
3 Reviews
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Cry of Battle (1963)
A movie showing the contrasting lives and interaction between two men, one good--one bad, during WW2
8 March 2005
This movie will not be a favorite of those who thrill to color and glitter. It is a Black/White film but this goes well with the story as it was set in an era when B/W films were common and expected.

The actors were not in a very glamorous or beautiful setting until near the end. Depicting the typically poor Filipino lifestyles and modes of living of those times, it is historically true-to-life in costume, food and customs.

There is the contrast of a good man, innocent in his lack of worldly experience, and a bad man who was shown as a typical, although a bit stereotyped, sailor who did not care for anyone but himself. A girl is raped (Rita Moreno) by the bad man near the end of the movie although this is shown in the best of taste, no details are shown. It also leads up to the dramatic ending and leaves the viewer with a keener sense of satisfaction that justice was done. However, even though this and the earlier rape of Pinang were shown with a great degree of good taste, quite unbelievably so for rapes, but to an adult mind they are clearly understood. This permits the movie to be shown to all ages and it could be somewhat useful in juvenile development.

Viewers with adult understanding do not come away lacking and young minds are not affected by it because they only see a girl being carried away or crying afterwards and nothing more than this. Actual violence to the girl is not shown nor is language given that is offensive to young ears. These scenes are done in a way that no one is disappointed by a story lacking in important details.

The times for the setting were rough times. The actual language was no doubt rough and vulgar, to some degree, but this was not made part of the story because the story stood on its own merit and did not require such sensationalism. A study in appropriateness is thus shown to the viewer and nothing is lost.

The actors were marvelous. As a linguist and traveler to the Philippines, I know that the language used is authentic; Rita Moreno is admirable in her use of the language because her native Spanish is a large part of the language heard a few times in the movie.

The Filipino actors are among the best the Philippines had to offer at that time and still are 100% believable in their roles. One comes away feeling that the viewer is sharing part of real life where nothing is artificial or ill-construed to gain viewer interest or merely to fill space in the allotted time for the movie. In fact, there is nothing extraneous in the story and viewers benefit best by making sure to not miss a single word so that get full impact. A satisfying and complete understanding of the story is the result.

This movie is highly recommended for younger viewers as well as older ones because it comes off well in teaching children and young adults that the world is composed of both good and bad people and that good does indeed overshadow evil, especially in the end.

I found that the movie was thoroughly enjoyed by both Asians and non-Asians. No one who enjoys a good story, well put together and well-done, is left lacking. In fact, some don't mind seeing it again not long afterwards. It is somewhat historical but mostly it is believable and this is pulled off by the story itself combined with the superb work of the actors.
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Martial Arts, Country Music, good story and good acting.
8 March 2005
While I do not agree with some of the reviews posted here, others are fair and objective and they are appreciated.

I have visited those places in Eastern Kentucky shown in the movie. I know that there are places in the mountains of Kentucky where outsiders are distrusted due to a tradition started by Revenue Officers many years ago. My grandfather was one of them for many years! I also know their traditions and customs and very much of this movie shows people as they really and truly are today. However, as in most places, the diversity is also notable. For every person hooked on country music, for example, you will find another, or others, who are not.

As a person with one year of karate and one year of jujitsu, I can also agree with another reviewer that Steven Seagal's expertise in Aikido is demonstrated, as was stated, by not merely breaking bones although it can be done. The axiom in martial arts is to protect yourself and this does not always mean putting the opponent in the hospital. Therefore, the fight scenes were believably adequate and enjoyable. Those with only a moviegoer's experience in martial arts would see it otherwise.

Snake handling? In Texas and Florida there are experts who would think that Taggart's grabbing the rattlesnakes tossed through his bedroom window was driven by what he had to do at that moment. Many of those snake experts can tell you that they have known others who had to grab a snake to avoid being bitten. No big deal but still exciting to see.

The country music entertainers were actually excellent actors. I was impressed by them. None of them fell down in their roles and they came across as entirely believable. The story may be seen and appreciated without finding the actor-musicians to be bumbling idiots but real people.

One reviewer commented on the marijuana patch in the hills. This also is not an imaginary or unbelievable situation. Many small planes do not dare fly low in those hills or they come back with bullet holes from those who think they are being overflown by ATF people looking for their weed plots. Bodies have been found in marijuana patches so this also was realistic.

I like Seagal and have seen him in several movies. He is an expert in his field. However, a man who practices martial arts can get hurt more by accident than by intention. However, he is considered great at his art by those who are experienced in that field! Most people in martial arts would love to be as good as he is. Anyone who would denigrate his abilities would not be capable of standing off a pickpocket on a crowded bus and going beyond this would just tax their imagination.

The story was good because it happens... Toxic waste is being stored and hidden not only in Appalachia but in other parts of the USA. The story holds together well. Also, the scenery is very well chosen and this is a plus.

People from that region do not make comments about the movie being untrue to life there. This is because apparently the producers/directors were careful to adhere to authenticity and they did well.

Anywone who likes martial arts and a good story linked to beautiful scenery mixed with reality will like this movie. Others would be better off to stick with their video games to avoid boredom.

I enjoyed the movie -- several times. Overall, I give it a big 10.
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Winterset (1936)
Winterset: A very interesting and engaging movie out of the past
6 March 2005
Call it Vintage, if you will, but you will not call Winterset boring unless a world of interesting details bore you. The movie is full of sub-stories, full of details that bring back the early days of everyday troubled life for Americans, especially New Yorkers. While not actually typical, the story is one that hangs together.

I suspect the story plot and actor management of the story were perfected on Broadway long before going to film. It is both engaging and fascinating for movie buffs who are students of the perfected B/W film and is a study in filmography which makes one wonder if this is not the height of perfection, if you will, concerning films of that genre: Good story, good delivery and good conclusion.

The story is not one with a tragic ending for the principles. It is not one that builds up the viewer's expectations and hopes and then dashes them in the end. While there are hints of evil and tragedy, the people most deserving receive this end, the ones who deserve the best of the ending actually do get the best in the end.

The organ music is superb for selection and for an almost hypnotic melody that plays on in one's head for some time afterward. A nice, pleasant melody. And on it hangs the turning point in the movie, a grand hook to hang the ending.

The antics of the policeman is what one would expect of one of New York's finest of that era. A masterful job of acting.

Most of all, Margo! She was again engaging, spell-binding and her job well-done. She caused the viewer to want to provide her sympathy from a good and kind father, who was incapable of doing all he could for his children, and to a brother who was caught up in a crime and later regretted it and who endeavored to correct his mistake. Again, superb acting.

Overall, Winterset stands out as one of the most enjoyable movies I have ever watched. I try to share it with friends who have never seen it before. None who see it for the first time have been disappointed.
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