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I rated a 9 because...
23 May 2024
The series does an excellent job of setting up the mission and detailing early on the foam strike event that we would all come to understand as the cause.

It also does an excellent job of giving the families of the astronauts an opportunity to tell us what they went through and where they ended up from an emotional standpoint.

I rated it a 9 for two reasons: one negative and one positive. The negative reason it has a nine instead of a 10 is because they could have delved further into the poor decisions from management and the culture that helped create those decisions. Where did that culture come from? If that culture has changed, how has this been accomplished? I think they let certain individuals go without the scrutiny their decisions deserve.

However it does earn the 9 because it explores the human side of the families of the astronauts as well as the people at NASA who tried to shed light on the situation. The people who were interviewed from NASA all stated they shared in the responsibility and that's a heavy burden not only to bear but to publicly accept.

Regarding the families, Mrs Husband in particular is a tremendous example of understanding your life is different while understanding that you must keep going and look for joy. This is what I was left with at the end. The wisdom that almost only comes from pain.
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Napoleon (2023)
Problems from the start
23 March 2024
I love the work of Ridley. I love the work of Joaquin. But this is not a credit to either.

There's no continuity in this film. I wanted to like it. I could have easily loved it. I was hoping to see the four hour version on Apple TV + but whomever decided felt that wasn't appropriate.

The short version is a collection of scenes. Sad because it could have been a movie remembered for all time. There is no story, none.

I liked the acting and costumes, even if the writing left much to be desired.

Sad that I can't write something succinct and I must keep writing my review. I have to conform to the number of characters that IMDB deems appropriate so that I can publish my opinion.
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Missing the Point
26 December 2023
I was talked into watching this by my family. I was less interested because I read many reviews and believed the misplaced judgement in many of them.

This film is not an "end of the world" scenario. The end of the world is a vehicle to talk about the current state of the world.

There are a few unrealistic aspects but in the end, they further the point of the movie. I can't believe most people didn't see the message since the movie smacked us in the face with it. An over reliance on technology coupled with a lack of civility and empathy for each other, and throw in a dose of mistrust for our fellow citizens. It's nothing we don't already know yet when combined using the vehicle of an attack on what we typically rely on, it becomes a healthy criticism on the state of our "civil" society.

If you're looking for a traditional end of the world/survival story, it's not for you. If you're open to a suspenseful commentary on the state of our world, it's worth your time. There is a tiny bit of optimism and I think the ending is what it is because it's less about what happens to the characters in the film and more about what we do to try to keep what happens in the film from happening to us.
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Billions: Enemies List (2023)
Season 7, Episode 10
It's a different show with Damien Lewis
22 October 2023
This season has been superior to the last one, and is culminating in the return of its best character.

The writers packed the show with movie and music references and while I couldn't get them all they were rewarding. The side story of whether the team of traders would accept the changes was an interesting way to give them some screen time during an episode when what you care about is how our favorite team is going to do what we all know they need to do.

However, what made the episode the best of the season so far is they made us think the story was going in one direction and then dropped progress on us. The musical accompaniment for this change was perfect and fit Axe to a tee (if you know what I mean).

If you've come this far you've been rewarded.
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Lioness (2023– )
I wanted to like it more
7 September 2023
It fell flat despite a good cast.

At times the writing felt forced; unlike most Taylor Sheridan shows (with the exception of the second season of Mayor of Kingstown which paled in comparison to the first season).

For a show about defeating terrorism there wasn't enough action. The tough CIA agent feeling torn from her family that needs her wasn't enough to endear me to her character.

Finally, no review after watching all episodes of the series would be complete without mentioning the lackluster ending. All of the build up to the decision of what to do and then it's over in seconds and no one seems to feel any sense of accomplishment.
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I Wish it Had Been Shorter
30 July 2023
I don't say that because a shorter film would have been better. I say that because I wish it had taken up less of my evening.

This is a movie where absolutely no one asked the question: "Should we do this?" Every scene was longer than it needed to be to let us know what it wanted to say. The movie also had no story whatsoever and ended up being a look inside someone's brain that we shouldn't be pondering.

I kept hoping for something to come from this journey. Some revelation for Beau or some sort of progression or improvement in his life. But unfortunately that never came.

The sole bright spot came during the play in the woods. At least that had a story. Maybe some will find this interesting but I need a bit more from a movie than this one was willing to provide.
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
6.5 would be about right
27 July 2023
Based on both professional and individual reviews I was interested in this film. From the beginning there's enough story to get you interested and enough mystery to keep you engaged in where it's going.

I read warnings that suspension of disbelief would be needed so I came in with that mindset but this film needed a lot of suspension since some of the actions of the characters seemed just plain stupid. The characters Are written as intelligent people and given they established that, the characters should have been responding to their environment differently. After a while their behavior became almost farcical.

The performances for the most part were good but I was left at the end wanting more from the story. Maybe there was more and they cut it so the film could fit the time they wanted?

I'm not sorry I watched this film but I don't think I would watch it again, which for me is the test of great sci fi.
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Worth the time if...
19 July 2023
If you grew up in the 80's and/or live sci fi films this is a great walk down memory lane.

I enjoyed the interviews with directors, and cast members for many of the films they focused on and even discovered a few films I somehow missed. I also learned some great facts about my favorite movies from the 80's.

They format the documentary by featuring films form each year of the 80's and then at the end of each year they feature a piece about music or special effects, etc. This was interesting and I think most sci fi fans will like this logical approach.

The one thing that I would have changed is that it did get a bit tedious going back to the same people to discuss multiple films. I wish they could have interviewed more people and had a wider take on the genre. But in the end that didn't affect the deep nostalgia that makes this worth the considerable time you'll invest to watch it.
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The Bear: Forks (2023)
Season 2, Episode 7
29 June 2023
I don't say unexpected because I thought it wouldn't be good. I say unexpected because this episode made me think about aspects of life and professionalism that this show hadn't touched on yet for me.

Being in a service industry myself it was magical to see the pride in giving an extraordinary experience to people and Ritchie catching the satisfaction of a job very well done.

The exploration of why Ritchie's lack of self confidence has made him the way he is and his choice to change should win him more fans including me.

After the craziness of the last episode I really needed this. So far my favorite of the second season.
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Star Trek: Picard: Surrender (2023)
Season 3, Episode 8
I've been critical of current Trek but...
11 April 2023
This is the feeling we've been searching for and haven't had for a couple decades.

The writing is able to mesh with the friendships this crew formed early on so that we're able to truly feel the joy at the characters' reunion.

Maybe we're old and sentimental but there's much more than sentimentality going on in this episode. The story is compelling and of course there's no issue with the acting. And although I've had issue with the writing of modern Trek, the writing gave me what I wanted from this world, maybe even what I didn't know I needed given the occasional lesson harkening back to TOS.

If you enjoy it, you're in great company!
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Star Trek: Picard: No Win Scenario (2023)
Season 3, Episode 4
Your patience is rewarded
11 March 2023
I haven't liked much newer Trek the way I loved the older shows. The last few episodes of the first season of Picard were good and at some point I'll get back to SNW. But I decided I would enjoy this season for everything it could give.

It seems that decision has been rewarded with this episode. It's almost a self contained single story (like most of the old series) and has good story, both internal and external conflict, but most of all, it has a positive message: Hope for the future based on finding those you can trust.

For me and I think many others, the optimism of Star Trek is why we've watched for all these decades and it feels like they got this one really right. No surprise that Frakes directed it.
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Shane (1953)
A Trailblazing Western
4 February 2023
To many younger viewers this story will seem familiar, however that's because this is a perfect original example of a great western story. For example, if you've seen Pale Rider, it's almost the same story except the gun fighter is played by Clint Eastwood.

For me though, the strength lies in the performances and the ensemble cast. This movie was made 16 years before I was born but while I was growing up there were still many of its themes in our world. Standing up for what's right. Carving out your piece of the world and living the best you can. Fighting against those who think that might and money make the rules.

If those are themes you subscribe to and you want to know what movie making (and life) was like in the 50's, this is a great place to start!
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The Last of Us (2023– )
An Unexpected Success
30 January 2023
I'll admit, I didn't want to like this show. At seeing the first trailers I thought the concept had been done enough.

However, while there has been good action in the first episodes, what makes this show different (and amazing) is the storytelling. Although this is a series with a full season plot, it is somewhat episodic and the adept writing and acting helped me care about more than just the main characters. The third episode in particular told a story I that was completely unexpected.

The fact that this show has everyone searching the internet for the potential reality of the premise for this particular downfall of humanity should say a lot.

Even if you've watched other "end of the world" series, you owe it to yourself to watch this one.
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Roadies (2016)
Necessary Viewing If...
24 January 2023
I'll admit there were elements of the first three episodes that just didn't work for me. Setting up some of the important ensemble characters was choppy and cumbersome at best.

However, and this is a big HOWEVER, I did grow to like the characters, care about them and their interactions and especially connect with their stories, and felt rewarded for sticking with the show in episode 8.

For me, this is a continued love letter from Cameron Crowe to the art of live music and the setting gives him a chance to continue the discussion of the process of the business invading and impacting the art. Given the artists who chose to participate in the show, it's also clear that he still has friendships from the days of rock and roll innovation plus he brings newer and sometimes wonderfully raw talent to the show with Reignwolf being at the top of that list. And this review would be incomplete without mentioning Vedder's solo performance of Man of the Hour in the final episode along with a host of other musicians including Jackson Browne and Gary Clarke Jr.

IF you love music and love the stories that surround music then you won't be disappointed. Not everyone liked this show and maybe they didn't give it enough of a chance but it's one season lives on its own and if you like it you're in great company. Isn't part of music in the first place?
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Most viewers won't get what they came for.
22 December 2022
I wanted to like this movie. Amazing acting and stunning cinematography immerses you in the story and setting. The problem for me is the story itself.

We have an island, which means everything is concentrated regarding events and character interactions. This is normally a device that causes tension but here it seems dumb. The two main characters keep running into each other both by chance and intentionally, especially because there seems to only be one pub that neither of them want to stop going to on a daily basis.

If that was a set up for a dark comedy, it would make sense but don't fool yourself. While there are a few moments early in that might make you chuckle, THIS IS NOT A COMEDY!

Something funny with a resolution is what I was expecting. By the end I felt terrible and angry which was quite a deviation from the film I thought I would be watching. So be careful what you're expecting.

If it's a well acted, beautifully set, confusing statement about human relationships with no real resolution then watch with pleasure. If you're looking for a differently set, dark comedy, this is not it.
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This is two movies, unfortunately
11 December 2022
The first movie is engaging, interesting, well written, and genuinely got me invested in the characters and what was going to happen to them.

We don't know much about the main character but we root for him for some reason. Maybe because he's decent to some of the people from the carnival or because he's down on his luck or maybe because it's Bradley Cooper and we like his leading roles.

The second film begins a little past half way and I was fully invested in the story by that time, except the writing never made the story pay off for me. Some of the 1 and 2 ratings don't get the film noir nostalgia and the excellent acting throughout. But if there are only six stories any movie ever tells this one told the second half poorly and there are much better versions of this story. It's a pity I'm writing that summation more and more these days.

There are aspects of this film worth experiencing but don't go looking for something that really has a message or makes you think or has a creative ending.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Can someone just make one good movie?!
5 December 2022
There are some good elements to this movie. The suspense was established well, plus a good story despite some predictability, and decent performances (except the sister and her husband).

The ending was just such a letdown. For all those professional critics who said this movie harkens back to old horror, I think they missed the endings of those films. In older horror films they had a creative ending whether it helped or hurt the protagonist or not. This ending is just phoned in, almost like the writers didn't want to have to think of a creative way to solve the problem.

There are so many other movies that do this type of story better. Rewatch one of those.
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Star Trek: Lower Decks (2020–2024)
Surprisingly good!
7 November 2022
I'll admit that I'm an old Trek purist. I abandoned Discovery after a season and couldn't get through the second season of Picard. They both just didn't come across as anything that resembled the reasons I've loved this show since the 70's.

I was ready to put Lower Decks in the same category until I watched it. It's mostly episodic and there are over the top aspects to the ensemble crew that make me smile. It's fun and somehow enjoyable Trek all in one, at least for me. I've enjoyed the Trek past show cameos as well. Season three was the best one so far.

Give it a chance. You might surprise yourself too.
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Reboot (2022)
Worth the watch for more than one reason
31 October 2022
If you grew up in the late 70's to the early 90's you saw many formulaic shows like the one this show originally was before the reboot because that's what TV gave us. In some ways this show is both a walk down memory lane and another funny look at the distasteful underbelly of the entertainment industry.

While they don't give that take on the industry quite as well as Matt LeBlanc's show Episodes did, I found that the jokes landed and the pain between the characters was deep enough to enjoy the subtle drama.

If you didn't experience the earlier days of TV you might not feel the quaint and funny aspects of the show. Then again they somewhat poke fun of the with the young Hulu exec who is the "VP of Comedy" quoting research on hyper specific demographics.

It was fun for me and I'll keep watching.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
A Hidden Masterpiece
20 September 2022
I don't often give a 10 to a movie yet feel this one deserves it as much as any I've given. But I didn't feel that way at first.

There's purpose to why the story seems to jump around to different times and the meaning of the title ends up being different than what you might think when beginning to watch the film.

This movie wants you to leave with something; to think slightly differently than you did before you watched it. Great sc-fi can do that but this is more than the story. For me it was how I can look at life differently if I shift my perception a bit.

Maybe you'll see that right away but it took me a couple viewings to fully embrace it. Regardless, it's a journey worth taking.
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What's in a Name? (2022 TV Special)
What is mob mentality?
13 July 2022
Dave shines the light squarely on group think. Many of us (especially those of us who grew up in an urban environment in the 70's and 80's) think of mob mentality as a fault of autocratic types. Dave's message is that anyone can fall prey to censorship and ignore the art even when they think they're standing up for something.

Some people that I watched with felt Dave was crowing about himself too much. I responded that this is Dave's reply to the critics. When I saw him live at his documentary screening he was in pain at how so many had reacted to his art. He now has his chance to respond and it was done in a way only Dave could do.

If you like Dave you won't need a review to watch this. But if you judged him and his art based on The Closer, you should watch this before you continue to judge.
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Gut Punch of a story that was completely avoidable
21 May 2022
If you pay attention you'll see this story over and over again in your lifetime. The sad difference here is that the company in question used to have one of the best reputations for safety and reliability in the world.

It is a foregone conclusion that more companies will create more stories similar to this one at the cost of public safety.
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I wanted to like it
2 May 2022
Plenty of actors in this film who know how to breathe life into a less than average script. But even they couldn't save the story.

This movie asks the viewer to suspend disbelief so much that there's nothing left to enjoy for a movie of this genre.

Watch at your own risk.
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I'm Dying Up Here (2017–2018)
Deserved more time yet worth the watch!
28 March 2022
I was hooked from the beginning with this series and was sad when it didn't make it past the second season.

As with other short run series like Freaks and Geeks, just because there are only a few episodes doesn't mean you shouldn't watch it. Because it's a piece set in history it won't age at all. You'll see some great writing and excellent performances.

Be prepared though, a show about comedy is not all laughs but the drama is what makes the show great. Reward yourself and watch this show!
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Star Trek: Picard: The Star Gazer (2022)
Season 2, Episode 1
Not really Star Trek
23 March 2022
This show was bleak in the first season but I felt it was worth watching all the way through it by the end it was at least somewhat rewarding.

I'm really hoping this season gets better also. Right now there are almost zero elements that made TOS, TNG, DS9, and Voyager great.

I've enjoyed watching Patrick Stewart since I Claudius and Excalibur so this isn't a slam on him. But the writing is just... not Star Trek.
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