
16 Reviews
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Campy, Fast and Fun
8 July 2022
Thor Love & Thunder definitely will NOT be for everyone, however I found it to be an exciting and fun entry into the MCU. This movie is very light, in your face, and ridiculous, so I can see many people not enjoying it. It is essentially a Saturday morning cartoon turned live action, which I myself enjoyed quite a bit.

Taika Waititi sometimes goes overboard with his ideas, and it seems there has to be a joke every 10 seconds (those damn goats). But at least he has Chris Hemsworth to provide many of these jokes, who is just naturally gifted in comedy and once again just embraces the role of Thor. Natalie Portman stands out in her return to Jane Foster, as she now possesses Mjolnir and is now The Mighty Thor, however I couldn't help but feel her arc was rushed and we as an audience were supposed to just accept her as Thor very quickly. Christian Bale is AWESOME as Gorr the God Butcher, but I feel we could've spent more time with him.

My main criticism with this movie is its pacing. Everything comes and goes SO quickly, that you feel you barely have anytime to breathe. With this being the shortest MCU movie in years, none of these new inclusions have any time to breathe, and the plot FLYS by. Not that this plot is complicated at all, it's actually one of the most simple plots the MCU has had, and will only have any bearing in Thors arc, and not the MCU as a whole.

Regardless, this movie is a very fun time, if you are able to withstand the campiness and comedy that this movie throws in your face 24/7. It won't be for everyone, but I personally enjoyed it for what it was.
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Elvis (2022)
A Superstar is Born
29 June 2022
Austin. Butler.

That's the review.

Joking aside, Elvis is a tribute to the late megastar, as told by his unreliable manager Col. Tom Parker. Baz Luhrmann has stated in the past this was his passion project, as this movie has been in development for a very long time, and it shows. This is Baz movie through and through, as his fast paced and in your face direction can be exhausting at times. However, I believe his style matches Elvis' lifestyle, so it didn't bother me too much.

This is a long movie, as you are told much of Elvis' long and illustrious career, from his beginnings in Tennessee, to his residency in Vegas. There is much to tell about Elvis' life and career, and Baz makes sure to hit many aspects of it.

The elephant in the room unfortunately is Tom Hanks, who I thought was quite annoying as Col. Tom Parker (although it matches the real person) and since he is our narrator, we spend too much time with him. That damn accent I'll never get over.

And then there is Austin Butler. Who seamlessly puts on the performance of a lifetime as Elvis Presley. This entire movie would've crumbled if he wasn't perfect, and he exceeds all expectations. He was absolutely electric and perfectly encapsulates how we know Elvis. It may sound corny, but you really do forget you're watching an actor playing a character here.

Elvis is a long movie, but it is worth a watch for Austin Butler alone. Definitely the best performance this year without a doubt.
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A Sequel that Surpasses in Every Aspect.
27 May 2022
This movie works on EVERY. LEVEL.

As far as big budget blockbusters go, this ranks among the very best. Where do I begin? Tom Cruise comes back to Maverick so naturally it's like he hasn't played the role in 36 years. Miles Teller is great as Rooster, this entire cast works, and each character is allowed to shine, and in the end you are completely invested in and care about these characters.

The scenes in the air are honestly jaw dropping, I truly don't know how they filmed them, and what these pilots do in this movie is something to behold. They're exhilarating, exciting, and a joy to watch.

The third act of this movie is one of the best I've seen in an action movie in a REALLY long time. You feel the stakes, and feel the sense these characters are in danger and could actually die, and you care about them, leading to an INTENSE final act.

There's so much that can be said here. This movie must be seen on the biggest screen possible. It's one of the best blockbusters in YEARS, maybe ever.
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Intense, Heart Wrenching, & As Authentic as it Gets.
15 April 2021
Private Ryan is the best war movie to come around. Hacksaw Ridge, Dunkirk, and 1917 are all quite great, but they are nothing to Private Ryan, which redefined the genre and has made the formula for every modern war film. What amazes me is that Spielberg continues to be a master of technical filmmaking. He makes the impossible seem entirely possible. But he continues to be underrated for the way he can create emotion out of his audience.

This movie makes you care so much about so many characters, which frankly many of them don't get all that much screen time; he makes characters such as Private Jackson or Cavarzo stand out with the few minutes they can shine on screen.

I truly believe that this movie was certainly robbed of Best Picture at the Oscars, and that Tom Hanks delivering a completely authentic performance was also missed by the Academy.

This movie brutally shows the horror of war, and continues to be the landmark of the war genre. It'll be shown in school for years as a firsthand look into what these people go through. It's pretty much a flawless war movie,
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A Massive Achievement, bringing life back to DC
19 March 2021
A few years ago when the theatrical cut of Justice League came out, the DC Universe was immediately put in doubt, as the movie underwhelmed both fans, critics, as well as the box office. A forgettable, throwaway generic movie; a version that will no longer be remembered now that we finally have the long awaited Snyder Cut of Justice League. We probably never would've gotten this cut of JL in theaters, but this cut feels much more compact and cohesive. You learn so much more about characters such as Cyborg, Flash, and even Steppenwolf. Even as Darkseids(!) lacky in this cut, he feels more like a fully fleshed character, as opposed to a generic villain who just wanted the boxes. Ray Fisher as Cyborg benefits so greatly from this version that he almost feels like the main character of this movie. You feel for the character you never would've thought you would a couple years ago. Ezra Miller as Barry Allen (Flash) no longer feels like the lame comic relief, he serves a major purpose to this team and as a whole you see the character realize his potential in this version. The rest of the cast is still great, I'll always be a fan of Henry Cavills Superman. The last 20 minutes of this movie really made me want to see more of this universe. This is a major achievement and a huge congratulations should be given to Zack Snyder for seeing his vision through, after everything he has been through. I'm a big fan of his work, and this is right there with Watchmen as my favorite movie of his. The work he went through for us fans to see his vision cannot be overseen. This is exactly what DC fans have been hoping to see.
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Quite Literally the Greatest Trilogy Ever Made
11 March 2021
I'm not sure what could be said about LOTR that hasn't already been said, other than that I personally think it's best trilogy ever put to screen, and I really can't think of anything close. Peter Jackson took on the most demanding project imaginable and created a series that will be remembered forever. He respected Tolkien's literature and stuck so incredibly close to the source material and translated it so effortlessly in such grand fashion. I highly recommend the extended editions, as they devote more time to building Middle Earth and developing their incredible characters ever further. 20 years later and the series still looks incredible, especially in 4K. What Jackson did here could never be replicated; he created the best trilogy ever made.
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If You Weren't Entertained, you're Lying.
18 February 2021
Willys Wonderland is by no means a good movie. If you're expecting a tense atmospheric horror movie inside a Chuck E. Cheese, you've come to the wrong movie. This is a self aware black comedy with some decent gore and crazy kills, and another fun performance from Nick Cage. He's fully aware of the roles he's taking nowadays and he clearly has a blast making this one too, without saying a single word. His presence really helps this movie too, as he knew exactly what tone to go for. As of right now this is probably the closest we're going to get to a Five Nights At Freddie's movie, and it's a fun enough time to pass 90 minutes. Just don't expect a James Wan level horror.
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
A Hypnotic, and Truly Original Nightmare
29 October 2019
The Lighthouse was one of my most anticipated films this year, as I was a massive fan of director Robert Eggers' The Witch, and with addition of Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe on full display here, this became a film I was very excited to see.

The good news is that this film lives up to it's expectations. It is a claustrophobic, and dizzying nightmare with Pattinson and Dafoe each giving possibly the performances of their lengthy careers. They both are required to show a ton of range and a variety of emotions for their characters, and they both give (In All Honesty) Oscar worthy performances with Pattinson as the Lead and Dafoe in Supporting.

Robert Eggers has made this film feel legitimately like a film from the 1950s, with Hitchcock being a clear inspiration. He has this time period nailed down to a T, with the costumes, accents production and score seriously make the film set in the 1890s. I also have to acknowledge the score, which is haunting and elevates the film.

I don't want to dive too deep into the story, but the premise is that Pattinsons character has been assigned to this lighthouse as a keeper with Dafoe, who slowly realizes the island is not what it seems. It is a truly original film that is nothing like anything I've seen before, and I highly recommend it to anyone who can appreciate a well made film.
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Spirited Away (2001)
A Master Acheivement in Animation, and One of the Best Films of All Time
27 October 2019
As you probably know by now, Spirited Away stands the test of time as one of the most influential animated films in modern cinema, and is seen by many as a classic. There isn't too much to be said about this movie that hasn't been said.

Of course, the plot starts with a young girl named Chihiro, who wanders into a secret world ruled by spirits, beasts, and witches, and gets separated from her parents, and must go through a variety of events in order to return home.

Hayao Miyazaki is a master of his work, creating some of the most beautiful and mesmerizing shots put to anime, with an incredible score, while establishing a plot that both children and adults can enjoy and be able to follow. All while the voice acting in both the original and English dub are both pretty great.

Another thing I wanted to note is the impact this movie has had since it's release. It's influence has caused Disney to help get the film released in the United States, as well as being the only Anime film to ever win an Oscar to this day. I was lucky enough to see the film today in theaters, and 18 years later, this film is STILL selling out theaters, and causing the audience to laugh and cry. It is that impactful. The film has truly stands the test of time, and is one of my favorite movies of all time.
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A solid, permanent sendoff to Breaking Bad.
12 October 2019
El Camino is essentially an extra 2-3 episodes of Breaking Bad, showing us what happened to Jesse Pinkman after the show ended. Picking up right after the finale, we see Jesse on the run from the law as he evades the police, and the gang after his escape from hostility. A few familiar characters return, which I won't get into, but any Breaking Bad fan will be satisfied and happy with this conclusion.

Aaron Paul once again owns Jesse Pinkman. He owns this role and has created one of the most memorable and lovable characters on TV, and here is no different. Every character serves their purpose to Jesse in this film, whether that means good or bad.

Vince Gilligan did state that he would not have made this film if the story wasn't there, but he believed in this story, and while it is slow paced, it does bring closure to Jesse and the series as a whole. It is definitely worth a watch for any Breaking Bad fan who wishes to see what has happened after the show ended.
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Joker (I) (2019)
A mesmorizing character study, with a brilliant performance from Pheonix
12 October 2019
As you've probably heard by now, Joker is a comic book film unlike anything we've ever seen before. It chooses to focus on it's iconic lead character in a very down to earth, dark and twisted story that mostly stays far away from any sort of storyline found in the Batman comics. This film follows Arthur Fleck, a failed stand-up comedian who slowly descends into madness and revolts against the world around him. Joaquin Phoenix is incredible in this. He portrays Arthur in with so many subtle movements and expressions that makes Arthur feel like a real person. Phoenix even stamps his own name on Joker's laugh, ensuring it stands out from everyone else. He's in every single scene, and he eats up every minute of the runtime. This character is incredibly complex, and every scene portrays his descent into madness. It will be a film that will likely require multiple viewings to catch every detail. The film can be slow but every scene is important to Arthur's breakdown and by the end of the film, you will see a character that has become completely full circle. It's incredible to watch in a movie that will be remembered for a very, very long time.
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Overlord (2018)
Going to turn into a Cult Classic
9 November 2018
Overlord is essentially a B-movie with a Hollywood budget, great action, and a TON of gore. I really enjoyed this movie quite a bit, especially in the opening scene, which was shot very well. This movie is an action-horror set during World War II when a bunch of American Soldiers discover that the Germans are up to something sinister in one of their bases, and that is all I will say about the plot. It's awesome to watch. The films cast doesn't consist of any A-Listers or Superstars, but has a lot of recognizable faces such as Wyatt Russell, (who's performance reminded me a lot of his dad Kurt in The Thing), Pilous Asbaek and Jacob Anderson of Game of Thrones fame, John Magaro and Bokeem Woodbine, and newcomers Jovan Adepo and Mathilde Olliver as the leads. To sum it up, Overlord is the type of movie that is going to develop a fanbase years from now, it is very fun and will satisfy those both looking for intense action and gory horror, and I can easily recommend this. We can all thank Julius Avery for directing such a fun movie and J.J Abrhams for deciding to NOT turn this film into a Cloverfield movie.
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The Nun (2018)
A Massive Disappointment for the Conjuring Franchise
12 September 2018
The Nun is the third spin-off in The Conjuring Universe, and is centered around "Valak" the demon we've seen in The Conjuring 2, and Annabelle Creation. It is directed by Corin Hardy, and stars Taissa Farmiga and Demian Bichir as we follow what is supposed to be the origin of this popular demon nun. Let me start off by saying that I am a massive fan of both The Conjuring 1 and 2, I think James Wan is currently the pioneer in modern horror filmmaking, and even though he did not direct this movie, I was excited to see he was a writer. Unfortunately, this movie is not nearly as scary or even remotely entertaining as either of those movies. This movie was a complete cash grab, from start to finish. How can you name your movie "The Nun" and have this character hardly be in the movie?? We learn next to NOTHING about this character, which makes the entire movie pointless. Farmiga and Bichir are fine in their roles, they're both accomplished actors and I've enjoyed both of them in other projects, but the characters they play are so beyond flat that it is obvious this movie just needed two people to wander through an old castle just to get scared. The film has almost no plot whatsoever. It's just jumpscare after jumpscare after jumpscare until it is time to fight The Nun and wrap the film up. I don't believe for a second that Wan had much to do with the screenplay because he is so, so much better than this. I'm giving this film a very generous 6 because I enjoyed the set pieces, music, and Farmigas and Bechirs attempts to make the film more lively. It also ties into the series nicely towards the end. Otherwise, there is no real need to see this film. It feels like a studio driven movie and is presented as such. If you really want to see it, just wait until its on Netflix or HBO. Complete disappointment.
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Dunkirk (2017)
An incredible war movie that should be watched by anyone who loves film.
21 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. I got the chance to see Dunkirk last night in an advanced screening, and all I can say is Wow. This movie directed by the spectacular Christopher Nolan brings the infamous evacuation of the French town during World War II to the big screen, and OH MAN does it deliver. The film is told from three different perspectives, The Mole (Land), The Sea, and The Air. Each perspective is successful in telling their respective story during the evacuation.

The Mole - is told from the perspective of Tommy, a young private in the British Army, who is trying to get out of Dunkirk alive and well. He is played by newcomer Fionn Whitehead, who brings a sense of fear and bravery to the role. He plays the role very very well for a newcomer, and I would assume has a bright future in the industry. Of course, he is joined by Harry Styles, and while I was annoyed by his casting at first, he actually fits in with the rest of the cast and I looked at him as Alex, and not Harry Styles in a war film. This perspective is where most of the danger looms, and Nolan delivers the intensity and fear that many soldiers were feeling on that beach.

The Sea - is told from a British civilian named Mr. Dawson, and his son Peter. They feel they are doing the right thing by sailing to Dunkirk to aid the soldiers still trapped on the beach. Mr. Dawson is played incredibly by Mark Rylance, who I can easily see another Oscar nomination ready for him due to this film. They are also joined by Cillian Murphy, who portrays a shell shocked soldier who's boat was destroyed by a German sub. He plays the role incredibly.

The Air - Tom Hardy is the star of this perspective, playing the hero in one of the British war planes keeping the Germans at bay while the British and French get as many of their men off the beach as they can. We're all so used to seeing Hardy playing the villain but its nice to finally cheer the man on as he defends the British with all hes got. Very intense dogfighting scenes from here.

All in all, this movie is a masterpiece of the war genre. Expertly crafted by Nolan, he excels in creating a sense of urgency and fear in every scene. This films soundtrack is outstanding, as well as its cinematography, and acting. The movie does not have much dialogue, but it doesn't matter as the scenery speaks for itself. I see many Oscar nominations for this movie in 2018, and for good reason. See it as soon as you can, you will not regret it.

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The Greatest MCU Film of All Time.
23 May 2016
Captain America: Civil War is without a doubt, the greatest movie in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe. You read that correctly. The story is incredibly compelling and very deep for a superhero movie, the acting is outstanding (per usual when it comes to these) and the action scenes are intense, to say the very least. The Russo Brothers have once again hit it out of the park with Civil War, and it's just as great as The Winter Soldier.

As usual, Chris Evans was incredible as Steve Rodgers/Captain America. He has such a likability to him that you just cannot ignore. As you know, Robert Downey Jr. owns the role of Tony Stark. If for whatever reason another actor gets the chance to play Stark, it's likely they won't come close to playing the character as well as RDJ. The biggest surprise to me was Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes, AKA The Winter Soldier. He plays a much bigger role in this film compared to the previous Captain America films, and Stan managed to pull off an extremely interesting and captivating performance. You don't know if you should root for him or be against him. Scarlett Johansson gives a noteworthy performance as Black Widow yet again, and Elizabeth Olsen and Jeremy Renner, as well as Paul Bettany are all pretty great in their roles as Scarlett Witch, Hawkeye, and Vision respectively.

Also, the new additions to the MCU are Black Panther and (finally!) Spider-Man. I do not want to say much about them because I would rather you see them for yourself, but I will say Panther may be the most interesting and mysterious hero yet, and personally, Tom Holland is my favorite Spider-Man ever, and I never thought I would say that. The climatic fight scene in the airport is the most entertaining fight I may have seen in film. I don't want to spoil, but Ant-Man steals the show in this scene. And the fight between Cap and Iron Man is so intense it will literally bring you to the edge of your seat.

This movie is what every single Marvel fan has been waiting for. It is a complete rebound after Age of Ultron, which disappointed me completely. Phase Three is off to a very hot start, and we may be in for the best phase yet.

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I don't get the hate...
7 August 2015
Let me start off by saying that this is NOT a perfect film. It is very far from that, but to call it an awful film? I have to disagree. The major problem with the movie was that it takes WAY too long to build up the characters, and then when they finally get their powers, the movies rushes and then suddenly ends. But it's not like the first half isn't at least interesting. Director Josh Trank attempts to restore the Marvel comic in his second film after his successful debut of Chronicle.

The story is a pretty good origin story that got way more devoted time then it should have. I did enjoy it for the most part, but it could have been cut down a little bit in favor of more action from the Fantastic Four. One thing I really enjoyed was that even though it was a Marvel movie, it had a dark feel to it. It tried to act like a DC movie instead of Marvel, which was a fresh surprise considering that all Marvel movies are starting to all feel like the same light humor action festival.

The cast consists of big up-and-comers Miles Teller (playing Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic) and Michael B. Jordan (playing Johnny Storm/Human Torch), the somewhat established Kate Mara, (playing Sue Storm/Invisible Woman) and the relatively unknown Jamie Bell. (Playing Ben Grimm/The Thing). Miles Teller keeps the story together and I feel like he plays a very good Reed Richards but a cheesy Mr. Fantastic, but that is the script he had to work with for the second half. Michael B. Jordan is the most impressive, but he got the least amount of screen time out of the four. Toby Kebbell (playing Victor Von Doom/ Dr. Doom) is also decent but he disappears in the beginning and then comes back when they're is about 20 minutes left. I feel like Dr. Doom definitely should have been used more but you will remember his scenes.

The special effects were impressive, and making The Thing created by CGI worked well. I just wish they gave him some pants, along with Doom. You can tell about 80% of the budget went towards the climax alone. Speaking of the climax, it was kind of fun to watch but it was so rushed, and left me wanting more.

Overall, it did have a decent amount of flaws, but I enjoyed it overall. The origin story was pretty interesting, the acting was good enough for the cheesy script they had to work with, and the action scenes were fun for what they were. It was far from The Dark Knight, but it is nowhere near Batman & Robin.

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