
12 Reviews
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awful movie
13 September 2008
I saw it last night and have one word to describe the movie - AWFUL. All the scenes mentioned by the Texan who wrote the comment seemed long drawn and bereft of any comedy. Undoubtedly; Srinivasan & Mohanlal are a class act, but this movie is a sad caricature of their efforts.Unlike the prequel to this one, there were 2 other movies that were good with songs and one liners. Parvathy seems to be wasted and so is Jagadesh. Please check out the climax - it is sheer absurdity. Soman has a pistol that can fire off 6 rounds, but the director seems to have forgotten it as he closes his eyes and keeps firing around him. It just showed what a bad script the movie was and waste of such good talent. I give this movie 1 out of 10
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good movie
25 September 2005
Its a good thriller. Michael Caine as usual has given a controlled and riveting performance. I guess the title of the movie was a Let Down. It should have been a catchy one and i guess that would have made a lot of difference to the outcome of this film.

Its a simple story of office politics where one man feels victimised for not getting a promotion that he felt truly deserved. And when he is denied his right, he begins his revenge. And all the murders in the movie are well planned and perfectly executed. Its one of those movies where the protagonist is left standing and comes out a 100% winner. If anyone out there who is really a vindictive kind can take inputs from this movie and renact it in real life. Well, I wouldn't do it for sure. Will u? Check the movie out first and then decide
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Memento (2000)
24 July 2005
I give this movie 10 out of 10. wow!! I watched it on DVD and i could never take my eyes off the TV. The story is told in the reverse and each scene in the movie is so well scripted.

I just imagined what life is without memory. It is pathetic.Think of a situation where you do not know who your friends are and you do not know if the person you speak to is a friend or a foe. Its a chilling feeling and i would term the guy with no memory as ''the loneliest person on this earth'' Coming to the story;Leonard Shelby (Guy Pearce) is a man with no short-term memory and the last thing he remembers is his wife's murder. He is on a death hunt but he has no memory of the murderer or any details by which he could get to him. He tattoes himself with mementos of his daily life. Imagine that!! The best part of the story is that it is told in the reverse. You live with the character who himself does not know what the story is. Hats off to Christopher Nolan!! He takes you on a LSD trip. Just watch it and i bet you will regret not watching it earlier.
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I Am Sam (2001)
How did Sean Penn miss the Oscar?
2 May 2005
What a movie!!! Wow! First and foremost, this movie is a tearjerker and in case you don't snivel or cry, there is something wrong with you.

The story is about an autistic father (Sean Penn) who has a 7 year old daugther (Dakota Fanning). Everything changes when the courts rule that the father is not capable to bring up his own daughter due to his mental in-capacities. Enter the lawyer, Michelle Pfeiffer who is materialistic and has no human values. As she fights the case her character changes for the better. The film shows what love can bring. The relationship between the father and the daughter is portrayed beautifully. This movie has shown the range to which a 7 year old kid, Dakota Fanning can act. She is beautiful, so adorable and she has in her to become a great actress.

And what do i say for Sean Penn? He has scored a home run and i wonder why he missed out on the 2001 Oscars. Well, he was pitted against Denzil Washington ( Training Day), but having seen both the performances i feel Sean Penn was streets ahead of Denzil that year. Please watch this movie.
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19 April 2005
Albert Finney and Greta Scacchi have given a fabulous performance. Indeed this is a rare gem in cinema. I give this 9 out of 10. The script is tight, the music score good and the performances are amazing.

Its a simple story of a school teacher who is forced to retire. He finds no comfort in his retirement as he is denied his pension and there is absolutely no one in the school who is sad to see him go. Living with an unfaithful life, this school teacher lives a lonely life. Never to bow down to anyone and nor letting anyone sympathise with him, he portrays a classic and rare case of a strong human being.

As i say this, it was sad to see him break down when a kid showers him a rare gift of love. If this movie does not touch your soul or move you, then you truly belong to the cold hearted. Keep a handkerchief ready.

Please watch this movie. It is a masterpiece .
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What a joke!!
13 April 2005
First and foremost, i give this movie, 2 marks JUST OUT OF PITY! I cannot fathom as to why so much money was spent on making such a worthless flick. Its the usual story of American forces who are out to create heroism in the face of war.

Owen Wilson stands out as a complete misfit in this movie. I guess he should act in TV serials or B class Hollywood flicks. Without a doubt, Gene Hackman shows why he is a pedigree actor. His dialoge delivery and voice diction are just perfect.

This is the story of a US pilot who gets shot down behind enemy lines. With a whole army and a murderous vindictive assassin on his prowl, our hero Owen Wilson does all sorts of stunts to keep himself alive. Missiles and bullets are flying around and seem to hit every target except our hero. Isn't that a joke? For a moment, i wondered if i was watching a run on the mill Indian flick where the hero evades ''hundreds of bullets'' and still comes unscathed. Since i watched this movie on Channel 2, the maximum loss that i endured is my sleep. I shudder to think of those folks who went to the cinema and paid exorbitant money to watch this movie. On the whole this movie is a complete let down.
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12 Monkeys (1995)
does not deserve a place in top 250
31 March 2005
My personal opinion is that this movie does not deserve a place in the top 250. I do agree that the story is original and the director needs to be applauded for taking on such a subject. Nevertheless, the movie is slow and it keeps going back to the future and present, thus creating a sense of confusion.

The story revolves around a man who comes from 2030 to 1996 to investigate on a virus that has eliminated 5 billion people. Bruce Willis in his normal way has delivered a performance, but i feel that his best was in the 6th sense. But the guy who steals the show is Brad Pitt. He has acted very well and deserves all the accolades. I guess this movie would excite a person who enjoys science fiction and for guys who believe that time travel is a reality in the future, but sadly it is not. I would give this movie 6 marks out of 10.
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No Way Out (1987)
30 March 2005
This was one of the finest spy movies that emerged during the times of the Cold War. And it was indeed Kevin Costner;s finest role, until he came with the Tin Cup and of course, the Dances of the Wolves.

The story is water tight. The screenplay has been excellent. There are no loose ends. Every dialog, every scene and every moment in this flick has been beautifully filmed.

The story revolves around a Soviet Spy who makes it into the Pentagon. And there is a murder that connects Costner with the actual murderer. With a Soviet Spy running loose in the Pentagon,it is a race against time as to how Costner traps the murderer. The love scenes shot between Costner and Young in the car are really intense. The movie on the whole is worth watching. I saw this movie in the early 90's and its been the 3rd time that i watched it on TV and never was there a dull moment as i enjoyed it again.

The best part of No Way Out is that the suspense is maintained till the last scene. Very few movies do that and i wish to mention the Shawshank Redemption and Usual Suspects as ones who have done so.

I give it 9 out of 10
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Carlito's Way (1993)
Al Pacino's way
29 March 2005
Once more Al Pacnio shows us why he is the best. The story of Carlito's way is as old as the hills. A ex convict who tries to reform, but circumstances and society never permits him. Its a nice tale narrated in a beautiful manner.

Pacino ( though he looks better without a beard) has once again played it to the galleries. The dialouges are good, the direction is perfect and the climax grips you. I guess Carlito;s way has all the ingredients to make a good flick. But i wonder why this movie does not make much of a mention like other Pacino flicks. Maybe, it was never marketed well.

aaah!! Sean Penn looks different with his fuzzy hair and glasses. A truly gifted actor, but pales when Pacino is around. But i wonder how many more gangster flicks is Al Pacino going to do before he calls it a day.
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9 March 2005
I cant find another word to describe this movie. AMAZING! The title is so horrible and i never expected i would watch it for 30 minutes. But when i saw it, i realised the big mistake in not watching it earlier.

The movie has a beautiful plot set over 20 years. Every part of the movie has a bearing on the ending. And never did i imagine such a spectacular ending. Not many movies can boast of a suspense of such a kind. This movie is not a thriller, nor is it adventure; but it is a desire of a Man who lives on Hope and who paves his own Destiny. Shawshank Redemption leaves you with a elated mind and a moral that it is fear that holds you back and Hope that carries you forward. I have only one message for IMDb viewers. Just watch Shawshank Redemption. Do not avoid it because the title is bad or else you too will have the same wretched feeling that i had today. Wish i had seen it when i did have an opportunity a decade ago. Well.. sometimes, cinema is like this. You go for titles, stars and big buck films and come back home disappointed. But Shawshank Redemption proves that all you need is a excellent script, a good director and some thespians like Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins.
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Classic !!!
6 March 2005
Meryl Streep and Jeremy Irons have played it to the galleries. But the surprise indeed was Winona Ryder. She proved that she can act. She looked thin and beautiful.

Spanning 3 generations, the story carries a lot of inner meaning on life, karma and death. The camera work has been excellent and not only showcases the backdrop of early 19th century, but also the depth of each character.

This is the story of a possessive man who craves for love and demands it from his wife. It is also a story of a man who looks down on the workers on his farm and demands respect. It is a story of a father who tries to sabotage the love of his daughter. And as he grows richer and richer, he becomes lonelier. Beautifully portrayed by Jeremy Irons, he has played the role of Esteban to perfection. Meryl Streep is indeed one of the finest actress to grace this generation. Her role as a clairvoyant is superb. The dialogs that she renders carries such a lot of inner meaning.

This movie deserves a 7.5
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Second Sight: A Love Story (1984 TV Movie)
22 February 2005
Second Sight: A Love Story is a beautiful love story. It is a nice tale of a blind lady who is so independent and content in life, until she falls in love. The guide dog who becomes her companion and her friend has blended so well with this movie. Its only when u see such movies that you tend to realize how wonderful a rose smells, the sounds of birds, the noise of traffic and so many normal events in life that we ignore.

Its a pity that this movie did not get the recognition that it deserves. I happened to watch it on the Film channel at Kuwait. And i enjoyed every minute. Its a poignant tale and its beautifully presented.
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