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Gory, nasty, grim and 100 percent satisfying!
15 January 2014
Holy f**k! I just finished watching this nasty piece of rape and revenge flick. As I liked the remake of the first one, I had some great expectations to this one but then again, sequels usually can be pretty tame. But not with this second Spit!

I will not get into plot details about but just say that the rape and abuse of Katie is difficult to watch. I felt sick more than once and wanted to pause my blu ray player. Jemma Dallender is fantastic. Her acting is real, authentic and 100 percent believable. No stupid or "heroic" reactions from her - genuine fear! Although it is very difficult to Watch, I hang on because I knew that the revenge was coming up.

The revenge scenes, oh boy. Even more sick and gory than the first film. If you are into rape and revenge films, I think you will be satisfied. For guys especially one scene will be the time you want to stop the film and go puke - I almost did.

True Hostel style but with the balls to get really grim and nasty. Spit 2 is a gory and satisfying piece of horror.
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Blindsided (2013)
Home invasion doesn't deliver
29 October 2013
The main reason I rented PENTHOUSE NORTH was because of Michael Keaton. To me that man is an icon, and I have loved him ever since Beetlejuice and Batman. But in this film he and the rest of the cast struggles with a horrible and simple script.

The premise of a blind woman getting her home invaded is pretty creepy. The major problem is the complete lack of story- and character development and thousands of plot holes.

The acting is basic routine and feels like the actors know they are a part of a lousy film. The characters are shallow and worst of all, you never get to know why the bad guys are doing what they are doing.

Besides a decent start, I got really frustrated watching this film. It feels like beneath the surface there are a suspenseful and scary thriller. But in the end it's unresolved and unsatisfying.
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Sometimes a classic cheese burger is just what you need
29 October 2013
It is not necessary always to invent brand new tastes; sometimes it's okay with a plain simple and classic cheese burger.

THE LAST STAND reminds me of any other old Arnold movie from the late 80's. A villain escapes and comes to Arnold's town - big mistake. Shoot, action, wham bam, thank you ma'm.

In short terms the film doesn't offer anything new to the genre, and besides one highly original and hilarious death scene involving a flair gun, it is non stop loud action with shooting, car chasing, good guys and bad guys.

I must admit that it got a bit tiresome at times. The running time 107 minutes are way too long, 80 minutes would have done it - sometimes I did find myself taking my mind away from the film.

The acting is what to expect, Arnold is Arnold and the rest of the cast do what they can with the script they are given. The ever unfunny Johnny Knowville sometimes put my good will on a test though - that man is (and will always) be a serious pain in the a**.

Conclusion is that THE LAST STAND is a good old enjoyable action flick 80's style. Nothing more nothing less.
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Total Recall (I) (2012)
Anonymous action film beautifully gift wrapped
12 December 2012
First thought was "Please God no! Not a remake of Total Recall"!

I grew up with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Total Recall has always been one of my favourite action films of all time! No less. Making a remake is in my eyes blasphemy.

But now it is here, let's have a look. First the positive: The visuals are stunning and beyond beautiful. Though they have copied the Blade Runner environment, it works and gives the film a much darker atmosphere than the original. Some of the acting is surprisingly good. Though Colin Farrell may sound like an odd choice comparing him with muscle man Arnold Schwarzenegger, he is awesome as the new Douglas Quaid. Kate Beckinsale gives all she has as Lori, though she never reaches Sharon Stone's sexy look.

On the negative side: I was quite surprised they didn't explore the "Total Recall" universe more than they did. It's focus is primarily on the action. No time for any philosophy on life and who we are and why we do as we do. The humour is non-existing. I'm sure we all remember the scene in the original film where ... SPOILER TO THE ORIGINAL FILM ... Quaid is fighting Richter on the top of an elevator/lift, Richter's arms are ripped off as he is thrown off the lift and Quaid shouts "See you at the party, Richter." ... SPOILER END ... The film takes itself way too serious ending up almost as a parody on itself - without ever getting funny , that is. A lot of the characters feels shallow; neither Jessica Biel, Bill Nighy or Bryan Cranston hardly have anything to work with because of the shallow script, and that is a damn shame as their characters never get interesting one tiny bit.

So all in all, if you are not familiar with Paul Verhoeven's little masterpiece, you will probably find much joy in "Total Recall 2012" with all the action and robots your heart may desire. I enjoyed it as a standard action film with beautiful visuals and dark atmosphere. But NOT as a remake of a true cult classic.
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The Shining (1980)
The hotel of evil
24 November 2012
When I first saw The Shining I was about 13 years old. I remember that I didn't quite understand it at that time, and therefore it didn't get under my skin. At that time I was expecting non-stop gore and fun. I gave the film a try some years later still remembering how disappointed I got the first time. So I turned down the lights, gave it a second chance, and then something new happened: The film crept up under my skin, freezed my bones and scared me halfway to Hell.

What works for me is the intensity. The idea of the terror happening inside the family's safe borders is truly horrifying. The atmosphere is highly unpleasant all the way through, and the fact that you never know what is right behind the next corner, is pure psychological terror. The scenes where Danny rides his tricycle through the huge empty hallways still gives me the chills.

Furthermore I always get amazed by the acting. First of all I must mention Shelley Duvall. Usually frightened performances on film is extremely hard to do in a convincing way, but Shelley puts so much fear and desperation into Wendy that you truly believe in her all the way. Little Danny Lloyd is perfectly casted. His performance as the little, lonely boy is amazingly played with a perfect touch of melancholy. Jack Nicholson is, well, Jack Nicholson when he plays a psychotic maniac, but his presence in this film combined with some insane dialogue makes it even more intense.

So as you can read, I am a huge fan of The Shining. What you can expect from Kubrick's version is a tour de force of psychological terror. Sure there is some gore, but the focus is on the psychological.
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Darker Freddy delivers a good scare
18 November 2012
Freddy Krueger was one of my favourite movie monsters when I was a kid. I still get great joyment watching (some of) the old movies, but when I saw that a remake was in process I was thinking "well, it must have come sooner or later." But I am an open minded guy and through to give it a try on blu ray.

First of all the remake matches the dark tone of the original film. The story is practically the same only you get a little more background story about Freddy, which is actually quite nice.

Now how about the new Freddy ... My movie monster hero has always been Robert Englund, and no doubt that he has a huge space in my heart. But let it be said: Jackie Earle Haley makes an excellent and damn scary Freddy. He does not try to copy Englund's Freddy but instead ends up creating his own dark voiced and demonic movie monster. We all knew that he wouldn't be Robert Englund, so if you can leave this thought and keep an open mind, you are in for an awesome and scary new Freddy Krueger.

As Freddy's nemesis Rooney Mara makes a terrific Nancy!! When she is worried and when she cries, she makes you believe in her fear. JOB WELL DONE!! The rest of the actors are more or less forgettable.

One of the few things that bothers me a bit is the nightmare scenes. Though they are very beautiful shot and have great nasty and dark atmosphere, they never got under my skin for good, as each one of them is very short.

All in all I recommend this remake. Jackie Earle Haley makes a horrifying dark Freddy Krueger, Rooney Mara makes a true believable Nancy, the nightmare scenes are nasty and the story about Freddy is quite disturbing. BUT if you are a devoted Robert Englund fan, you need to keep your mind open. The new Freddy is different, but will give you some good scares and a decent amount of delightfully dark humour.

Let's hope that Jackie Earle Haley accepts a sequel :-)
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The Man Who Stared At His Watch
1 July 2012
People seemed to disagree whenever this was a good or bad movie. George Clooney, Jeff Bridges, Ewan McGregor and Kevin Spacey - great line up, good chances, high hopes, perfect starting point ... and major disappointment.

The film is announced as a comedy, but I was chocked of how serious the tone was. Yes, there are silly and wonderful moments, but it can almost be counted on one hand.

Clooney plays his character serious, yet with a glimpse of comedy, but it stays in the serious tone. The side characters are surprisingly indifferent. Mostly because they aren't given enough screen time. I would love to have seen more or Jeff Bridges' hippie lieutenant and Kevin Spaceys ambitious soldier.

The Men Who Stare At Goats is unfortunately wasted potential. It could have been a wonderful silly comedy, but it is a way too dark and serious drama with a minimum of funny moments.

They might stare at goats - I stared at my watch too many times to want to own it.
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Slow starter worth the waiting
1 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
To be honest I have never paid especially much attention to Wes Craven's original, and as a matter of fact I have never seen it. The only reason I bought "The Last House On The Left: Extended Version (2009)" was because of Tony Goldwyn.

But I must say that I was very surprised with this one. I have seen A LOT of films in my time (I'm 29 years old) and a lot of disturbing films, and this one is definitely one of them. The raping scene (no spoiler!) was very intense and even more difficult to watch, and when the parents are having their revenge I was cheering like a little school boy. Tony Goldwyn is brilliant (as always) as the father who seeks revenge for his daughter's torturing and raping. Though there is a longer passage with nothing else happening than the villains running around, the film gets back on track when Mr. Goldwyn and his Mrs. start to slice'n'dice the bad guys - You can't avoid getting a sadistic smile and loving THIS torture.

To say one minor good thing is that the film is an AWEFULLY slow starter. It takes forever to get the film starting, but when it happens, it has been worth the wait.

"The Last House On The Left: Extended Version (2009)" is a dark and violent thriller, which I recommend to everyone who likes a good and gruesome thrill.
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Twilight (I) (2008)
My honest opinion about Twilight
1 July 2012
I know I will be a head hunted and "wanted for dead" now. But this is my honest opinion about Twilight.

Let's face it, Twilight is the new generation of youth films; sexy young vampires and werewolves having that 'special look', and I sat down open minded and wanted to like it.

Unfortunately, while watching, I kept on thinking Harry Potter with vampires (sorry girls) - all young people learning and finding love killing the evil ones. The only positive thing I can say about Twilight is that it has damn good effects. The story is insulting ordinary, the acting the A-W-E-F-U-L to the max and the chemistry between the actors non-excisting.

I have absolutely no doubt that young teenage girls will fall in love with the drop dead(!) gorgeous Robert Pattinsson, but I doubt that any other will find anything interesting about this all hyped up, ordinary and highly overrated film.
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Avatar (2009)
Dances With Pocahontas
1 July 2012
No doubt that Avatar has some mind blowing and truly impressive special effects, which is about as fantastic as it gets.

With the fear of getting killed now, I dare to say it anyway: Avatar has stolen 90 percent of it's story from Dances With Wolves and Pocahontas. It is the story about a soldier, who is sent to spy on the locals on the planet Pandora to learn their weaknesses, so the military can move them because their land contains valuable minerals. The soldier gets very close to the locals, gains their trust, becomes one of them, falls in love with one of them and starts to fight for them. Does it sound familiar?

Though the story is embarrassing ordinary and nowhere near the Oscar material James Cameron hoped it to be, Avatar is still a joy ride from start to finish. The special effects are stunning, the actors do a good job and the film leaves you with a great feeling.
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Depraved, disgusting and damn entertaining
1 July 2012
This is a tough one - how do you review a film that basically has no plot? I'll try.

A mad scientist has developed a virus that mutates humans into hideous killing machines, and a special paramilitary squad, lead by the sexy and ice cold Ruka, is working hard to maintain order in the streets of futuristic Tokyo.

It is over the top to the max with absolutely all the disgusting gore, blood, guts and violence you could ever wish for. I promise you that "Tokyo Gore Police" isn't like anything you have ever seen before, and even though I try very hard, I really can't compare to anything. What I especially love about these Japanese films is the humour; again outrageous and over the top leaving you giggle like a little school girl.

But to enjoys it, you will have to love plot less and brain dead films. If you do, I promise you that "Tokyo Gore Police" gives you a wild ride.
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James Bond without James Bond
24 March 2009
After the successful rebirth of James Bond in "Casino Royale", the expectations were high to the direct sequel "Quantum of Solace". As a non-stop brainless action film it works out pretty well, but it has NOTHING to do with James Bond.

Daniel Craig has turned James Bond into a cold, raw and very unsympathetic character. Gone is the charm, the style and most important: the Bond spirit. Craig's Bond is so heartless, cruel and vengeful and most of all reminds of a bulldog with rabies. This new style isn't a bad idea, it just isn't James Bond! I am very well aware that we're still in the "birth" of 007, but this doesn't suit the stylish and charming agent.

The 22nd chapter also offers an extremely anonymous and boring villain. Mathieu Amalric struggles against a bad script and does what he can to make the super villain Dominic Greene, with desire of world domination, interesting. The problem is that it never gets clear what he and his organisation is up to, which leaves you with frustrated and confused.

As "Quantum of Solace" is a direct sequel to the great "Casino Royale", a comparison is inevitable. "Casino Royale" also had a raw look, but opposite "Quantum of Solace" it had a bit humour and lots of style, this new Bond film has neither. The story is a big mess and has more loose ends than I ever thought it would be possible to have in a James Bond movie.

All in all the movie feels like a lengthy postlude to a very good film ("Casino Royale"), and if you absolutely want to watch "Quantum of Solace", then make sure to have seen the first film just before, as there are a bunch of references. This new film has an action volume to please the most hungry action fans, and though it is great to look at, it quickly gets boring and uninspiring. I can live without "Shaken not stirred", but I can't see any reason to kill James Bond and take away all the elements which defines this normally delightful agent.
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Diary of a madman
15 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
*** also contains minor a spoiler to "Hostel" ***

An old saying says "curiosity killed the cat". Well, I guess I was that cat, because I have never thought a film would make such an impression as "Murder-Set-Pieces" did – and I don't mean that in a positive way!

Before you sit down to see Nick Palumbos gorno slasher, know this: it is a ride to Hell into the sick mind of a madman with all the graphic nudity, blood and torture you could ever imagine getting to see on film.

Normally I'm not into horror films, but both "Saw" (the two first!) and "Hostel" (the first!) was big hits for me. I really loved them, especially "Hostel", which has become one of my favourite films. As many reviews have compared "Murder-Set-Pieces" with those two film series, I thought it might be worth watching.

But there are many reasons why "Murder-Set-Pieces" is NOT worth watching. Opposite "Hostel", "M-S-P" is missing a plot. In Eli Roth's film, the story of an organisation selling backpackers to people who wants to kill a person was very frightening in itself, and it was much more than just blood and guts. I usually don't use words like misogyny about a film, but "M-S-P" simply floats in EXTREME hate towards women. In scene after scene they get degraded, raped and killed in the most unthinkable and sick ways. There is not plot, no storyline, no character development and the technical site is hopelessly amateurish. The film is driven by pure hatred and nothing else! You can ask yourself what has been the point of making this film? I imagine that Nick Palumbo wanted us to descent into the mind of a madman, but after watching this snuff-like film, I wonder who the real madman is, The Photographer or Nick Palumbo himself?

One of the endless unbearable scenes takes place in The Photographer's death- and torture chamber in his basement. A young girl is tied to a chair. She screams and is covered in blood and panics more and more. He finds a big nail which he jams through her wrist which makes her empty her urine and faeces into a bucket below her in pure fear. Then he wraps a rope around her neck and strangulates her more and more. Finally he puts on a pair of sharp special made set of vampire teeth and then shreds her beautiful face and neck. It is those kinds of scenes "Murder-Ser-Pieces" is build up around, and it is tasteless and degrading in every thinkable way!

Who should watch this film? People who have a depraved taste in film would probably like this little piece of horror fiction. So would people who grows an enormous hate towards women and want nothing else but disgusting and sickening torture of beautiful girls and children. Everyone else have to stay FAR away!!!

It is everything else but a pleasant journey, and I'm glad I didn't react other ways than I did.
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Mamma Mia! (2008)
Find your inner dancing queen
1 August 2008
When you go watch "Mamma Mia!" you are watching a musical with lots of ABBA-tracks, dancing people and a lot of sunshine. Though it hasn't got a single clue of intelligent plot, it is a sweet, overacted but often hilarious, feel good film.

The actors are performing their own songs, and almost all of them manage to pull it off extremely well; especially Meryl Streep is a pleasant surprise and sings with a beautiful voice like she has never done anything else, so does Amanda Sheyfried. What about the men? Colin Firth and Stellan Skarsgård do okay, but Pierce Brosnan definitely needs additional singing lessons – let's be honest, he sings awful (I have never heard such a dreadful edition of "S.O.S" in my entire life), he even manages to be worse than Richard Gere in "Chicago". Instead he plays his character sublime as always. So do Firth and Skarsgård.

Let's face it, "Mamma Mia!" is a blast. So full of energy, sunshine, smiling and laughs that you can't do anything than enjoy it. So park your brain in the wardrobe and find your inner dancing queen. I guarantee that "Mamma Mia!" will make you smile and laugh, so enjoy the wonderful 70'sh ABBA music and have a tremendous time!
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New style
31 July 2008
Batman has returned with new director Joel Schumacher. Gone is Tim Burton's Gothic style Gotham City and nasty villains. Instead we got a neon lighted Gotham City, stereotypic villains and comic style action.

How does this work? Not very well compared with Burton's first two films, but you might enjoy it very much if it is your first.

Val Kilmer has replaced Michael Keaton and makes a terrific Bruce Wayne/Batman; he underplays the role just as well as Keaton. The villains of the movie are an awfully overplaying Tommy Lee Jones as Harvey Two-Face and Jim Carrey in his typical stand up-style performance as The Riddler. Nicole Kidman seems uncomfortable as the psychiatrist, but Chris O'Donnell's Robin is introduced very well, though the character is not missed.

"Batman Forever" is a disappointment after "Batman" and "Batman Returns"; it is a slam-bam action-adventure highly above the ground, but nevertheless it is great fun if you can enjoy a Batman-movie in 100 percent comic style.
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Date Movie (2006)
It definitely has it's moments
17 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I've always been a big fan of spoof films like 'The Naked Gun', 'Hot Shots' and 'Scary Movie 3 & 4' not to forget. But with 'Date Movie' the filmmakers seem not to know which way to go.

It is very individual what makes us laugh, and 'Date Movie' definitely has its moments. I really had some goods laughs, but half of the jokes are about to be as disgusting as possible, well, I don't find an old woman French kissing a cat, a model rubbing her body in burgers or a cat humping a corpse especially funny. There are a decent number of good old laughs in the David Zucker style, but just as many embarrassing, which make you think that they definitely could have done it better.

I was doubtful if I should give 'Date Movie' 2 or 3 stars, but I end up at 2 primarily because of the lack of really hilarious moments, and then because of the playtime of only 70 minutes.

'Date Movie' is not a bad movie and I was entertained throughout most of the film, but you can find many better spoof movies on the marked, ex. the previous mentioned.
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Vengeful Bond
15 April 2008
know that many fans have been angry with Pierce Brosnans last James Bond movie, and I will also join the group who finds Die Another Day only slightly above average compared to other Bond-films.

Brosnan has definitely found his role as 007 and Judi Dench plays M meaner than she ever has done before. Rosamund Pike also does a great job, but Halle Berry seems lost as Jinx; her one liners are NOT funny and seems completely misplaced. Toby Stephens makes a boring main villain and Rick Yune as the diamond faced henchman Zao is a walking parody. John Cleese is a poor replacement for Desmond Llewellyn and though he tries to play the role with clenched teeth, he is still 'John Cleese' and not 'Q'. Finally, putting in an invisible car is truly an insult and by doing it, they changed back to the Roger Moore cartoon-style.

So why does this film work anyway? Brosnan makes a terrific James Bond and you truly believe in his vengeful agent, and though everything is highly overdone, it still contains the classic James Bond elements, which bring joy to all of us Bond enthusiasts.

All in all; With Die Another Day they managed to pull off a James Bond film, which lost contact with reality and became a comic-style film instead. Whenever you think this is good or bad, it will still keep you entertained.
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The forgiveness of man
22 March 2008
First of all I would like to say that I'm not a fanatic worshipper of God and I was doubtful about watching this movie. Films directed by Mel Gibson are normally very emotionally strong and his Jesus film is no exception. It is clearly that this film means A LOT to director Mel Gibson.

From start to finish it is an emotionally roller-coaster ride with a great written dialogue, strong gory scenes of Jesus getting tortured, a seducing score and plenty of love! The film is like a big love story. Jesus shows under his torture that he forgives man for its ignorance and for not knowing better. Though he gets whipped, almost torn apart and crucified, he does not once give the impression that he hates man or that he feels sorry for himself. It is all about forgiveness – great! One of the most important things in this film is the score. It is SO beautiful and could not be more perfect, and when it is mixed with the love filled dialogue, you get an emotionally which I don't believe can be found anywhere else.

All the way through this film I had tears in my eyes and whenever you are a Christian or not, THE PASSION OF THE Christ is a film not to be missed.

But take this warning: Though it truly IS an emotionally strong and beautiful love story, then the torture scenes ARE disturbing and upsetting, which makes the film unsuitable for the squeamish.
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Dark, sexy and completely to die for
5 January 2008
It has become fashionable to hate this film even before it is seen, which I think is sad. Because this is one hell of a movie!

"Basic Instinct 2" won a Razzie Award for "worst screenplay". I don't care. I found the story more dark than the first, intense and very sexy. It's not ALL about sex, but also about taking time to develop the story. Worst screenplay, my a**

"Basic Instinct 2" won a Razzie Award for "worst prequel or sequel". HA! Now that is indeed a lie. I can come up with several examples of more awful pre- or sequels from 2006 than this one: "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning", "Big Momma's House 2", "Garfield 2", "The Legend of Zorro", "Superman Returns", "The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift", "Underworld: Evolution". I could go on forever!

"Basic Instinct 2" won a Razzie Award for "worst actress" – Sharon Stone. Shut it! If anybody remembers the fantastic first film about the seductive Catherine Tramell, I can tell that she does the job again, only with a darker attitude. She is still SO hot and sexy, and she can seduce any man just by looking at him – I know she could seduce me...

"Basic Instinct 2" won a Razzie Award for "worst picture". Oh boy. Don't even get me started with how many more awful films which were made in 2006 – I don't have the space.

I think it's unfair with all these Razzies. Well, "Basic Instinct 2" was certainly not a film I expected to be made, but it is here now and I must that I enjoyed it big time. I know I was seduced almost for the two hours it goes. The only thing I can say I wish replaced, IF I had to say something that is, then I would replace David Morrissey with Michael Douglas from the first film. Morrissey is good, but Douglas was better – He is always better!

In spite of all the undeserved Razzie Awards, I can only recommend "Basic Instinct 2", it is dark, hot and sexy, intense and when it is all over, you'll be left with a sweaty shirt and still be guessing on who did it.
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The hills have eyes. Unfortunately the audience also has
27 December 2007
I don't get it. If a sequel is made, the reason should be telling MORE story - not the SAME story only worse. A bunch of soldiers getting killed one by one is not intriguing at all! Mostly because many of them are so unsympathetic that you're hoping for them to get sliced and diced by the zombies.

Clichéd, bad acted, disappointing, poor, corny and not even good as a popcorn movie. The one star is because of the toilet scene, highly original way of killing a man!

But watch the remake from 2006 instead, now THAT is a movie which makes you scream!
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Kollegiet (2007)
"Mr. Halloran, what's in Room 205?"
22 December 2007
When you decide to watch a film like 'Kollegiet', you need to get your expectations clear. The horror genre DOES have a lot of clichés, but what differences does it make if it works? 'Kollegiet' is not a horror film with tons of blood and ripped off limbs, but a lurking and highly unpleasant horror flick, which gives you everything you need as a horror fan.

The story about the ghost in the mirror we know from such films as 'Candyman' and the ghost itself is clearly inspired by the Japanese horror style. By the first look it sounds like cheep recycling, but 'Kollegiet' ends up being one of a kind. The chocks are lurking in the dark and opposite other horror films, this Danish horror flick sends out the chocks in such unexpected moments that you'll be finding yourself screaming and jumping while shouting "F**K!!!". The blurred camera-work makes it even more spooky and atmospheric, and it all leads to some of the most unpleasant chocks I haven't seen in any horror film besides 'The Grudge' about three years ago. Comparing with the Danish so called horror film 'Midsommer', which was let down by a boring script and lousy acting, 'Kollegiet' does the job extremely well.

The actors are doing it surprisingly well, and give a trustful picturing of an ordinary day on s student hostel. Sweetheart Neel Rønholt shines in the role of Katrine, which gets another kind of stay than she expected (but of course we – the audience – knows better…). The high age of the additional cast, ex. Mira Wanting and Mikkel Arndt (29-30), is not a problem during watching the film.

Bad reviews or not. 'Kollegiet' is within no doubt one of the best and most effective Danish horror films in a long time – if not ever. It does exactly what a horror film needs to do: It scares the crap out of you!
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Glitter (2001)
Mariah Carey: The Movie
21 December 2007
First of all I must be honest and tell that I really adore and love Mariah Carey as a musician, her voice is fantastic and she's SO beautiful – But how does she turn out as an actress? Her acting skills are actually okay comparing to other singers trying to make a screen debut, ex. Michael Jackson in 'Miss Cast Away' or Elvis Prestley in all of his (how many?) films.

Britney Spears did okay in 'Crossroads' and Mariah Carey does a decent job as the hard working girl trying to reach the stars.

I've seen worse movies than 'Glitter', maybe because of all the bad reviews I've read. Though I would not recommend people to watch it, I would not tell them to avoid it either – But you have to be a Mariah fan to enjoy it.
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Severance (2006)
A mix of 'Deliverance', 'Wrong Turn' and sick morbid humor
21 December 2007
This is great. It is a bizarre tour-de-force in morbid humor, creepy atmosphere and lots of blood. I expected a stupid slapstick with lame one liners but the humor is more thought through than the average – My only catch is all the joint related jokes; it is seen before and they are NOT funny.

The acting are actually quite enjoyable and the actions the characters take, are natural and not political correct - GREAT!!!

But anyway, 'Severance' this is way beyond one of the most surprising films of the year. Imagine a mix of 'Deliverance', 'Wrong Turn' and sick morbid humor, and you have 'Severance'.

8 out of 10
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One two, Freddy's coming for you...
18 November 2007
'A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 - Dream Warriors' was the first Freddy-film I saw many years ago, and what a great start.

The main characters from the first film, Heather Langenkamp and John Saxon, are back with a troop of great actors including Patricia Arquette and Lawrence Fishburne. But most important of all, FREDDY IS BACK! Bigger, stronger and more vicious than ever! It is clear that the budget is bigger, the special effects are stunning and the dream sequences are much more elegant and terrifying, especially the "puppet"-scene made my underpants crawl up my crack.

A great sequel and definitely a "must buy" for every Freddy fan!
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Whatever you do, don't fall asleep!
18 November 2007
Freddy Krueger has never been a nice guy, and death has not done anything to improve his mood or lack of respect for human lives. As a son of 100 lunatics, Freddy is a perfect example of bad genes' influences on behavior and personality, which is something every teenager on Elm Street is going to suffer from.

'A Nightmare on Elm Street' can still freeze the blood of the toughest guy, and when Robert Englund does the lullabies and gets to the teenagers in their dreams, you'll be finding yourself filled with an unpleasant feeling. You don't get any better teenage horror than this.

Just remember: Whatever you do, DON'T fall asleep!
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