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Shudh Desi masterpiece of a Thriller
1 August 2020
When it comes to Bollywood sleuth thrillers one cannot help but think it has to be a rip off of a Hollywood or Korean movie. Such is the lack of originality in this genre of film making. But Raat Akeli Hai slowly detaches itself from any similar film and comes out as an engaging 2hr 30min ride of crime and detection and packs a twisted twist in the end. Glad finally Bollywood is offering something for the Holmes and Poirot fans. Its one of the best films of 2020. Rather one of the best things of 2020.
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Soft spoken secrets
29 May 2020
Sometimes when we do not have control over the things that happen to us in our lives we wonder if it's a script (destiny) pre-written and we can do nothing about it, till we persevere.

Stranger Than Fiction is a wonderful film. I have now watched it the third time and find it a perfect comedy. The story, casting, direction, acting, everything is measured, carefully done and in fine balance. The choice of settings, cityscape, buildings, furniture, everything is immaculate.

This is such a refreshing film to watch and for sure will watch it many times over. They dont write or make such perfect comedies a lot. Deserves being cherished.
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Rage (2016)
True Identities
28 May 2020
Even without the vices of lust for money, hate, envy, human beings can be such miserable creatures. This is a heart wrenching drama set in beautiful locations and beautifully acted.

It's a take on the psyche of simple people, when faced with adversity, sometime even not directed at them. It's about love, rage, helplessness, faith, trust and beliefs and how sometimes they get the better of us.

Films like Se7en, Crash come to mind in terms of the effect it leaves behind. And like those films probably I wont muster the desire to watch it again, but I am glad I saw it.
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Hollywood (2020)
8 May 2020
Hollywood is funny, emotional, well acted, has a great message, great viewing experience and is unreal because it is mostly fiction.
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The Lunchbox (2013)
30 April 2020
Loneliness, loveless marriage, loss, death, mundane middle-class life and I could still watch this film with a smile almost throughout. This film is a collage of frozen portrait shots of Irrfan Khan and Nimrat Kaur portraying their characters of Frenandez and Ila respectively as they meander in their thoughts and imaginations while the life and people around them carry on as usual.

The direction of Ritesh Batra brings memories of the very best Indian directors who were able to portray human relations this immaculately and at the same time can make the audience part of the storytelling.

The beauty of the film is its achievement to not drive the audience to form an opinion. It lets you travel through the stories weaved in the words by the letters written by Ila and Fernandez to each other. And this makes the characters extremely relatable like we all have known or are Ila and Fernandez sometime in our lives.

Life is demanding and speeds away and at this pace of life, I must have missed watching this film when it came out back in 2013. Watching it now, the day after the demise of Irrfan Khan, I can only wonder what other immortal characters he could have portrayed if he had more time. Alas, The Lunchbox will remain one of his most iconic works.

The film ends with the chorus of dubbawallas singing a song and long after the film ends, the tune stays with you, like how the film has become a part of you and will stay with you.
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Dark Waters (2019)
If you are reading this, you are part of the film.
29 March 2020
Dark Waters is a horror story, they scariest kind, that shows us humans as the evil dressed in expensive attire, driving expensive cars, drinking expensive wine by making trillions at the cost of the lives of other innocent humans because the world economic and justice system allows it. I have used Dupont products in my projects in the past, you have used Dupont products (Teflon) in your house, will you use it now after watching this film?

Mark Ruffalo is a great character actor. When I started watching this film, I thought it would be another Spotlight kind, heart wrenched film. Well it is like that but much scarier. It is well edited and very well acted, zips through its run time and stays with you long after it's over. A bit like Syriana, if you were looking for a reference.

Watch Dark Water, watch it for the enormous evil that Capitalism is, watch it for the evil that Greed is of such large corporations is, watch it because you have a teflon coated utensil in your house.

Watch Dark Waters.
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Marshland (2014)
Who decides whether one is good or evil?
7 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say this engaging, visually brilliant and disturbing thriller is one very good film.

Intense scenes separated by pause of the marshland scenery or surreal scenes like the bird in the room or woman walking in the dark make you pause as an audience and reflect with the detectives. It not every film that allows the audience to be part of the story.

Released in same year if you have seen True Detective season 1, will see the similarities in the appearance of the lead characters, the premise and pace of story telling.

Overall a very good thriller, very much recommended.
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A Most Violent Year
28 March 2015
The trailer is a fail the title is a stroke of genius.

They try to lure you into believing it's a typical gangster movie. But it's not. It's actually very different.

A Most Violent Year is a film about a man's principles and his determination to stand by it. It's about a woman's unflinching support for her husband and her determination to stand by it. It is a character study of two very bold characters, played very efficiently by Oscar Isaac and Jessica Chastain.

J. C. Chandor beautifully creates a study of two people, entwined in the bond of marriage, faith and their determination to succeed. Abel Morales, the character played by Oscar Isaac, has done the dirty deeds in the past to achieve his social status and doesn't want to indulge in any more crime neither leans for support from his illustrious father in law. Surrounded by detractors and competitor, he is an image of restraint and firm believer of his principles. Thereby creating a very different note from the usual gangster image. A markedly different person from the most violent year 1981 as depicted in the film.

I feel it's not a classic film, with startling imagery and sequences, but it's a very good film for anyone who can appreciate a film which stays honest to its characters. Not too many films are made like this.
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