
33 Reviews
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I, Claudius (1976)
Still good although it's more of a stage production then a modern TV show would be
6 September 2023
I watched this in the mid 1980's and enjoyed it. It's a very staged production filmed in a studio so no great sweeping visuals that a modern show would use. Rewatching as being shown on BBC again in 2023. I still think it's a good production. The makeup in HD is obviously not great as they age actors over decades but was likely good for it's time. It amuses me the low reviews saying how boring it is. It certainly isn't boring if you like good story telling. I expect those saying it's boring are generally younger viewers and brought up on flashy visuals and with a low attention span. It's certainly worth a watch if you like interesting characters and timeless themes of jealousy, ambition and intrigue. If you don't like the theatre it's probable you won't like this series as it's basically theatre on TV.
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Very well done
18 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I know the case well after watching the true life investigation on the channel 4 program Catching A Killer: A Diary From The Grave episode. That was a really hard watch as is this. Your heart just breaks for Peter and his family. It's just so very sad how he thought he had found happiness and love late in life. Yet what he had found was a man who would go to any ends to humiliate and denigrate his victim. The murder is truly despicable in its cruelty and planning over a few years in total. He clearly got a fair bit of money from the murder but from his own accounts written down as meticulously as Peter documented his life that wasn't the only reason. He is a psychopath and just likes controlling people and ultimately that meant controlling when someone would die as well. I would be surprised if he was ever let out even after 36 years. Would he still not be a danger with that pathology? This is well done and glad it doesn't glamorise the murderer and focuses more on the victims story. The acting is very good. The Irish actor playing Ben Field is chilling in his mannerisms and voice to the real Ben. If you haven't watched the channel 4 real life investigation it's very well worth watching. I think you will come away with the impression that you have encountered real true evil from the interviews with Ben and his written words are even more disturbing.
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Jury Duty (2023– )
Love it it's hilarious.
19 May 2023
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I absolutely love this show it's so funny, laugh out loud funny sometimes. It does get a bit oh come on towards the later episodes as to how Ronald doesn't think something major is wrong with his other jurists. Well he does he just doesn't know what it is and basically accepts them as all a little odd. Although the setting and the court is done so well why would he think it was a set up? I think I would have thought it's all a bit weird but then having done jury service twice not in the US but in the U. K. jury service can be really weird. The first time was boring 4 cases over 2 weeks just minor ones. The second was for a much more serious crime and the case was bonkers the evidence and the defence if you wrote a story like that it would be deemed too far out. Ronald is just a really kind accepting and lovely guy and makes the show work. I wonder how they picked him to be in the show? It can't have been random as he is just so perfect for the set up that they did. Without his way of looking at the world and his heart the show would fall flat. A wonderful show in so many ways. Just love it. Ronald is amazing and shines in this show. A cliche but if more people were like him the world would definitely be a better place.
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Evil Up Close: Alyssa Bustamante (2020)
Season 6, Episode 10
Grandparents are deluded and infuriating
17 April 2023
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This crime is completely sickening the beating stabbing strangulation murder of a 9 year old by a 15 year old. The grandparents of the murderer seem completely deluded to me about their granddaughter who committed this heinous crime. Clearly a program can be edited in a way to make a certain point so I might be being harsh on them. Yes the murderer their granddaughter had a hard start in life but so do many who go on to be decent humans. Not once do they have any sadness for the family of the murdered girl not once do they even mention her. They seem to recall her doing " naughty" acts like encouraging her little brothers to electrocute themselves on a fence as pranks and seem to put the murder into the same category!!! Yes she was a troubled teen but this does not do anything to mitigate her murder. I'm glad she got a long sentence and won't be out for perhaps 50+ years . Her grandparents rage against this unfairness yet forget their granddaughter still has her life her victim was robbed of hers at 9 years old and is rotting in the ground.
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Big Little Crimes (2023– )
Sort of thing BBC does well.
10 January 2023
This is the sort of low budget true crime program the BBC tends to do well. I only came to check to see who the narrator was as I thought it sounded like Ian McShane. Turns out it's actually Ramon Tikaram who I remember best from the popular 1990's show This Life that launched the careers of Andrew Lincoln ,Jason Hughes and Jack Davenport. He's a great narrator lovely voice bet Rav Wilding the former policeman was cross to miss out on.narrating a program on his " turf". The BBC true crime show Expert Witness with Ashley John Baptiste is also very well done. Some of the cases are deeply upsetting but the science shown is very interesting especially the pollen expert that's a fascinating science. I wish the BBC could put more effort into early evening shows as they seem to do for morning viewing these days. Most evening shows are dire.
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Brilliant Show amazing architecture.
12 September 2022
Love this show it's utterly fascinating and Tim gets spoiled again going to places I would love to as well and speaking to experts who know what they are talking about for a change. Very well researched and love the segments on European railways some of those stations are masterful works of art not just practical places. The Helsinki Station wow it's beautiful. I've been lucky and visited many European countries via rail using an interrail pass in 1990 and again in 2000. A lot changed in this 10 years with former Eastern Block countries opening up more easily. Such a glorious way to see Europe and it's amazing railway architecture. Top marks from me.
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Love it Brilliant show
12 September 2022
I love this show it's fascinating seeing all these areas that are abandoned or have been repurposed. Some are extremely creepy and I certainly wouldn't want to visit others look fascinating. I've always been interested in the railways/ underground / architecture so this show hits all three on the head and in informative ways. I like exploring hidden places and having lived in Edinburgh at one stage there are many underground areas to explore in that city. Much of what you see today is built over old streets and homes such as at Mary King Close or the vaults of the bridges. Another review has said Tim is a bit gosh golly wow. Well yes he is but I also love that ! He's just enthusiastic about something he loves and I would much rather have that then just unenthusiastic commentary. I would be wowed by much of the places they go to see. Brilliant show hopefully more to come.
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Enjoyed it
2 September 2022
I enjoyed it it's a complex story if you have read the books and notes it's based around so there are liberties taken re the timeline. I knew that many would hate it for that. So it's a little slow and clunky to start but still enjoyable. Funny the low rating reviews go on about it not being true to Tolkien lore then they make fools of themselves by stating wrong facts. One says there are no hobbits in the 1 st and 2 nd age true and there aren't any here either. Much has been made of the sweep of the production and it is good but does lack some of the cinematic beauty of the Jackson films. It's not the trilogy of the much more famous LOTR books set in the 3 rd age so will undoubtably suffer for that to some peoples eyes. Many reviews just seem to not understand that simple fact. I think it will grow into its story as a little disjointed to start with and many will just be lost in the detail.
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Murder Castle (2017)
It's entertaining but mostly made up
25 July 2022
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Whilst this is entertaining if somewhat gruesome it's almost entirely fabricated nonsense. Almost none of what is claimed in this programme is factual it's just made up myth along the years that people have become to believe and peddle as fact. The real story is far less dramatic he murdered people for money whilst that's bad enough all the aspects they put into this show re the pleasure he got from killing have zero basis in any fact. The murder hotel again portrayed as some sinister killing palace with secret chambers and death rooms there is zero real evidence for this as well. The hotel was examined at the time for evidence and non of what's accepted as fact re these killing rooms was documented in contemporaneous records. All the accounts with these "facts" in them did not appear for almost a century after the crimes and as so little was actually documented and the building had burnt down years before authors just let their imagination run riot. Classifying him as a serial killer isn't even accurate yes he killed more than 3 people but the motive was just fraud and monetary gain not pleasure at killing as it's often portrayed and usually a definition of a serial killer needs to be made from killing for sexual or other personal psychological pleasure not monetary gain.
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Interesting but,
23 July 2022
The show is interesting and we see some people in terrible pain helped often after many years of pain which is good , but also I have noticed many of the problems are likely linked to the size of some of the patients. Many are obese some morbidly obese and putting 2-3 times a normal weight through your feet and ankles/ knees will clearly cause problems and pain long term. Many of the patients wouldn't get the surgery in the U. K. until they lost weight but I guess as they are paying for it directly in the USA it's just done without any guidance on how reducing weight might aid them long term. I guess with some it's chicken and egg if they have problems they can't exercise or walk far from pain so put on weight. Although if you know that why not check your calorie intake and monitor or reduce weight that way. Without losing a lot of weight many will just get further foot and ankle problems later on and the merry go round of surgery starts again.
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Ha Ha Ha
7 July 2022
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Oh dear this is a terrible show I only watched it as the Alaskan scenery was so beautiful. Other then the beautiful views it is pretty much a run of the mill paranormal type show with all the silly jumps and " scares " they like to put in when really little happens. The guy who is supposed to be an expert survivalist gets jumpy at tree branches blowing in a snow squall for goodness sake! The noises are just noises you hear in the wild as many things make noise. Branches snap, snow melts and slips , water trickles the wind blows. Whilst I don't have experience of the wilds of Alaska I have plenty of experience in remote locations elsewhere in the world and believe me the remoteness of an area does not always mean it's quiet. 10/10 for the beauty of Alaska 0/10 for the actual show.
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Brilliant ensemble cast
4 June 2022
I read all the Agatha Christie books as a kid and Death On The Nile is a favourite. This adaptation is top notch all the actors give good performances sometimes over the top but the staging is similar to what you get in a theatre so I expect that was deliberate. Jane Birkin Lois Chiles Mia Farrow and Olivia Hussey are all ravishingly beautiful as is the scenery. Simon MacCorkindale is certainly very handsome so you can see why two women might fight for him but the character and unfortunately his acting is probably the worst aspect of the film. He is a little wooden although acting alongside this cast would I expect be pretty daunting for a younger actor even one more experienced. Overall a very enjoyable film even on repeat viewing and certainly the best of all tv or film versions made. The boat manger might raise some eyebrows today as he is a bit of a racial stereotype but then again Christie doesn't spare anyone in that way as all her characters generally are extreme versions of what is found in life.
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The Asphyx (1972)
a curate's egg Good and bad in places.
21 April 2022
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The story is very interesting and it's generally gripping in parts although not hard to guess what will follow. I think I first saw this when I was around 12 and it was fairly frightening the ghost like spirits of death. Today over 40 years later the special effects are a little poor although not bad for a 50 year old film. The acting is a little up and down there is hardly any actors in it only 3 main characters and 3 bit players there only to move the narrative on. Robert stephens performance is good but rather stagey. Robert Powell in what must be one of his first major roles is given some odd direction in his interaction with. Jane Lapotaire Playing Christina that is a bit unsettling . The relationship is just weird considering they are supposed to be madly in love it's fairly abusive as is her fathers character towards her. I guess the director wanted to get a 1875 feel for male/ female dynamics? I just think it would have worked better without the shouting and slapping towards the lead female character. I think a more sympathetic and loving portrayal would have brought greater pathos to the demise of the two lovers. Overall worth a watch it's a fairly short film and moves along at a nifty pace. I think I read it was cut down and was originally longer which would make sense as it is a bit disjointed as well. 7/10 for story , 6/10 acting 5/10 for directing.
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Gentleman Jack (2019–2022)
I do enjoy it,but.
10 April 2022
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I do enjoy this as a drama it's fast paced and always interesting. I know a lot of it is even true from when they cracked the code to her hundreds of diaries just a few years ago much in the program is what she put down in code in her diaries at the time. So if it shocks many today goodness knows what people thought over 200 years ago. What I find a bit unsettling is her rather horrible manipulation of others to bend them to her sexual needs. I note the Guardian loves this and gives it 5 stars but if it was a male sexual predator instead of a female for that's what she is a sexual predator they would utterly hate it I'm sure. So somewhat double standards in many reviews. Yes she can be seen as a female trailblazer but she isn't a particularly pleasant one.
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Unsolved Mysteries: 13 Minutes (2020)
Season 1, Episode 2
Extremely sad felt for the son deeply
6 April 2022
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Gosh the husband is just beyond awful. I felt so very sad for the son. My mother died when I was 13 and that was bad enough but at least it was at home and I could say bye to her. To have your mom murdered and not really fully know the circumstances is just terrible. I like many here formulated who I think is responsible pretty early in the programme. One of the posts here bullet points it out and I think I agree very much with them. I hope the son, father, sister and friends can find some peace and pleasure still in this world but it must be so so hard to do so with justice denied for the one you loved so deeply.
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Unsolved Mysteries: Tsunami Spirits (2020)
Season 2, Episode 4
Most Reviewers have ZERO understanding of Japanese culture.
6 April 2022
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I agree this episode is different to others in the series but it's interesting and uplifting if rather sad. Those reviews saying it's exploitation etc have zero understanding of Japanese culture and how they deal with death, funerals spiritualism etc. If they did they would understand more fully. Unnatural death in Japan is feared more so then in many other cultures and the spirits of those who die an unnatural death need to be guided to find peace. Estate agents who rent or sell homes have to by law tell new buyers or tenants that a unnatural death occurred in or near a property such as by suicide , murder, fire , neglect or those who die in events like the tsunami. Jiko bukken is the term used for such a property and such homes sell or rent for massive discounts such is the stigma attached. I felt the priest was a very kind soul and was helping as much as he could in a bad situation. Some aspects of another society and their culture are just difficult for outsiders to understand.
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Hellboy (2019)
Can't believe the low score this gets!
19 January 2022
Can't believe the low score for this movie I loved it. If you like the Graphic Novel I think you will like this it is more in keeping with plenty of humour and also a lot of gore. The story is ok the CGI towards the end is not great I give you that but overall it is a sold 7 or so out of 10.
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Better than most reviewers say
15 January 2022
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Seen this a couple of times overall I like it the story is pretty good the acting is fair mostly. Rose Leslie is actually very good in it. The CGI is a bit over the top in places and not very convincing considering it was made in 2015 you would expect a little better. But it's entertaining Michael Caine is well Michael Caine as he is in most work he does. Elijah Wood does evil pretty well and gets a chance towards the end. The biggest letdown is Vin Diesel he isn't terrible he just doesn't have the gravitas or feel about him that you would expect from his back story considering he is 800 + years old. Some of the scenes are nicely done the kid being lured into the rotting and ramshackle garden by a vision of a gummy tree is neat and really rather horrible as well. The witches prison is perhaps the worst part the cgi is awful and it is only there as a aid to the final showdown and seems plonked on. Although overall I think it entertains but could have been better 7/8 stars from me. I was entertained after all.
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1 star overall is terrible absolute trash. 10 for Luke Kirby( Tommy) though the absolute best part of the show.
11 January 2022
I loved the books loved the original the original actors were perfect , the second series was still good not the top draw of the first though. Yes there are some good parts in this the back story of Anna is interesting if a little bit confused. Olympia Dukakis Is solid as ever in the role. Luke Kirby As Tommy is the absolute best thing about the show though he is wonderful as ever his acting in everything I've seen him in is mesmerising. He is absolutely top notch here as well. Although the fact he is so good just makes many of the younger actors here ( are they really actors? ) they are so bad you would see better at a play put on by 12 years olds at a end of term school play. Overall it's just a sad end to a brilliant series yes I watched it to the bitter end and the end was awful as well. It astounds me the high score on here just bonkers.overall I guess a 1 for the show generally but 4 overall as Tommy ( Luke Kirby is so good) and makes it worth continuing to see his parts in the show. If you can catch him in an episode of Law and Order Criminal intent called folie a deux 2009 again he is outstanding and a sad and poignant almost last role for Lynn Redgrave.who died not long after.
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Belfast (2021)
All you need is Love.
5 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What a wonderful film full of heart and love .Yes it's dark in places although is that made even more so as we the viewer know what is to come? It depicts the start of the violence that claimed over 3000 lives in what became known as the troubles. The troubles doesn't sound like much for a 30 year period that claimed so many lives and damaged physically and mentally many tens of thousands of others me included. I expect many will consider this a little sentimental and even superficial. To me it's clearly not made as a history of those early days but rather how a normal working class everyday family tries to adapt to change all around then. The change isn't just politics but social attitudes as well. The slow realisation that life can't carry on as before but is the sacrifice for a different life which might or might not be better worth it? Nostalgia often gets a bad reputation in films but what is nostalgia? In its purest form it's just an act of remembrance of past events. So yes this film one could say is nostalgic and for me it's all the better for being so. When the Guardian review was so poor I knew I would love it and I did.
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Ambulance (2016– )
Fascinating and beautiful
30 September 2021
I worked in health care for around 30 years and find the program very interesting. It's great to see the advances made in treating people at the scenes often when it's critical to do so and therefore saving even more lives. Although it's very sad to see the extent of the of the mental health problem in the U. K. and it's clear that care in the community did not work and does not work for a large sector of those needing mental health services. A lot of the Ambulance call outs are to what could be described more as for social health reasons rather then acute medical purposes.

The staff are brilliant and dedicated to their roles. There is much kindness on show as well as technical skills. Kindness and empathy can go a long way in aiding tricky situations and to me is as important. The staff all have public service and duty at heart they often go way over what the job description is and it's beautiful to see that. A recent episode had them collecting clothes and toys and food for displaced vulnerable people. It made me cry I must admit. Also I thought about the difference between the public duty, service and honesty on display and that of our current leaders in government who don't give two hoots for public service and lie as they breath. They are also rewarded in financial terms far and above what the Ambulance staff receive. Healthcare staff are regulated via the various regulatory services and if they showed as much dishonest behaviour as many politicians they would be struck off pretty soon. It's sad that the political classes aren't held to such high standards and regulation considering what a powerful position they hold in society.
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The Terror (2018–2025)
Brilliant season 1 review only
4 March 2021
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This is so good ( season 1) all the actors are sublime simply perfect casting for the main characters. The atmosphere of dread and horror at the situation they find themselves in physically and mentally soaks into you watching as if you were experiencing some of these hardships for real yourself. The sets and on location filming is astonishing in its reality. The episodes are well paced some more action packed than others but they never drag, every detail is there for a reason and the tension and horror often ramp up to almost unbearable levels before you are given a little respite and dare I say hope for these people who you mostly want to see succeed in their endeavour although deep down you know they won't. Some episodes are shocking due to the hideous fate of characters you have gotten to know over the previous episodes. The quick change from the seemingly mundane to moments of utter terror and fright finds you stunned for a minute or two . When writing acting set design costume and location come together as well as they do here it produces sensational drama. The Terror is terrifying on many levels firstly there is the terror of environmental forces that are all but impossible to survive . Then there is the cruelty and terrifying lengths that man can be capable of inflicting on others in order to survive themselves. Lastly the monster whilst clearly physically terrifying itself I find like the characters do it's the unpredictable nature of when it will strike next or if it will strike just as terrifying. The sense of superiority that the crew especially some of the officers feel they have over the natives of those inhospitable shores is exposed for the hubris it is in very short order although many of them still cling to this ill placed sense of entitlement right up-to their own bitter ends. Overall brilliant TV one of the best adaptations of a book I can remember for a long time. The Terror stays with you long after watching.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
A good action film with a strong anti war message
3 March 2021
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I like this film yes it's a bit corny and daft in places but it's actually a good action film and I think it has a powerful anti war message at its heart which can only be a good thing. Is it great cinema no but I do think of its kind it's a good solid movie.
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9 January 2021
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My personal view is that mediumship is just charlatans taking advantage of vulnerable people for their own gain. Some of them are clearly deluded and believe they have these " gifts" whilst others are just con artists. There are no hard questions asked here just hey you got to believe us because we say so. Mediumship has been around a long time but became popular after the 1st World War with so many dead at a young age and away from loved ones. Same with WW2 , here we find ots of generic guessing of " facts" goes on and some are better than others at this cold reading technique. I expect many a medium will dine out on the mass bereavement during the covid19 pandemic with so many dead and often without loved ones their at the time they die. Some reviews claim it's entertaining. I disagree it's sad that people hurt and hurting are conned at vulnerable stages of their life. I worked in healthcare for decades in Oncology so many of my patients died . I am therefore familiar with death on a professional level and at my age many family members have died as well never once has anything supernatural occurred at the time of death or after. Each to their own if they wish to believe I guess.
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This Is Tom Jones (1969–1971)
Wow !
31 October 2020
This show is amazing the guest list is just well Wow! I've watched a lot of clips on YouTube and they just blow you away the talent of Tom Jones is breathtaking and then add on his guests who are the cream of the cream. Just stunning To listen to him sing with some of the best of the 20 th century most who aren't with us anymore . If this was the only thing Sir Tom had done in his life it's enough for 10 lifetimes but of course we know he is still an amazing performer to this day. I'm so glad I stumbled on clips of this show though they are like a beautiful painting or a wonderful poem they are true art that will out survive us all in time. Utterly magical I love it.
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