
41 Reviews
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Saltburn (2023)
Pretentious toss
31 December 2023
The film is quite interesting at first but quickly runs out of steam. About a poor kid with not personality pining after a posho with personality. For some unknown reason the posho takes the poor one under his wing. You'd hope, when watching that the poor kid would now blossom but he doesn't, he's still dull and barely says a word. There are some interesting bits and now and then it threatens to get good but it doesn't. Instead it drags and rolls on. By the end I'd lost all interest and was very happy I didn't pay to watch this mess. Quite often I thought I was watching a very bad episode of Fresh Meat, which is far far better.
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Napoleon (2023)
A boring disappointment
26 November 2023
I love so many of Ridley Scotts films I went to see this one with high hopes. The sets and costumes look amazing and can't fault the acting, Joaquin did a great job as Napoleon. The problem is that there's no flow, no story and you don't care about the characters. The film lists events in Napoleons career and picks up at those dates but there's no subtext. We are shown that Napoleon is besotted with Josephine but then we spend the next two hours trying to figure out why. The result is a very disjointed series of events from Revolutionary France that you don't care about. There's no visible story and as a result this feels like a very long and boring film. Now that I've seen it I have no desire to ever see it again.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Starts great but each season gets worse
23 August 2023
I've not played the game or read the books so the first season was a welcome surprise. It was really enjoyable and the fight scenes were great. The second season seemed to loose its footing, still with great fights but the plot began to get dull and fall apart. For the third season the plot gets so conveluted I had no idea what was going on half the time. Even Henry Cavill grunting his way though it and some good fights couldn't save it. If you've not seen it the first season is great, second ok and third is rubbish. Apparently the first season followed the books while after that the writers thought they knew better. They did not.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Too loud and too long
3 August 2023
The film looks great is brilliantly acted but there's virtually no actual plot, it's constantly jump back and forward and evey couple of minutes there's unfeasibly loud music trying to build up the tension. This is more a jazzed up documentary than a film and at a painful three hours long it does not hold your attention the entre way. It could easily be forty minutes to an hour less in playtime.

There were good bits, some great but but on the whole the film is dull and drags. I've seen it once now and have absolutely no desire to ever see it again. I'm baffled by everyone saying what a masterpiece it is. I suppose if you like long panoramic shots with overbearing music it's great but if you want a decent story give it a miss.
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A disappointing mess
13 June 2023
I loved the first one but this one was so disjointed and quite frankly boring. There's none of the originality of the first one as they hammer the hell out of the Spiderverse and there's no real discernable plot, its just a mess.

The film drags on and on so much that I was about to leave when the film come to an abrupt and unsatisfactory end with the 'to be continued' cop out. Needless to say I won't be going to the cinema for the conclusion.

It looked great the backgrounds got a bit funky here and there but it worked but I just couldn't get into the story, felt like a bad episode of Rick and Morty.

I went in expecting a good film due to all the over the top reviews and was bitterly disappointed by a mess of a film.
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Midway (2019)
Ruined by terrible effort at an American accent
7 June 2022
The lead character is called Dick Best, I agree with half his name. He's an English actor and puts on the worse most forced American accent I've ever heard. It make watching this film, which is a poor remake of Tora! Tora! Tora!, very painful indeed.
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Legend (I) (2015)
So close to being good
2 June 2022
Normally I think Tom Hardy can't act his way out of a paper bag but he's excellent in this. What let's the film down is the constant lifeless narration which really isn't needed at all and is just a lazy way getting the story moving.

Could have been a good, not terrible but you have a sense at the end that it in no way lived up to its potential.
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Big Boys (2022– )
Pointless and dull
1 June 2022
It's about a pathetic kid with no personality going to uni and coming out. I think it's meant to be a comedy but it's not funny at all. The poor storyline is made slightly worse by constant narration which is dull and lifeless.
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Obi Woke Kenobi
27 May 2022
Meh, the first two episodes are bog standard, hopefully it will improve but so far it's nothing special, more Bobba Fett than Mandolorian, sadly.

You can see Disney have influenced it to be more family orientated sucking whatever magic was in it away.

Hoping it'll improve but not holding my breathe.
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Moon Knight (2022)
Starts well but the ending is disappointing
25 May 2022
Really enjoyed the first few episodes but it ran out of steam. The ending feels rushed and messy while it's full of obvious plot holes that contradict what's going on.

Enjoyable but ultimately disappointing.
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So disappointing
11 May 2022
Was really looking forward to this but it only took about 10 minutes to realise this is not a good film. It's rammed with plot holes and contradictions which seem more blatant than in earlier Marvel film as if the studio doesn't make an effort to keep the plots water tight anymore as they have established their fan base already.

The big baddie is nothing new, in fact the film feels more like an extension to a recent series rather than a Dr Strange film and when it introduces new characters that everyone has been waiting years and years to finally make an appearance they don't use them at all.

The film is a jumbled mess, it's not as bad as the Eternals but sadly not far off.
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Possibly the worst film ever made
14 January 2022
I lack the articulation to describe how utterly terrible this film is. Maybe because the previous three films are so good I naively expected this to be of the same standard, it wasn't. Its awful, a real let down.
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Needs better narration
26 December 2021
Whoever is narrating sounds like they are a radio DJ smiling as they speak, which doesn't really fit when they are describing Nazi atrocities. They need to get someone like Brian Cox to do it, that would be a great improvement.
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Eternals (2021)
Felt like a DC movie trying to be Marvel
9 November 2021
I love most Marvel films but this was dire. Instead of the slow burn building up characters loads are thrust down the throat from the off and they all seem one dimensional. There are sloppy mistakes dotted all over the place, the baddies are rubbish and it drags on and on. Very disappointing.
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Disapointing self indulgent tosh
4 November 2021
I love so many of Wes Anderson I went into the cinema with high hope. Unfortunately the best thing about this film was the burger I had before going in. There's no plot, no story structure, just actors talking very fast. Awful and boring.
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The Beach Bum (2019)
Tricky to work out if this a good film or not
4 November 2021
There are lots of good bits here and there but overall you get the impression that Moondog is just a selfish prick writing self obsessed wank poetry. I tried to like the carefree character who, for some reason everyone hails as a literally genius, but he's such a blinkered arsehole I found myself wanting him to fall off a boat and drown. It's just about worth watching but I think the character, Moondog, inherently an awful human being.
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25 September 2021
I wasted enough time watching this drivel, avoid. Looks good but has no conception of story structure.
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WandaVision (2021)
Appalling, by far the worst Marvel program
9 June 2021
I'm a big Marvel fan and wanted this to be good, but it's far from that. The first four episodes are almost entirely a remake of I Love Lucy from the 1960s. There's a reason shows aren't made like that anymore, it was painful and cringey with non stop cheesy jokes. Paul Bethany as Vision could just about pull it off but Elizabeth Olsen can't act her way out of a bag. When the plot finally gets going not much happens and when it does it's underwhelming, the fan theories at the time were far more interesting than what actually happened.

Yes, they tried something new but it didn't work. I've watched one episode of the new MODOK show and already it's a million times better than this.
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Channel 4 News (I) (1982– )
No way impartial enough for the news
2 June 2021
Convenient but that's almost the only positive. Far too sentimental and jumps on whatever zeitgeist is floating about with a sanctimonious self righteousness. Jon Snow should have been put out to pasture long ago. Main reason I watch is betting with friends how many times he'll fluff his lines that episode.
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Uncle (2012–2017)
Great, apart from the cringy songs each episode
2 May 2021
Didn't expect much when forced to watch this by my missus but it is surprisingly good.

The only thing that let's it down is the lead that plays Uncle has next to no charisma and does a cringy song each episode despite having an abysmal voice. Get rid of the songs and have more jokes and this would have got a higher score.

Its no Flight of the Concordes but its not bad.
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WandaVision (2021)
Dull, feeble and very boring
1 May 2021
Almost the entire first four episodes are a I love Lucy remake which is painful and cringy. They try and justify this with blatant hints about something else going on, which, if you know about Scarlet Witches powers is obvious.

It lumbers on to a disappointing end. I am bemused at how so many people are obsessed with it. The acting (except for Paul Bettany) is tragic and the plot is clunky and convoluted.
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27 March 2021
It loads better than the first effort, but that's not hard. Compared to most other DC films it's good but it's not that great. It's way too long, could have easily knocked an hour off and lots of plot details aren't explained clearly, as if the makes assume every watcher is very much a reader of DC Comics. I found the ending was disappointing and dragged.
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IMDb Interviews: Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)
Season 3, Episode 13
18 March 2021
Better than the first go at this film. More coherent and better character development but it drags on, lots of plot holes and the ending could have been loads better. Alright but way too long
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Wonder Woman (2017)
Almost a good film
23 February 2021
It starts well and for a minute you think, wow, have DC finally made a film that doesn't suck? But it runs out of steam and the ending is ridiculous. However, it's still on of DCs best efforts, but not up against stiff competition
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Mr. Robot (2015–2019)
Excellent until the last season
12 January 2021
Really enjoyed it except season 4 became quite far fetched which I felt let the rest down. Apart from that it was excellent
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