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Let There Be Light (I) (2017)
Doing what Hollywood can't and won't.
5 November 2017
So, on one side of the movie industry we have Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein and the rest of the Hollywood cesspool of rapists and child molesters and the blowhards of Tinseltown who constantly hector us as to our actions and beliefs and on the other private citizens who can make movies despite Hollywood. This is one of them; produced by average Americans who are talented and know how movies can be made.

Is this movie a religious, Christian statement? Yup Is this move a political, cultural statement? Yup, that's obvious. Does this movie point out the evils of Islam? Yup. Constantly Does this movie "offend" anyone? Well, in this day and age of universal deceit where telling the truth is a revolutionary act, you bet it does. Tough luck. Most importantly is this movie uplifting and beautiful? Yes.

At the end of the movie you could hear a pin drop. Nobody budged an inch until the credits were over and the lights went on. It is very powerful.

Thank you to Sean Hannity, the Sorbo family and everyone else who acted or were behind the scenes. God bless you all. I pray each one of you has a great career in film.

Thank you.
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Reminds me of Hollywood in the 1930's
16 October 2016
I like watching movies where the audience is in on the big secret and the other characters have virtually no clue until they discover who is behind the mask.

This sequence is done over and over in this movie and it's fun to watch the look of surprise on their faces when they find out who P1 and P2 are.

Not disclosing anything at all when I say this as the title already gives it away.

Nice ending too - not too over the top - just right.

You will enjoy this 1) If you have a sense of humor 2) You weren't rooting for the National Socialists in the War and 3) are not too upset about the British Royal Family even though they were 100% German from 1711 to 1901. That is the source of a joke or two in the movie.
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Risen (2016)
2 September 2016
Just the right length - well edited - nothing left out. The movie is like "The Robe" - the book by Lloyd Douglas in that Jesus, the Jews, the believers and the disciples are seen through the eyes of an elite Roman soldier, one who prays to the God Mars for victory.

Pontius Pilate comes across just like the real one - a Roman bureaucrat who wants obedience and quiet and does not care how he obtains it.

Because Jesus is seen through a Roman's eyes, you can see how Christianity eventually took over the Roman Empire and later its pagan conquerors. Unlike Islam, a religion designed to convert others by force, or make slaves of conquered peoples, Christianity welcomes people by a message of peace among men.

The Spanish/Portuguese conquistadors, who had been ruled for 800 years by Islamic terrorists, jammed a religion down the throats of their subject peoples in Latin America.

You see in this movie, that Jesus and his disciples were not like this at all. Christianity has been perverted by many people and governments since Jesus, but this movie brings you back to the religion's beginnings and its message of brotherly love.
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3 hours and 7 minutes of Nonsense
4 July 2016
1)Strike One - Took place in Wyoming so why film it in Colorado. If you live out West in Montana as I do it takes about 3 minutes to figure this out. Lazy.

2)Strike Two - Blah, blah dialogue and the movie is sorely in need of an editor to chop by at least 90%. The 2015 modern American lingo used is pathetic as Tarantino is clueless how people spoke back then. Imagine a movie about Julius Caesar and Tarantino has the Caesar say, "Hey Dudes, we Italianos, we gotta go and beat up the Frogs and Krauts, pronto-like." It is that bad.

3) Strike Three - They talk about an escape from a West Virginia Prison in the Civil War by the character played by Samuel Jackson. There were no prisoner of war camps in WV during the war and only an idiot director would allow this garbage. WV is too far north for the Confederacy to even think of having a POW camp there. The location makes ZERO sense.

4) The list of errors and goofs on this website must be 10 pages long and it is still early in the film's life. This movie was not directed, it was filmed and slapped up on the screen to see if it stuck. Well, it sure as hell didn't.

So after 30 minutes of Kindergarten babble, an utter lack of history, I gave up. The characters were so bad I couldn't care less who lived and who died so I hope they all died along with this dunce of a director.

His future lies in making Charmin toilet paper commercials for the rest of his life. Nah, he'd screw that up too.
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Operation Keelhaul on film
27 April 2016
First, I was amazed a film like this could be made in International Socialist (Communist) infested Hollywood in the late 1940's. Read the book "Hollywood Party" by Kenneth Lloyd Billingsley. A huge proportion of Hollywood's behind the scenes employees (not the stars) took their marching orders from Moscow. This was at the same time the studio heads were in cahoots with the National Socialists of Germany in making sure nothing bad was said about Herr Hitler.

The funny part was the Ribbentrop/Molotov Non-aggression Pact where the Nazis and the Communists agreed to carve up Poland. Up until then the Hollywood myrmidons blindly followed the anti-Fascist line of Stalin. Stalin needed a word to describe his internal enemies so he picked "Fascist". I mean the loyal Communist apparatchiks he executed by the thousands were suddenly 'Fascist'? The word stuck both in the UUSR and the US and the blind left today who won't read history still use this epithet against everyone they disagree with, not remotely knowing the word's true meaning. Mussolini of course came from a famous Socialist family and was the editor of Italy's leading Socialist publication: "Avante". Fascism, Nazism, Communism -- all repressive Socialist political systems. Anyway, the hard leftists in Hollywood after denouncing Nazis and Fascists for a decade now had to praise them to the sky by orders from Stalin. Being the rotten people they were, they turned on a dime without even blinking - like Orcs.

Why does this all matter? Well, Walter Pidgeon's character like 99% of Allied soldiers had little clue about the horrible nature of Communism given the propaganda about Uncle Joe Stalin being our ally. Pidgeon gets a first hand glimpse of the forced repatriation of USSR dissidents when the first man he tries to turn over, an elderly gentleman, requests that he pack a few things, walks into the next room and you hear an instantaneous gunshot - he had blown his brains out. Pidgeon takes his orders in turning over these poor people waiting to be executed or put in the Gulag back in the "Workers Paradise" but finally realizes with the help of Ethel Barrymore's Character - Mother Superior - that he is committing an awful crime against humanity and fights back. Just watch the rest of the movie as it plays out.

If you want to learn more about the Allied treachery, read "Operation Keelhaul" by Julius Epstein.

Hollywood is pretty craven - imagine a Spielberg type being given this script - no way he would make this film. He would never turn on his ideological masters. The enemy in Hollywood will always be Nazis and Fascists, the ideological allies of the Communists. Muslim terrorists could blow up Hollywood and the first script about that event would have the Muslims being replaced by the Waffen SS without even the slightest hesitation.
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School Ties (1992)
Review of reviews
25 February 2016
I was at (3) elite Prep Schools at the same time: 1958 -1965 beginning in 7th grade. There were Jewish kids at the schools and a few black kids. I don't buy all the discrimination whatsoever - there wasn't any.

Funny, at one school I went to we recruited an ethnic Catholic kid and we were a Protestant School. That kid eventually played in the NFL. No problems at all.

Another school I went to was the best football team in the state and the stars were mostly Jewish and no one thought anything of it.

So, be careful when you watch what B.S. lines Hollywood wants to feed you. They mostly voted for Obama who has shown himself as a total racist 100% of the time after promising "healing". What a liar.
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Big Eden (2000)
Fun being in the movie with our friends
25 October 2015
We were in the movie and had fun doing it.

We live in Montana and were country dance teachers back then 15 years ago. The casting director asked us to help with the dance scene in Apgar and bring our friends as extras. We had some fun teaching the cast and then filming for a very long day. We had to wear summer clothes for the shoot and it was filmed in October in Glacier National Park. I mean it was very cold but we had to smile in retake after retake, freezing in our short sleeve shirts late into the night.

You think you want to be in the movies? Well, that cured me forever. Actors/Actresses deserve the money they get - trust me.

Funny, the film was never shown in the county where it was filmed and where we live (Flathead) so we all headed down to Ronan on the Indian Reservation to see it there one night.
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Pleasant and charming
1 April 2015
I love culture clashes. Each side feels misunderstood but superior. Then the fun begins. At the end of the movie I was hoping this actually happened. It probably has many times and we are not necessarily aware.

I have dined at Michelin Star restaurants and though they are expensive the experience is worth every penny. This movie brings to life just how difficult it is to gain just one star.

Well worth watching and thanks to Oprah Winfrey of all people and Mr. Spielberg once more for producing it. Kudos to the photography director also. Lastly the main male actor is someone who you are meant to believe is a native of India. Well, he was born in South Carolina. Fooled me.
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Grand Prix (1966)
If you like auto racing then you must watch this
23 August 2014
Want to know the difference between Formula One today (2014) and in 1966? The last death on track was Aryton Senna in 1994. (2016 edit) Well, that didn't last long. At the Japanese GP in 2014, the rain was coming so fast the stewards pushed the race along, one car went off in the rain and before the giant tractor could get that car off the track, Jules Bianchi's car submarined the tractor and he was killed after a long battle in the hospital.

Watch the documentary "Senna" and the new movie about Lauda/Hunt called "Rush" and you will have the essence of F-1 racing from the mid 1960's to the mid 1990's.

In 1966 when this film was made open wheeled racing was extremely dangerous. There are cameos by about 30 Formula One drivers in the movie. Within 5 years 1/3 of these men had been killed.

I drove on the old course at Spa Francorchamp in Belgium (featured in this movie) in the 1960's and used to do Club Racing in the US. There were no run-off areas at Spa to speak of and houses were right on the edge of track. One little slip and your 1400 pound car hit a cement/stone/concrete three story house. The house would win. Driving back then on these courses was insanely dangerous. The cars were unsafe compared to today and the tracks were crazy.

Watch this movie and you will see why Jackie Stewart and others decided that driver safety is paramount and changed the sport for the better. You will have no better idea of those days than to watch this movie.

I watch this movie every 5 years or so and it just as good every time.
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The Arroyo (2014)
What is happening now at our border - Obama and Karl Rove shoudl watch this
21 July 2014
Funny what is going on right now with the border in Tejas. Obama and Karl Rove Republicans (RINO's)both want as many illegal immigrants as possible. Rove represents the Chamber of Commerce and 90% of Republicans who want cheap labor with few benefits. Obama and the Democrats want new voters. How simple.

If you are an African American, and some of you are coming to realize, you get no jobs. What employer wants to pay you benefits. So Obama gives you food stamps. Nice.

So the poor kids from Central America get hurt and American citizens get hurt. Watch the movie and tell me you like the "trophy tree". If so call Karl Rove or Obama and join them.

More like a TV movie but it hits a nerve.
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