane things. And if you're gonna go after a prehistoric shark for no good reason and kill it... For no reason... make us hate the shark and root for it to get blown up or something. I felt bad for the shark! He's just minding his business doin what a shark does, living his best life and along come these jamokes out to kill it just cause.
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This show has been ruined
28 December 2019
This was an incredible show. Now it's just BS. What a shame. Stopped watching. Won't ever watch again. Nothing but liberal trash.
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Lost (2004–2010)
Very slow, hard to get thru, stupid ending
23 December 2019
This has to be the 5th or 6th time I've tried watching this show. While having some worth, and is somewhat interesting it is insanely slow. Each episode could be 20 min; it's mostly filler and devoid of content. So little happens from episode to episode. Very little is done to establish the plot, grow the plot, create's pretty bland. Too much is based on "faith" for the characters. They just do things... because. There's a lot of people unnecessarily aggressive and just acting out like children. The only character that's carrying this show so far is John Lock and a little Hurley. Then ya got Sawyer, decent character but they overplay his angst. Let's see if I can make it thru the series this time. Michelle Rodriguez...the overactor; pissing me off with her overplayed roll. Listen Michelle, not every movie is fast and furious, settle down. Update: well it only took 5 seasons for this show to finally get good. The 1st 4 seasons could have been done in just 1. Just a bunch of filler writing. They really could have done a lot better. Lazy writing, lazy production, pandering to the mindless masses. Update: finally finished this life eating show. Season 6 is nothing more than a cash grab. At best there were 4 episodes worth of content and the writers had to figure out how to stretch that over 18 episodes. You could skip whole episodes in the middle of season 6 and miss nothing at all. Once again this is lazy writing at its best. Totally lacking a well formed story and what story there is is told terribly. This show was a waste of my life.
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I've had more entertaining farts
28 September 2019
A move without a plot. The director and producer should be ashamed of themselves. This may have been a good book... Some say based on other reviews. But I'll never bother. I wanted to turn it off 10 min in but the wife wanted to see it thu...and didn't like it either. I've had more entertaining farts, better plot in a poo than this move could muster up.
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Made me hard to the tip
2 September 2019
Just fantastic. More story needed to be in such a long movie but it was great.
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Liberal trash. Destroyed story to push politics
2 September 2019
This is yet another shining example of Hollywood ruining everything. Let me be clear you dumb Hollywood scumbags. You are nobody's. You are there to entertain us. Tell good stories and provide an entertaining escape into fantasy. I don't want your BS political and immoral views preached at me. You've destroyed a fantastic horror story, made it blatantly nonsensical, completely deviated from the story altogether in many cases to push your personal BS, political and immoral disgusting views.
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Legend (I) (2015)
Tom Hardy is excellent. Can't understand a word
2 September 2019
Excellent acting by Tom Hardy. I can barely understand what is being said. If Tom Hardy wasn't the lead I would have turned it off 2 minutes in.
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Logan (2017)
Godawful. The creators should be ashamed
19 August 2019
The worst of all comic book movies made... And I've seen batman VS superman! These may be equally bad. What garbage that was. Anyway. Ive tried to watch Logan 3 times. Forced myself thru it finally. Just terrible. Go spend 2 hours mowing your law. It's better.
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Downsizing (2017)
Absolute and total garbage
25 November 2018
"downsizing" or becoming small has nothing to do with the movie. It's totally irrelevant. The movie has no plot whatsoever. I would have rather mowed the lawn naked in the winter than watch this movie.
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Absolute garbage
22 July 2018
From start to finish, a rushed hodgepodge of trash. Terrible CGI, felt like I was watching CGI from 1998. The matrix had better CGI. I just don't understand how they keep making these movies worse and worse. They are so easy to get right. And this jackass director Snyder should not be allowed to direct another movie ever again. BvS was godawful and I thought to myself... Oh Justice League is gonna be bad ass. It can't possible be the steaming pile of horse crap BvS was. I was wrong. It was worse. It's a steaming river of elephant diarrhea. Warner bros sucks. Everyone I volved with making these movies sucks. The flash actor was just awful. Ben Affleck is a douche but tolerable. Gal Gadot and Jason Mamoa were descent but this dumpster fire of a film ruins their performance.
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