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Run (I) (2020)
Mad for RUN
29 May 2020
What a great show plot. 2 past loves have a code to escape their lives. Who hasn't thought of the "one that got away" during their present day lives? Sitting in the Target parking lot trying to fake happiness for just one more day. Then you get the text to Run. What do you do? I've always been a fan of Domhnal Gleeson in past movies and bit parts of tv shows. Run makes you see him in a different light. He's funny, adorable, witty and even a bit sexy. The writing was witty, the secondary characters had a quick wit about themselves and it really was a fun ride. I wish the episodes were longer or more of them. I didn't want it to end. There are a lot of bad reviews on here but in my opinion, just enjoy the ride. Sit back and enjoy the ride. Run will stick with me for a while. Could I Run?
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Brilliant lovely touching and just fantastic
11 August 2018
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It has been a very long time since a unique and beautifully touching film has come out. With everything being remakes, sequels and just plain garbage it's refreshing to see something that actually touches on all things fantastic. Humor, sadness, love, loss, beauty, laughter, passion, and books. This slice of heaven is all that. From start to finish you fall in love with each character, with the scenery, with books and in this case even a roasted pig. The back story of how the "book club" started is brilliant. Just people needing to connect during war. People that know each other yet really don't then finally become a family. They find companionship, love, strength, loss and family in this little group who all are just trying to survive during the most horrific existence . It's truly beautiful in every definition of the word. A gem of a story, a beautiful location, perfectly fleshed out characters and even more perfectly chosen cast. Well done.
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Temple Grandin (2010 TV Movie)
inspirational and awe inspiring
10 February 2018
Very rarely does an actor/actress vanish into a role and become that person they are portraying. Claire Danes did just that. She stopped being Claire Danes, actress, and became Temple Grandin. A respectful and beautifully done telling of the inspiring life of Temple Grandin. Too bad we all cant be a little like Temple. As she says "nature is cruel but we don't have to be". Temple wasn't the only story here, the story of her mother, aunt and her teacher. The people that loved her, respected her and who really saw something special in a girl everyone thought was a weirdo and freak. They inspired her to be just who she was born to be. Bravo and a standing ovation.
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Mother! (2017)
shocked this was actually filmed-sucked
3 January 2018
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With all the stars in this film I'm shocked how bad it was. Ed Harris, Michelle Pfiffer, Domnahl Gleeson, Jennifer Lawrence and Javier Bardem have all some major credits behind their names. So why make this garbage. There was no plotline except for insanity in a beautiful house. A serious miscast of Jennifer and Javier as a married couple. Oh please. This was the first film that I really hated Ed Harris and Michelle Pfiffer from the very start. I was so annoyed by every bit of their weird storyline. The deadend storyline of her connection to the house was never completed. Seemed more like an acid trip than anything else. In a way this was a modern version of Rosemary's Baby. That movie sucked too. this version just cost way more.
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Tulip Fever (2017)
enjoyable chick flick
13 November 2017
Many have slammed this film as being bad or "wilted" as one said. But I see it as just a enjoyable chick flick.

As a big fan of Alicia Vikander and Jack O'Connell I have been waiting for the release. Judy Dench and Christof Waltz were added charm.

Dean Dehaan was ill casted but I never thought he had the chops anyways.

Holliday Granger loses out on upper billing where she should have been.

Cara Devaingne shouldn't have ever been allowed to leave the runway.

Zack Galafinacas, held up the idiot jester of the film with his little slice of comedy.

All in all a sweet, funny, goofy and awkward little story. Straight to video if anything, not worthy of a theater release. Only the names in it will bring people to the theater.

I had a good time watching and isn't that what a movie really is, just a good way to pass the time.
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a beautifully fantastic film
19 August 2017
For a film that is so simple a story line, it was just beautiful. I loved every minute of it.

Jessica Findley is a fresh face that I'm starting to see more and more, the film industry is better for it. She's truly gifted and can carry her character to the fullest. I first noticed her in the TV series Harlots, she carries that show as well. All eyes are drawn to her.

Well written, cast, filmed, staged and executed. Been a very long time since a simple PG rated movie was done this well. A breath of fresh air, someone else wrote. Well stated.

Highly recommend this beautifully fantastic film.
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meh but entertaining
2 July 2017
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Storyline was a bit vague, didn't really answer any plot questions fully, just half assed it really. Could have done more to answer at least the major questions.

DeHaan and Issacs were perfectly cast, everyone else was just there. The location was amazingly beautiful. I wouldn't want to leave either, who would. Wouldn't have paid to see this in the theater. But to watch it on Netflix was worthy. Entertaining, yes. Cliffhanging suspense, no. Not exactly sure what genre it was going for.
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The Bad Batch (2016)
weird with a side of bbq'd weird
29 June 2017
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I have no idea what made me watch this movie other than Jason Momoa without a shirt. It was just bad that just got worse but I kept watching just to see how far it went. Suki Waterhouse, Jason Momoa, Giovanni Rabisi, Jim Carrey, and Keanu Reeves. How did this happen? They must have lost a football bet or something. Plot points, the desert, wind, bbq'd human limbs, midnight raves, drugs, preggo stepford wives, 70's era cult leader, mental illness, bad accents from bad actors and a bunny. This movie left me thirsty, needing a shower, some chapstick and detangler. Why did I watch it again?? oh yeah, shirtless Jason. There was that at least.
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entertaining and a bit cheeky to boot
25 June 2017
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Is it a bad movie, no. Is it a great movie, meh. Is it entertaining, very much so. Action packed and full of cheeky comments. Remember this is a Guy Richie film. Which is known for crazy camera angles, fast wit and creative writing. Is Charlie Hunnam the greatest actor on the planet, no but he carries this film well. I do wonder where he buys his hair gel in Camelot. Even after all these years it's still hard to shake off Charlie's Sons of Anarchy character Jax, and especially to hear him with his native British accent. It almost sounds fake. Move past that and just enjoy an action film with witty writing. Lots of names made their way into this film either in speaking roles or just cameos. So that was fun to figure out where you have seen that face before. All in all an enjoyable way to spend 2 hours, and it was a full 2 hours. Charlie stayed pretty yummy through the entire film, while everyone around him was muddy and nasty.
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Nice story
24 June 2017
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Once again another example that man is the ruination of this planet. The meanest beast on the planet is man.

for all the bad reviews of the movie I liked it. A decent storyline, unsure how much was fact or not, but played well. Predictable of course. I love Jessica Chastain, she's talented and beautiful. Good things to come from her. She played well snuggling all the baby animals. She can cry on cue which always helps in a movie like this. Can't really put my finger on what I didn't like about the film. I wouldn't have seen it in the theater. But it was entertaining to watch on a rainy day. Yes I cried at the end, of course I did. When you have a horrible war picture you have to wrap it up in a nice neat pretty bow at happy ending. Like I said, Predictable.
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wow....not sure how this was even made
21 June 2017
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Not even sure how this 2 hours of film was even made. It was so extremely bad that it held your attention just to see how much worse it could get. In that aspect, I was not disappointed. Just watching a very naked Bruce Willis skateboarding down Venice Blvd made me realize this movie was going to go down the drain fast. You just can't unsee things now that I've seen a 60 year old Bruce naked. Yikes. No one dies, but it's the John Wick idea if John Wick was an idiot. Over a stolen dog begins the chain of events that leads down moron street and dead ends in the cul-de-sac of "why am I watching this". As for Jason Momoa trying to portray a Latino gang banger drug lord named Spyder was just hilarious because we all know Jason Momoa just can't act. Leave the shirt off Jason and just don't speak please. Wow, I want my 2 hours back.
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Solace (II) (2015)
what a ride
22 March 2017
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Mr. Hopkins does it again. From an unheard of movie to wow what a movie. I have never heard of this movie and just happen to be flipping around when I found it. What a ride. Fast paced and non stop. Not a movie with great depth but it wasn't meant to be, it was meant to just be enjoyed in a wild ride. Don't over think it, just enjoy. Abbie Cornish doesn't really have the chops to carry next to Mr. Hopkins but honestly, who does. Not a strong actress but comes along. I found her accent slipping from time to time. Should have just let her go with her natural Australian accent, but whatever. Jeffrey Dean Morgan, just adorable and perfectly cast as a scruffy cop. Colin Farrell, still has that perfect bad guy psycho eye that we all love. He will never go out of style. Finally, a little flash of Janine Turner, she never ages. Not a good casting choice as Anthony Hopkins wife though. Little bit of a yuck factor there. What a surprisingly good movie.
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25 February 2017
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Not exactly sure what this movie was. Art-house or Film School kinda thing I guess. There is no plot, no story line, hardly any conversation, or complete story lines. The weirdness of a young girl with the body of a 12 year old being manhandled while asleep by dirty old rich dudes was a bit disturbing. The Madam of the house was just as disturbing because she orchestrated the entire thing. Due to having no story line or plot it was hard to follow with any interest. Then it just ends, but hard to end a story that had no beginning or middle anyways. Just weird.
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Demolition (2015)
25 February 2017
A refreshing movie portraying a midlife crisis brought on by the reality check of death. Jake has proved over and over what a fantastic actor he is. He can take on any role and make it gospel. He can play the goof, the boy toy, the romantic, the warrior and the guy of your dreams all in one movie. This movie hit every emotion from, love, hate, envy, jealousy, fear, loss, and lack of all of the above by just feeling nothing. With the idea of breaking your problems down to taking it apart Davis decides taking things apart is the only way to figure out what the next step is. Brilliant idea broken down to the most basic concept. "What do I do now?" Brilliant. The relationship between Davis and Karen is refreshing and not at all expected. Nothing sexual just 2 people needing "Someone". The relationship of Davis and Chris is inspiring and well done for such a sticky atomic subject. All around refreshing and well done.
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Inferno (I) (2016)
another adventure around a beautiful city
26 December 2016
Another adventure with Robert Langdon above and below the most beautiful cities of the world. Once again Tom Hank plays Robert Langdon along side another beautiful leading lady, this time Felicity Jones. They are chased by the good and bad guys, running from the bad guys, solving centuries old riddles while shooting up the most beautiful cities in the world. As well as being introduced to one of Robert Langdons old flames.

In a blend of history, fiction, billionaires on power trips, jet setting around the world to once again save the world, Tom Hanks gets it done.

Where would Hollywood be without the great Tom Hanks.
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Holy WOW
17 December 2016
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Ben has renewed my faith in his acting chops after that whole Batman mess. This movie was action from the jump. He killed this role with the perfect flat expression and lack of emotion that for some reason made you cheer for him and not the bad guys. Yet he was the bad guy in a good guy kinda way. JK Simmons, as always a treat. He's just so good in everything he touches. Even those insurance commercials. Only downside was Anna Kendrick. She just doesn't carry the load with an all star cast like this. Her part was big but it was needed. Should have cast a stronger actress for the role. John Lithgow as always good. All around big action. No big twists the movie just rolls out in one well written well portrayed revenge plot. Well done, Ben. Now we can forget Batman.
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Great story & scenery
9 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Getting 5 rating due to the storyline.

Well written and thought out. A scam of selling a story to the press of being lost in the mountains of Alaska. We have all thought at one time or another how to make a quick buck on some idiot thing in the news. Sugar Mountain was a great take on that idea. But of course, when you have an idiot idea thought up by desperate idiots, you have a grand idiot adventure.

Cary Elwes is not the Westley we know and loved from Princess Bride, playing the sheriff in backwater Alaska he has more Kiss the Girls crazy than anything. Well played and introducing all the twists to the story.

But the Oscar for worst actor on the planet goes to none other than the future Aquaman, Jason Momoa. If you really want to learn the craft of how to be a bad actor, study the science of The Momoa. Just wow. He had one great role and that was Game of Thrones. His other roles have been barely OK, but Sugar Mountain really hit the mark on being plain bad.

All in all an interesting little film set in the breathtaking Alaskan wilderness. Well worth the watch. Especially for the train wreck performance of Mr. Momoa.
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Entertaining but missing something
7 December 2016
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I opted for this movie because of Annabelle Wallis, I liked her in the Tudors and Peaky Blinders.

The movie had a great idea. Girlfriend vanishes but no one seems to help want to find her. She has no background, no family and no backstory. Something only a beautiful woman in a movie can get away with. Boyfriend loves her so starts looking around while "weird things" start to happen.

OK, interesting, keeping my attention. He Forrest Gump's his way through searching for her with a lot of heavy breathing (and not the good kind) while wielding a hammer. Starting to lose me.

All in all not a bad little film but it had no meat. No substance to the story line. Too many questions left unanswered that really would have made the story line work. The movie never answers these questions, and just fades to black with a very predictable ending.

So, I rate it a 5. That's being generous. not bad, semi entertaining. wouldn't buy it or rent it. But meh, not bad.
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Focus (II) (2015)
fun ride for a fluff movie
21 September 2016
Not being a Will Smith fan I put off watching this film for a long time. With nothing else to watch I decided to watch it. It was a fun fluff piece. Entertaining with some twists I didn't see coming. Just a fun entertaining film. The stunning Margot Robbie is who carried the movie. She is an up and coming rising star who hopefully will not thrive on bimbo roles. I think she can carry the heavy loads just as good as Will Smith can. The movie had some good quick wit that Will Smith is known for, Margot held up her end perfectly. All in all, a fun twisty ride that you didn't know the ending until it slapped you in the face. That's rare these days.
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No One Lives (2012)
freakin crazy awesome
9 September 2016
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If you are looking for a perfectly bad (in all the right mind screwy ways) slasher film, this is it. Luke Evans is so freakin crazy awesome in this movie. He is a psycho that makes no apologies for it. Almost terminator like killing but very creative and oh yeah they went there kind of killing. This movie was non stop action, blood, guts and dark humor all the way from beginning to end. For some reason you just adore Luke Evan's brand of crazy, almost cheering for him by the end. Is it because he's gorgeous, yes, but it's just so well played. You don't want it to end. But....everyone is dead so it had to end.....almost everyone.
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United (I) (2011)
moving and well done
8 April 2016
I have watched football (here we call it soccer) and know the passion other countries have for the sport. I know how people bond as well as become bitter enemies over teams. So this movie had to be made very carefully to show respect for a horrible tragedy that befell upon Manchester United that fateful night. I think, in my opinion, that it did just that. it was well made and well performed. Showing the proper emotion and heartbreak of the time. Not to mention the will and strong spirit of the fans, team and support staff. Unfortunately it takes a tragedy to bring people together it seems. This movie is right up there with the other sport greats for an inspirational, motivational, and uplifting movie. Very well done.
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Woman in Gold (2015)
Standing tear filled bravo
30 March 2016
What an emotional roller coaster.

This movie touched on everything not just your heart strings. It touched on family, history, art, right and wrong, love, humor, and most of all just being a stubborn sassy lady. I loved it. Well casted and well written. I had no idea this was a true story and what a story it was. A story I know Randy (played by Ryan Reynolds) will be telling his children for generations to come. I have seen (not in person of course) the beautiful painting of the Woman in Gold, and now to hear the story behind her. The fact she was real and not just a figment of an artists mind. A real, living breathing person just makes it so much better. What a beautiful story, well done.
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The Dressmaker (I) (2015)
Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant
19 March 2016
This movie was a great surprise. I figured it would be just a feel good "cute" romcom. Boy was I wrong. Yes it had the RomCom moments, but it had a very deep dark underlying river of a very good story. The ever Stunning Kate Winslet was top of her game in this film. She was stunning, beautiful, witty, charming, and just plain Bad ass. She worked it like no ones business. Her character was coming back for not only revenge but for peace in her own skin. Perfectly casted and perfectly executed. Liam Helmsworth....just plain delicious. Best of all was the ever FAB-U-LOUS Hugo Weaving back in the skirt again. He is just perfect in this film. With a taste of Priscilla Queen of the Desert it just doesn't get any better than Hugo. I see how this movie received standing ovations at film awards. It's worthy of it and more. Brilliant.
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Refreshingly funny and smart rom-com
22 February 2016
I loved it. They touched on something that hasn't been done before. What would happen if you got stuck in a one night stand. Thanks to a New York blizzard they do. I actually laughed out loud at the awkwardness of the whole thing. Everything that could go wrong did, so they made lemonade out of it all and a really funny movie happened. Two run-of-the-mill under achievers really made for a perfect cast of misfits. Everyone around them is telling them to get it together but how do you do that when you have no idea how. Best bet is to find another in the same boat and hang on like hell. This movie was a fun ride on a coaster we have seen a million times. Not your typical rom-com but something new, fresh and just plain funny.
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Thats some garbage
14 February 2016
I only decided to watch this movie because I heard Jack O'Connell and Eva Greene was in it. I love Jack, he can save any bad movie but unfortunately he couldn't save this one. Even with his talent, hotness in a skirt and spray tan he couldn't save this sinking ship. Eva Greene has a gift of playing Crazy and she doesn't disappoint. She has mastered the art and only gets better with each crazy chick she plays. Still couldn't save this. The movie made no sense. It was done in complete narration and voice over. The lead actor, who ever he was, was terrible. I guess they ran out of budget for a lead. The guy in the gold speedo was actually funny. Probably wasn't intended to be funny but that is how he came across. Funny and a bit sad. I want my hour and 45 minutes back.
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