
8 Reviews
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Dark Skies (2013)
Completely surprised
8 May 2013
I am completely surprised at some of the low ratings and remarks concerning this movie. My daughter and I just watched it. I hate horrors because I have nightmares all night long after watching one. I stick to the suspense and thrillers. I had reservations about this movie after reading the makers of this also made paranormal activity which I watched and found utterly cheesy. Just my own personal opinion. But this movie I really enjoyed. It kept me on the edge of my seat with my hands at the ready to slap across my eyes. I love a well made alien encounter movie and this movie did it for me. Lots of jumping moments, lots of edge of the seat suspense. I did not walk away feeling like I should have spent my money on something else!
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Oh my god
8 May 2013
I have to agree with those who said this movie was horrible. I have to ask...what has happened to Christian Slater? He is a wonderful actor. Broken Arrow is one of my favourite movies (Yes I have many favourites) I have not seen Christian in very many good movies over the past few years. This makes me wonder if there has been some kind of falling out of favour in Hollywood. I do not watch or read any celebrity gossip shows / magazines. I simply know who I like and so see the movie....I am rarely gob smacked by the movie. This is one as was Battlefield earth that made me sit back and scratch my head. John Travolta, I just adore him. Again he and Slatter in Broken Arrow were great together. So what is happening? Why is Slatter disappearing into the goo of bad films? He is better then this...I hope he has a great come back.
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Steel Magnolias (2012 TV Movie)
8 May 2013
There are not many movie remakes that I like. There are some I really enjoyed such as Total Recall. They spent a lot of money and brought in great actors and kept the movie close to the orig. To take a very loved movie like Steel Magnolias and turn it on it's head, taking away some of the classic scenes that made the movie what it is and what kept it in our minds years later is just revolting. I have absolutely no issue with the movie being made with all black actors, but I do take issue with the movie being torn into pieces and becoming something other then what it is. I love Queen Latisha, she's a wonderful actress. The Bone collector is one of my favourite movies. Denzel Washington, well I just adore him. Queen Latisha did a wonderful job in The bone collector. But I just did not like this version of Steel Magnolias. Possibly if I had never seen the orig. I may have liked it...but....well I can not help comparing the two.
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Covert Affairs (2010–2014)
Another great show being scrapped?
14 February 2013
I love this show. The cast work well together, the story line is action packed, exciting and has me waiting for the next episode. It is a true shame that so many great series like Covert affairs and the closer go for a while drawing us in, making us fall in love then just ending. I hear things like "you can only write so many episodes about spies" But in today's real world drama in Iraq, China, Korea...there are still loads of stories out there waiting to be written. I hope they see what a great show this truly is and keep it going. If they can keep Law and order going for over a decade they show they can keep a good thing alive.
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How much is too much?
27 July 2012
Again, in my opinion this is another movie that should not have been made. I love super hero movies, especially Spiderman. I really enjoyed the older movies with Toby. Now a new hero and it all just seemed to go toes up for me. I did not enjoy this movie. I really hate remakes and extensions of movies unless they stay close to the original and carry off the heart of the original movie, like Pirates of the Caribbean, like Spiderman 2 and 3 with Toby. They did not feel like a new movie, they were an extension of the one we loved. Some movies are just done to death and the changes in actors just seems to sour things for you. I think this is what happened with this movie for me. It becomes a completely different beast then the original. I am no way saying this movie was bad. It was a good movie, it just ruined the whole Spiderman hero for me.
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To much of a good thing?
27 July 2012
Well, what can I say. I am not saying the movie was not good, it simply was to much. There have been so many Batman movies that you begin to feel that you have just seen to many. I struggle with remakes and movies that are extensions of others. This movie was the continued saga of Batman begins. In my opinion it should have stayed there. I know what they were trying to do and say, but I just can not help feeling they have said to much. I don't want to add further to this as I do not want to ruin it for those who have not seen it yet. Is it a good movie? Yes. Is it perfect? No. Did it leave me sitting waiting for the film to end? Yes. I think I would have been happier if this movie had not been made. It was just to much and over the top in my opinion. I love super hero movies, so I really feel let down with this one. I adore the actors and believe me the acting was superb. It was just the movie itself.
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Battleship (2012)
Not what I expected
14 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I personally would not call this movie terrible, but neither would I call it great. It did feel a bit rushed and all shoved together. It seemed as though they tried to take a 3 hour movie and turn it into 1 1/2 hours. To much to soon going on. It had some very funny moments like the burrito scene and the bathroom scene that had me laughing. I wish they would have given a bit more scenes to the aliens. We never got a really good look at them except in one scene. But that's just personal preference for me. I prefer to see them. Being a Navy brat, I loved the idea of the Naval ships and watching them in action and in saying this, a bit more action would have been great. Also bringing in the retired sailors was a nice touch and their having a hand in the action was great. Made me think of my Dad. Navy and retired Navy may enjoy this. Not many movies (recent) have been made using Naval ships and personnel.
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The Avengers (2012)
14 May 2012
I have rarely laughed out loud over a movie but this one had me belly laughing and giggling all the way through. I loved how this movie brought most of the beloved super hero's together and how they played off each other. I gave it a 10 / 10 because of the pure enjoyment of the film. Usually when I sit through a movie I am mentally counting the minutes when I can get up and go, but this one I wanted to last longer. I am so hoping they come up with a 2nd movie, just as good. If you like super hero movies and love a good laugh go see this movie. It is well worth the time. I can not wait until the DVD comes out, it will be a sure buy for me.
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