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Pretty enjoyable, with questionable casting
17 January 2024
I've been binge watching one crime drama series after another, and this one gets a solid 8 from me. It kept my interest, and I liked Elaine Cassidy on "No Offence" so I decided to give this show a go, and I was glad I did. One of the best things I can say about it is that it lacked some of the more unbelievable moments that are in so many other British crime series. The cast all did a decent job, even if Cassidy did tend to over-act some of her parts. One of the few off-putting things for me was the casting of Kate Moran as the American government worker. She had a very noticeable French accent and didn't sound anything like an "American". In real life I understand she's French but has lived in NY. I get that some members of the US government have foreign accents, but when the show went to such great lengths to paint her as "the American", even going so far as to give her the nickname, "Stars and Stripes", they should have picked an actor who didn't have a French accent for the role.
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Wallander (2008–2016)
An utter buffoon of a detective
7 January 2024
This show deserves a 5 out of 10. The cinematography is excellent, the Swedish scenery is one of the most interesting characters, and Branagh is a great actor. Those are the good things it has going for it. All the other characters in the show are one dimensional and have no arc. You truly don't come away from it feeling attached to anyone. The biggest problem for me is how moronic the main character is as a detective. If it is possible to do something wrong, he will. Tactics are awful, decision-making is awful, investigative skills are awful. Like many television detectives, he fires off one question after another without waiting for the interviewee to answer, and in the rare cases he's not doing that, he's feeding them answers. It's painfully obvious they didn't have a technical advisor on this show. Wallander wouldn't have passed basic patrol field training, much less made detective, if this were real life. Truly a stunningly bad investigator and cop in general. And sooo many plot holes. I really wanted to like this show, but the writing is just bad. I mean really bad.
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Kandahar (2023)
17 August 2023
I know Gerard Butler isn't the most gifted actor ever to grace the silver screen, but I still normally enjoy his movies. Present-day war movies set in the middle east are one of my preferred genres, so I was cautiously optimistic when I heard about this. I watched as the IMDB ratings plummeted, and even though I had a feeling it wouldn't be great, I still was excited when it finally went to a rent (instead of buy only) option on Amazon last night.

Let's just say I was disappointed. I shut it off about 2/3 of the way through. Horrible acting (for the most part), horrible special effects, lackluster action (both filming and decisions/ tactics on the part of the characters), etc. All while coming across as incredibly preachy. If you're like me, who loves a good war flick, and has watched The Unit, Navy SEALs (multiple times), etc., and you think this will be right up your alley, I can only recommend you skip this one. Tina Fey's, "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot" was far more entertaining, if that puts it in any sort of perspective...
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The Office: Drug Testing (2006)
Season 2, Episode 20
22 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Dwight asking Oscar, "Have you ever pooped a balloon?" will go down in the anals of history as one of the greatest lines ever uttered on a television show.

This new requirement of having to use 600 characters for a review is insane. My comment would have been much more dramatic if I didn't have to follow it up with this silly filler paragraph to meet the minimum character requirements. And in case anyone is wondering, yes, I intentionally misspelled "anals" of history. The joke would have been funnier if I didn't have to use these extra words to end this review. I'm almost there, only 7 to go.
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Excellent show. Clearly the predecessor to Patriot.
17 June 2023
As someone in a YouTube video pointed out, this show takes place in "the same universe" as Patriot. We know this because one of the main characters, a teenage boy named, "Glenn Purdue", grows up to become police "Sgt. Glenn Purdue", whose PTSD service dog gets kidnapped in Patriot. The cinematography in Perpetual Grace was superb, and the acting and writing were top notch as well. In my opinion, this was a darker show than Patriot, but still had some incredible laugh out loud humor, using absurdity as a vehicle, just like Patriot. I have watched Patriot all the way through twice but had never heard of this show until today. I binged the entire season. If you loved Patriot, you're in for a treat with this.
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The 100: Spacewalker (2014)
Season 2, Episode 8
Not horrible, but could have been much better
11 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Like other reviewers of this episode, I'm glad Finn finally got what he had coming to him. What bothered me the most is that the writers expected that we would be upset over his death. Sorry, but I think the vast majority of viewers were not as quick to forgive a war criminal as the "good guy" cast evidently were. Trying to make a mass murderer into a sympathetic character was just not going to happen. We're supposed to forgive him just because two of the main girls are in love with him and he helped cover up a crime for one of them? Riiiiight. I, for one, was rooting for the grounders in this episode, and only wish Finn's demise didn't waste so much screen time in coming. And for the one reviewer who said Clarke was worse since she killed more people, get real. There is a massive difference in killing 300 enemy who are actively trying to kill you and your people as opposed to massacring a village of men, women and children who are going about their daily lives.
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So very average
10 June 2023
I honestly don't get the 8-10 star reviews for this movie. Aubrey Plaza does a great job in it, she's an accomplished actor, but everything else about the show is mediocre. There are no plot twists, no suspense, and no intrigue. Most importantly, the character arc is completely missing in spite of that being the reason for the movie. I won't list any spoilers, but from the title and previews alone, you can infer the character Emily is/ becomes a criminal. This is supposed to be the underlying arc, but it's nonexistent. Her character doesn't change throughout the movie. And there are no characters to root for, nobody to feel invested in. All in all, I felt like I wasted a couple hours. One of the more disappointing movies I've seen in quite a while. I think I read too many people saying how awesome it is.
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FUBAR (2023– )
A good, solid 8
26 May 2023
This is an extremely fun show that doesn't take itself too seriously. The cast are all great, and across all episodes there is a balance of excitement and humor. And when I say humor, I mean laugh out loud funny.

I didn't have high expectations going into it. If you're looking for a realistic espionage thriller with good writing, go watch The Recruit instead. But if you want a lighthearted, enjoyable ride of a show with some great one-liners and a good cast, this show will be right up your alley. I binged the first season in a day, and enjoyed every minute of it. I'm hoping there will be a season 2.
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The Recruit (2022– )
Outstanding writing!
18 December 2022
This show is a solid 8/10 for me. I almost stopped watching it halfway into the first episode; the characters didn't seem believable, and it felt like a campy, low-budget CIA show, as if there haven't been enough of those. I'm so glad I decided to stick with it. What saves this show is the writing. It has an incredibly authentic feel to it, as if the technical advisor is the kind of person who's about to get fired from being a spook for spilling all the beans about how espionage works. After the first episode I was hooked, and it only got better and better. If you like spy shows, give this one a won't be disappointed.
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Vikings (2013–2020)
Started good, then took a nose-dive
31 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When I first started Vikings, I enjoyed it. So much so, that when I then began watching The Last Kingdom, I thought it was a cheap knock-off of Vikings. I couldn't have been more wrong. The Last Kingdom is a far superior show, and stayed better through the seasons. Vikings had a quite good (not incredible) start, and by season 4 it was falling rapidly. I bought the whole set, so I'm powering through it, but now, at halfway through season 5, I feel like I should be getting a paycheck to watch's pure drudgery. I find myself having no emotional attachment to any of the characters, and badly wishing they would start killing them off. I feel obligated to finish it just to say I did, but wow, this show took a huge turn for the worse.
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Far better than its rating
3 August 2022
I love zombie movies, and I stopped watching Army of the Dead partway through, it just didn't keep my attention. When I found out about this origin story for a movie I didn't even finish, my hopes weren't high, especially given the reviews. I'm so glad I gave it a shot.

Army of Thieves is by far one of the best heist movies I've seen in years. Beautifully shot, with excellent characters, competent action scenes, and some genuine humor. As a stand-alone movie, which, in my opinion, it should be viewed as, it was very well done. A solid 8 for me.
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One of Denzel's best
17 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen The Book of Eli a couple times now, and I have to say it's tied for my favorite Denzel Washington movies, aside Man on Fire. I know neither of these are his more popular shows, but they suit my movie viewing style better.

In addition to some pretty good action, the premise of a good man in bad times works well here. There is a particular scene, in front of the farm house, where Eli questions his faith. Denzel's acting in that scene was excellent, as it was in the rest of the movie. This will always be one of the better post apocalyptic movies, in my opinions.

The single biggest goof in the movie is that they take such care to point out that "the book" is the King James Version of the Bible, to the point that Eli has memorized it verbatim. Yet in the closing line of the movie, Eli recites, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith". This is how the New International Version of the Bible reads. The KJV reads, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith". It was a bit incongruous that for the climactic line of the movie, Eli doesn't even quote the book he's memorized.
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About Time (I) (2013)
Beautiful message
13 May 2022
This movie has a beautiful message, more so than anything I've seen in a very long time. But it also hurt. I recently lost a very close friend, who will never speak to me again. I would give anything to be able to go back in time.
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Well worth watching
2 January 2022
I agree with posters who say this movie is underrated. I've seen it twice now and enjoyed it both times. There are not many movies that focus on war correspondents, and this one shows them in a believable light. It shows people as humans, warts and all, but generally good at the end of the day. I'm not usually a Tina Fey fan, but she did very well in this. It is a rare treat to see a modern warm movie about Afghanistan that doesn't try to shove a political agenda down your throat. I recommend this movie, and feel it deserves a better rating than it has on IMDB.
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Danger Close (2019)
25 April 2021
Don't pay attention to the negative reviews. This movie deserves much higher than a 6/10 rating. I've been a fan of military/ war movies my whole life, and this was excellent in every respect. Easily on par with We Were Soldiers. I especially liked that it told the ANZAC story, since we Americans often like to pretend we are the only country that ever fights in a war. Give this one a shot, you won't be disappointed.
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Hostiles (2017)
Outstanding western
3 October 2020
Forget all the negative reviews. If you are a fan of westerns, or even just a fan of the American Southwest, you will love this movie. The acting was excellent, the story believable, and the cinematography was divine. I've traveled the Southwest extensively, and seeing so many gorgeous scenes of New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, etc., was a real treat. I wanted the movie to go longer just so I could spend more time soaking in the breathtaking landscapes.

I'm a fan of cavalry movies in general, and this one does not disappoint. It paints a clear picture of what life on the frontier would have been like just before the turn of the century. And the story about men and women who are tired of violence and hate, and ready to accept forgiveness and compassion, will never get old. It is not a happy movie by any stretch, but it gives plenty to think about, and that is never a bad thing. From a technical perspective, I have two observations about the action scenes; First, the sound effects of the gunfire was on point...the most authentic gunfire sounds in recent memory in a western. My one gripe was the phenomenal accuracy. So many long range pistol shots, while moving, running, on horseback, etc. That was a bit hard to swallow, but not enough to downgrade my vote. This was a truly good western. An easy 10/10 from me.
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Hell on Wheels (2011–2016)
A tribute to Olive Oatman
19 February 2020
Hell on Wheels is a halfway decent western. I'm tempted to rate it higher than a 7, as I think it is probably one of the more realistic westerns ever to hit television, but it is just a hair too dark and gritty for my taste. Several things they get very right, from a historical perspective. Westerns usually play it loose when it comes to firearms, but this show stays true to the cap and ball revolver that were prevalent in the mid-late 1860's, which is when this is set. For history buffs, it really drives home the fact that the lever action Winchester and Henry rifles were king if you wanted firepower. The cap and ball revolver is time consuming to reload, even with a spare cylinder ready to go, and this show authentically points that out several times.

What I enjoyed even more, however, is that this is the first show I'm aware of that pays tribute to Olive Oatman. The character in Hell on Wheels is named "Eva", and is played by Robin McLeavy. Olive Oatman was a Mormon who's family was slaughtered by the Yavapai when she was 14 years old. She and her younger sister (who later died of starvation) were taken captive, and traded shortly after to the Mojave Indians. Olive lived with them until she was 19 years old, when she was finally returned to white society, in what is now Needles, California. At the time of the massacre, Olive and her family were living in what is now the inhabited "ghost town" of Oatman, Arizona, which was named after her. Oatman is along the iconic "Route 66", and became famous as the honeymoon spot of Clark Gable and Carole Lombard.

The creative license taken by the producers of Hell on Wheels involved "Eva" living with the native Americans in the Midwest, as opposed to Arizona and California, where she actually lived. Secondly, Olive became famous when she was returned to Fort Yuma, and never worked as a prostitute. In fact she graduated from the University of the Pacific. What Hell on Wheels got right was her tattoo. Olive had the exact same blue chin tattoo, given her by the Mojave Indians, as a sign she'd been adopted into their society. This made her the first white woman, possibly in history, to have a tattoo.
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Forged in Fire: The Shamshir (2017)
Season 4, Episode 13
Not impressed with the Judge's Round 1 decision...
22 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Warning, spoilers...

In this episode, the smiths had to make a Bowie with a D-guard. They made a point out of describing the mandatory features of a Bowie blade, that, among other things, include a Clip Point, either straight or with a recurve. They specifically said that a drop point blade would not meet the qualifications.

Then it comes time to evaluate the blades at the end of round 1, and they send home the Marine, because his blade had some rough hammer marks...yet it met all criteria. They seemed to completely ignore that Tim's blade was a total drop point. There was no clip whatsoever in it. That was an unfair, and bad call, in my opinion.
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The Orville: Lasting Impressions (2019)
Season 2, Episode 11
Best episode so far
14 May 2019
When I first watched Orville, I thought it was fun, but I couldn't figure out what it wanted to be...was it a parody, a comedy, a legitimate sci-fi drama? It obviously borrows so heavily from Star Trek that I thought it was a straight up parody. Then I began to realize that regardless of what it was, I liked it far better than any version of Star Trek. It stood well on it's own right. And the later episodes have been getting better and better. This one had by far the funniest comedy, thanks to smoking Bortus, and yet it was easily the most touching of the episodes to date. I think we can all relate to Gordon...he's likeable, and down to earth, and things rarely go his way, just like many of us. I think he reacted to the circumstances in this episode just about exactly as any of us would have, and that's what made it great.
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31 March 2019
I initially gave this movie an "8", but only because true crime is not my favorite genre. Having worked for nearly two decades as a "lawman" myself, I usually gravitate towards lighter plots. But in fairness, I had to change my rating to a "9". It is an exceptional movie. It rings true in every way, from the era, to the relationships, to the suspense. Harrelson and Costner are believable as tired but steady Texas Rangers, and they do the profession proud. I've hunted cop killers personally, and this movie nails it. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in the genre. And thank you, Netflix, for not glorifying the bandits, like so many other shows have done.
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Excellent action flick
16 March 2019
This show deserves far higher than its' current IMDB rating. The acting, action, locations, and cinematography were superb. As someone who has spent some time on a tactical team, I can tell you, these guys are incredibly believable. The action is never over the top, and the idea of them constantly acting as each other's moral compass is a great (and authentic) touch. I thoroughly enjoyed it. One of the best action movies of recent years. Bravo Netflix. I give it a solid 9, for the genre.
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IO (2019)
Doesn't deserve the negative reviews
16 February 2019
I had no preconceptions when I saw this, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The characters were likable and their acting was decent. The sets were well done, as was the cinematography. I enjoyed the story and I like the post-apocalyptic genre. No, this isn't an epic movie that people will be talking about years to come. But it deserves a solid "7", and I felt it was time well spent. If you crave non-stop action, skip this one. I personally enjoy a slower paced movie every now and again.
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Orphan Black (2013–2017)
In the top 3 all time best TV shows
27 December 2018
I just watched seasons 1-5 in the last three weeks, and I have to say, Orphan Black is firmly planted in the top three best TV shows ever, alongside LOST and Battlestar Galactica. I had never heard of the show, and on the recommendation of a friend at work, decided to check it out. I was enthralled immediately. Tatiana Maslany has to be the most talented actress I have seen, bar none. The characters were all well flushed out and memorable, the action was well paced, and the suspense was white knuckle. Bravo to the director and writers, they made you hate some characters with a passion, and love others with an equal fierceness. I will highly recommend Orphan Black to anyone seeking the absolute best in TV entertainment.
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Maniac (2018)
Incredible series!
24 September 2018
I was looking for a new show to watch and honestly believed I'd just check out one episode and then go back to another multi-season series I've been watching. Nope. I watched the first episode and didn't stop until I'd finished the season. The actors were outstanding. The writing was outstanding. This show keeps you entertained, gives you a lot to think about, and is uplifting in a way that few other shows are these days. There are heroes in the most unlikely of places. As other reviewers have said, this is not an overhyped's really that good. Netflix should be proud.
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Tin Star (2017–2020)
No idea how this gets a TV-14 rating
6 October 2017
The show is moderately entertaining. I like the protagonist more and more each episode. Of course the show is incredibly unrealistic in every way, none of the characters are believable, and the story is almost non-existent. This is a show to turn your brain off for and enjoy. The scenery is gorgeous! Having spent a couple years living in Alberta, the show makes me homesick.

The thing that led me to write this review, however, is the parent guide rating. IMDb has it as a TV-14. The show itself says "TV-MA", which is accurate. In the first five episodes there have been a number of scenes with sex and nudity (topless female, full male backside and pubic hair, etc.). As for language, the F-word is one of the most frequently used words in the show, including by a very young child. Ample violence and drug/ alcohol use (main character is an alcoholic). I don't mean to come across as a prude; My point isn't in being shocked at the content of the show, it's in being shocked at the rating IMDb gave it.
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