
37 Reviews
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The Responder (2022– )
7 May 2024
What exactly is the story here? I thought for an episode or two i was missing the plot, but it turned out the plot was missing. All the characters are either dull as dishwater or miserable, badly drawn caricatures. Emily Fairn is competently engaging, but not developed enough and Josh Finan too is interesting at playing mundane. I guess it doesnt help that i've always found Martin Freeman annoying and the BBC like to turn every drama they get their hands on into a pantomime. I can't remember if i enjoyed the first series but the 2nd, woah, don't even go there. I often see people on here saying 'i want those hours of my life back' well this is me sayig it now having watched 'The Responder'
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American Horror Story Hatchet Job
5 September 2023
SO yes this looks good but if you've watched any of the American Horror Story series you'll find this aesthetic overwhelmingly baked. So what's left? The story; but there really isnt much but a mish mash of convoluted yet none inspired threads cobbled together. Its miraculous to me that someone would go to such lengths to make a perhaps beautiful piece of work but then tell a story that is so void of any interest other than the fleeting hope that at some unknown moment it might give us something juicy to bite into. Yet half way through I was so parched I had to walk away from this shipwreck of a cruise. 2 stars cause its just too mean to give 1.
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Beautifully Crafted
4 October 2022
Nothing Compares (2022) by Kathryn Ferguson is beautifully crafted tribute to one of the most iconic singers of my generation. Sinead's story is both epic, tragic as well deeply inspiring and the director here captured the true value and respect she so rightly deserves. The film gives us a greatly balance montage of performances by Sinead and the political environment surrounding her career and whether you are new to Sinead's work or a lifelong fan honestly i'd say this is a film to see. If you are gonna see one doc this year let it be this one. It's certainly has revitalised my interest in Sinead and well frankly I am in awe of her bravery and passion. Well done to the director, I look forward to her future projects, I know they will be equally as worthy. 8 0ut 10.
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The Old Man (2022– )
Episode 6 in and well oh
16 July 2022
After i watched the first episode I was so excited for this show. But as each episode arrives the pace has slow down to a snails crawl, in fact even the thrill of the story line has dwindled to almost nothing. It's not often i see a shows first episode and I'm tricked into a false sense of security, I thought I could smell a stinker a mile off but no this one has gone down the plughole with great surprise. Shame, such a good cast too. Something could still happen to pull it back up, but it's unlikely at this point.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Enough already....
2 July 2022
Hum, for some reason i thought this was the last season. I was expecting an end. How can they keep dragging this story on. I mean sure its been a good ride but another season, jeez. In my mind each season has just been a little tweak from the last. Yes there are some bad dudes, the goonies try save the world. Blah blah blah. Maybe they'll rip off IT a little more and season 5 will be set in 10 yrs time. Enough already.
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Memory (I) (2022)
Terrible movie
21 May 2022
Weak plot, no character development. One of those movies that you give up concentrating on half way through. Yet somehow muster through until the end when you realise that you've just wasted 2 hrs. So generic and utterly forgettable.
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Outer Range (2022– )
Pretty awesome
6 May 2022
A bit of fresh air compared to 2022's offering of tech true stories and con artists that seem to be this years 'fashion' A neat little sci fi/twilight zone modern western with enough mystery and intrigue to keep you glued. The story take a couple of episodes to get rolling but I'd recommend staying on for the ride. Some solid performances too, especially from Lili Taylor and Imogen Poots's character is pretty compelling as the oddball of the show.
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Her Smell (2018)
short review, with superior recomendations
24 March 2022
The five stars go to Elizabeth Moss for her 'crazed' performance. Other than that its mediocre at best, in fact I can't even recommend it. If you want something in the same vain worth your while check out Breaking Glass (1980) by Brian Gibson which has an awesome soundtrack by Hazel O'Conner (Hazel is also the lead) or if you want something a little more modern (although pop rather than punk) try Brady Corbet's Voc Lux (2018) starring Natalie Portman.
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Terrible makeup/facial prosthetics
19 March 2022
I'm finding it's sooo hard to get past the bad makeup/facial prosthetics. It's literally one of those things that if you can't do it perfectly then don't do it at all, it's so incredibly distracting. Otherwise the acting is decent and the story is entertaining enough, above average but not as punchy as a number of modern true crime series. American Crime Story anthology series being a stand out.
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The Tourist (2022–2024)
way too long
4 January 2022
Honestly what's the point in six episodes? So overly long i lost interest. It would have been probably pretty gripping if it had been 4 episodes. Might have been 7 out of 10 rather than 5. So yes a drop of 20% for diabolical editing making for very poor storytelling.
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The Tower (2021–2023)
Is it that hard to write an exciting show?
19 December 2021
Wow this has to be one of the most boring, uninspired shows I've ever watched. No action, no intrigue. A dash of mystery, i only mention as it would be unfair not to give it that much. One utterly pointless side stories all told across three episodes. Maybe it could have been edited into one 1hr and we'd not feel we'd wasted so much time on an utterly anticlimactic story and ending. So boring I thought I need to say so in fact.
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Animal Kingdom (2016–2022)
24 July 2021
I mean that's about as good as it gets, its a pretty hammy show, plus what drives me crazy is the writers seem to think this show is set in the 50's when there was no such things as surveillance technology never mind witness statements. This show is not based on criminal reality as these guys just leave a trail of evidence and witness whatever they do and the show just seems to completely ignore the modern world of how complex crime is to get away with in this day and age. Its watchable but im just left with the feeling i should be watching something with a bit of brains.
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The Ice Road (2021)
Dumby Wages of Fear / Sorcerer rip off
25 June 2021
Ok it was slighty entertaining but watch Wages of Fear and Sorcerer instead.
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Clarice (2021)
More scooby doo than silence of lambs
9 April 2021
Oh dear what a disappointing series, it just feels more panto than horror, or thriller. I watched the whole series as it was good for a moment somewhere in episode 3. Rebecca Breeds (starling) only manages to keep up the accent for the first episode but after that it kind of dissipates, presumably the first episode being the pilot. Her portrayal of the character loses the sharp intelligence you feel oozing off Jodie Foster as the original Starling we are left with a lesser enigma, one with intuition sure, but without the bullet focus we get from Foster. At least that's what I felt from Foster's performance. I simply cannot believe that they are one in the same. As for the story line, well it serves for a late night B-movie type series but it's certainly does not measure up to its source material.
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Deep Cover (1992)
Really odd this one
24 March 2021
I thought it was quite badly miscast. Goldblum? Totally wrong surely? I didnt buy his performance one bit. Plus Sydney Lassick, ha, I love the guy, Cheswickkkkk, however he just sticks out like a sore thumb. The film's ok, actually its not really. Far too cartoon for its own good in my opinion.
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The Stand (2020–2021)
blah, how non eventful. Who knew a fictional apocalypse could be as boring as 2020
24 December 2020
Ive tried watching The Stand (1994) many times but only managed to get half way through before turning it off. How could a Stephen King adaptation be so bland? I had high hope that this series would be a lot different. Its 2020, there is no room for slow and boring sci fi/horrors. However they seem to have not got that memo here. Episode 1 was ok i guess, episode 2, I mean come on, you can't have a filler episode as No.2 in the series (if one at all) Literally nothing happened. Utterly terrible, honestly. I can't quite believe it.
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The Empty Man (2020)
23 December 2020
Honestly 2020 will go down as the worst year for film in history. I assume that all the good films have been kept back till next year when the pandemic is over. However this movie came out and boy it was about as bad as one would expect for the year we are in. Yes there are a few good visual moment and ideas, but guess what? They've been ripped off so many other movies. The obvious one, Candyman (1992) then we got some Cell (2016). The films feels like someone chopped up 3 different movies and then randomly stuck them all together to form a frankenstein edit. Im not talking grindhouse style, im talking leftover christmas dinner, the dregs of a late night takeaway curry and the contents of your ashtray poured into a blender for breakfast mash-up. Ie it Left a really bad taste in my mouth, so fed up of watching rubbish this year. Sorry to the people who made this film, i can see you tried, better luck next time.
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I give it 5.5 out of 10
23 October 2020
Just like the majority of all sequels this pales in comparison to the first Borat film. The first Borat was near genius and incredibly funny but even Borat points out that he is too recognisable to pull the story off one more time. Hence a lot of the so called 'real people' feel like actors or people who are just going along with the joke. Yes it certainly not the fault of Cohen that his film was so successful he can no longer get away with it, but perhaps it's a shortfall in thinking that it was worth going for a second shot. It just felt a little desperate and also rushed, too focussed on what they thought was a gigantic satirical opportunity, that being 2020, the year from hell. Yes they were right, grab the bull by the horns but the bull had already dashed unfortunately. Nice try Sascha but no gold medal, maybe a bronze if you are lucky.
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Episode 4 and i can't take it anymore
12 October 2020
Wow this is an awful tv show, terrible acting, utterly irritating children, slower than a dead snail glued to an anchor, jeepers i mean if you are going to make a 'horror' tv series please at least give us some suspense, some scares, something. This is the perfect example of stretching out a story so far to make it a 8-10 episode series and by doing so destroying its very fabric. The Innocents (1961) by Jack Clayton told the story perfectly in 100 minutes so why make the equivalent but verging on 6 times the length. Simply nuts.

Ive read a few more reviews which say the beginning is great but it tapers out towards the end. Well if that's the case then im gonna jump this ship before it sinks. or stinks which ever is your preferred metaphor.

I gave it 3 stars simply because not many productions deserve 1 star, plus who can take a 1 star rating seriously? But I would not recommend this to anyone in any way shape or form, so maybe it should be one star. Sorry all the people who worked to make this but its only use is to serve as an illustration for 2020, ie a year that's best forgotten.
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Saint Maud (2019)
So very good indeed
10 October 2020
Honestly folks this a corker of a film, sure there are a few tired codes and conventions but otherwise it pretty epic. Incredibly haunting, and yes i found it very scary. I think those that say they didn't find is scary must have no understanding of mental health as the whirlwind this young girl goes through is simply cruel, terrifying and heartbreaking. It's certainly not an easy film to watch but a great piece of cinema and true to form if you like psychological horror. I'd hugely recommend this if it's your cup of tea. I had one of those moments in the cinema when the credits started to roll where i was stuck in my seat trying to catch my breath. I only heard about the film today and I haven't been to the cinema for so long (im writing this late 2020, mid covid melt down world) and wow Im so glad i went to see it. And, no, ha im not a pal of someone who made it, im a film lover and a keen horror fanatic, simply because a truly good horror is so few and far between, and this is most definitely one of the great of the 21st century. I'll shut up now ha.
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Ratched (2020)
Decent show, but
21 September 2020
This is quite entertaining. American Horror Story got so tired after the first two or three seasons. Back to at least a fairly good story. However my 'but' is in consideration for the character Mildred Ratched. Surely this is not the same person from 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest'? Either that or the writer completely misunderstood the character. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a tragedy and this is a thriller with horror elements and the character in this series could never grow into the character in the 1962 book and 1975 movie. I get that it might be an interesting exercise to redefine the character but i find it saddening that such a carefully crafted character by Ken Kesey of the original story has been butchered.
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Space Force (2020–2022)
Back to Earth with a Bang
4 June 2020
Wow. This is one incredible premise lets not blow it guys. Oh... This is surely the perfect idea for a comedy, like there are a million gags that could have been mastered here. But no this is just terrible. Obviously been rushed to our screens, written in a flash with no love. When i saw the trailer i was surprised they'd rolled out a tv series about the space force so quick after Trump open up the idea, the rush was an incredibly bad mistake. Its seriously unfunny and there is no story line tying the episode together just a bit of a mess. Im actually pretty impressed at just how bad a car crash this is, its simply falls on its face. Ive watched 8 episodes and i can honestly say i cannot remember a single joke or funny moment. Its a real shame as I rate Carroll and Malkovich very highly. Just another Netlix money pit.....
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Knives Out (2019)
7 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand the love for this movie. The only characters developed in the film are the ones directly involved in the twist. Ie the culprit is the only one who we see much of at all, as well as the main character. It appeared so screamingly obvious who the killer was i was utterly expecting to be outwitted and proven wrong but no it was that person all along. Such a great cast too and hardly a peep out of them, Jamie Lee Curtis, Michael Shannon, both with no character development whatsoever. Surely in a murder mystery you have to add more than just one motive (money) to keep us guessing. I really don't get it. The whole thing in fact was a dead giveaway SPOILER ALERT - when the main character injected the victim and he didn't immediately shut down. She literally dosed him 25x or more of his usual painkiller, such a stupid imperfection, if she was a nurse she would have known that he wasn't reacting in away someone would if they had been seriously dosed with morphine. Sure in the ins and outs of how the killer did it i didn't know but wasn't really anywhere near great enough to out merit the obviousness of the culprit. Anyway i could pick this film apart but its not really necessary if you enjoyed it, good for you.
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
21 December 2019
There has been a fair amount of buzz about this film for a while, i hadn't read any reviews so thought i'd check it out. I loved What We Do in the Shadows so what could go wrong? Well plenty really as illustrated here. Not very funny, not funny enough a satire that's for sure. I think it felt a little like the 10 1/2 yr old boy in the film wrote it himself. If youre going to turn Nazi's into a joke try make it a funny one. The story is just far too whimpering, not daring enough. Plenty of people on here are celebrating it and saying the critics got it wrong but i agree with the critics, its a bucket of drivel really. Such cheap tricks, young children meant to stare up our emotions, naive humour, no it doesn't work and sorry but the little boys acting is a bit cardboard, it feels like the director coached his comic lines and took the natural delivery away. Almost desperate to be a bit Wes Anderson which is equally as boring. I admit to enjoying a few moments but hell some tv adverts are slightly amusing, i still don't care for them though. I give it 5.5 stars out of 10. (Not quite bad enough for a 5 but a 6 makes is misleading)
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The Deuce (2017–2019)
Fell at the last hurdle
30 October 2019
Ultimately not very good. I remember the first series being good and something must have kept me watching but the third series was awful, especially considering there was only ever planned to be 3 series. If you know the timeline of your show then you have plenty of time to write it and the foresight to round it off nicely so what happened? As for the final scene, come on now what is this Disney?
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