
9 Reviews
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Pet Sematary (1989)
this is a COPY from Italian movie ZEDER
18 October 2007
Pet Sematary , though a nice 80's Horror movie, with a nice Director and atmosphere, IS a copy of the Italian movie ZEDER by Pupi Avati. It's clear that Stephen King has copied almost all the ideas from this director (the movie Zeder was made before King wrote the book)

The cat, the ground, everything was copied, this is a case of plagiary , but, being Stephen Kind a famous American writer , it's totally normal that he can get away with this , it's obviously due to the huge difference between this kind of Italians movies with no -budget (and in part, it's crap itself ... ) but the original idea, I repeat it, it's Italian director Avati

Let the world know
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worst De Niro ever
4 May 2007
This is a movie with a nice story, but I've never seen De Niro's wonderful acting totally wasted as in this movie; his performance is good, if he acts to render a shy, dumb, introvert cop/detective that is somewhat involved in a small-mafia situation, but , to be honest, people want to see him cool, outgoing, self-confident..

It's not the role for him, definitely.

Bill Murray fits a little bit better, but it appears unpleasant, most of the time ...

Uma Thurman has the best character, and as a whole, I'd say that the movie is worth a view, but it will seldom make you laugh ...
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Mediocre and stupid movie
4 January 2007
This movie has only one thing that is not so bad : the photography.

Those blend colors are decent and certainly represent the director's attempt to re-create a 70s atmosphere; but the rest is terrible...

Like someone else already said, this is a kind of another remake of the original .... but : 1- it lacks of that surreal, visionary, insane atmosphere 2- The beginning ? It really doesn't show the developing of madness in the family, but it's , like I told , a baaaad copy of TCM 3- Use of violence and gore, in a New Hollywood- "money maker" -fast cash-way If this movie attracts so many people, well, it's a clear sign that the whole western culture is descending at the lowest level; gimme back the 70's . the 80s , even the 60s...but ...

modern "horror" ... bah
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wonderful 70's movie
2 January 2007
I've seen this movie many times; I have to say I love this movie because of many reasons : there are scenes that really scare the hell out of me , for example , the witch running through the woods , the animals running , the scenes that create suspense like when Gianni Garko is inside the house and they're all waiting for the grandpa to come back (and we all know something is happening) Gianni Garko is one of the great actors of the 70s ,he's been a guest star in "Space 1999", as well;

the movie has got that 70s atmosphere (like in the hospital) mixed with a sense of Hammer Horror , but more low-budget From what I know, the movie was shot near the place I live (North East Italy) close to Slovenja (Yugoslavia, back then) It's less scary after two or three views, but it's a very good movie
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Eaten Alive (1976)
mixed emotions about this movie
1 January 2007
This is a movie I have seen three or four times, in different periods of my life; I know Tobe Hooper from TCM and another movie I like, Salem's Lot (which I find very different to his 70s production)

Eaten Alive leaves me very doubtful ...personally, I've never been a fan of "gore " into movies , especially for Horror movies,,,to me Horror is a thing based on atmosphere, mainly...not based on violence and showing blood, flesh , etc... This movie has got a strange, dark , insane atmosphere, with an intense acting by the main actor (who plays Judd) and all the others, in a different way; but what it's so peculiar about it, it's the use of the colors...intense reds very often, blues, blacks...yellow.. these colors create a weird, unnatural atmosphere, almost cartoon-like, almost "Creepshow" but darker, more insane The plot is simple, but effective, with the candid fake crocodile always waiting in the water...and the surroundings , with swamps, woods, some fog bring us a mix of Gothic, almost Hammer Horror , resembling The Mummy or other Swampy monsters ...
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absolute Gothic perfection
7 February 2006
Horror of Dracula is absolutely perfect, its atmosphere, photography, colours, landscape and acting are incredible...! You have a crescendo of tension and fear, a perfect balance between the "quiet" speaking scenes and the thrilling scenes; the first part of the movie is about Jonathan Harker and his failed attempt to destroy Dracula (but it's not the same as in the original book) . the second part is more interesting, with a wonderful Peter Cushing / Van Helsing investigating the vampires ' world. The tavern with the superstitious village people, those moments of ...brrrr... I'd prefer to remain in bed ... and the forests, the moment Dracula comes to town and begins his curse ... Why don't they do this kind of movies anymore ? The only Gothic movie that can compare to this one is Bram Stoker's Dracula , talking modern times...I think everyone has lost that magic touch for real horror movies ...
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Go for It (1983)
funny movie indeed
5 February 2006
I've recently bought the DVD of this movie, but I remember watching it when I was a child, here in Italy they used to play a lot of Spencer-Hill movies (in the 70s 80s), unfortunately now it's a total different story...Italian comedy has gone totally bad. But this is another issue.

I've watched it in both the versions (English,I suppose it's the original one..?) and Italian , the one I was used to. I've noticed some changes in the dialogs , like in every movie, and I'd like to quote a funny sketch, that you can see when they go to meet K1... K1 says "Mr ..... and....., I suppose" and Spencer says "You suppose right" , well in Italian is more funny because the line changes in "la supposta è giusta " where "supposta " means both the past tense of "supporre " (to suppose) and also the little rocket- shaped medicine you take when you have fever ... :) :) (got it ?...........:) ciao ciao gio'
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The Warriors (1979)
my fave movie ever
5 February 2006
I have seen this movie maybe 40, 50 times. It's not a movie, it's an opera, a theatre play... When I'm watching it, I think I know every sentence, every word...

think of New York , late seventies...teen age delinquent bands live only at night ...the night is theirs, the night promises everything a teen ager needs... action, thrill, risk... and a lot of good music,too

wow I wish I could go back to those years and be one of The Warriors..! Listening to Kiss, fighting with masked bands... A masterpiece for ever .

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1900 (1976)
a masterpiece
5 February 2006
Though this movie may be really long and sometimes really dramatic and heavy, it's a perfect painting of a world now forgotten. I've seen in another comment that if you're non Italian you can't understand it perfectly. Well, I've been Italian for 35 years now, but I've grown up with other interests than politics . I've never gave a .... for the parties and all that political stuff, but Novecento made me think . Not only its photography is wonderful, but the story is simple and direct and reflects perfectly the war of the classes, the everlasting battle between rich and poor and other things maybe banal but functioning in this movie. De Niro, Depardieu and the other main actors are great. You can't watch it and turn your back about the fascist problem. About the problems of the working class, these are things that, looked in a modern perspective, aren't the same, times are changed and we Italians have to face other social problems... I understand , anyway, the people who didn't like it, maybe they should stick to "Meet the Fockers" or similar stuff, more at their intellectual level.

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