
20 Reviews
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Doctor Who (2023– )
14 May 2024
You lots me on this show quite a few years ago when the writing became boring. This new one is way too childish and nothing like the previous Doctor who... Gotta give ya props for bringing back the first Dr. Who actor to infuse the transition. But I just can't get into the childish screen play... You have made it echo the words Walt Disney... and maybe willy wonka ... Maybe that is what you wanted .. to go after a whole new generation... The sad part is you are leaving the generation that made it a hit behind and that is just not a good look for the writers... They must be teenagers trying to revive their youth as a child. I see less and less good shows left for my generation as if we no longer exist.
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20.0 Megaquake (2022 TV Movie)
The story line was the only good part of this movie...
18 June 2023
The looked like a beginners quarry of video and acting. If it wasn't for the story line I would of stopped watching within in the first 20 minutes.

The video and backgrounds were so visibly fake and as for the actors... It was if no one's heart was in it to make this movie. There was no fear in their eyes or in their voice. Everyone talking like they were making general statements and not acting out in fear.

These actors did an injustice to the writers of this script copy.

If produced properly with good actors, production staff, and effects team and maybe a little more money spent, this movie could have been a great movie.
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Scott Caan deserves a better show to be in than this..
20 January 2023
I gave it 3 episodes just to be fair,,, But I will be deleting this show from my list!! The script is so unbelievably boring... the show drags and I find myself checking how much longer I had to endure this lackluster barely thought out show. The scenes are so far from reality and really gives a misunderstanding about what happens when a missing child is found and processed. I could probably place a bet that no TRUE research was done before they started writing the script. It's all around BAD!!!

Scott needs to start looking for a better show because this one will only put him in a negative light.
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Queen Sugar (2016–2022)
28 December 2022
I loved every season and every episode of this show. But what I loved even more is the way the writers composed the ending. They gave the viewers not only closure to the end of show, but a win for the right side. I can't say enough about the acting. All the characters fit perfect for their positions within the story line. No one seemed out of place and everyone portrayed just the right amount of emotion needed to pull you into their world.

I applaud the writers, the actors, and everyone else that worked on this project. Together they produced a class A product in just the way it needed to be told. I will probably be following a few of the actors as they journey on into new productions. I always follow and watch every production available to me when I find I great actor.
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Spoiler Alert (II) (2022)
Opened my eyes to the lack of acting ability
26 December 2022
Don't get me wrong here.. I loved The Big Bang Theory and thought Parsons was a great actor. I believed the part as Sheldon was made for him and his demeanor. I always thought he made the show what it was. That was until I watched this movie.

This movie has a great story line with a bounty of emotional scenes that would overwhelm any viewer. Most of the actors fit well in their characters with the exception of Parsons. He just didn't fit.. I'm not sure if they purposely pulled character traits from Sheldon or if that is the only way Parsons can act. But the character just did not fit. Parsons needs to play another character in another film that is non-distinctive of the Sheldon character and play it well before I will once again believe he can truly act.

At this point I feel he was offered a gold mine when he was offered the roll of Sheldon. But what I haven't seen is the ability for him to act outside of that character. I hope he ventures into something new in the future. I wish him well but I won't be lining up to watch anything he is in just because he is in it like I did this movie. I don't want another disappointment...
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Party of Five (2020)
20 December 2022
PARTY OF 5 (1994) was a great TV series. It lasted 6 seasons. I'm beginning to think no one has a brain full of imagination anymore.. OR the powers that be that write or decide what to air are just too lazy to write or find an original story line. I would rather go back and watch the original than to allow someone to force their political agenda on me by changing the synopsis of a great show from the past.

You people out in Hollywood need to understand that with all the new technology out .. your viewers are not so naive anymore.. If you are going to do a remake.. that's fine.. Want to variate a little or enhance the story line... that's all good... but don't start infusing a "CAUSE" into the script... This will turn your viewers away faster than you can bat an eye. We get preached at, lied to, and fed false information so much within a day, the last thing we want is to have the same thing happen while we are trying to enjoy our down time. If you want to push the issue of immigration.. then make a TV show about it.. but don't hide it inside a well known much loved 90's TV series that everybody loved just the way it was written. Your remake will not be a success....
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Sprung (2022– )
There is nothing worse than stupid comedy.
22 August 2022
I lasted 1 1/2 episodes... Hoping it would get better.. but... NOT....

This show is sooo stupid it deserves zero stars!

First you try to take advantage of a stupid decision made during a pandemic.. leaving the reality of the outcome in the background like it never happened. THEN you write such a bad script that there is no real content worth watching. This is what you call a DUMPSTER SHOW....
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Moonfall (2022)
27 April 2022
Found myself getting pretty bored within he first half of the movie... The end of the movie is like a game trailer.... The acting is sub par... the graphics are so bad that you can tell they built them in game like mode. So bad that you feel like you are watching someone play a game. Not worth spending any money on...
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Outer Range (2022– )
good plot and actors..night seems need major improvement...wrong music genre used
23 April 2022
Who produces a western movie of any calibur and uses other genre's of music for background effects??? What a slap in the face to the western society.

The night scenes are hard to even see because they are so dark and blurry.

I'm liking the theme scifi & western range could have many possabilities.

Actors fit their parts well..
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Law & Order (1990– )
24 March 2022
PLZ det rid of Jeffrey Donovan's character.. Either he is a bad actor or that character just doesn't fit...Everytime he opens his mouth I want to turn off the show. I enjoyed him in the light hearted show "Burn Notice" but even then I didn't think he could act that well. This show is not going to last if you keep this character going...
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Eternals (2021)
An attention rollercoaster
15 January 2022
I don't get too technical on production or scenery.. I prefer to review the actual story content and attention span dynamics. The story line has content and reminds me of the mini series back in 2014.

So nwith that, while watching this movie, I found myself on a roller coaster. It begins with a dramatic high point then as time goes on it faids into lack of interest and borderline boredom. The just when I find myself looking away and at the end of my attention span something happens that draws me back in until the whole process starts over again.

The ending eludes to a second movie, if so, I hope they tighten the scenes and do a better job of keeping the boredom away.
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Joe Pickett (2021–2023)
We need more shows with this calibur or above...
2 January 2022
Been so tired of the trash being put out that it was refreshing to watch this show.. It's back to basics... Other than a few scenes that could have been shot better, the story plot, suspense, and acting all support ne another. A very cohesive thriller that relies on all three. A real art... and no fake.action scenes used as fillers. I.m hoping and looking forward for more to come.
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12 December 2021
The movie just jumped around and never caught me interest. Kept watching hoping for it to change. Change it did ... but for the worst.. Someone is very inexperienced in making movies or their heart wasn't in it during the making of the movie.

The concept has potential but the writer of this movie has a problem finding the core of what a movie needs. Would love to see a re-write of something similar but more relating to reality and life as it really is.
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NCIS: Hawai'i (2021–2024)
A far cry from all the other NCIS shows
25 November 2021
This one just does not cut the grade. The writing, may have worked it's way up if they actually had the right characters for the team. Though they took the step to put a female in the role of the agent in charge, they chose the wrong person to portray it and the writing downplays any intelligence the character might have.

It seems as though the writers and the network was trying to doll the show up a little. In doing so, they totally caused what could have been a great show to become a big flop.

They have to turn this show around. Replace some of the lead actors, and rewrite it's content in order to survive.
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Truth Be Told (2019–2023)
Not your today's style show.. but that is a god thing..
21 November 2021
This series reminds me of the old detective movies. It shows all sides of life.. It jumps in and out of the good side of life and the bad side of life. It's mimicking is very close to reality. This series reminds me of the old detective movies.. a thick plot that is dispersed a little at a time, infused with scenes of how life is all inclusive.

The acting isn't great but I'm hoping in time it will improve. It's not a sit at the edge of your seat show... It's a kick back and enjoy a good storyline kinda show. I would have given it a better rating but I wanted to leave room for improvement on their end.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
Bad dialogue - bad acting - drawn out storyline.
21 November 2021
It is better to stick to the books than watch this agony of a production. Mainstream tv and movie production has been at a loss for years since they started letting just anyone produce a tv show or movie... The whole art of building a storyline and producing valuable content in line with the dramatics seems to be our past. Now one detail gets the attention and the rest of the show/movie falls on its face.

This show is a victim of todays producers. The chosen scenery is above an beyond,, but past that, it's storyline is dead in the water, acting is high school quality, and action pieces have the worst camera angles.
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Rushed (2021)
Not worthy of a review
19 November 2021
The message could have been delivered if the production was worthy of the topic. Very bad movie... You can't drag out the first half hour of a movie and expect people to stick around.. Very poorly written and really bad acting...
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Dune (2021)
once again ... another plagiarized creative.
19 November 2021
1984 was less then 40years ago.. To expect none of us to know the original movie is ignorance.. WHEN will we start seeing original movies and shows??

The 2021 movie has more action and less explanation than the 1984 movie. The storyline in the 2021 movie lacks structure which could leave viewers (that haven't seen the 1984 movie or read the book) in a state of confusion, grasping for any indication of what the movie is about in the beginning.

I found the movie boring.. partly because I hate re-runs even if they are remakes.. But mostly because the dialogue is very boring and drags in many portions of the movie. I guess if you weren't part of the first production and you don't have enough imagination brewing in your bones you tend to drag out scenes so you can make the time mark you need to sell it.

I still don't feel this movie is worthy of 5 stars but oh well....
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NCIS (2003– )
Not the same show anymore..
19 November 2021
I just changed my rating from a 10 to a 4.. It's no longer the same show.. It use to keep my interest. Now it is so bubble gum that it has become boring. The four main characters that kept me watching are now gone and now the rest of the characters now act like they are at Disneyland all the time. If this is the new WOKE version of tv shows I will be less interested in watching tv in the future.. As it is.. NCIS on my list is now placed in the category of fall to sleep shows.
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4400 (2021–2022)
re-airing a shoow you aired in 2004 as anew show...come on man!!
7 November 2021
Ihave notice the lack of imagination greatly in the past 5 years or more... if you can't write original stuff get out.. Thiis indurstry has rewrote full series from other coumtries and called it new. This one you didn't even bother re-writing!! STAND DOWN!! YOUR WRITING DAYS ARE OVER... We are not stupid we are not sheep.. We know you have not had a decent original in many years!! .. I gave it a 1 as did many others because that is how much effort you put into it. There is nothing wrong with re-airing a series... just dont give it a new date and call it a new show...
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