
4 Reviews
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Break (III) (2008)
8 August 2009
What on earth are Charles Durning, David Carradine and Michael Madsen doing in this pile of rubbish ? OK, true, Charles Durning looks to be in his nineties and David Carradine had made some turkeys before but Michael Madsen ? Whilst no-budget doesn't have to equal bad in this case in does. Oh yes indeedy.

Everything has a cardboard feel to it, as if the sets would fall down if you blew on them. The Lead actor is so wooden he's sprouted roots. There are awkward silences in the dialogue; a "crowded" bar translates as two extras, an "empty" bar suddenly has an audience bursting into applause. Its just awful. Avoid.
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RocknRolla (2008)
23 February 2009
Terrible, just terrible.

This movie proves without a doubt that Guy Ritchie is a one-trick pony, someone who got lucky with his first movie and is doomed to forever rip it off for anything else he makes.

Guy Ritchie is so far removed from the gangster lifestyle he attempts to portray its laughable. Everything seems so hackneyed and clichéd, the script is as close to Lock Stock and Two Smokings barrels as you could get without actually making the same film.

The dialogue, choice of music editing, everything seems so forced, so desperately trying to be hip its pathetic. A truly terrible film.
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Same Old, Same Old
22 November 2008
I don't know if this was released purely for an American audience, although I suspect so. Actually I would hope so for Gervais' sake otherwise he is still doing the same jokes he was doing 3-5 years ago. When I started watching I thought it was an old show but I note the release date is 2008 so....

Released just in time for Christmas, if I had bought this I would feel ripped off, there is nothing new here,just the same old jokes you've probably heard a million times before.

They don't age well either. This has 'cash in' on his success written all over it.

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The Objective (2008)
A Big Question Mark
14 August 2008
After watching this movie I came straight back on IMDb to see if I could make sense of what I had just watched. But after reading all the comments so far, I am none the wiser. It definitely did remind me of 'Blair Witch In The Desert' (with an Apocalypse Now style narration throughout) albeit without the hand camera so at least you don't feel queasy at the end, just a tad confused

Having said that, it did command my attention until the end, and I did enjoy it. After about 1/2 an hour its pretty obvious that the ending isn't going to be neatly wrapped up so it shouldn't leave you too disappointed
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