
158 Reviews
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Better than HP2
16 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
For me this film is a good 5 ( It could've been so much better though) for kids i will give it a higher score h hope they all have great fun watching this with their families. The white privileged comment id already seen people complain about had me put off but seeing as its starring wayans who's comedies I love.( white chicks being my favourite comedy ever!!!!) i thought meh im still gonna watch it despite i hate all PC & BLM nonsense these days. Watching Wayans try say it once with his almost flair I thought it was possible pass till I rewound and it made me cringe. Despite differing beliefs. This is definitely a little childs film and that nonsense does not belong in the film. Even if it wasn't a kids film it just adds nothing too it. Moving on the film started with a classic 🎵 song "don't you come back Jack" WOW not sung that since I was a kid in the 80s so had me off to a good start. ( In fact all tracks in the film were good) I recognised the child star right away from her voice as Erica from stranger things ( #teamErica to kill vecna BTW lol) the lady who played her mother, one i found the best likeable character and couldn't stop trying to think what I'd seen her in before ( then I read here its Kelly Roland WOWshes aging beautifully she looks younger than ever) Kelly for me gives the most relaxed and warm performance or idyllic and neutral loving mother. Loved her character i feel the daughter started off strong. But got weaker apart from a beat down with a clown. This could be to the fact her sidekick dad actor Marlons performance pulling her down with him. He really isn't on form. For a guy who's done films taking the mick out of every race gender and stereotype , playing very otp characters and doing plenty of supernatural films. He really didn't seem that much into this one. Like he only gave 30% of his true talent sadly. & I think this was a big part of the film not being as high as it could be ( there was some really funny gags given to there which while still funny he could've made hilarious of be was 100% commited)But I still Love wayan brothers. I hope the girl who plays the daughter keeps up training in different areas as she does have talent and would love her to be a future big name. They leave the ending hinting at a Xmas sequel which would be Great for kids. As long as its not rushed last minute and its something that's already been prepared along with this or we wait till they get it right I think would be great for kids. I certainly want to see more of Kelly Rowland. She's a joy to watch.
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26 August 2022
Didn't think they could pull a sequel/prequel off in this day in age of constant trash remakes and dumb films but this was amazing dont care esther does look older ( it gives it a certain more authentic feel in some scenes others not) the only downer is I want another film after this but the actor will be too old and I don't want anyone else. Dont know how the imdb score has dropped on this when the arrow shows its positive revies keep going up. Most people like this you just have probably the same 5 people disliking everyone's comments. Was never a fan of Stiles but she was born to be this person.. Great plot would've preferred slight different end with the Dad #teamesther be doing the rounds. One you can watch multiple times.
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Pretty film
4 August 2022
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I love the old settings of these films life was so much better then. Compared to the hideous of today. Its only a thin plot story but tge beautiful scenery is endearing. Reese is captivating in her performance. I haven't seen this in over a decade so apart from the pond scenes had pretty much forgot the rest, but thought there was a let down somewhere could feel it in my blocked memories and was right.. can honestly say glad to see the Lead her on Guy lose his head LITERALLY!! My Reecey deserves someone way better.
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Just not much plot
19 June 2022
Cool poster , the first turn off possessive horror had me intrigued..sadly the film loses anyway of plot. Shame as i think there was certain symbolisms and eeriness to make something it just didn't come through.
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Good enough
3 June 2022
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One of the better Alien invasion movies for me. I like thatbits themed in Moscow amd the Aliens themselves are quite a original concept and new way to battle them.. it did seem to drag a little I think mainly because of the part the girl ends up on a bus when me they all fall in the water which didn't add up. But good idea of Alien deaths etc.
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Election (1999)
Very mundane
1 June 2022
Pretty boring really. Had hoped for much better and that id have a few laughs but there reay wasn't any. All I took from this is what a horrible teacher to sabotage a hard working student. Reese performed great and was a different role for me to see her act.
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Senior Year (2022)
Went from a 6 to a 8 then ending let down so now 7
30 May 2022
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OK I went into this not knowing whether I'd get a great funny movie or a big budget but unfunny gags or low budget unfunny gags.. Luckily this film made me laugh in plenty of places though it feels slight low budget acting was good my favourites were the lead actress and the guy school boy for laughs. This film really give the ott pc we have these days a shove in the face while paying respects to some of it too. There was a lovely twist at the final prom which actually gave me tears. Unfortunately the film dropped for the ending. I didnt like how her old friend Seth through a paddy and complained she had manipulated him when she clearly blew off her bk in the day boyfriend. And cops then being phoned for the after party when really of the cops would get anyone it would be the rival for GBH . I feel trending dropped this film from teaching kids about their own freedoms we had in the past and fun to baseless PC culture taking over again, when what we really should see is that a woman after being in a coma 20 years and waking up at nearly 40s still had zest for life amd that the fact is inside your as young as you feel amd THATS WHAT SHOULD COUNT!! Definetly one I will watch again.
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The Lost City (2022)
I can't get into it
23 May 2022
I've been looking forward to watching this as I like quite a few channing films. But I'm half way through and my mind just won't pay intention. Hopefully it will improve the second half. Im tempted to give it a extra star for a skin showing scene.
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Zzzzzzzz camfootage cr@p
16 May 2022
As soon as it started with hand cam. I knew i should've switched it off, bit hoped amongst hopes that would disappear and we'd get a decent normal film. This could've had a nice idea. But if you want to see going in to the has of hell done better just watch Hellraiser 2 than this Garbage 🗑 I was gonna give it a extra star for the cute French tour guide but the female end annoyed me that much I had to do a deduction.
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OK but feel it went off in the wrong direction .. I enjoyed the past the was something new the mine land story ive not seen before. And a the actors did a
14 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the past the was something new the mine land story ive not seen before. And all the actors did a good job though I was expecting more while the guy was on the mine amd they had 1 Russian goon turn up. I could think if a million things they did wrong or ways they could've got rid of him. The screen also went suddenly dark on what was suppose to be the Doom. Making it unclear what happened. Now onto the next bit I can see mine guy returning to the goon for revenge but they decided to write the story with iz revenge miss directed and aimed elsewhere which to me didnt fit . I think they thought they might shock the audience goung this root. It didn't and I was left disappointed as we don't feel we got the story we wanted. This should ve ended with the Goon getting his just desserts and also the original villain who started it all. Thats what I was really hoping to see. And would've been so satisfying. Instead we're left with pointlessness. To what was a good starting story.
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Loved it in the 80s and still do now
7 May 2022
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This isn't a big blockbuster movie but for me it was 1 of my favourite 80s high-school flicks. The actor who plays Buddy ravell really does give a scary performance and for anyone who was bullied growing up you will feel the fear flashbacks amd Jerrys terror and desperation to not get beat off this ierrifying bully. Whk pretty much knocks out anyone.. then there's the teacher book kiss scene perfectly matched with Tangerine dream music ( i love tangerine dream fir scores) they probably could've got another teacher who maybe was more fire. But I suppose she had pretty eyes. Its great to see a the support at the end. Great film that feels real but if you want mega blockbuster might not be for you.
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Meh not so good as the first
27 April 2022
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Ok the first 27minutes were a total bore of just Laura and Massimo having sex. It was all tacky ( apart from the 5minutes air time Olga & Domenico got which is who I was hoping to see they're my favourite characters). Finally we get Nacho who I'm hoping she ends up with just like in the books in the end. While it was nice watching them spend time together the ending of the film was naff.. The fact we had certain characters at the end ( Anna! Who really we should have had at the beginning being taken out and the twin brother ) all turned this into a USA sunset on the beach type soap opera . Really don't think they edited the beginning right or wrote the story right. The soundtrack really wasn't fitting either apart from the odd girl fun track and regaetton dance music the rest of the songs were dreary. I'm hoping she ends up with Nacho in the end of the 3rd film as suppose to but that would make the film decent than this.
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Good enough past time
25 April 2022
Much better than the first THANK GOD!! I only started the movies coz my daughter said as it sink was in them in the first she s not and it's a horrible load of tripe of a movie. But she is in the 2nd which throws back to the 70s and is actually entertaining enough I found myself actually likening the most the character Alice who usually as soon as I saw her has that look of the girl too hate but as the film went on her acting was good and I favoured her the most along with her boyfriend. This filmology really I guess is more a series. I've not watched the 3rd instalment yet but in my honest opinion you would be better off skipping the first movie and just watching this You can get the jist of the first from this or go bk and read spoiler reviews on the first rather than waste 2 hours of your life bored. Just go straight for this sequel.
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25 April 2022
I only put this on as I was told Sadie sink stars in these films turns out you only see her at the end as a flash for the sequel she will be in.. honestly I just found the ghosts etc stupid. I think the only ok characters were the dealer boy and girl. Don't even know any of their names.. it wasn't awful and I'm sure for some or the younger generation it will be a pass time but for me it just dragged.
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Queen of the South (2016–2021)
Liking so far but...
27 March 2022
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Ok I'm really liking the show so far I'm they're have been a few unnecessary drag puts and fillers. The going back and forth between Camilla and her husband cam be a yawn. And half of it doesn't add up with Camilla not having enough money or men of her own to do deals but she does to go for theresa.. I've only just finished season 2 I have to say I think season 5 where they go to Bolivia is my favourite so far however I didn't like the turn near the end of season 2 where Theresa has finally recruited soldiers . But ends up thinking the robbed her and losing them... I didn't like this at all I was on high watching her recruit a army to get the el Santos drugs for delivery.. I feel this should have followed through in victory not the vs James switched it.. it shpuld have worked out and that's how she then has her own cartel. Because they didn't do this I'm worried the story can only go downhill from here. But will leave my score at 8/10 so far.
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Don't waste your time
20 February 2022
Utter rubbish. Katie Holmes is the only likeable thing.. I swear the ratings said higher before I watched it. Its at the score it deserves since I've just wasted precious life away on that. Total bore fest. What a mess all actors suck except Katie amd maybe kid the direction was poor.
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1BR (2019)
6.5 quite scary
8 February 2022
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Gave this a seven. Which is probably right for story and acting . But 6.5 for low budget feel. But honestly the film was suspenseful. And kept me gripped I Just wanted so bad for people to get it. Not sure how to feel about the end. I LIKE THE END IT LEFT ROOM FOR A CONTINUATION but on the other hand I wanted more justice amd a end to whoever involved.
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Eli (I) (2019)
This is way better than the 5 stars imdb score
10 January 2022
Not watched in a while. But just rewatcged coz remembered it was quite enjoyable in a era where we're only offered crummy remakes or z list films. Eli comes up slightly fresh in its storytelling with a twist ending. Actinf and atmosphere is good all round. I want write details as its better to watch first time not knowinh.
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A childhood favourite
8 January 2022
Just as beautiful a film to me now as it was over 3years ago, I miss the days Hollywood came out with films like this. Great actors great story beautiful chemistry, a real heart felt story with some slight humour in places. A very touching film.
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
Its ok
2 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Thought it would be better than it was from the ratings its prob be a 5 but have it a 6 ate there are emotional elements to our heritage that are quite touching and identifiable to.. The film starts with stupid slapstick gore humour. Then comes our heroine which her first stance 8s great and you think yes action but tge film then tends to end up with pacing problems and lacking. I did like the actress but the final showdown needed more speed)mightve been better if they used someone else instead of hillary swank ) but as a final girl fighter I don't think the action ferocity was high enough compared to Girls like Erin out of " Youre next".. but still liked her character. And its sure worth a watch 1 time or if u need a pass time.
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28 December 2021
Disappointed on form.. been wanting to rewatch this for a while lately not found it online to watch till now.. was even better than I remember. Based on True story of one of USA greatest cheque forgers who was just a teen. There really is never a dull moment. So many character layers to our crook on the run. Its hard to imagine how anyone could pull off all these characters.. Dicaprio is just an amazing actor, He can just nail so many roles and always has you rooting for him. Youre heart genuinely aches for a boy who loses everything he loves while having to fill so many adult personas Very charismatic. Excellent watch and performance.
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27 December 2021
Only 40 minutes in amd find it boring and annoying.. think i will just stick with the old Toby maguire ones. They're the last o saw i just find this spiderman annoying especially when he won't shut up during the spell.. hate the extra cgi spider gadgets too .......
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Octopussy (1983)
My fave bond movie since childhood
18 December 2021
Rewatching through some of the old Bond movies lately as I only liked the old 1s I grew up with connery/Moore and I can always remember as a kid this one was my favourite even though I could mainly only remember the island and that octopus.. rewatching now I can see why I loved it and still my fave so far. So much going on beautiful cinema photography, locations girls and sets. Still that old glamour beautiful costumes and so much fun to go with it in this one, there's never dull moment from finish to end. The stunts in this will have inspired so many movies. Plot after plot LOVE IT.
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Yes, God, Yes (2019)
Its not great but the lead actress is good
8 December 2021
This film would've been so cringe and below B/C movie grade if it wasn't for the main actress who I found quite entertaining to watch and made the film go by quite quickly. Thumbs up for her, the film itself though was poor.
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Can't get through it
8 December 2021
I'm sorry but 8ve had to switch it off. I liked the very beggining the god stars talking to eachothet and them as kids but since growing up its become tedious and drawn out and find the character somewhat annoying. This is obviously very popular with others but for now I have to call its quits & maybe try again another time.
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