
3 Reviews
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Great, but a little frightening for very young children
2 April 2007
Was a little "ify" about taking my 5 and 2 year old daughter's to this movie. Actually was concerned that it may not hold their attention. Based on some reviews, I honestly didn't think I would care for it.

Being a huge fan of Disney's work, but seeing their young target audience erode to the digital-only studios, I was hoping they'd come back to strong story lines.

Well, Meet the Robinsons was a surprise to me. Had a great story line, extremely visually appealing, awesome voicing (I do professional voice work so have a different appreciation for this), and an all-round great movie.

The only negative thing I must say (without spoiling the movie) is that when it came down to the part of the movie where it changes and you see much more of the hat in the future (again, don't worry.. no spoiler in this info) both of my daughters were pretty frightened and jumped to my lap. The visuals and content during this part of the movie really took on a different edge (color/music changes, etc.) As far as making it to frightening, I would hate in retrospect to see it changed to be a little more "small kid friendly". I would say that it might be a much better movie for children over 7 or 8 to see. I have to say again that as an adult, I thought it was really great.

One of the features of this movie I thought was clearly outstanding was the musical composition (and songs) that Danny Elfman (Nightmare, Corpse Bride, Simpsons, and a million other compositions) did. One particular song is such an awesome, up-beat, fun song that I really hope Disney puts a push behind it to give it radio airplay. (I'm also a former radio jock in Dover, Athens, Akron, Cleveland, Denver, Fort Collins, and Madrid-Spain) Certainly Elfman has written some great and memorable music ("What's This? - Nightmare Before Christmas), but I'd have to say the music in Robinsons is some of his finest.

I'd sum this all up in saying that, like the Disney tradition, this is story with great writing, great music, a lesson to be learned, and fun in general. It might be a little too much for the very little kids (even Beauty & The Beast or Aladdin had parts that could be frightening to very little kids though). I get (and hope) that Disney stays on the course they've moved with Robinsons. It's nice to see Disney getting back to their roots for story telling, yet moving forward (Shrek-like) with their animation and modern feel.

On a side-note: Ironically, the new opening cartoon (Mikey, Donald & Goofy build a boat cartoon) was made to feel very old by Disney. Audio was clearly intentionally "warbled" (for old-time 1920's/1930's affect). It was shot in 4x4 ration (not TV's 4x3 or Cinemascope) And drawn images were full of dirt-type flaws (specs that were on their drawings and not on the lens of the camera or projector and they "jumped" throughout the short cartoon). Very tradition cartoon which traces back to the Walt Disney roots. Wondered if it hadn't been placed to really show the contrast of the original Disney and the new Disney.
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Not quite, but almost there!
17 October 2006
Kind of a Sixth Sense feel to it. A period piece which takes place in Austria at the end of the 19th Century. It's a love story with a psycho, colorful detective (Giamatti - see below), illusionist, and hot female lead. Visually, film had an unusual look to it. Honestly couldn't tell if it was the poor Cinemark projection system in our brand new theater, or whether the film was intended to have many "soft spots" (focus), and soft edges (again, focus). Paul Giamatti (Stern's "Pig Vomit") did an outstanding job with the film. Very talented actor! Worth the money to see the film, but was a little disappointed in the "culmination" (you'll understand if you see it). Weakness, to me, was in the lack of sense that there was any strong love interest (probably on the editing room floor to cut the time down). Also, (without giving anything away), the end rushed and where there was to be a "gee whiz", it was more like a "who got tired of writing, watched The Sixth Sense, and thought 'hey, people will really get a kick out of this'". Yes, there was some surprise to the ending, but just "missed the boat" on being a "very good movie". My rating system and related movies: Hideous Movie - Hot To Trot, Pet Semitary Bad Movie - Lost in Translation, Escape from L.A. Fair Movie - The Corpse Bride, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory (Depp) Good Movie - The Illusionist, Brimstone & Treacle (British/Sting) Very Good Movie - Star Trek: Wrath of Khan, Nightmare Before Christmas, Pirates of the Caribbean Awesome Movie - Titanic, The Sixth Sense, Disney's Alladin
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Why a remake...
7 January 2005
What a great movie! Gene Wilder was awesome as Wonka, and the original movie is a kids classic. Now there is a new movie coming out directed by Tim Burton. He makes such interesting movies and is a creative director, but I wonder why he couldn't have moved forward with one of the other Wonka stories. Certainly Johnny Depp is an "odd enough" and versatile actor to play the recluse of Wonka, but would have much preferred they left Charlie & The Chocolate Factory for Wilder and let Depp play Wonka on The Great Glass Elevator. Still, will go see the new movie and see how Burton has "darkened" the Wonka character. I'm hoping it will still be a lite enough movie for younger kids, but am guessing this will not be the case. If you get a chance, check out the trailer by doing a net search for the new movie.
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