
4 Reviews
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Believe what you see and not what you hear
13 September 2004
I could not seem to figure out why everyone was bashing this movie, but then it hit me. Most people went in to this movie with expectations that were entirely too high or they went to go see this movie with the idea in their head that they were not gonna like the it no matter what. Look, do not listen to the people that are saying this is the best movie this year by far, because it is not. The acting was a little suspect and there were a few unexplained events in the movie. But at the same time, do not listen to the people who are screaming about how this movie is the most stupid movie they have ever seen because that is also not true. This movie is action packed from beginning to the end and there is no denying that.

Now as a fan of the Resident Evil video games, I must admit that I was a little disappointed about the story line and the characters not exactly matching up with their video game counterparts. But for goodness sakes people, it's really not that serious so I went in there and enjoyed the movie for what it is....a pretty good action movie.

I give it 8/10.
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The Game (1997)
I know this isn't supposed to real, but this is ridiculous. I'm p***ed about this one.
13 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start from the top. The Game is a movie about an extremely rich man(Michael Douglas) whose life full of power and money can be described as nothing less but bland and boring. Apparently bothered by this, his brother decides to give him a gift for his birthday from some company who sponsors "A Game". His brother says that it will "put some excitement in his life". So Douglas goes to the company answers some questions, take somes test and leaves. He is informed that his "game" will soon begin and he goes on about his business. This starts the beginning of events that I can only explain as crazy. Then folks, we get to the ending of the movie which i am sure surprised most people who watched it including myself, but all I could do was shake my head. So why am I so p***ed off you ask?

**SPOILER ALERT** Because if somebody can ask me some questions and all of a sudden determine my every reaction to catastrophic situations such as the ones that occurred in this movie, i fear for my life. You mean to tell me that those test that he took were enough to know that he would do all the crap that he did, end up on top of that exact building, shot his brother, and jump off of the building and hit the exact spot that would prevent injury, only to land in the midst of a surprise birthday party that has been prearranged for him, because they all just "knew" it was gonna happen like that. And on top of all that, he wasn't even mad about it. I could not do anything but shake my head and laugh, it was just too much for me.
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The Village (2004)
Although I understood the concept of the movie, I still did not enjoy it
2 August 2004
Before I decided to write about this movie I read what everyone else had to say about the movie. Let me start off by saying that I understand why some people are getting upset at the fact that lots of people are bashing this movie and saying that it is stupid, and has no plot because that is not true. However, the movie does not have a plot that would be visible to someone coming in to the movie expecting something totally different. But thats the problem, the previews to this movie had EVERYONE expecting something totally different. Nobody that saw the previews to this movie can deny that they went to the theater with the intentions on seeing a horror movie, and those people, including myself, were disappointed at the fact that we were actually viewing a movie that went a completely different direction. As someone else said about this movie earlier, maybe if I knew for a fact that M. Night was not attempting to have me jump 20 times during the movie or leave me with the fear of going to sleep that night, maybe i would have enjoyed the film a little more. BUT, because I expected to see a horror movie and did not get that, i was very disappointed. All I can say is that if you plan on seeing this movie, go into it with a open mind, and maybe you'll enjoy it a little more than I did.
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It just couldn't keep my attention
12 April 2004
Going in to this movie, I actually had high expectations for it. I don't exactly know why i did, but I figured Cedric and Steve Harvey would not let me down. Well, I was without a doubt, highly disappointed. Not only was this movie boring, but it was an overall corny movie and extremely predictable. 20 minutes in to the movie, I told the person i was with exactly what was gonna happen at the end and i was exactly right. I can count on one hand the amount of times that i even got close to laughing. Well, at least Solange was pretty sexy in the movie, but believe me, thats still not enough to make this movie good. If you value your money at all, you'll wait till this comes out on video.
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