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Open by Christmas (2021 TV Movie)
OK performance with a surprise for me.
21 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What surprised me was the male romantic lead. When i saw him i said he looked like a regular real estate agent you would see at Planet Fitness. An 7.5 maybe. I even said "he ain't getting the girl..kind of a nervous agent". She kept meeting these high school athletes (typical Hallmark lumberjack 6'3" with 5% body fat) and i thought they would get her but he did at the end.. I was wrong.
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King Richard (2021)
Find out about the real story of these amazing sisters..and their family
25 November 2021
As a father of 2 girls who both played 4 years of high school tennis, I was teased by my friends when they watched me teaching/playing with them starting at age 6 "who do you think you are Richard Williams". I knew some of the story but know I know much more. Williams was a bit of a con man with his heart in the right place, the mother was the rock of the family who both tolerated and loved Richard, and her confrontation of his disrespectful decision making gives a hint of the marital turmoil and resulting breackup. And the entire family (not just V and S)was being unconventionally groomed to escape notorious Compton Calif(vividly portrayed) There were actually a lower middle class home owning family with mom and dad both burning themselves out for the kids. His training got V and S to a certain level but it was clear that to get to the next level they would need help. He conned his way into training V (with S benefiting somewhat) and the rest is history. There is some good tennis(hard to believe actresses Demi and Saniya are that good but maybe with help of CGI they and their foes definitely simulated high level tennis). But mostly the story is about Richard(Wil Smith) and the sacrifices he made, the back story of his father, the strange, annoying and frustrating machinations he undertook to reach his (and his family's) goals. He can be both appealing and unbalanced, and it is clear that his wife Oracene(Anjanue Ellis) is the stable rock of the family. The fact is that Venus and Serena are mature, accomplished, stable and well spoken and Serena is sometimes said to be the best athlete (either gender) in history male or femaie. This is amazing when you get a glimpse of their fragmented upbringing. This is a good movie that has the benefit of being true and well done. The music adds to the total package. I am glad that I went to first movie since Covid.
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Marty (1955)
a mirror into the 50s and 60s
26 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Growing up in a NYC like environment of multi family houses, bus lines, small meat markets, and WW2 fathers in "wife beater" t shirts riding the bus to a menial job I was confused when watching "My 3 Sons" or "The Brady Bunch" as I never really experienced living in a single family house, a family with leisure (reading/sports), a family driving a car to work(every dad took the bus or car pooled) and felt that TV was a nirvana like Dreamland. Thanks to "Marty" I am reminded of my roots. Marty is "ugly" (really not much worse if at all compared to friends Angie(Joe Mantell), Ralph(Frank Sutton(set Carter) or this whole bunch of kind of ignorant loses who came home from WW2 to lead a band to mouth existence.) Marty's mom(Mom's lived a lot longer than hard living dads in those days) frets a little about Marty''s lack of social life. Their life revolves around his married accountant brother.(jerry Paris from Dick Van Dike) and his beautiful wife, going to church, eating dinner and low end business deals(Marty frets over an $8,000 note to buy a meat store). Marty goes out to meet a girl(actually a lovely Betsy Blair, going to be the Chem Dept head at Port Chester NY High.. Marty is punching above his weight class and I kind of wish she was plainer), the awkwardly talk, kiss, fall in love and (maybe) will get married (probably yes as courtship was much shorter in those days). Marty overcomes his fear to call her at the end(it helps that we see her waiting by the phone) and I had a tear in my eve. When you think he is 34 and she 29 it would have been 10 years past a normal marriage then(but normal now) and they both seem to be inexperienced and eager to learn the way of marriage, life (and the rest). All in all a worth academy award winner and Ernie B is such a great guy(and only winner to live to 90)
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Star Trek: The City on the Edge of Forever (1967)
Season 1, Episode 28
the ultimate Star Trek, worthy of a feature film
11 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I am 65 years old and have been watching network TV since the days of "Flipper" and there has never been anything like the original Star Trek with the exception of Twilight Zone (only a half hour). The thought that went into this episode is breathtaking. I just watched it today and realized for the first time the Kirk/Spock knew when to jump into the Guardian because Spock just started the tricorder when McCoy jumped through it. I also noticed that Spock says "there is no alternative" when everyone else is debating the course of action as his mind went through all permutations. The introduction of Joan Collns(the is so wholesome with appropriate romantic music) is so well done, and her dialog with Kirk (and Spock by proxy) is clever but explanatory of the plot and their relationship. The realization by Spock that Edith Keeler(Collins) is the crucial pivot in time is suspenseful and logical, and the ensuing dialog (terminating with "Edith Keeler must die" ) is legendary (there are a number of songs titled "Edith Keeler must Die" on youtube. The introduction of the Nazi victory is a must for 1967..Hitler would only have been 79 years old when this episode was made in 1967! The denouement with Kirk preventing McCoy from saving Keeler from a fatal pedestrian accident "Jim I could have saved you know what you've done".. Spock's most classic response "He knows, doctor, he knows" is legendary. When the get back to the Guardian , D-Day vet James Doohan(Scotty) states "you've only been gone a few minutes"(kirk and Spock have lived a LIFETIME in those few minutes, Spock tells all that "we were successful"(what irony, the most tragic Star Trek moment was a success!) and Kirk says "let's get he hell our of here (the first use of hell in a network quaint) with no ending music as there normally will be. Quentin Tanintino has been said to want to make a movie based on this episode, and I would camp out overnight to be the first in. In my opinion the greatest moment on network TV in the 1960s(before M*A*S*H ant MTM) and one of the top 10 moments on TV ever. It is as memorable today as it was in 1967, and I only wish my 11 year old self could even comprehend the enormity of what I just say.
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a new addition to my Sunday night transition to work viewing
25 January 2021
I have watched PBS Sunday night for many years, with Downton, Poldark and other shows. Very calming transition from weekend to work. This show is very well done, the casting of even minor characters is excellent, the locations are so genuine, the dialog is simple but effective and (what I like as in real life) not every animal lives, not everbody is a financial success, and (maybe) not even every boy gets the girl. I just watched Sigfied lose his position to defend James Harriot..very compelling scene. I am going to start reading the books from the library as a result of the show. Well done PBS
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Loving (1970)
A typical 1970 whiner with #metoo implications
30 August 2020
George Segal is an illustrator(how quaint) with a cute wife (Eve Marie Saint) and 2 kids. His business is failing and he needs a big score with a Truck company to save his family home. However he is distracted by an "affair" with a women that is never explained, just flashbacks to a bedroom. His wife knows he is flawed in many ways, tries to love him but also lets him know if he leaves she will know what to do. He balances them all until he goes to a big Westport "party" with a bunch of white people with drinks in hand, and he "leaves" with a drunk lady(wh ends up a big Hollywood producter) where they inadvertantly have "sex" on camera with the whole "party' watching for laughs. It just ends. The amazing thing to me is that this was on regular TV, and there were 4 instances of female nudity (short but clear) in 2 hours and he at worst is seen in long boxers. Man we were so screwed up then. Not a good movie but being 14 when it came out I remember the scenes, cars, music, gadgets..
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Time Travel or dream? Who care with this classic
25 August 2020
I watched the movie as a 30 year old newlywed and rewatched it last night at a 64 year old parent of grown children. Who among us would not like to go back in time to when all our major life decisions are made, spouse, career, friends and see if there is a different way the cards could have been played. Who among us would not like to revisit the wisdom of long dead grandparents, aunts/uncles, parents and listen again to their advice and maybe act on it. Peggy Sue(32 yr old Kathleen Turner) is introduced as a harried mother of 3, looking at divorce and not wanting to go to her 25 year reunion. A series of movie events (think every time travel trick from Wizard of Oz, Back to Future, etc) puts her back in 12th grade(she faints at reunion but wakes up at blood drive...clever) and is 18 again. What I like is that she does not fight it..she goes with the flow as I would hope to do. She also finds one "nerd"(soon to become rich) who believes her and is her sounding board. She is back with Charley(Nick Cage at 21 yr old) and KNOWS what the outcome will be. She tries to fight it(even a little dalliance with the class beatnik) and ends up at her grandparents (Maureen OSullivan (Tarzan's Jane) and Leon Ames. They give her such great advice and "help her" back to the present (with Charley's involvement). She wakes up (her parents still alive as most 42 year olds would be) and recognizes the "dream", that she got to see the "alternate path" and still must follow her destiny (with a hopeful reconciliation with the cheating Charley for dinner next week). It is the kind of revelation we all should have, especially as we get older and the outcome of our live is clearer, and I would recommend it for ANY couple(or single ) of a "certain age" (50 plus) and frankly will not delete this from my DVR as maybe this Christmas my somewhat grown daughters can enjoy it(like the did "Freaky Friday"). Damn I wish they made movies like this has a Rod Serling quality(high praise indeed from me) and even the soundtrack is so well suited to ever scene. Recently I watched "Chariots of Fire"(1981) and "Peggy Sue"(1986) and am so sad that nobody makes movies like this anymore. It is our loss.
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The Twilight Zone: Walking Distance (1959)
Season 1, Episode 5
It is life itself..breathtaking
24 July 2020
When you see Gig Young in his Jaguar XKE beeping for an oil change you immediately have a dislike for him. Given the change will take an hour, he has an opportunity to visit his hometown and walk into a time warp where he co exists with his younger self. The ambience of the epistle is so appropriate as well as the music and I won't reiterate what so many others have said. My favorite scene is talking to his long dead father, and there are some nuances that I have not seen noted. In most of these time travel movie, the non traveler has a fit explaining how it is not this case the father says matter of fact "I know you're Martin" which saves the long explanation. Then the father asks Martin "you know things don't you" without asking the question question we ALL want to know(and you know what that is). Finally he says not authoritatively (who is an authority on time) saying "I guess there is only one summer to a've had yours" and "maybe there are merry go rounds and band concerts where you need to look for them(paraphrasing)".. That is probably the most important lesson we can learn in life, "carpe diem", seize the day, time files etc. Finally the ending monolog is such a classic it should be on everyone's wall at home. A classic that transcends is life itself
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One for the ages, an underrated sports, history, and life classic
15 June 2020
The period between the World Wars in Europe is the most fascinating time in history to me. The unraveling of European institutions like monarchies and empires, the rise of extreme nationalism resulting in the WW2, the seeds of the Great Depression, the rise of the automobile and air travel all mixed in an explosive cauldron. This is the backdrop for 2 unrelated stories that merge only briefly at the end; Harold Abraham the fiery monied prep school sprinter with the chip on his shoulder, Eric Liddel the missionary who was a versatile middle distance runner whose greatest contribution was long after the stories timeline. Their motivations are explored in detail. Today we take for granted private AAU coaching for both team and individual sports but then it was considered unseemly and an affront to the amateur ethos of the time(gold and tennis was essential amateur until after WW2). For Abraham to hire a coach and actually speak out loud that we wanted to be the fastest man ever was a brisk slap in the face to the times. Liddel, totally unspoiled and an amateur rugby player who was incredibly devout and born in China to missionaries, had a motivation to run for God's glory and to amplify his influence. Add to the mix a romance for Abraham (who must have been difficult to live with), a conflict with running on the Sabbath which involved the future King (Edward who abdicated and had an enormous influence on WW2 and the future of Britain and the world indirectly ) and you have a thinking person's movie and history heaven. The quality of the reenactments of the races(including the Olympics) pass the sight test and when you see 100 yr times of 10.4 seconds mentioned with ancient equipment and no training you know this was a very serious competition. In case you haven't guessed, this is my favorite movie of all time. Kudos to all.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
As a 61 year old man I was blown away
18 June 2017
Just out of college, I went to the midnight opening of Chris Reeve Superman in 1978 and have seen all the Superman, Spiderman, Iron Man and even Ant man. This movie is as good as any Spiderman(I think 2 is the best) and Superman(again 2 is the best) and in some ways breaks new ground. I have 5 reasons to give it a 10. 1.The opening scene (a faded photo from millionaire Batman Bruce Wayne no less) ties in to an excellent scene 2/3 of the way through the movie and adds continuity where they take pictures like so many WW1 pictures I see in the daily Mail every day 2.It is the first time I have seen a superhero in a real life situation.. the Green Goblin or Doctor Octopus are not real but WW1 is real and even Ludendorff is real. For that reason alone it is ground breaking 3. If you have seen "Paths of Glory" or "All Quiet.." you know what "over the top" means. To see Wonder Woman go over the top is amazing, and the fact that Steve(love interest) says "she is taking all the fire..let's go" makes it even better. I could watch that scene all day.

4 The scenes of London and the crossing to the continent ring true having seen "Chariots of Fire" and even Downton Abbey we know what carnage WW1 brought to the U.K and continent. The attention to detail is amazing

I want to see this again and fear that the director could not possibly see lightning strike twice is a sequel. I will certainly give it a shot

Spoiler- 5. Steve actually dies..I am sick of the "love interest" miraculously surviving at the end and we see WW feel pain that will motivate her to continue to serve.

Well done by one and all
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The Twilight Zone: The Last Flight (1960)
Season 1, Episode 18
One of the Twilight Zone's gems
27 November 2016
I can't add much to the great reviews here. Serling was one of a kind and we so miss this type of thought provoking show now. World War 2 was such a real part of so many shows at that time and as Serling was a South Pacific veteran he could dish it out with the best of them I can add an element that no one else has mentioned. During the whole show we are waiting for Air Marshall MacKay(lead bottom from WWi). No one can find him, they can't raise him on the radio until Decker takes off and evidently saves him. If Decker doesn't take off there is no MacKay and the people he saved at Battle of Britain are lost. Just one clever element of many and while there are a few clinkers Twilight Zone is the most intelligent and thought provoking show in the history of TV
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Nixon (1995)
A short history of the Twentieth Century very well done
21 March 2014
This movie blew me away. I have always liked Nixon; he had the same brusque manner of so many men born in the 1910-1920 period. Let's face it, the biggest US stories of the 20th century were the Depression, WWII, Korea, Cold War, Vietnam and the changes of US culture in the 60's and 70's and he was smack dab in the middle of all of them. I thought Anthony Hopkins looked and sounded like Nixon..his farewell speech ("my mother was a Saint") which I love is so deep and profound and Hopkins knocks it out of the park. The very clever "News of the World" 5 minute political eulogy of 1962 "you wont have Nixon to kick around" summarizes his whole life to that point and the photo shopping of Hopkins into Nixon newsreel tells the whole story of 1946-60 in just a few minutes..a great way to tell the backstory . Oliver Stone must have a great deal of respect for Nixon as this is a very balanced film. Sorvino nailed Kissinger, and Powers Boothe was a good Haig. E.G.Marshall and Madeline Kahn(John/Martha Mitchell) were entertaining , and Ed Hermann as "Rocky" NY Governor was good too. These were very complicated times..Nixon grew up around horses and almost lived to the 21st century and it was all covered. The scene with Mao..maybe the most underrated event of the 20th century, was extremely well done and the gravitas filled the screen. It is now in my top 5 movies of all time..By the way, the music was outstanding(John Williams nominated for AA) and the ending credits are extremely moving. A great movie.
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Lincoln (2012)
A very good movie but now I see why the cable news crowd loved it
28 December 2012
I have read Team of Rivals, Lincoln(Hebert),Battle Cry of Freedom and have seen all the History Channel specials, Ken Burns and can answer a lot of Lincoln questions on Jeopardy. I honestly don't know why the concentration was on the 13th amendment being signed before Appromatox when there was so much involved in his life. The last 25 minutes(after the signing) was outstanding. A lot of the courtroom and back room scenes could have been out of "Bonanza" with bombastic oratory and cheap sideburns. Everybody is good, Mary Todd, Lincoln Jr and of course Abe. I know Pres Lincoln liked to tell stories but it seemed that they overdid it at times-he wasn't Henny Youngman. I guess we ask too much of Lincoln, having read so much i have said many times - "was their really one Lincoln? Could he be a composite of multiple people? Nobody could have lived such a full life in only 56 years"
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Carol for Another Christmas (1964 TV Movie)
a worthwhile period piece..thanks Turner for showing for first time since 1964
17 December 2012
Since i was 8 the only time it aired I doubt i watched it surely had no idea what the purpose was. It is amazing to think that Peter Fonda was the son killed in WWII and his first name was "Marley".. YOu should look at Serling's Wikipedia entry to see his service in the Pacific in 1045..Purple Heart, Bronze Star, Phillipine Lib Medal and incredible stories. Sterling Hayden was Mr Grudge- and was a WWI (not II) 1964 WWI vets were only in their mid 60's. That was past, along with a creepy Hiroshima sequence. Present was a hedonistic free world letting everyone starve..and the Future was after WWIII(with a madman ruler). Certainly would baffle anyone today but moderately effective. Go to Wikipedia and see that Hayden was in the OSS and paratrooped into Yugoslavia..where he befriended Tito which led to his blacklisting. Hayden and Serling certainly had life experiences. A somewhat clumsy/contrived movie but worth seeing to understand how those who grew up in the 30' and 40's lived and what they experienced
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Let a teen boy watch this to learn to be a man
9 December 2012
I have been DVR a number of these WWII movies (today i watched Dam Busters and Toko Ri) and watching them while reading, working around house, working for work etc. Growing up in the 60s these movies were on all the time. William Holden, Frederic March, Mitchum et all were men and taught me how to be a man, act like a man, be gallant and even die like a man.. At the end of the movie you had a lesson you could take home and use in life. These days someone growing up would watch Adam Sandler, Mike Myers type movies where they learn nothing at all except joking around, lying, chasing girls, etc. They could also watch fantasy Star Wars type movies that turn them into fantasy type computer addicts. After watching a movie now(not Lincoln, Private Ryan, but not many) you would need hours of reading and therapy to negate the corroding influence of today's movie culture . Thanks to these great actors and director- WWII and the Cold War(in this case) gave us great plots and examples and gave those who paid attention a leg up. A very good movie is "Bridges at Toko Ri" that i highly recommend
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