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Excellent Movie - Also Read the Book
21 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Before seeing the film, I would recommend reading the book which was based upon the movie and Lucas's storyline. This will give you some insight into the goings on in poor Anakin's head. The guy is just so obsessed and pig-headed that he doesn't realize that once he become Darth Vader (duh!) he won't CARE about saving Padme! No kidding. Meanwhile, Sidious/Palpatine doesn't even say that he KNOWS how to do this whole stopping death thing, he's going to "figure it out" with Annie's help. Annie just is not paying attention to anyone! You really thought you'd be able to stay a good-guy? Um, no. Also in the book, you will be able to understand, in depth, the relationship between Obi Wan and Annie. These men are best friends who love each other and would die for one another. The fact that the two duel is the proof that Vader is NOT Anakin. Anakin is lost. (Until 15 minutes before his death in Luke's arms, of course). In the book, you read exactly what is Vader's first and foremost thought after regaining consciousness in his new "body": IS PADME ALRIGHT? WHAT HAVE I DONE!! Thus the "NO!" Come on guys, really. You need to at least read from page 339 on. I beg of you. If you could read 20 pages of IMDb comments to get to this one, you can handle a little book. PLEASE! I can't wait to see this movie over and over until I get my fill. Bravo Lucas, you're a millionaire! Ps - this would be an excellent tale to compare to the story of Jesus (for those of you still in college!) Here's a small hint: Immaculate conception . May the Force be with you. When you die, you become the force. HELLO
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Awesome Feel-Good Movie
12 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This may contain spoilers **** I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!!!!! Napoleon is a perfect portrayal of exactly how teenagers act. He's always saying "Gosh!" under his breath or "retard!" it's great. FYI if you haven't seen it...keep watching past the credits. This movie is set in a small rural town where the kids still wear fanny-packs (!) and the "popular" girl thinks it's still cool to wear a scrunchies on her wrist! Awesome! Napoleon's tots are hysterical. If you haven't seen this movie you really need to just go out and buy or rent it. Believe me, you will sit there the whole time with a big smile on your face! Plus, this movie is so good, that the fact it has no violence or nudity really brings home the point that for my twenty-something year old friends and I to have loved it, it must really be high-quality.
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3rd Rock from the Sun (1996–2001)
12 November 2004
I came upon this show late at night recently because I couldn't sleep. I forgot how funny "3rd Rock" was! I was laughing hysterical at numerous points of the episode! I love the premise, the characters, the antics, their views on humans! Dick is soooo damn funny!!!! Yelling and screaming for Mary. Classic. Fabulous. French Stewart is a little irritating but Dick and Sally and all the others make up for it. I love that knome too, who sits on the franklin stove. Reminds me of that Travelocity Roaming Knome (SO GOOD!) Those commercials are worth watching. Back to the point. Try to catch this show. Over here it's on late Friday and Saturday's, if not more (Eastern USA).
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I AM Heathcliff!
12 November 2004
Oh my Laurence Olivier! The first time I saw this, I was literally on the floor sobbing. (And continued to do so afterwards). This movie will pull you beating heart out of your chest and tell it it's a lowly stable boy! OY! And can you believe that line???? "I AM Heathcliff!" No crap you spoiled brat! God, I love those two crazy bastards! You know, it's kind of like "Pride and Prejudice" when you think about it. They're too proud and prejudiced to be together! Cathy because he was a stable boy, and Heathcliff because he's really above her after all! And the fact that they couldn't be together in life, but they're together in the end!!!! What a great love story. Bravo Laurence Olivier!!!!
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Saved by the Bell (1989–1992)
Where did these characters go/come from?
12 November 2004
Okay, so has anyone noticed the complete and utter disregard and DISRESPECT the writers had for the audience???? I have been keeping a list for the past two days (I got a new job and now watch it every morning at 7 rather than the news!)

#1: Season One has Miss Bliss narrating, with two "plot lines", if you can even call it that, that usually would involve the teachers: Miss Bliss, the weird chorus teacher, Belding, Milo. Then another, revolving around Zack, Lisa, Screetch, and the curly-haired girl and boy. Suddenly, there's a "new kid", Slater. Um, okay, but how does that explain the sudden disappearance of the curly-haired duo, and the appearance of Kelly and Jesse????

#2: No one acts like Kelly or Jesse is "the new kid", it is just like they were always there.

#3: Zack says a line to Jesse like: "How long have you known me?" She goes something like, "Since Mr. Blanky". HELLO! How did you know her since you were a toddler when she wasn't in Season One!!!! Jesse must then be the stand-in for the previous curly-haired-feminist-best-friend-of-Zack. So just keep the same name and we'll pull a "Darren" or a "Becky" from "Bewitched" and "Roseanne", respectively???? At least "Roseanne" had the decency and respect for their audience to make a joke of it in their Halloween episode when Becky II comes to the door and says their home looks cozy, or whatever. (By the way, she is GREAT on "Scrubs" - loving it!)

#4: Kelly, Jesse, and Slater look like they're about 25 while Lisa, Zack, and Screetch look like they're 14, but they're all in the same grade?

#5: Where's Miss Bliss? Why did it become Zack's show? Where did his personality go in "The College Years?" Why only keep Belding?

#6: Where are Lisa and Jesse in "The College Years"?

#7: Kelly and Zack's Vegas Wedding - Where did Lisa suddenly appear from? Where's the new "college friends"? Why are Zack's parents not divorced? Why does Zack tell his father that he's loved Kelly "since grade school" - she wasn't in 7th grade with you!!!!!!

#8: Why the Max? How is Kelly a waitress there if they're on their lunch period?

#9: Why would Jesse date Slater? Why would anyone date Jesse?(Maybe Zack should have).

I just think it's disrespectful to the audience. But it's better than the liberal news. Sorry guys.

PS - I don't know about you, but this eclectic group of kids would NEVER have been friends in MY High School!
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Family Holiday Fun
12 October 2004
I could watch this every day of December. It never fails to make me laugh. This is a classic family movie to be watched as a tradition every year and you know it. Every inch of celluloid is just hilarious. The scene breaks with the count-down to Christmas, the yuppie neighbors (ELAINE!), Cousin Eddie, the lights, the turkey, the tupee, the cat, the pool scene, the department store scene, Juliette Louis, Sparky and his wife, the in-laws, the sled, the jelly bean club, all these things, I know, are making you nod and smile as you remember the movie. It is just great. Go buy this if you don't have it for crying out loud. And while you're at it, buy about twenty of them to give as gifts this holiday season (it's a great movie and an easy gift idea)!
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Seinfeld (1989–1998)
Best Sitcom In the Existence of Mankind
12 October 2004
I cannot get enough Seinfeld. "What was the deal with the series finale? I mean, didn't they know it sucked?" George Costanza and his antics are just superb! (Be careful to avoid Jason Alexander opening his mouth when not reading for a script because he is a bleeding heart liberal!) Kramer is classic with his door-opening bust ins and story lines that are just absurd. Newman! I just love this show. Thank goodness that I can watch at least a full hour, if not more, thanks to syndication. And Elaine!

Mr. Peterman! This show is FANTASTIC! The layering of conversation, the fact that the end wraps to the issue at the beginning. Brilliant writing! I wish I could write like that (English Graduate here).
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The King of Queens (1998–2007)
Right up there with Raymond and Seinfeld
12 October 2004
The King of Queens is just like Raymond but without kids. It is hysterical with Doug, Carrie, and her Dad living in the basement! Stiller is a huge part of the show. His acting and comedy are priceless.

I appreciate how this couple did not have a baby as some sitcoms do when they've been on for a while. Having babies is not the answer! Just look what it has done in the past: Step by Step, Growing Pains, need I go further? The writers on The King of Queens understood what havoc a baby would wreak on this great show. If you have yet to see this, watch it Wednesday, Oct 20 for it's new season.

It's worth it.
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Everybody Loves Raymond (1996–2005)
Gonna Miss You Raymond
12 October 2004
I can't believe this is coming to an end. I love this show. Every Monday night I watch it. I watch it in syndication, too. It is just hilarious. I love how Robert has to touch everything he eats to his chin before he can put it in his mouth. It is so funny how Robert is just constantly a harassed older forgotten brother to Ray. Debra is so abusive! Poor Ray. Ray's parents are classic. Marie and Frank are so dysfunctional and their banter keeps me coming back for more. Amy's whole plot line is cute too, as the new addition who doesn't quite know what she's in for. It's a psychotic look on an average Long Island family and it is just right on. Go watch this show - there's only a few episodes left! (Not to worry, catch it on late night re-runs!)
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This movie did what eight years of religion class failed to do
12 October 2004
I saw this movie the night it came out with my boyfriend. We are both Roman Catholic. My bf is more "religious" than I am, I'll admit, but after seeing this movie, I think I really understand and appreciate why I was Baptized and Confirmed. If you are Catholic or Christian or whatever you want to call your beliefs in Christ, do yourself a favor and see this movie. (Don't worry, it's far less gory on your home TV.) About three minutes into the movie until the bitter end and past the credits, my boyfriend and I held each other and cried. Mel Gibson, BRAVO. Who knew he had it in him? I thought he was just another rich movie star. Mel, if you read these YOUR MOVIE WAS AB SOUL UTELY BRILLIANT! I never really understood why my Mom wanted me to go to Church and why she cried and was so insulted when I told her two days before my Confirmation that I was having doubts. My Mom believed in something I could not grasp by the teachings of my Church alone. Maybe it's because we are so used to gore in today's society that I didn't really think twice that Jesus had to endure all these things. Maybe it's because no one takes the time to show and explain to kids just exactly what all those lashings would do to your flesh.

(NOT over the top - I think this was a brilliant move with the lashings and the cattails - to show us the horror that words alone cannot portray.) Mel Gibson's portrayal of Jesus and those who loved him during these last few hours is breathtaking. His portrayal of Satan is also quite interesting. Why shouldn't it be played by a woman? Haven't YOU had any dealings with them? I myself am a woman and I thought that was a pretty good idea, along with the maggot. Excellent way of telling us who that was.

This movie will make you a better Catholic/Christian/Whatever. It made me believe that even if the viewer doesn't think this man is the Messiah, He did suffer ever so much for a cause that HE believed in. That is enough for me: The fact that this Man believed that if He died on the cross that all humankind would be saved, and the fact that He carried this out, is amazing.

You might think that He was just some nut, or probably didn't exist at all, but the fact of the matter is that this is a historically documented tale about someone who's belief was larger than life itself. GO SEE THIS MOVIE. Oh, and about whether or not it's anti-Sematic, um...go read the Bible. It's not Mel's fault....
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Less Than Perfect (2002–2006)
12 October 2004
This cute little TV show is about an office and the crazy antics that go on there. The characters are charming from Sara Rue to Andy Dick. The premise is that the protagonist is "less than perfect" at a pantsize of 10.

(Didn't you guys know? A size 10 woman is MORBIDLY OBESE in today's Hollywood????) Well anyway. I think the show is great. It is a breath of fresher air since we lost the fabulous Seinfeld. I love how the writers manage to keep nearly all the story lines in the office. I think we all could use an office atmosphere like this with such nice coworkers and a full service cafeteria on-site. I hope this lasts for many more seasons.
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Sex and the City (1998–2004)
12 October 2004
I've got to say that when this was on HBO I never gave it a chance. I thought it was just about four sluts in the city. Now that it's on regular cable, I have happened upon it more than once and must say that it is really good. It really is about female empowerment and relationships. I'm jealous of these women, not because of their rondesvous with men, but because of their FRIENDSHIP WITH Each other. Their sexual habits are HORRIBLE and scary. I mean come ON ladies, are you all going out there and sleeping with men whom you've known for two minutes???? I for one, am not. But, I guess that being cautious in today's society of STD's, and being in a fulfilling monogamous relationship wouldn't make good TV. This sounds like I'm bashing the show - I'm totally not. The show is GREAT! But you younger girls PLEASE do not conduct yourselves like these women do. That is all.
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Cathy (1987 TV Movie)
Finding Mr. Right
1 October 2004
If this is that adorable cartoon THAT I CANNOT FIND ANYWHERE, then I absolutely LOVE this little show based on the cartoon of the 1980's Working Woman, Cathy and her on-again-off-again boyfriend, Irving. "You put butter on a plate!?" This show chronicles the relationship between Cathy and Irving from the two trying to work on their relationship, Irving cheating, and then the two reconciling at a dinner-dance thrown by "Mr. Pinkley", Cathy's boss. I have been searching for this little show FOR YEARS. (My parents had taped it off TV when I was very young). This is a cartoon which is near and dear to my heart. Cathy's search for Mr. Right!
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Better than the Book (and this is coming from an English BA)
1 October 2004
I just read this book, cute because of the diary-like entries, but not enough DARCY! Movie was better. Hugh is such a dope - really slimy. Darcy shines through every time. I love how this was based on Pride and Prejudice and how in the book there are mentions to the A&E Mini and to Hugh himself (amusing). One other thing I did not appreciate in the book was that Bridget thinks she's a cow at 129 pounds. Give me a break. I'd have to cut off both my legs to be 129 pounds SHUT THE HELL UP BJ YOU ANOREXIC TWIT. But, the movie was alright. See it if it's on TV - don't go out of your way to see it. And see it at your leisure if only to get every bit of Austen that's floating around out there (like I did). Plus, you get to see Colin as Darcy. (I bet he's gross in real-life, oh well).
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Office Space (1999)
This is really what it's like at an office job.
1 October 2004
This movie is EXACTLY what it is like to work in an office. The copier never works properly and without fail, your boss thinks you LIKE coming in on Saturday Mornings. I have experienced this first hand right down to my boss saying to me *TRUE STORY* "Um, yeah...if you could just answer the phones for the next week that'd be greeaaat." I swear. It happened. Milton is fabulous. (Since I am an Office Space cult freak I know this, but for you first-timers: Pay attention to Milton's mumblings, he says he's going to "burn the building down.") The scene with the bat and the copier/fax machine in the field is a dream come true. Michael Bolton is a great character. He's so nerdy and white but he listens to heavy gangster rap and it is so great, when he's in the car and he's next to a black guy, he rolls his window up!!!! Samir is hilarious too. There are so many great comedians in this movie. (Too bad Jen Aniston is in it, but she doesn't bring it down too badly since she flips off her boss.) MUST SEE CINEMA.
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Pride and Prejudice (1995– )
Pure Bliss
1 October 2004
I received this A&E DVD boxed set as a gift from my wonderful, caring, sensitive boyfriend. I popped in in, and settled down for nearly five hours of unending, unadulterated BLISS. I was floating on cloud nine with misty eyes the ENTIRE DURATION. The amount of head-shaking and sighing and clutching my bosom out of PURE LOVE FOR MR. DARCY continues to this day whenever I reminisce about this movie. ALL OF US ARE LOOKING FOR MR. DARCY.

That's right Ladies: No more Mr. Right - Mr. Darcy surpasses him entirely. He's even better than Mr. Perfect. And - I cannot help myself - I have to make an effort not to gaze upon Colin Firth with heavy eyelids as well (Bridget Jones's Diary!!!!) Bodices, corsets, bonnets, etiquette, lace, ribbon, romance, suspense, wealth, sprawling fields, perky bosoms!...if any of these things make you happy then SEE THIS MASTERPIECE! PS-If you're in America-Best Buy is your cheapest bet, it's $40 at Borders. Don't bother renting it, you'll want to OWN it. Have fun! And keep the tissues handy!!!!
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Love It
29 September 2004
I love The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I have read all the books that the movie was based on as well as "The Hobbit". The Shire is lovely and I wish I could live there! Anyway, as one who has gotten through the books (phew!) I can safely say that the movies are more attractive and will catch your attention with more ease. The books were so dry. The movies, on the other hand, were visually stimulating from the sweet Shire to Rivendale and even the Dead Marshes, etc. The DVD is supposed to have additional scenes which were left out from the book (such as TOM!). I will buy them as a boxed set. SEE THIS MOVIE!
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29 September 2004
I LOVE this movie! I cannot get enough of it! I adore every inch of celluloid! From the Santa in the mall, to the Red Rider BB Gun, to the Soap Poisoning, the tongue-stuck-on-pole, the Bunny Suit!!!

The A+ Fantasy sequence, Drink Your Ovaltine! I love and adore everything about this timeless classic.

I could sit and watch it over and over for 24 full hours

(thank you TV)! It is NOT Christmas without watching this movie. If you have never seen this movie, you should be ASHAMED of yourself!
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I can't believe this is so popular! (No Offense)
29 September 2004
I have just seen this movie at my boyfriend's house (and I apologize for offending anyone who keeps reading this) but I have to say...WOW. I truly cannot BELIEVE this is so popular. I am beside myself in shock. Don't get me wrong - Episodes I and II are GREAT - LOVE THEM, but the original was so laughable. It was like watching a parody of the real thing. (Chewy is hysterical just by himself.) R2-D2 is adorable, he is just SO cute I could barely make it through his scenes. C3PO is a doll too, but they are just about all that was enjoyable about the movie. ***NO OFFENSE.*** Thank goodness for modern special effects! I'm watching "The Empire Strikes Back" tomorrow...we'll see. I have been told that it's a love story. Sounds good....
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Open Water (2003)
Take some Dramamine before seeing this one
6 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, I should have done more research on this before going to see it. *May Contain Spoilers* This movie was filmed using a cam corder. It's grainy and horrible. My boyfriend was so dizzy that he actually went to the bathroom mid-movie to throw-up. (Don't worry - we got our money back). This is not scary nor is it suspenseful. The characters are not sympathetic - I was HOPING they'd be eaten. The husband is irritating and the wife is insufferable (she's lying in bed TOTALLY NAKED and is "not in the mood"? Well then put on some pajamas you friggin' waste of life!) This movie was awful. You should demand your money back too.
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